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中国环境镉接触人群低骨密度及肾功能不全的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
25年前,Ambio曾载文提出应警惕环境镉污染引起的健康效应.1998年在中国进行了这方面的研究,评价了因食用大米而接触镉人群的前臂骨密度(BMD)和肾功能,发现尿镉(CdU)或血镉(CdB)高的绝经后妇女及血镉(CdB)高的男性,BMD均有所下降.在CdB或CdU与肾功能不全(视黄醇结合蛋白排泄增加)之间也发现了明显的、有统计学意义的剂量-效应关系及剂量-反应关系.第一次报道了日本以外的亚洲地区镉接触人群中存在骨不良效应.本文的意义在于阐明了亚洲的环境镉接触人群中仍存在着与肾和骨(镉的比较严重的有害效应)的联合效应,也讨论了一些欧洲镉接触人群的骨效应.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Cyanide entstehen bei der Pyrolyse von Kohle, und bei der Gasreinigung wird Blaus?ure als Berliner Blau gef?llt. Diese Abf?lle sind heute h?ufig Bestandteil von innerst?dtischen Altlasten. Cyanwasserstoff HCN (Blaus?ure) ist ein schnell wirksames und starkes Gift; eisenkomplexierte Cyanide im Boden sind jedoch weit weniger giftig. Die Phytotoxizit?t von freiem Cyanid wurde für Korbweiden (Sálix viminális) mit dem Baum-Transpirationstest bestimmt. Der EC10 liegt für t=72 h bei 0,76 mg KCN (0,3 mg CN) je Liter, der EC50 bei 4,47 mg/l KCN. Langfristig sind 5 mg/l KCN t?dlich. Balsampappeln (Pópulus trichocárpa) k?nnen in bis zu 2500 mg/l Ferroferricyanid (Berliner Blau) überleben, wenn auch mit Wachstumsst?rungen. Weiden überlebten in einem Gaswerksboden mit bis zu 452 mg/kg Gesamt-CN. Aus der N?hrl?sung wurde mehr freies CN aufgenommen als aus dem Boden. M?glicherweise wird auch komplexiertes Cyanid in die Bl?tter verlagert. In Erlenmeyern mit Pflanzen wurde freies Cyanid bei sublethaler Dosis rasch aus der N?hrl?sung eliminiert. Die Bepflanzung mit geeigneter Vegetation k?nnte eine L?sung für viele cyanid-kontaminierte Gaswerks- und Minengel?nde sein. OnlineFirst: 09. 01. 2001  相似文献   
BACKGROUND, AIM AND SCOPE: With respect to the enormous increase of chemical production in the last decades and the tens of thousands of individual chemicals on the market, the permanent improvement of chemical management is a permanent target to achieve the goals of sustainable consumption and production set by the WSSD in Johannesburg 2002. MAIN FEATURES: Several approaches exist to describe sustainability of chemistry. However, commonly agreed criteria are still missing. There is no doubt that products of modern chemistry help to achieve important goals of sustainability and that significant improvements have occurred regarding direct releases from production sites, but several facts demonstrate that chemistry is far from being sustainable. Still too many chemicals exhibit hazardous characteristics and pose a risk to health and environment. Too many resources are needed to produce chemicals and finished products. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Therefore, a strategy for sustainability of chemistry should be developed which comprises the following main elements: 1. Sustainable chemicals: sustainable chemical management includes a regulatory framework which makes no difference between new and existing chemicals, contains efficient information flow through the supply chain which allows users to handle chemicals safely and offers an authorisation procedure and/or an efficient restriction procedure for substances of high concern. This regulatory scheme should promote the development of inherently safe chemicals. 2. Sustainable chemical production: Sustainable chemical production needs the development and implementation of emerging alternative techniques like selective catalysis, biotechnology in order to release less CO2 and less toxic by-products, to save energy and to achieve higher yields. Information exchange on best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) may help to promote changes towards more sustainability. 3. Sustainable products: An integrated product policy which provides a framework for sustainable products promotes the development of products with a long-term use phase, low resource demand in production and use, low emission of hazardous substances and properties suitable for reuse and recycling. This may be promoted by eco-labelling, chemical leasing concepts and extended information measures to enhance the demand of consumers and various actors in the supply chain for sustainable products. RECOMMENDATION AND PERSPECTIVE: Important tools for the promotion of sustainable chemistry are the abolition of barriers for innovation in legislation and within the chemical industry, more transparency for all users of chemical products, a new focus on sustainability in education and research, and a new way of thinking in terms of sustainability.  相似文献   
Antibiotics are released into the environment in a variety of ways: via wastewater effluent as a result of incomplete metabolism in the body after use in human therapy, as runoff after use in agriculture, through improper disposal by private households or hospitals or through insufficient removal by water treatment plants. Unlike in most European countries, in Arctic regions effluents are not suitably treated prior to their release into the aquatic environment. Also, many of the scattered human settlements in remote regions of the Arctic do not possess sewage treatment facilities and pharmaceutical residues therefore enter the aqueous environment untreated. Only limited data are available on the biodegradation of antibiotics under Arctic conditions. However, such information is needed to estimate the potential harm of antibiotics for the environment. Pen-G is used in this study since it is a widely prescribed antibiotic compound whose environmental properties have not yet been investigated in detail. Thus, for a very first assessment, the OECD approved biodegradation Zahn-Wellens test (ZWT, OECD 302 B) was used to study biodegradation and non-biotic elimination of the antibiotic Benzyl-penicillin (Pen-G) at different temperatures (5°C, 12.5°C and 20°C). The testing period was extended from the OECD standard of 28-42d. In addition to dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Pen-G levels and major transformation products were recorded continuously by LC-ion-trap-MS/MS. DOC monitoring revealed considerable temperature dependence for the degradation process of Pen-G. DOC loss was slowest at 5°C and considerably faster at 12.5°C and 20°C. In the initial step of degradation it was found that Pen-G was hydrolyzed. This hydrolyzed Pen-G was subsequently further degraded by decarboxylation, the result of which was 2-(5,5-dimethyl-1,3-thiazolidin-2-yl)-2-(2-phenylacetamido)acetic acid. Furthermore, direct elimination of 2-phenyl-acetaldehyde from the hydrolyzed and decarboxylated Pen-G also led to the formation of 2-[amino(carboxy)methyl]-5,5-dimethyl-1,3-thiazolidone-4-carboxylic acid. Since biodegradation slows down considerably at a low temperature, the resulting transformation products had considerably longer residence times at 5°C compared to higher temperature conditions within the 42-d experiment. The results presented here clearly demonstrate that a risk assessment for pharmaceuticals present in low ambient temperature environments (i.e. the Arctic) cannot be based on test results obtained under standard laboratory conditions (i.e. 20°C ambient temperatures).  相似文献   
The increasing proportion of agricultural lands worldwide makes it necessary to intensify the research concerning the carbon exchange at agricultural sites. In order to determine the Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) in an agricultural landscape in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, we carried out eddy covariance measurements with a flux tower, which was placed between two agricultural fields. Therefore, the measured CO2 flux represents the accumulated flux from both areas, i.e., from different crop types. We here present an analysis method which attributes the flux to the two crop types. For this analysis, we applied the Hsieh footprint model to identify the contributing source area to the flux measurement. We then applied a multiple regression analysis to calculate the NEE in the growing season 2011/2012 for each field separately. The pronounced differences in the time courses of the CO2 fluxes in the two fields can be explained by the different sowing times and different growth stages of both cultivations. The time courses furthermore show that the CO2 uptake of the plants was strongly affected by the drought which lasted from December 2011 to January 2012. For the growth cycle of maize (216 days), the NEE was ?240 g C m?2 and for the growth cycle of soybean (154 days) ?231 g C m?2. In order to obtain the NEE of a complete agricultural cycle (from harvest to harvest), we also considered the NEE of autumn and winter 2011. Uncertainties of the spatially partitioned NEE are quantified and discussed.  相似文献   
成都市大气颗粒物粒径分布及其对能见度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用环境颗粒物分析仪(GRIMM180)对成都市2018年10月—2019年9月0.25~32 μm的大气颗粒物数浓度粒径分布进行观测,结合细颗粒物(PM2.5)质量浓度以及相对湿度(RH)、能见度、降水量等气象要素数据,分析了成都市大气颗粒物粒径分布及其与能见度的关系.结果表明,观测期间成都市大气颗粒物以细粒子为主,0.25~0.5 μm的粒子数浓度占总数浓度的97.75%,数浓度谱呈单峰分布,2018年秋季、2019年夏季表面积谱呈双峰分布,2018年冬季、2019年春季表面积谱呈三峰,体积谱均为三峰分布;在不同RH区间,PM2.5质量浓度及数浓度均与能见度呈负相关,且其中0.25~0.5 μm粒径段的细颗粒物因为对可见光波段的米散射效应而对能见度产生较大影响;在不同RH情况下,不同粒径段颗粒物数浓度对能见度的影响程度有所差别:在低RH(<70%)下,0.25~0.3 μm粒径段粒子数浓度对能见度影响最大;在中等RH(70%~80%)下,0.3~0.5 μm粒径段粒子数浓度对能见度的影响最大;而在高RH(>80%)下,0.3~0.5 μm和0.5~1 μm粒径段粒子数浓度对能见度影响相当.  相似文献   
C7-C11 perfluorinated carboxylates (PFACs) and perfluorooctansulfonate (PFOS) were analysed in selected stretches of the River Po and its major tributaries. Analyses were performed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) with Oasis HLB cartridges and methanol elution followed by LC-MS-MS detection using 13C-labelled internal standards. High concentration levels ( approximately 1.3 microg l(-1)) of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) were detected in the Tánaro River close to the city Alessandria. After this tributary, levels between 60 and 337 ng l(-1) were measured in the Po River on several occasions. The PFOA concentration close to the river mouth in Ferrara was between 60 and 174 ng l(-1). Using the river discharge flow data in m3 s(-1) at this point (average approximately 920 m3 s(-1) for the year 2006), a mass load of approximately 0.3 kg PFOA per hour or approximately 2.6 tons per year discharged in the Adriatic Sea has been calculated. PFOS concentration levels in the Po River at Ferrara were approximately 10 ng l(-1).  相似文献   
We describe a probabilistic sampling design of circular permanent plots for the long-term monitoring of protected dry grasslands in Switzerland. The population under study is defined by the perimeter of a national inventory. The monitoring focus is on the species composition of the protected grassland vegetation and derived conservation values. Efficient trend estimations are required for the whole country and for some predefined target groups (six biogeographical regions and eleven vegetation types). The target groups are equally important regardless of their size. Consequently, intensified sampling of the less frequent groups is essential for sample efficiency. The prior information needed to draw a targeted sample is obtained from the sampling frame and external databases. The logistics and generalized delineation of the target population may pose further problems. Thus, investments in fieldwork and travel time should be well balanced by selecting a cluster sample. Second, any access problems in the field and non-target units in the sample should be compensated for by selecting reserve plots as they otherwise may considerably reduce the effective sample size. Finally, the design has to be flexible as the sampling frame may change over time and sampling intensity might have to be adjusted to redefined budgets or requirements. Likewise, the variables and biological items of interest may change. To fulfil all these constraints and to optimally use the available prior information, we propose a multi-stage self-weighted unequal probability sampling design. The design uses modern techniques such as: balanced sampling, spreading, stratified balancing, calibration, unequal probability sampling and power allocation. This sampling design meets the numerous requirements of this study and provides a very efficient estimator.  相似文献   
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