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Observations of a monkey community in a forest of the Zaire Basin show that four species intensively lick the nectar of Daniellia pynaertii (Caesalpinoideae) for 5 months of the year; nectar makes up a mean of 20% and a maximum of 50% of monthly plant feeding records (Fig. 3). Such intensive nectar-feeding by monkeys of up to 8 kg body weight probably developed in these basically frugivorous primates as an alternative strategy to cope with a shortage of fleshy fruits. This would have been possible due to the high density of the plant species, the synchrony and abundance of its flowering (Fig. 2), and the large size of the nectar drop and its nutritional value. Patterns of monkey movements among Daniellia trees show that one flowering tree may receive up to 10 species visits and 30 individual visits per day, for a total of up to 141 min. (Table 1). A monkey troop can visit 12 trees in succession over less than 3 h (Fig. 4). This suggests that monkeys are able to promote pollen transfer both among flowers of the same tree and between conspecific trees. The individual tree fruiting index is positively correlated with its flowering index and with the amount of visits by monkeys, indicating at least that monkeys do not inhibit the reproductive ability of flowers (Fig. 5). These results suggest that monkeys can be considered as a guild of effective pollinators. Long-term coevolution between the plant and its present-day pollinators seems unlikely, and we suggest that monkeys replaced other pollinators, such as Lepidoptera. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that tubular flowers adapted for pollination by Lepidoptera are found in affine species of the same genus and of affine genera, the latter being known to be pollinated by these insects. In contrast, D. pynaertii flowers typically meet the pollination syndrome currently defined for attracting large mammals: notably conspicuousness and open morphology of the flowers, nectar colour and abundance. These characteristics suggest that coadaptation between monkeys and plant or at least one-sided adaptation has operated. Correspondence to: A. Gautier-Hion  相似文献   
The deep-sea pennatulacean coral Anthoptilum grandiflorum exhibits a cosmopolitan distribution and was recently determined to serve as habitat for other invertebrates and fish larvae in the northwest Atlantic. Colonies collected at bathyal depths between 2006 and 2010 in eastern Canada were analysed to determine their fecundity and characterize spatial and temporal trends in their reproductive cycle. Anthoptilum grandiflorum is a gonochoric broadcast spawner with a sex ratio that does not differ significantly from equality (although one hermaphrodite colony was observed). In male colonies, all the spermatocysts synthesized become mature over the annual cycle, while only ~21 % of the initial production of oocytes reaches maturity in female colonies. Female potential fecundity based on mature oocytes just before spawning was on average 13 oocytes polyp?1; male potential fecundity was 48 spermatocysts polyp?1. The spawning period of A. grandiflorum differs between geographic regions, from April (in southern Newfoundland) to July (in Labrador), closely following regional spring phytoplankton blooms after accounting for the deposition of planktic detritus. Release of oocytes by a live colony held in the laboratory was recorded in April 2011, coincident with field data for similar latitudes. Seawater temperatures at the time of spawning were around 3.6–4.8 °C in all regions and in the laboratory. Early stages of gametogenesis were detected in colonies collected shortly after the spawning season, and early and late growth stages occurred successively until December. Mature colonies were observed between April and July (depending on latitude). The diameter of mature oocytes (~1,100 μm maximum diameter) is consistent with lecithotrophic larval development.  相似文献   
Environmental justice theory postulates that communities that predominately consist of minorities and those of a lower socioeconomic status are compelled to bear a disproportionate distribution of burdens resulting from land use decisions. In this article, we present a case study of West Moberly First Nations (an Indigenous group) in British Columbia, Canada, and their fight to protect a threatened herd of caribou from coal mining activities. We examine the role of caribou in maintaining the First Nations’ cultural integrity and the adverse effects of several decisions made by the Provincial Government of British Columbia that would allow a mining company to destroy the critical habitat of the species. Analysis shows that the decisions negate federal law, disregard the best available scientific and traditional knowledge, and fail to uphold the constitutional and treaty rights of the First Nation to meaningfully exercise its cultural practices and customs. A disproportionate share of environmental burdens was therefore placed onto the shoulders of the First Nation while the interests of the government and the mining industry were protected. We conclude that the decisions are a clear case of intentional environmental injustice on the part of the British Columbia government.  相似文献   
Background, Aims and Scope Research and development has its own benefits and inconveniences. One of the inconveniences is the generation of enormous quantity of diverse toxic and hazardous wastes and its eventual contamination to soil and groundwater resources. Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is one of the commonly used substances in molecular biology experiments. It is highly mutagenic and moderately toxic substance used in DNA-staining during electrophoresis. Interest in phytoremediation as a method to solve chemical contamination has been growing rapidly in recent years. The technology has been utilized to clean up soil and groundwater from heavy metals and other toxic organic compounds in many countries like the United States, Russia, and most of European countries. Phytoremediation requires somewhat limited resources and very useful in treating wide variety of environmental contaminants. This study aimed to assess the potential of selected tropical plants as phytoremediators of EtBr. Materials and Methods This study used tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), mustard (Brassica alba), vetivergrass (Vetiveria zizanioedes), cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), carabaograss (Paspalum conjugatum), and talahib (Saccharum spontaneum) to remove EtBr from laboratory wastes. The six tropical plants were planted in individual plastic bags containing soil and 10% EtBr-stained agarose gel. The plants were allowed to establish and grow in soil for 30 days. Ethidium bromide content of the test plants and the soil were analyzed before and after soil treatment. Ethidium bromide contents of the plants and soils were analyzed using an UV VIS spectrophotometer. Results Results showed a highly significant (p≤0.001) difference in the ability of the tropical plants to absorb EtBr from soils. Mustard registered the highest absorption of EtBr (1.4±0.12 μg kg−1) followed by tomato and vetivergrass with average uptake of 1.0±0.23 and 0.7±0.17 μg kg−1 EtBr, respectively. Cogongrass, talahib, and carabaograss had the least amount of EtBr absorbed (0.2±0.6 μg kg−1). Ethidium bromide content of soil planted to mustard was reduced by 10.7%. This was followed by tomato with an average reduction of 8.1%. Only 5.6% reduction was obtained from soils planted to vetivergrass. Soils planted to cogongrass, talahib, and carabaograss had the least reduction of 1.52% from its initial EtBr content. Discussion In this study, mustard, tomato, and vetivergrass have shown their ability to absorb EtBr from contaminated soil keeping them from expanding their reach into the environment and preventing further contamination. Its downside, however, is that living creatures including humans, fish, and birds, must be prevented from eating the plants that utilized these substances. Nonetheless, it is still easier to isolate, cut down, and remove plants growing on the surface of the contaminated matrices, than to use strong acids and permanganates to chemically neutralize a dangerous process that can further contaminate the environment and pose additional risks to humans. Though this alternative method does not totally eliminate eventual environmental contamination, it is by far produces extremely insignificant amount of by-products compared with the existing processes and technologies. Conclusions Mustard had the highest potential as phytoremediator of EtBr in soil. However, the absorption capabilities of the other test plants may also be considered in terms of period of maturity and productivity. Recommendations and Perspectives It is recommended that a more detailed and complete investigation of the phytoremediation properties of the different plants tested should be conducted in actual field experiments. Plants should be exposed until they reach maturity to establish their maximum response to the toxicity and mutagenecity of EtBr and their maximum absorbing capabilities. Different plant parts should be analyzed individually to determine the movement and translocation of EtBr from soil to the tissues of plants. Since this study has established that some plants can thrive and dwell in EtBr-treated soil, an increased amount of EtBr application should be explored in future studies. It is suggested therefore that a larger, more comprehensive exploration of phytoremediation application in the management of toxic and hazardous wastes emanating from biotechnology research activities should be considered especially on the use of vetivergrass, a very promising tropical perennial grass. ESS-Submission Editor: Professor Zhihong Xu (zhihong.xu@griffith.edu.au: www.griffith.edu.au/centre/cfhr)  相似文献   
Increasing threats to deep-sea corals highlight the need to expand knowledge of these taxa so that conservation measures can be developed. The present study focused on the reproductive patterns of the deep-sea solitary coral Flabellum angulare. A series of samples (n = 398) collected in 2006–2008 in the northwest Atlantic at depths of 925–1,430 m revealed that gametogenesis was synchronous among males and females and fluctuated seasonally. Initiation of gamete synthesis was estimated to be in August–September and spawning in June. Further analysis and daily monitoring of 30–60 individuals maintained in a flow-through mesocosm showed that gamete release occurred in March–June with a peak in May. Release of oocytes coincided with rising seawater temperatures and high deposition rates indicative of elevated water column productivity. Oocytes (900–1,200 μm diameter) were released through the oral cavity, generally in bundles of 3–5 surrounded by mesenterial filaments and attached to a thread (30–50 mm long). As oocytes became free in the water column, ovulation occurred followed by fertilization. Eggs/embryos initially remained on the tentacles of the spawner before either falling onto the substratum or floating to the surface. The embryos developed into planula larvae measuring 2–3 mm in length within about 24 h. Together, these findings shed new light on the strategies used by deep-sea corals to maximize their reproductive success.  相似文献   
Coastal development and engineering projects preclude ecosystem processes that provide habitat for beach nesting birds. Management for coastal species may depend on actions that attempt to restore important habitat features and mitigate disturbance effects. However, species response to restoration or other management actions may be difficult to predict or measure. At Jones Beach State Park, on Long Island, New York, a 0.49 ha restoration project provided moist substrate foraging habitat for breeding Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) from 2002 to 2005. We examined whether foraging habitat restoration affected Piping Plover breeding population size, productivity, and fledgling production within 300 m of the restoration site. We found a positive relationship between habitat restoration and the number of fledglings produced per year. However, foraging habitat restoration did not significantly increase the number of Plover pairs breeding at Jones Beach. Our ability to evaluate restoration effects on Plovers depended on: 1) use of multiple performance criteria; 2) a design that allowed comparison of pre- and post-restoration data; and 3) a spatial control that allowed comparison of similar areas that were near and far from the restoration site. Despite the small size of the restoration project, there were measurable benefits to Plovers, indicating that foraging habitat restoration may be an effective tool for species recovery.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown associations between ambient concentrations of particle mass (PM) and rates of morbidity and mortality in the general population. These studies have raised the issue of quality of coarse mass (CM, PM between 2.5 and 10 µm) data used for these purposes. CM data may have precision three or more times worse than the associated PM 2.5 or PM10 data, depending on the measurement method, PM 2.5 to PM 10 ratios, and CM concentrations. CM is measured either as the difference between collocated PM10 and PM2.5 samplers or more directly with a dichotomous (virtual impactor) sampler. CM precision for the difference method is degraded due to the increased errors inherent with using the difference between two independent measurements, as well as the high PM2.5 to PM10 ratios (and low CM concentrations) typical of the eastern United States. The dichotomous sampler (dichot) makes a more direct measurement of CM, but there is a potential for significant postexposure loss of particles from unoiled CM dichot filters, as well as uncertainties in the dichot’s CM channel enrichment factor. Compared to the dichot, low-volume inertial impactor samplers such as the Harvard Impactor (HI) or PM2.5 Federal Reference Method (FRM) are simpler to operate and maintain, provide sharper cut points, and do not require oiled filters to prevent loss of CM from the filter during transport. With the recent interest in CM spatial and temporal variability with respect to PM health effects, we have developed modifications to the HI PM method to provide measurements of 24-hour PM with estimated CM precision of better than 5% CV and r2 higher than 0.95, primarily by lowering field blank variability and increasing gravimetric analytical precision. These high-precision PM techniques are not limited to the HI sampler; they can also be applied to the PM2.5 FRM sampler. The measurement methods described here can be applied to future PM studies to avoid the potential problems with exposure assessment caused by CM measurements that have poor precision.  相似文献   
The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) is a forum for multidisciplinary interaction relating the geochemical environment to health. With national funding, SEGH identified collaborative opportunities through the MULTITUDE series of workshops (2007–2011). We reviewed the meetings by electronic questionnaire (39?% response). Smaller meetings saw most returning delegates, suggesting networking and personal interaction is a key positive feature of SEGH; 31?% of practitioners and 25?% of academics participated in more than one meeting. Collaboration between SEGH participants resulted in joint funding (13 academics, 4 practitioners, 1 other) and joint papers (19, 5, 3). Evidence of behavioural change was seen in comments in five themes regarding the impacts of the conferences: support for current direction; impact on education practice (academics); new approaches; networking; multidisciplinary work. Multidisciplinary meetings and resulting networking were seen as having real value by many respondents, who encouraged further active pursuit of these activities. SEGH is eager to continue these activities which transform research, education and practice, resulting in a better understanding of the structure and processes comprising the broad geochemical environment on health. Comments showed the value and strength of small, well-organised conferences, bringing together a mixed group of disciplines, both research and applied, in a relaxed atmosphere. The absence of serious negative critique along with clear, positive comments suggests that there is a substantial level of support for, and even pleasure in, SEGH multidisciplinary conferences and workshops over the past years. It is encouraging that annual European conferences are viewed as such a positive achievement.  相似文献   
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