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PM2.5 (particles with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 μm) chemical source profiles applicable to speciated emissions inventories and receptor model source apportionment are reported for geological material, motor vehicle exhaust, residential coal (RCC) and wood combustion (RWC), forest fires, geothermal hot springs; and coal-fired power generation units from northwestern Colorado during 1995. Fuels and combustion conditions are similar to those of other communities of the inland western US. Coal-fired power station profiles differed substantially between different units using similar coals, with the major difference being lack of selenium in emissions from the only unit that was equipped with a dry limestone sulfur dioxide (SO2) scrubber. SO2 abundances relative to fine particle mass emissions in power plant emissions were seven to nine times higher than hydrogen sulfide (H2S) abundances from geothermal springs, and one to two orders of magnitude higher than SO2 abundances in RCC emissions, implying that the SO2 abundance is an important marker for primary particle contributions of non-aged coal-fired power station contributions. The sum of organic and elemental carbon ranged from 1% to 10% of fine particle mass in coal-fired power plant emissions, from 5% to 10% in geological material, >50% in forest fire emissions, >60% in RWC emissions, and >95% in RCC and vehicle exhaust emissions. Water-soluble potassium (K+) was most abundant in vegetative burning profiles. K+/K ratios ranged from 0.1 in geological material profiles to 0.9 in vegetative burning emissions, confirming previous observations that soluble potassium is a good marker for vegetative burning. 相似文献
Stormwater runoff from the University of California, Davis/U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory for Energy‐Related Health Research (UCD/US DOE LEHR) Superfund site located on the University of California campus in Davis, California, has been found to contain over 500 ng/L of total recoverable mercury, which is about ten times the California Toxics Rule criterion. This stormwater runoff is discharged to Putah Creek, which is Clean Water Act Section 303(d) listed as impaired for excessive mercury bioaccumulation in edible fish. A discussion is presented on the potential impact of the mercury in stormwater runoff from LEHR leading to excessive bioaccumulation of mercury in Putah Creek fish. The mercury in the stormwater runoff is derived from former flooding of the soils near the creek, which contains mercury derived from abandoned upstream mercury mines located in the Coast Range Vaca Hills to the west of LEHR. The implications of this situation for implementing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) to control mercury in stormwater runoff to Putah Creek are presented. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Stuart G. Walesh Daniel F. Snyder 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1979,15(3):644-659
ABSTRACT: The use of continuous hydrologic-hydraulic-water quality models is inhibited by their large computer run costs relative to cost incurred with discrete event models. The fixed recurrence interval transfer (FRIT) technique is a means of achieving substantial reductions in computer costs associated with continuous models while retaining their technical advantages. The FRIT technique is applicable where it is reasonable to assume that the recurrence interval of the response of a watershed to a causative meteorologic event is the same for both “before” and “after” conditions. Example applications of the FRIT technique to the hydrologic-hydraulic modeling of floodwater storage, land use changes, and channel modifications are presented to demonstrate the procedure, to suggest the expected accuracy, and to illustrate how computer run costs might be reduced by 99% or more. The FRIT technique is intended for preliminary assessment of the impact of alternative land use conditions and structural water control measures. 相似文献
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) performed a reservoir diagnosis and developed low-cost recommendations to improve drinking water quality for the city of Nizhnii Tagil, Russia. Despite widespread regional pollution, water quality within the drinking water supply source can be summarized as generally good. Sampling and analysis efforts did not reveal appreciable amounts of hazardous chemicals or metals. The major water quality problem stems from an abundance of blue-green algae during the summer months, causing drinking water taste and odor problems and filter clogging at the water treatment plant. City water treatment officials also frequently experience difficulties with maintaining an effective disinfection residual in the distribution system because it spans more than 30 kilometers in length. Regrowth of microorganisms in the distribution system often causes coliform bacteria counts to exceed standards. The implementation of a watershed protection and management program, and the installation of a new disinfection system, to purify drinking water and to reduce bacterial growth in the distribution system should improve drinking water quality for the city residents. 相似文献
Variations at 22 enzyme coding loci were surveyed in 11 populations of the oyster Ostrea edulis L., which were sampled between 1988 and 1990 along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe. Atlantic oyster beds suffered a steady decline during the last century, and restocking of beds with oysters of foreign origin has probably resulted in a high degree of interbreeding of natural oyster stocks from all Atlantic Europe. Our study confirms the low levels of genetic variability previously reported for the oyster populations from the Atlantic coasts, and extends it to the Mediterranean coasts. The locus arginine-kinase (ARK
*) exhibited a high degree of interpopulation differentiation (F
ST=0.289), resulting from extensive variation in gene frequencies along a geographical cline. However, the overall genetic differentiation between populations was slight, and similar to that reported for other local populations of bivalves (mean genetic distance between populations is 0.010, mean F
ST=0.062). A general pattern of increasing differentiation along the coastline in an Atlantic-mediterranean direction emerged; but genetic differentiation among the Atlantic populations was not significantly lower than that observed among the Mediterranean populations. This and other results suggest that the effects of extensive transplantation of oysters among various areas in Europe are detectable only in some particular localities. The geographical distribution of low-frequency alleles suggests a restriction to gene flow outwards from the Mediterranean Sea, across the Straits of Gibraltar. 相似文献
Physical resuspension and vertical mixing of sediments on a high energy continental margin (Sydney, Australia) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Four sediment cores from the continental margin adjacent to Sydney were analyzed for 210Pb, 137Cs, trace metals (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), iron, dry bulk density, mud and moisture content. The concentrations of trace metals in the total sediment are low at all sites, although slightly elevated concentrations of Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn are present in the fine fraction of sediment (< 62.5 microns) near a major ocean outfall. Concentrations of trace metals in the fine fraction of sediment are similar in the upper 10-15 cm, indicating strong vertical mixing of the sediments, whereas an upward coarsening grain size in the upper 1-3 cm of sediment supports physical resuspension during storms. Sediment accumulation rates on the middle shelf adjacent to Sydney were estimated from downcore profiles of 210Pb and 137Cs and range between 0.2 and 0.4 cm yr-1. Although the mass fluxes of Cu, Pb and Zn within a distance of 2 km from the outfall (up to 36.1, 30.8 and 86.2 micrograms cm-2 yr-1, respectively) are greater than 20 km north of the outfall (< 23.5 micrograms cm-2 yr-1), the low concentrations of trace metals in sediments near the outfall support an efficient dispersal of anthropogenic contaminants on this continental margin. 相似文献
Dioxin and dibenzofuran concentrations in blood of a general population from Tarragona, Spain 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were determined in plasma samples of 20 nonoccupationally exposed subjects living in the vicinity of a new hazardous waste incinerator (HWI), now under construction in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). The mean PCDD/F value was 27.0 pg I-TEQ/g lipid with a range from 14.8 to 48.9 pg I-TEQ/g lipid. All samples showed higher PCDD than PCDF levels. Although PCDD/F concentrations were higher in women (27.7 pg I-TEQ/g lipid) than in men (25.2 pg I-TEQ/g lipid), the difference was not statistically significant. While a significant correlation (r = 0.565, p < 0.01) between the age of the subjects and the levels of PCDD/F in plasma could be observed, no significant differences were found in relation to the specific residential area. The plasma concentrations of PCDD/F obtained in the current study are discussed and compared with the results of similar investigations reported in the last two years. 相似文献
Surface swarms of the stomatopod Oratosquilla investigatoris (Lloyd, 1907) were observed in the Gulf of Aden and the equatorial western Indian Ocean during 1967. Collections from inshore and offshore swarms were made in both areas, and from demersal trawl catches in the equatorial area. O. investigatoris was also collected from the stomachs of several species of oceanic pelagic and inshore fish from 1965 to 1967, and was also reported in the stomach contents of the lesser frigate bird. Further collections were made from strandings on two oceanic islands in the equatorial area. Indirect observations on the occurrence of the species resulted from increased predation on pelagic longline baits during seasos of apparent abundance of O. investigatoris in the equatorial region. At the surface, predation by the species was observed on fast-swiming fish, and the swimming behaviour was noted. A size range of 6 to 37 mm carapace length (CL) was recorded for the 4000 specimens collected, and there was no size difference between the sexes. Length-frequency analysis of the samples indicated a major mode at 19 to 21 mm CL and an increase in length of 3 mm over 3 months. The sex ratio was weighted in favour of females in the majority of collections. It was concluded that the pelagic swarming of O. investigatoris is an important ecological phenomenon, but not regular in the area, and the factors affecting it could not be deduced from the available data. 相似文献
Stephen E. Draper Srinivas G. Rao 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1986,22(6):941-949
ABSTRACT: Percent imperviousness is an important parameter in modeling the urban rainfall-runoff process and is usually determined using manual methods such as random sampling or conventional accounting methods. In this study two computerized methods are used for estimating the percent imperviousness of urban watersheds using high altitude remote sensing imagery. These methods include the Laser Image Processing Scanner and the Video-Tape Camera system. Imperviousness is directly estimated in the former method while in the latter it is estimated as a function of the statistics of the responses on emulsions of the imagery. The percent imperviousness computed by utilizing remote sensing imagery was used with the conceptual models of rainfall-runoff models. The models were applied to four urban watersheds and the runoff prediction results indicate that imperviousness determined by using remote sensing imagery was as accurate as that obtained by the manual methods, and that the use of remote sensing imagery requires significantly less time and money. 相似文献
I. N. Sukhanova M. V. Flint G. Hibaum V. Karamfilov A. I. Kopylov E. Matveeva T. N. Rat'kova A. F. Sazhin 《Marine Biology》1988,99(1):1-8
The structure and some functional characteristics of the plankton community at the time of aExuviaella cordata red tide were investigated in Burgas Bay, Bulgaria, in May and June 1986. Characteristics of main plankton components (phyto-, bacterio-, nanoheterotrophic plankton, ciliates and mesoplankton) in the bloom area are presented. Development of theE. cordata bloom was determined by abiotic conditions among which eutrophication and salinity decrease caused the patchy character of its rapid development. Attainment of maximum red tide (ca. 1x109 cells l-1; 1x103 g m-3) from background (500 to 800x103 cells l-1; 600 mg m-3) took 3 to 7d. Growth rate () during that period was 1.2 to 2.2 doublings per day. A sharp bloom decline (3 to 4d) was caused by parasitic flagellates destroying the alga's chloroplast. Diel biomass losses due to grazing remained below 5%. Metabolites and degradation products ofE. cordata revealed no pronounced toxic effects on the other components of the planktonic community. The rapid bloom degradation due to the effects of parasitic flagellates indicates the high potential of ecosystem self-regulation. 相似文献