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A pterobranch hemichordate, Cephalodiscus sp., was collected from Bermuda just below the low-tide mark in July 1983 and again in October through December 1983. This is the third report of this genus in shallow water and the second for the Western Hemisphere. Specimens were observed alive in the laboratory. Colonies consist of zooids at various stages of development arranged in clusters inside a translucent, collagenous coenecium. Cilia-driven currents of the zooids are used in a method of filter-feeding similar to phylactolaemate bryozoans.  相似文献   
To test the effect of petroleum hydrocarbons on predation by the seastar Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson, 1862) on the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.), we exposed the predator with the prey to six concentrations of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of Cook Inlet crude oil. Seastars and mussels were collected at Auke Bay, Alaska, in November 1980. During a 28 d exposure in a flow-through system, seastars were more sensitive to the WSF than mussels: the LC50 for the seastars was 0.82 ppm at Day 19 and, although no mussels were exposed to WSF for more than 12 d, none died. Daily feeding rates (whether in terms of number of mussels seastar-1 d-1 or dry weight of mussels seastar-1 d-1) were significantly reduced at all concentrations above 0.12 ppm. At 0.20, 0.28 and 0.72 ppm WSF, daily feeding rates (in terms of dry weight of mussels) were, respectively, 53, 37, and 5% of the control rate; at the two highest concentrations (0.97 and 1.31 ppm WSF), the seastars did not feed. Seastars at concentrations greater than 0.12 ppm WSF grew slower than individuals from the control group and the 0.12 ppm-treatment group combined. These laboratory results show that E. troschelii is more sensitive to chronic low levels of the WSF of crude oil. The possibility that such oil pollution could reduce predation and permit M. edulis to monopolize the low intertidal zone of southern Alaska remains to be studied.  相似文献   
By means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the influence of the red tide species Chattonella antiqua was examined with respect to the surface ultrastructures of chloride cells of the yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata. Conspicuous ultrastructural alterations occurred on the apical surface of these cells. The majority of chloride cells in the control gills showed an apical surface with numerous cellular extensions, while more than half the chloride cells affected by red tide organisms exhibited an apical surface with fewer and smaller extensions, a wrinkled apical surface, or a protruded apical surface. These ultrastructural alterations of chloride cell surface may be due to the partial disturbance of salinity by C. antiqua, and reflect the changes of the ion-transport function in yellowtail gills exposed to red tide water.  相似文献   
Egg production and development rates of Centropages typicus (Krøyer) were studied in the laboratory under carying food and temperature conditions. Egg production rates in the laboratory ranged from 0 to 124 eggs female-1 d-1 and increased with food concentration up to a critical food concentration (Pc) above which egg production was constant. Egg production rates were influenced by temperature, with more eggs being produced at 15°C than at 10°C. Thalassiosira weisflogii and Prorocentrum micans were determined to be equally capable of supporting egg production at concentrations above Pc at 15°C. Rate of egg production was independent of adult female size when food and temperature were constant. Egg production rates of freshly captured females ranged from 0 to 188 eggs female-1 d-1 and were higher in April and May than in June or July. Hatching rates of eggs increased with increased temperature; 95% of the eggs at 15°C hatched within 48 h, while only 8% of the eggs at 10°C hatched within 48 h. Development rates, determined at 10°C in excess concentrations of T. weisflogii, were 23.0 d from egg release to copepodid state I, 27.0 d to stage II, 29.5 d to stage III, 32.2 d to stage IV, 38.5 d to stage V and 49 d to adulthood based on the average time required for 50% of the organisms in an experiment to attain a given stage. Adult males were usually observed 2 to 4 d before adult females, and therefore have a slightly faster rate of development. The effects of temperature, food type and food concentration on egg production and the seasonal appearances of diatoms in the New York Bight may account for the observed seasonal cycles in abundance of C. typicus in these coastal waters.  相似文献   
A stereophotographic technique for determining size and relative position of free-swimming sharks is described and illustrated for schooling scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini). The method yields total length and nearest-neighbor, interindividual distance; and each of these dimensions is expressed as a function of the shark's distance into a school on the vertical and horizontal planes. Stereopairs of photographs were taken by an aligned, beam-mounted pair of cameras (Nikonos III). The scale to determine the length of a shark from the paired photographic images was obtained from the horizontal displacement between the images. Displacement was correlated with optical axis separation from photographs of a scaled staff at known distances from the camera. Image dimensions on the photographs were measured by projecting a scale onto the stage through a camera lucida. The precision of repeated measurements of a 50 cm section of a scaled staff at increasing distances from the cameras of 2, 4, and 8 m was ±5.0%. Lengths of the sharks ranged from 109 to 371 cm, with a median of 178 cm, for 3 offshore sites in the Gulf of California during July and August 1979. At one site, El Bajo Gorda, lengths increased with both distance from the camera and distance into the group; in contrast, the interindividual distances (head-to-head) did not vary with distance into the group and possessed a median of 232 cm.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of photoadaptation of photosynthesis have been studied in three strains of the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium microadriaticum. Algal strains isolated from the clam Tridacna maxima, the sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella, and the scleractinian coral Montipora verrucosa were maintained in the defined medium ASP-8A, and were grown at irradiances ranging from 22 to 248 μE m-2 s-1 on a 14 h:10 h (light:dark) photoperiod at 26°C. All algal cultures were analysed during log-phase of growth. At all light levels, rates of cell division and photosynthesis were determined, as were cell volumes, pigmentation (including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c 2, peridinin, β-carotene and xanthophylls), and carbon and nitrogen content. Low light-induced changes in pigmentation were evident to varying degrees in all three algal strains, although alterations in the photosynthesis-irradiance relations were distinctly different in each strain. The algae from T. maxima show the least photoadaptive capability, and seem to photoadapt by changing photosynthetic unit (PSU) size. Algae from A. pulchella appear to adapt by changing PSU number, while algae from M. verrucosa appear to photoadapt by changes in the activities of CO2-fixing enzymes or electron transport systems. These are the first observations that demonstrate functional differences in different strains of S. microadriaticum. The adaptive capabilities of the algae appear to correlate well with the ecological distribution of their respective hosts. The study was made from July 1981 through December 1982.  相似文献   
The use of stable isotope of carbon, 13C, for the determination of the photosynthetic rate of a marine phytoplankton population was examined. Particular concern was paid to the effects of non-phytoplanktonic organic carbon and the enrichment of inorganic carbon on the estimation of the photosynthetic rate. Photosynthetic rates determined by the 13C method showed a remarkable agreement with those determined by the 14C method. Insitu determinations of photosynthetic rate were made in three different water types: open ocean, coastal and neritic waters, which included oligo- and mesotrophic waters, by using the 13C method established.  相似文献   
Glycine was the most abundant free amino acid (FAA) in abdominal muscle of grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, accounting for over 50% of the total pool. Arginine, alanine, proline, taurine and serine were also present at relatively high concentrations. Following transfer from 17%. to 2 and 32%. S, new steady-state levels of total FAA were observed at 72 h. Total FAA and the sum of glycine, alanine and proline exhibited a positive correlation with salinity. Exposure to Aroclor 1254 did not have appreciable effects on total FAA levels, indicating that disruption of intracellular osmoregulation was not a major consequence of PCB toxicity. However, changes in individual amino acid concentrations in exposed shrimp were reflective of an altered metabolic state. Glycine, which did not show changes immediately following exposure, underwent large decreases after transfer to PCB-free water and indicated a delayed effect of PCB exposure. A correlation between salinity and the sum of glycine, alanine and proline did not exist in exposed shrimp.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments and field measurements generated a population energy-budget estimate for the isopod Cirolana harfordi (Lockington). Assimilation of food energy averaged 88% on a diet of fish. About 35% of assimilated energy is allocated for growth and reproduction, while the bulk of the remainder is used for maintenance and activity (respiration). The high growth efficiency of C. harfordi is discussed with respect to ecological efficiency and energy transfer in marine systems.  相似文献   
A report of green algal pigments in the Central North Pacific Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thin-layer chromatography showed that chlorophyll b was present in acetone extracts of 6 samples of suspended matter collected in February 1973 from the Central North Pacific Ocean. Pigment patterns showed the presence of green algae and diatoms through most of the euphotic zone down to 200 m. Ratios of chlorophyll b:a ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 at 5 and 100 m depths, but were less than 0.05 at 200 m.  相似文献   
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