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Geographic variation in the squid Loligo forbesi was investigated using multivariate analysis of morphometric and meristic characters in samples of squid taken from 13 localities in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Two character sets, body morphometrics and beak morphometrics, indicated similar patterns of variation, with squid from the Azores differing markedly from those on the continental shelf. No consistent pattern was apparent in meristic data. Partial Mantel tests indicated that similarity matrices for morphological data were significantly correlated with distance matrices for (a) geographic proximity, (b) whether the capture site was on the continental shelf or the Azorean bank, and (c) (beak data only) average seasurface temperature at site of capture. Partial Mantel tests on allozyme data for the same individuals support hypothesis (b). The results suggest that L. forbesi in the Azores may reasonably be regarded as a distinct stock, differing significantly from L. forbesi on the continental shelf.  相似文献   
Consumption of unusually high concentrations of F in groundwaters of the Maria area in the Gaspé peninsula of Quebec have resulted in symptoms of skeletal fluorosis in two members of the population. One of these individuals consumed approximately 50 mg of fluoride per day over a 6 year period before being hospitalized and later diagnosed with skeletal fluorosis. It is estimated that, until this case came to light, approximately 15–20% of the rural population (total approximately 1,600) in the area were consuming groundwaters with F levels between 5 and 28 mg L–1 for at least 6 years. The high concentrations of F in well waters of the Maria area occur only in wells completed in Carboniferous sandstone-siltstone-conglomerate sediments that underlie a thick blanket of alluvial-colluvial-glacial overburden. These fluoriferous groundwaters exhibit high Na and HCO3 contents and low Ca and Mg concentrations compared to those associated with the overburden sediments. The high F levels greatly increase the risk for fluorotic diseases such as skeletal fluorosis and skeletal radiculomyopathy. Wells completed in overburden, although having suboptimal F levels are safer for the health of individuals in this region. Effective regulations for well drilling need to be formulated for regions underlain by Carboniferous formations in the Maritime provinces of Canada. In some regions, high F levels (10–25 mg L–1) in groundwaters will seriously affect how, and to what extent, groundwater supplies can be developed for domestic use.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
Flights of rotorcraft over the desert floor can result in significant entrainment of particulate matter into the atmospheric boundary layer. Continuous or widespread operation can lead to local and regional impacts on visibility and air quality. To account for this pollutant source in air quality models, a parameterization scheme is needed that addresses the complex vertical distribution of dust ejected from the rotorcraft wake into the atmospheric surface layer. A method to parameterize the wind and turbulence fields and shear stress at the ground is proposed here utilizing computational fluid dynamics and a parameterized rotor model. Measurements taken from a full scale experiment of rotorcraft flight near the surface are compared to the simulation results in a qualitative manner. The simulation is shown to adequately predict the forward detachment length of the induced ground jet compared to the measured detachment lengths. However, the simulated ground vortex widths and vorticity deviate substantially from the measured values under a range of flight speeds. Results show that the method may be applicable for air quality modeling assuming slow airspeeds of the rotorcraft, with advance ratios of 0.005–0.02.  相似文献   
White-rot fungi (WRF) such as Trametes hirsuta completely degrade (mineralize) pentachlorophenol (PCP) and many other organopollutants. This has led to them being used to decontaminate various substrates (e.g. soil) through biorememediation. However, because PCP is a biocide, it can inhibit fungal growth and thereby its own degradation. It was hypothesized that substrate pH might affect PCP degradation, because when the pH is lower than 4.7 (the pKa for PCP) the phenol predominates, while at higher pH the phenate does. These two PCP species differ markedly in physical and biological properties. The effect of cyclodextrins was also investigated since it is known that the inclusion complexes these form with PCP differ in bioavailability and toxicity from non-complexed PCP. Tests were first made in liquid and agar media (where conditions are relatively easy to control), and then in a sawdust, because it is a common target matrix for WRF bioremediation. Results with the liquid and agar media showed that growth in the presence of inhibitory PCP concentrations decreased as the pH decreased, consistent with the phenol being more toxic. Growth in sawdust was less affected by PCP regardless of the pH, presumably because the PCP sorbed to the wood which decreased its bioavailability. Some cyclodextrins markedly decreased the PCP's toxicity in liquid, agar and sawdust media. Rates of PCP mineralization (measured from production of (14)CO(2) from (14)C PCP) in liquid cultures containing 0.5 mgkg(-1) PCP (a sub-inhibitory concentration) were similar from pH 2.5-7.5, indicating that the phenol and the phenate were equally degradable. Degradation of a growth inhibiting concentration on sawdust (1,000 mgkg(-1)) could be increased slightly by lowering the pH below the pKa, this increasing sorption to the wood. Degradation increased more when the pH was raised well above the pKa, presumably due to the phenate being less toxic and more soluble, making it more available to the degradative system. Although some cyclodextrins decreased growth inhibition, they also interfered with degradation. If this interference could be overcome, cyclodextrins could be used to increase the maximal PCP concentration that could be treated by WRF bioremediation.  相似文献   
We report a case of maternal mosaic trisomy 21 ascertained at prenatal diagnosis as a result of maternal cell contamination of an amniotic fluid sample. A 34 year old female was referred for karyotyping because of a previous trisomy 21 pregnancy. Chromosome analysis of primary in situ cultures showed a karyotype of 47,XX, + 21[6]/46,XY[32]/46,XX[2]. Molecular testing demonstrated maternal cell contamination of the amniotic fluid sample and G-banded karyotyping of maternal blood showed that 3/200 cells had trisomy 21, consistent with the mother being a Down syndrome mosaic. A normal male baby with a 46,XY chromosome complement was delivered at 30 weeks. This case emphasises the need for close collaboration between cytogenetic and molecular genetics laboratories in resolving unusual cases of mosaicism. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Utility theory can be used to model the decision process involved in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of systems that protect against a risk to assets. A key variable in the model is the coefficient of relative risk aversion (or simply “risk-aversion”) which reflects the decision maker's reluctance to invest in such safety systems. This reluctance to invest is the scaled difference in expected utility before and after installing the safety system and has a minimum at some given value of risk-aversion known as the “permission point”, and it has been argued that decisions to sanction safety systems would be made at this point. As the cost of implementing a safety system increases, this difference in utility will diminish. At some point, the “point of indiscriminate decision”, the decision maker will not be able to discern any benefit from installing the safety system. This point is used to calculate the maximum reasonable cost of a proposed safety system. The value of the utility difference at which the decision maker is unable to discern any difference is called the “discrimination limit”.By considering the full range of accident probabilities, costs of the safety system and potential loss of assets, an average risk-aversion can be calculated from the model. This paper presents the numerical and computational techniques employed in performing these calculations. Two independent approaches to the calculations have been taken, the first of which is the derivative-based secant method, an extension of the referred derivative method employed in previous papers. The second is the Golden Bisection Method, based on a Golden Section Search algorithm, which was found to be more robust but less efficient than the secant method. The average risk-aversion is a function of several key parameters: the organisation's assets, the probability and maximum cost of an incident, and the discrimination limit. An analysis of the sensitivity of the results to changes in these parameters is presented. An average risk-aversion of 0.8–1.0 is found for a wide range of parameters appropriate to individuals or small companies, while an average risk-aversion of 0.1 is found for large corporations. This reproduces the view that large corporations will be risk neutral until faced with risks that pose a threat to their viability.  相似文献   
In 1995 the provincial government of British Columbia, Canada, passed new legislation encouraging regional districts to prepare Regional Growth Strategies. The strategies were to be means of coordinating municipal action on regional issues. They were also meant to facilitate pursuit of sustainability objectives, including reducing urban sprawl, protecting environmentally sensitive areas, providing affordable housing and decreasing pollution. This paper examines the experience so far in one region that chose to prepare a growth strategy: the Capital Regional District (CRD) at the south end of Vancouver Island. Growth-management planning in the CRD has been and remains both critical and difficult. The region expects a substantial population increase over the next couple of decades and has a limited land base for urban expansion. Many citizens recognise that their quality of life is high, but vulnerable and, as a result, public support for effective growth management is stronger in the CRD than in many other provincial growth areas. However, BC does not have a tradition of strong regional governance and the CRD as a regional authority is the creature of sixteen municipalities and electoral areas. Seven years into the process, effective growth management still faces substantial challenges, including the persistent jurisdictional protectionism of CRD municipalities. Nevertheless, there have been positive achievements and an admirable diversity of individuals, organisations and initiatives continue to push municipal and regional officials towards a more sustainable future.  相似文献   
This paper describes the derivation of an Environmental Emissions Index (EEI) intended to quantify the environmental performance of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) installations and sectors. Characterisation and normalisation methods used in lifecycle analyses were applied to 20 routinely reported emissions parameters, pertaining to six environmental impact categories. Distance to policy targets for relevant emissions were used to weight impact categories, and link the EEI to policy priorities. Ireland and the EU15 were considered as scales of context. The European Pollutant Emission Register was a convenient source of normalisation data, but restricted the context of the EEI to industrial emissions, and distorted outputs. Using national and EU15 total loading estimates for normalisation resulted in an EEI that better reflected the relative contribution of reported emissions towards overall environmental pressures. Using Ireland's pharmaceutical sector as a case study indicated that weighting factors, and the toxicity range of NMVOC emissions, were the largest sources of EEI uncertainty. Through the integration of inventory data, scientific characterisation, and policy targets, the EEI translates reported emissions data from IPPC installations and sectors into a benchmark of environmental performance. It may be regarded as an evolving tool of potential utility to regulators and policy makers.  相似文献   
The activity and movement of the Redlip Parrotfish, Scarus rubroviolaceus, near Wawaloli reef, Hawaii (19°43′06″N, 156°03′11″W), was investigated with active and passive tracking techniques from April through November 2007. Site fidelity was determined and home range sizes were measured for 21 individuals. All individuals showed strong diurnal activity patterns and relatively stable home ranges. Terminal phase individuals had larger home range areas than initial phase fish, and home range size increased with depth. Occasional long forays from the home range were observed in many individuals. Forays often occurred in crepuscular hours and may represent migrations to/from nocturnal sheltering sites. Findings from this study underscore the importance of depth and nighttime shelter migrations as design considerations for effective marine protected areas (MPA) for large parrotfishes.  相似文献   
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