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The soil oxidative and anaerobic processes, as well as, the microbial biomass were followed during three years in a cotton farm (Tatuí) where the recommended pesticides have been used for several years, and in an experimental field (São Paulo) treated first time with the same pesticides. The oxidative process was monitored by the dehydrogenase (DHA)‐activity using triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) as substrate. The anaerobic process was followed by the iron‐oxide reduction, and the microbial biomass was estimated by the substrate (glucose)‐indiced respiration. Increases in DHA‐activity and in the microbial biomass occurred only in the farm soil, with concomitant decreases in iron‐reduction. In the experimental field soil, the increases in DHA‐activity were followed only by decreases in iron‐reduction. Soil characteristics were the determining factor for different biological parameters after pesticide inputs. All the pesticides produced at least one clear but transient effect.  相似文献   
The lead acetate paper tape reagent method for the estimation of hydrogen sulfide in air has been reviewed with the conclusions that the colored spots on which the quantitative estimation is based are not stable and do not lend by themselves to accurate results. Although it may be retained for grab sampling work, the lead acetate paper tape reagent is not acceptable as a stoichiometric reagent in any case where long duration sampling periods are concerned like in air pollution studies. A new mercuric chloride paper tape reagent has been developed as a substitute. Due to the fact that the colored spots resulting from the action of hydrogen sulfide on mercuric chloride are sensitive and very stablet, this new paper tape reagent is proposed as an adequate and reliable analytical too for the estimation of hydrogen sulfide in air. Also, a more comprehensive application of the paper tape analytical system is proposed throughout a suitable control of the factor tape retention capacity vs sampling rate which imposes some restrictions in the selection of the practical working range of concentrations. Nevertheless this working range is still wide enough to encompass all the hydrogen sulfide concentrations normally encountered in the city atmosphere.  相似文献   
Risk assessment of trihalomethanes from tap water in Fortaleza, Brazil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cancer risks (CR) by oral ingestion, dermal absorption, and inhalation exposure of trihalomethanes (THM) from tap water of ten districts in Fortaleza, Brazil were estimated. The mean levels of THM compounds were obtained in Fortaleza tap water as follow: 63.9 microg L(-1) for chloroform (CHCl(3)), 40.0 microg L(-1) for bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl(2)), and 15.6 microg L(-1) for dibromochloromethane (CHBr(2)Cl). Bromoform (CHBr(3)) was not detected. The mean CR for THMs in tap water is 3.96 x 10(-4). The results indicate that Fortaleza residents have a higher CR by inhalation than dermal absorption and oral ingestion. The CR for CHCl(3) contributes with 68% as compared with the total CR, followed by CHBrCl(2) (21%), and CHBr(2)Cl (11%). The hazard index (HI) is about ten times lower than unity, not indicating non-cancer effects.  相似文献   
San Vicente Bay is a coastal shallow embayment in Central Chile with multiple uses, one of which is receiving wastewater from industrial fisheries, steel mill effluents, and domestic sewage. A simulation model was developed and applied to dissolved oxygen consumption by organic residues released into this embayment. Three compartments were established as function of: depth, circulation and outfall location. The model compartments had different volumes, and their oxygen saturation value was used as baseline. The parameters: (a) BOD5 of the industrial and urban effluents, (b) oxygen demand by organic sediments, (c) respiration, (d) photosynthesis and (e) re-aeration were included in the model. Iteration results of the model showed severe alterations in Compartment 1, with a decrease of 65% in the oxygen below saturation. Compartment 2 showed a small decline (10%) and compartment 3 did not show apparent changes in oxygen values. Measures recommended for remediation were to decrease the BOD5 loading by 30% in the affected sector. Iteration of the model for 200 h following recommendations derived from the preceding results produced an increase in saturation of 60% (5 ml O2 L−1), which suggested an improvement of the environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Identifying and characterising the factors that determine why a local authority opts for a particular way of managing its waste collection service is an important issue, warranting research interest in the field of municipal solid waste (MSW) management. This paper presents empirical evidence spanning a broad time horizon (2002–2010) showing that economic and political factors impact in different ways on the provision of waste management services. We examine five alternatives in this area, including public and private service delivery formulas and, within each field, individual and joint options. Our findings highlight the importance of the service cost and that of the various indicators of fiscal stress as determinant factors of management decisions regarding the provision of MSW management services.  相似文献   
Moss transplants of Tortula ruralis were used as active biomonitoring organisms as part of a monitoring study to assess the metals (Al, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) associated with ambient particles on mosses in Budapest, the capital town of Hungary. The moss samples were collected in a nature conservation area from a semi-arid sand grassland (Festucetum vaginatae danubiale), less than 1 month before transplantation. Moss cushions were exposed to pollution in Budapest during October–November 1993 and February–March 1994. In the study area, 16 sites were marked out as measuring sites, in accordance with the structure of the city. A similar stand was established in the Botanical Gardens of the Szent István University in Gödöll? as a control site. ICP-AES analysis of moss for metals showed the ability of Tortula ruralis to accumulate the metals under study. Control site showed lower impact in comparison to the other sites.  相似文献   
The environmental decision-making process is related with the interpretation of data both in spatial and temporal dimensions. This paper presents a methodology that integrates the time-space framework of air quality data to infer the temporal pattern and spatial variability that could be interpreted for environmental decision purposes. Variograms that accommodate time and space lags were used for the analysis and proved to be effective. Its environmental meaning, in particular its relationship with traffic patterns is discussed. Data from air quality monitoring stations located in the central part of Lisbon were used in this study. It describes a strategy to identify the type of vehicles responsible for certain pollutant levels, particularly for nitrogen oxides, and discusses the application of new air quality European legislation to the city of Lisbon, Portugal.  相似文献   
Three different systems of designating protected areas in a Mediterranean region in southeastern Spain were studied, referring to their effectiveness and efficiency for protecting both the breeding territories and the suitable habitat of a set of ten raptor species. Taking into consideration the varying degrees of endangerment of these species, a map of multispecies conservation values was also drawn up and superimposed on the three protected-area systems studied. In order to compare the levels of protection afforded by the three systems, we considered two indices that measured their relative effectiveness and efficiency. The effectiveness estimated the proportion of territories or optimal habitat protected by the networks while efficiency implicitly considered the area of each system (percentage of breeding territories or optimal habitat protected per 1% of land protected). Overall, our results showed that the most efficient system was that formed by the set of regional parks and reserves (17 protected breeding territories per 100 km2), although, given its small total area, it was by far the least effective (only protecting the 21% of the breeding territories of all species and 17% of the area of high conservation value). The systems formed by the Special Protection Areas (designated under the EU “Birds Directive”) and by the Special Conservation Areas (designated under the EU “Habitats Directive”) notably increased the percentages of protected territories of all species (61%) and area of high conservation value (57%), but their efficiency was not as high as expected in most cases. The overall level of protection was high for all species except for the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), an endangered falcon that inhabits pseudo-steppe and traditional agricultural habitats, which are clearly underrepresented in the protected-area network of the study region.  相似文献   
Stormwater detention ponds have become ubiquitous in urbanized areas and have been suggested as potential hotspots of N transformation within urban watersheds. As a result, there is a great deal of interest in their use as structural best management practices to reduce the excessive N export from these watersheds. We conducted continuous monitoring of the influent and effluent N loads of a stormwater detention pond located on the Princeton University campus in Princeton, New Jersey. Our monitoring was conducted during four 21-d periods representing the four seasons of the northeastern United States. Water quality samples were collected and analyzed for nitrate (NO3-) during all four monitoring periods. During two of these periods, loads of ammonium (NH4+), dissolved organic N, and particulate N (PN) were measured. Our results show that NO3- dominated the influent N load, particularly in dry weather inflows to the detention pond. However, PN, which is often neglected in stormwater quality monitoring, made up as much as 30% of the total load and an even greater fraction during storm events. The results of our monitoring suggest that seasonal variation may play an important role in N retention within the detention pond. Although retention of NO3-, the most dominant fraction of N in the influent stormwater, was observed during the summer sampling period, no significant NO3- retention was observed during the spring or the two cold-weather sampling periods.  相似文献   
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