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Background Being an important determinant in aquatic ecosystems, sediments have gotten more and more into focus of scientific and public discussions. While water quality has been significantly improving during recent years, highly contaminated sediments in many European rivers will still have ongoing impact for several centuries from now. Hence, monitoring and assessment of sediment quality are crucial for national legislation as well as the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Aim On the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.?c. Volker Storch, this article reviews the various concepts of sediment assessment and introduces case studies in sediment toxicology which have been carried out in Heidelberg and surrounding areas. Results and Discussion Initially, the article portrays benefits and drawbacks of chemical analytics and biotest systems. The individual approach has only limited informative value, but combining both perspectives allows for a comprehensive characterization of the state of sediments. As examples of toxicity evaluation based on this strategy, weight-of-evidence studies for tiered investigations and integrated sediment assessment are presented. In addition, a combination of chemical fractionation, bioanalytic investigations and chemical analysis – known as ‘effect-directed analysis’ (EDA) – is discussed. This integrated concept eventually aims at the identification of hazardous substance classes or even of single compounds. Finally, the article raises the issue of sediment mobility as an important parameter for risk analyses of highly contaminated legacy sediments within further WFD implementation. Outlook Using various case studies, the article outlines the potentials of integrated approaches for cause-effect analysis of complex environmental samples within aquatic ecosystems as well as for action programs of management plans dealing with chemically polluted rivers. Effect-directed analysis in particular, but also the combined application of acute and mechanism-specific bioassays together with in-situ investigations, complemented by investigations on sediment mobility, appear promising with regard to comprehensive sediment assessment weight-of-evidence studies.  相似文献   
Schwebstoffgebundene Schadstoffe werden durch Sedimentation der Wasserphase und damit der Verfügbarkeit für viele aquatischen Organismen entzogen. W?hrend bei durchschnittlichen hydrologischen. Verh?ltnissen die Freisetzung von Schadstoffen aus stabil gelagerten Sedimenten meist weitgehend unterbunden wird, besteht bei Hochwassereignissen die Gefahr einer Remobilisierung von kontaminierten Ablagerungen. In diesem Beitrag wird ein kombiniertes ?kotoxikologisches und hydraulisches Untersuchungssystem zur Untersuchung der ?kotoxikologischen Belastung und des Erosionsrisikos von Sedimenten vorgestellt. Der integrierte Ansatz wurde am staugeregelten Neckar angewendet, um das Sch?digungspotenzial und die Gefahr einer Remobilisierung an Sedimentbohrkernen der Stauhaltung Lauffen sowie an Schwebstoffen zweier extremer Hochwasser zu überprüfen. Für die Bohrkernsegmente unterhalb einer Erosionsdiskordanz konnte eine sprunghafte Zunahme der ?kotoxikologischen Belastung ermittelt werden. Bei Hochwasserereignissen mit einer 5-j?hrlichen Wiederkehrwahrscheinlichkeit (=HQ5) k?nnen prinzipiell alle Sedimente, auch die st?rker kontaminierten und erosionsresistenteren Altsedimente, remobilisiert werden. W?hrend der Hochwasserereignisse (HQ15 bis HQ20) kam es zu einer deutlichen Erh?hung des cytotoxischen und mutagenen Sch?digungspotenzials der Schwebstoffe im Vergleich zu einem mittleren Hochwasser im Jahre 1995/96 (HQ1) Dies schien zumindest teilweise auf die Remobilisierung hochkontaminierter Altsedimente zurückzuführen zu sein.  相似文献   
Der Fischrückgang in der oberen Donau   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Background During the last years, a decrease in fish populations has been documented for several river systems in Europe and North America. Since more than 20 years, similar developments have been documented for the upper Danube River between Sigmaringen and Ulm. The grayling (Thymallus thymallus) represents one of the most affected fish species in the upper Danube, and notable decrease has also been recorded for other species such as the European barbel (Barbus barbus). Despite intensive and continuous stocking and improvement of water quality along the Danube since the 1970s, this negative development of fish populations could not be stopped. Aim This article has been designed to give an overview on various investigations into the decline of fish in the upper Danube River. The major focus of this paper is on the presentation of a weight-of-evidence study carried out since 2003 at the Department of Zoology at the University of Heidelberg. Results and discussion During the 1920s, major parts of the upper Danube River were corrected, thus causing dramatic changes in the hydromorphology of the river. The macrozoobenthos, which represents an important source of nutrition for several fish species, depends on the morphological conditions of a river; recent investigations, however, could not show any dramatic changes in macrozoobenthos composition. Earlier investigations of the Danube River primarily focused on water quality, which has, indeed, been continuously improved by extensive modernization of wastewater treatment plants. Contamination by priority organic pollutants in sediments was not given any attention until the mid 1990s, when a clear decline of, e.?g., PAH concentrations were documented. However, results of more recent analyses showed very high PAH concentrations in two sediment samples (Schwarzach Σ 16 PAHs = 26 mg/kg; Öpfingen Σ 16 PAHs = 5 mg/kg). In 2002, the first ecotoxicological investigations were performed at the upper Danube River. The results of a pilot study showed a high ecotoxicological burden for selected sampling sites. As a conclusion of this study, a weight-of-evidence investigation was initiated to make an attempt to identify major pollutants and possible causes for the fish decline. In addition to, e.?g., liver ultrastructure analyses in barbel, the micronucleus test was used as a definite mutagenicity test using erythrocytes and liver samples. The results of the different in vitro tests showed very good correlation well with in situ parameters. Outlook The investigations within this weight-of-evidence study showed that the pollution situation of the Danube is, indeed, significant enough to potentially affect fish populations. However, further investigations are needed to clarify the specific causes for the fish decline. A bioassay-directed fractionation study is underway to identify specific pollutants as well as their sources. This study will also assess the endocrine disrupting potential of Danube sediments via histopathological analyses of gonads of field fish in combination with different in vitro tests. Furthermore, in the planned joint project COMPSEARCH, comparative investigations will evaluate the ecotoxicological hazard potential of different pollution sources and consequences of changes in land use.  相似文献   
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