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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Socioeconomic and demographic factors, lifestyle and cultural characteristics may play an important role in the development of genetic damage. This...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, four systems (S1, S2, S3, and S4) were evaluated to determine whether basic oxygen furnace sludge (BOFS), mainly composed of Fe (84%,...  相似文献   

Exposure to mercury (Hg) and pesticides (o.p’DDT, p.p’DDT, o.p’DDE, and p.p’DDE) in the Amazon through eating fish is of concern due to the large participation of this food in the diet of traditional fishing communities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the estimated daily intake (EDI) and the incremental lifetime cancer risk associated with Hg and o.p’DDT, p.p’DDT, o.p’DDE, and p.p’DDE in an Amazonian community. The results showed that for Hg, the EDI from carnivorous and detritivorous fish had the highest values, while for pesticides, the EDI from detritivorous fish intake had the highest value. The incremental lifetime cancer risk was below the permitted limit. A recommendation for controlling the high risk of exposure includes the reduction of detritivorous fish ingestion and/or replacement with herbivorous fish, which had lower EDI. We highlight the importance of investigating the human dietary patterns when estimating risk of exposure to Hg and pesticides.

Nest and territory defence are risky and potentially dangerous behaviours. If the resolution of life history trade-offs differs between individuals, the level of defence may also vary among individuals. Because melanin-based colour traits can be associated with life history strategies, differently coloured individuals may display different nest and territory defence strategies. We investigated this issue in the colour polymorphic tawny owl (Strix aluco) for which plumage varies from dark to light reddish melanic. Accordingly, we found that (1) our presence induced a greater response (flying around) from dark-coloured than light-coloured females and (2) dark reddish males suffered lower nest predation rates than light-coloured males. In experimentally enlarged broods, the probability that females reacted after we played back the hoot calls of a stranger male was higher if these females were lighter reddish; the opposite pattern was found in experimentally reduced broods with dark parents being more reactive than light parents. Finally, darker females alarmed more frequently when paired with a light than with a dark male, suggesting that partners adjust their behaviour to each other. We also tested whether colouration is used as a signal by conspecifics to adjust the level of their defensive behaviour. Accordingly, breeding females responded more vigorously to a dark than a light reddish stuffed tawny owl placed beside their nest. We conclude that melanin-based colouration is a signal of alternative nest and territory defence behaviour that depends on ecological factors.  相似文献   
Communication plays a large role in resource competition, especially for potential mates, and is used by members of the competing sex to assess each other, and simultaneously to evaluate the other sex, which may be advertising its status. To assess the effects of female advertisement on male aggression, males of the decapod Aegla were paired according to body and armament size. Males were left to interact in five different treatments: with receptive females that could use both chemical and visual cues, non-receptive females that could use both types of cues, receptive females that could use only one cue, or no female in the aquarium. Fight duration, time spent in the most aggressive acts, latency period, number of antennal whips/fight duration, and time spent near the female were analyzed. The males had shorter and less intense confrontations when there was a receptive female that could signal with at least one modality. Winning males spent significantly more time near the receptive female only when both chemical and visual cues were present, when compared to the other treatments. The low level of aggression shown by the males may be related to information asymmetry due to the female’s choice: only the preferred male would receive information from the female, or males could compete for other resources that attract females. However, male aggression was modified by the presence of female chemical cues, whereas mate guarding was initiated only when both chemical and visual cues were present. Hence, male aggression can be downregulated by female receptivity.  相似文献   
Calcium carbonate transfer was experimentally examined in hydrothermal mussels Bathymodiolus azoricus, which were collected from 850 m depth at Menez Gwen hydrothermal vent site (31°31′W, 37°50′N) on the Mid Atlantic Ridge in May 2007. In each of four 10-day experiments, groups of mussels were maintained at atmospheric pressure or re-pressurised to depths relevant to their site of occurrence, i.e. 850 m depth at Menez Gwen, 1,750 m at Lucky Strike (31°31′W, 37°18′N) and 2,300 m at Rainbow (31°31′W, 36°13′N). The shells of experimental mussels were perforated and mantle tissue was fixed for light and TEM studies at days 7 and 10 following the injury. Simultaneously, haemocytes from the extrapallial fluid (EPF) at the site of induction were studied. At day 7 the response was most intense in the middle fold of the mantle margin and possibly proportional to hydrostatic pressure. At day 10 the epithelial cells on the mantle surface facing the body cavity produced copious organic secretions that avidly bound calcium. Haemocyte migration was noted within the mantle tissue, and the haemocytes at the mantle surface facing the shell had a Ca-positive granular content. Large haemocytes were detected in the EPF at the injury site, and some showed evidence of an immune reaction while others showed Ca-positive granular content. These results suggest that haemocytes are involved in shell repair in these deep-sea mussels just as in some freshwater and shallow marine molluscs.  相似文献   
The success of reintroduction programs greatly depends on the amount of mortality and dispersal of the released individuals. Although local environmental pressures are likely to play an important role in these processes, they have rarely been investigated because of the lack of spatial replicates of reintroduction. In the present study, we analyzed a 25-year data set encompassing 272 individuals released in five reintroduction programs of Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) in France to examine the respective roles of survival and dispersal in program successes and failures. We use recent developments in multi-strata capture-recapture models to take into account tag loss in survival estimates and to consider and estimate dispersal among release areas. We also examined the effects of sex, age, time, area, and release status on survival, and we tested whether dispersal patterns among release areas were consistent with habitat selection theories. Results indicated that the survival of released adults was reduced during the first year after release, with no difference between sexes. Taking into account local observations only, we found that early survival rates varied across sites. However when we distinguished dispersal from mortality, early survival rates became equal across release sites. It thus appears that among reintroduction programs difference in failure and success was due to differential dispersal among release sites. We revealed asymmetrical patterns of dispersal due to conspecific attraction: dispersers selected the closest and the largest population. We showed that mortality can be homogeneous from one program to another while, on the contrary, dispersal is highly dependent on the matrix of established populations. Dispersal behavior is thus of major interest for metapopulation restoration and should be taken into account in planning reintroduction designs.  相似文献   
Aluminum is one of the most abundant metals in the earth's crust. Although it shows no known biological function, it is recognized as an adjuvant in vaccines for human and veterinary uses. This study aims to evaluate the role of lifestyle and environment in the promotion of chronic disease. In it, we associated two factors: chronic exposure to aluminum and high‐fat diets. Thus, we aimed to determine whether the association of long‐term exposure to aluminum and high‐fat diets affects the NTPDase and 5′‐nucleotidase activities in the blood platelets and lymphocytes obtained from the mesenteric lymph nodes of young rats. In fact, the ectonucleotidase activities were shown to be upregulated upon exposure to aluminum plus high‐fat diets. As a result, we can suggest that the progressive upregulation of ectonucleotidase activities that we observed could be controlling the extent of inflammation and immune response.  相似文献   
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