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产业园区是一个协同实现经济效益和环境效益的重要单元,同时也是重点碳排放源,其转型和发展对实现国家和地区的低碳战略起到关键作用。碳排放核算方法影响园区碳排放水平的评估,是制定有效碳减排策略的基础。产业园区碳排放核算需要明确核算对象、核算结果表征和核算范围。本研究首先界定核算对象,辨析"二氧化碳量"与"二氧化碳当量"两种表征方式,认为二氧化碳量可以反映产业园区能源结构,而二氧化碳当量则能够量化园区的不同排放过程和环境效应。同时,从价值链角度出发,将园区碳排放核算划分为三个Scope,分别反映园区直接排放和上下游关联企业的间接排放。然后,从排放活动和部门关联出发,分析三种典型碳排放核算方法(清单分析法、投入产出分析和生态网络分析),进一步划分为流量分析模式和结构分析模式。流量分析模式主要从排放量角度对园区内部及其上下游产业链相关的碳排放活动进行核算;结构分析模式则聚焦园区相关碳排放部门和价值链的组织形式,从投入产出或者网络关联角度开展分析。研究发现清单分析法可以自下而上量化产业园区碳排放活动的流量,投入产出法则自上而下揭示碳排放单元的直接和间接流量以及平行结构,而生态网络分析则采用混合式核算模式刻画碳排放单元之间的网状关联结构。最后,本研究初步提出了产业园区碳排放核算方法的研究框架,力求提高排放因子精度,改进核算模式和建立动态核算模型,对碳排放总量和结构进行预测,从而实现产业园区的低碳发展。  相似文献   
农作物病虫害专业化防治服务对农药施用强度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农药过量施用已造成严重的负外部性。推行农作物病虫害专业化统防统治服务可以实现安全、科学、合理用药,有效缓解农业面源污染问题和提升食品的质量安全水平。为了探究病虫害专业化统防统治服务在缓解农业面源污染方面的效果,文章利用全国七省水稻病虫害专业化防治服务调查数据,基于倾向得分匹配方法(PSM),剔除样本自选择内生性问题的影响,分析农户将水稻病虫害防治环节外包给植保专业化服务组织("统防统治")与"自防自治"户相比使用农药的种类和施用次数的差异,即植保专业化防治是否取得了较好的环境效应。研究结果表明,植保专业化服务显著减少了农药施用强度,提高了无公害低毒农药的采用比例;并且其效果在小农户和规模种植大户之间存在明显差异,与采纳病虫害统防统治服务的规模种植大户相比,小规模种植户在采纳病虫害统防统治服务后在降低农药施用强度,提高无公害低毒农药的应用比例方面效果更显著。基于此,文章建议强化对植保专业化防治项目的财政扶持力度,提高病虫害专业化防治覆盖率;重点鼓励小规模种植户采纳病虫害统防统治服务;鼓励农户土地流转,促进农业生产规模化经营,加强对种植专业户的病虫害防治方面的培训和引导,并着力发挥专业大户的示范带头作用,提高统防统治的效率,从而促进食品质量安全水平的提升和农业生态环境的保护。  相似文献   
The building sector has been regarded as a potential sector where there is large capacity to reduce the climate change effect. This study has proposed solutions to mitigate environmental impacts and achieve low CO2 emission from residential sector. Therefore, full life cycle assessment (LCA) has been run to assess the CO2 emission and its effect on the atmosphere and climate change. Based on the result, timber scheme is the best choice due to releasing less CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. However, house builders in Malaysia have almost completely neglected timber as a building material, with timber use as building components reduced to 5%. In this study, LCA Software was used to assess CO2 emissions from different wall construction. The alternative building scheme has been made by reinforce steel stud, wooden beam and timber wall (S8) to improve the scheme deficiency while releasing less CO2 emissions compared to other schemes. Therefore, S8 has a decreased CO2 effect by 85% less than precast concrete frame and 90% less than brick over their lifetime. (S8) increased the load bearing compared to conventional timber beam. Thus, new scheme S8 could be replaced by current scheme and promote more adjustable scheme for Malaysian housing.  相似文献   
本文从分析我国传统的经济增长方式入手,通过对资源近视症”的表现及后果的分析,提出西部西地区,特别是西部少数民族地区只有树立全面的资源观,立足优势,面向市场,抓住机遇,合理开发资源和利用资源,才能走出一条符合本民族,本地区实际的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   
乡村生活空间网络是一定地域乡村居民依托社区节点,通过日常生活实践彼此联系而形成的社会空间系统,探究其空间结构与优化策略对认识乡村生活空间内涵、重塑乡村日常生活秩序具有重要意义。以江汉平原典型乡建片区培育的9个节点社区为研究对象,基于乡村生活空间网络三元系统,构建社区生活质量指标体系,运用改进引力模型与社会网络分析法描述网络结构总体与节点特征,提出乡村生活空间网络优化策略。研究表明:区域乡村生活空间网络结构处于发育阶段,网络兼具整体松散与局部集聚特征,社区间联系正在加强;乡村生活空间网络节点质量有待提升,网络呈现层次清晰的3级节点体系,核心节点虽具有无法替代的网络地位但本身质量不高,次级节点的结构具有相似性需要择优培育,边缘节点需要丰富网络内外联系;基于此,必须构建“1心、8点、1轴、3区”的乡村生活空间网络结构。为评估并识别区域网络节点特征,预测并构建区域网络化发展体系提供了新思路,为平原农区的乡建片区提供了网络化发展的新模式。  相似文献   
升金湖湿地是安徽省内的唯一以越冬鹤类为保护对象的国家级自然保护区。研究湿地景观格局变化对越冬鹤类地理分布的影响在恢复湿地生态系统、保护鹤类种群等方面具有重要参考价值。该文对升金湖湿地的白头鹤、白鹤、灰鹤及白枕鹤越冬鹤类的地理分布特征进行了分析,结合升金湖湿地1986~2017年间的8期遥感影像分析景观格局变化特征,并探讨了景观格局变化对越冬鹤类地理分布特征的影响。结果表明:1986~2017年间,升金湖湿地景观格局变化显著,斑块数量增加,景观破碎化严重。泥滩地、草滩地、建设用地、水田面积总体呈增加态势,旱地、林地、芦苇滩地及水域面积总体呈减少态势;4种鹤类数量总体呈减少趋势。鹤类主要地理分布区域为水域、水田、芦苇滩地、泥滩地及草滩地;升金湖湿地景观破碎化不断加剧,鹤类地理分布区域面积整体上在逐渐减少,适宜鹤类生境面积减少,直接导致近30年来鹤类数量逐渐减少。  相似文献   
As wildlife habitat is in constant evolution, periodic monitoring is essential to assess its quality. In this study, the change to the red-crowned crane habitat in the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve was detected from multi-temporal remote sensing data from 1992 to 2008 in a geographic information system. Habitat fragmentation was derived from both physical constraints and human disturbance. The changing habitat quality was assessed against five landscape indices. The results obtained from Landsat TM images indicate that potential habitat shrank 37.9 % during 1992–2001, but recovered 99.4 % by 2008. Suitable habitat shrank by 4,329 ha to a level below that of 1992 despite an increase of 4,747 ha in potential habitat due to an increase of 9,075 ha in fragmented areas. Both landscape indices and the red-crowned crane population reveal that suitable habitat was the most fragmented in 2001, but the least fragmented in 1992. Therefore, it is inadequate to just restore wetland through artificial diversion of channel flow to the Reserve to preserve the crane habitat. Commensurate efforts should also be directed at improving habitat quality by minimizing human activities and spatially juxtaposing water and reed marshes harmoniously inside the Reserve.  相似文献   
Persistent organochlorine pesticides pollutants (OCPs) have been reported to occur at relatively high concentrations in some Chinese waters. In order to map the distribution of organochlorine pesticides in the surface water throughout China, samples were collected from over 600 sites in seven major river basins and three main internal rivers drainage areas during 2003 and 2004. The surface water samples were analyzed for the representative organochlorine pesticides contaminants including lindane (gamma-HCH), p,p'-DDT and heptachlor epoxide. In general, the most frequently detected compound was lindane, being detected in 83.9% of samples (mean=31.3 ng/l; range <0.17-860 ng/l), and the highest concentration was present in the Yellow River basin. p,p'-DDT was detected in 63.1% of the samples collected (mean=14.6 ng/l; range <0.14-368 ng/l) with the highest concentration present in the Huaihe River basin. Heptachlor epoxide was detected in only 9.3% of water samples (range <0.11-10 ng/l). Measured concentrations for the three compounds were low and rarely exceed the environment quality standard for surface water of China. Lindane was more frequently detected at much higher concentrations in the rivers of northern China compared with those of southern China. The sites with higher concentration of lindane and p,p'-DDT mainly occurred in the Yellow River and Huaihe River basins, so the results of this investigation indicate that the organochlorine pesticide contamination of Yellow River and Huaihe River basins should be of particular concern relative to the other basins. When compared with other regions of the world, it appears that the Chinese surface water is moderately polluted by lindane and p,p'-DDT.  相似文献   
试论通过PPP模式处理我国城市垃圾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了通过PPP模式处理我国城市垃圾的新思路,对PPP模式的经济性从理论和实践两方面进行了分析,强调产业化,规模化,综合利用是PPP模式的根本特点。  相似文献   
China has won the name of the world factory being famous for exporting a great deal of and various kinds of low-price merchandise. However, most of Chinese exports are primary goods or manufactured products that create heavy pollution and require intensive use of resources. Chinese products go abroad, but their following harms stay behind. The article analyzes many obvious low-price facts in China and their concomitant terrible environmental results in detail, and points out that there are huge hidden troubles in the way of China's sustainable development behind her seemingly flourishing economy.  相似文献   
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