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In two role‐playing scenarios, we investigate how White male and female evaluators perceive an Asian American versus White job candidate on the dimensions of competence and social skills and how these perceptions affect evaluators' decisions in hiring and promotion. Specifically, Study 1 examines how the perceptions of competence and social skills affect Asian (versus White) college graduates' chance of obtaining a non‐technical (versus technical) position, and Study 2 tests how these perceptions affect Asians' probability of promotion relative to Whites'. Our findings suggest that female evaluators were less likely to select Asian than White candidates into positions involving social skills and were less likely to promote Asian than White candidates into these types of positions. Furthermore, female evaluators' perception that Asians were less socially skilled than Whites mediated both of these decisions. This paper contributes to the understanding of workplace discrimination of Asian Americans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in positive organizational scholarship in general, including positive organizational behavior (POB) in particular. This work identifies organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as a prototypical POB. Conceptualizing OCBs in this way is sensible in light of more than 30 years of research highlighting the desirable aspects of such behavior. At the same time, some researchers have raised questions about positive organizational scholarship and have called for a more balanced view of ostensibly positive behaviors. The purpose of this paper, then, is to take a more nuanced view of OCBs while highlighting the dark side of citizenship behavior. In doing so, we review conceptual and empirical work that has challenged the idea that OCBs are inherently positive. We also discuss research that seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the conditions under which OCB does more harm than good. Finally, important areas for future research and the practical realities facing scholars who seek to publish research investigating the dark side of citizenship are addressed as well. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study compares highway crash incidence, injuries, and costs by vehicle type. Annual crash and injury incidence were estimated using Crashworthiness Data System (1988-1991), National Automotive Sampling System (1982-1986), General Estimates System (1992-1993), and Fatal Analysis Reporting System (1993) data. Costs were computed based on restraint use, body region, and threat-to-life severity of the injury. Costs were then allocated between vehicle types using three different methods in order to answer comparative safety questions. Motor vehicle and bicycle crash costs total $389 billion annually; 75% resulting from passenger vehicles. Motorcycles and bicycles have the highest costs per 1000 vehicle and passenger miles; costs per victim are highest for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Costs per vehicle mile for heavy trucks and passenger cars are comparable but exceed costs for light trucks. Passenger vehicle occupants are safest if a crash occurs. Light truck, other single truck, and bus occupants have the lowest cost per passenger mile, but higher costs than air and rail travelers. Motorcyclists face the greatest risks. Combination trucks may not impose an excess risk to other drivers, but their drivers face large risks.  相似文献   
This study analyzes 46 brain and 48 spinal-cord impact experiments. The velocity of brain impact was 2.0-10.0 m/s and displacement, 0.75-5.0 mm (5.3-33% compression) using a controlled pneumatic impact. The velocity of spinal-cord impact was 1.5-6.0 m/s and displacement, 1.25-3.25 mm (25-65% compression). Brain injury varied from cortical contusion, diffuse axonal injury (DAI), to fatalities, and spinal-cord injury from temporary to complete loss of somatosensory-evoked potentials. Logist functions were determined for each injury severity and various biomechanical parameters, VC, C, V, and combinations. Brain and spinal-cord injury is most strongly correlated to VC, the viscous response. The goodness-of-fit was x2 = 22.1, R-0.84 and p< 0.0000 for fatal brain injury, x2 = 27.5, R = 0.96 and p< 0.0000 for cortical contusion, and x2 = 17.7, R = 0.49 and p < 0.0001 for partial recovery of spinal-cord conduction. Neural tissue is viscoelastic, with a rate-dependent tolerance related to energy absorption. VC is a measure of energy absorption by impact deformation and is predictive of neural contusion, DAI, long-duration coma, spinal-cord dysfunction, and death. Tolerances for various severities of neural injury are presented. At the tissue level, VC is the product of strain and strain-rate, ε dε/dt. The research shows that strain is not a sufficient parameter of neural injury risk, and that the product of strain and strain-rate is a key biomechanical parameter for brain and spinal-cord injury.  相似文献   
This article is a brief review of the mechanism of action of fibrous filters and of the performance of respirators; it neglects many of the complications discussed in longer and more detailed articles. An expression is given for the pressure drop across a filter in terms of fibre diameter and filtration velocity. The particle capture mechanisms of interception and diffusional deposition are introduced and the way in which filtration efficiency varies with particle size is discussed. Filters with fibres of small diameter are shown to be the most efficient, but their use can cause problems. Electrically charged materials are widely used in respirators because of their high efficiency and low pressure drop. Types of material, their means of charging, and their method of action are described. An account is given of respirator leakage, the protection factor, and of the way that these may vary in a period of use. The leakage of air and particles through face seal leaks and leaky valves is discussed. The frequent discrepancy in the protection given by respirators in the workplace, on the one hand, and that suggested by laboratory measurements, on the other, is reviewed, and the article ends with an account of the combined effect of aerosol penetration through a filter and through a leak.  相似文献   
A central concern of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the effect of in-vehicle devices (e.g., cell phones, navigation systems, radios, etc.) on driver performance and safety. As diverse and innovative technologies are designed and implemented for in-vehicle use, questions regarding the presence and use of these devices assume progressively greater importance. Further concerns for advanced driver training require us to develop and validate reliable and effective procedures for assessing such effects. This work examines a number of candidate procedures, in particular the evaluation of change in cognitive workload as a strategy by which such goals might be achieved.  相似文献   
Because of their high organic and nitrogen loads and the presence of toxic and phytotoxic compounds, methanogenic landfill leachates are not easily biodegradable; therefore, direct biological treatment of these wastewaters in conventional treatment plants is not recommended.In the present paper, we report the results of an experimental investigation conducted with the aim of defining an innovative integrated process that is low in cost and easily manageable and that is able to substantially improve the characteristics of methanogenic leachates.Thus, an initial oxidation process was developed using hydrogen peroxide without a catalyst, which, operating under ambient conditions, reduces the phytotoxic compound content to 10% of the initial level, reduces the COD (chemical oxygen demand) content by 50% and increases the rapidly biodegradable substrate content by 50%. Next, nitrogen removal is accomplished by means of struvite precipitation using seawater bittern and bone meal as sources of magnesium and phosphorus, respectively, with this process, abatements were reached of approximately 90% of the ammonia nitrogen, which was recovered as struvite powder.  相似文献   
Nutrient enrichment of the seafloor (benthos) has been a primary subject of investigation since the beginning of commercial salmon farming. Waste feed and feces passing through the containment nets can create zones of organic enrichment to the benthos in the vicinity of the pen cages. Early studies of salmon farming in British Columbia Canada (500–1200 metric ton production farms) showed that these effects varied greatly and were reduced where conditions of adequate water depth and strong tidal currents were present. More recent studies of farms producing in excess of 2000 tons of fish have documented measurable organic benthic impacts.The implementation of a performance-based waste regulation in British Columbia in 2002 has caused operational changes to achieve and maintain compliance. This paper describes field monitoring data for four representative farm operations including the waste impact levels prior to the implementation of regulatory standards and the effect of adaptive management actions taken to reduce organic enrichment such as modified feed delivery, relatively small position changes to the cages or reducing site production to achieve continuing compliance.Monitoring over several full production cycles at selected farms indicated that sediment impacts at maximum production levels have decreased while maintaining, and in some cases increasing overall production of salmon.  相似文献   
Soil acidification is one of the rising land degradation issues facing world agriculture. The risk of acidification is currently being assessed as part of agriculture productivity and sustainable theme. This study was conducted to produce a new vermicomposting cast as a recycling resource derived from municipal sewage sludge and waste oyster shell. The earthworm, Eisenia Andrei, was fed under different conditions. The most suitable mixture was 77:23 w/w% of sewage sludge and waste oyster shell. Powdered oyster shell (POS) sludge blend provided a stable pH, due to its buffering capacity during vermiculture because of the Ca2+ and OH? release effect. The vermicast products fulfilled the cast standards of Korea Ministry of Environment for all the parameters such as moisture content, pH, salinity, organic carbon, TKN, Phosphate, and heavy metals. Slowly released organic matter when added to soil improves the capacity of the soil to hold nutrients for plants, improve soil aeration for roots, and improves soil drainage. This product will be an addition to already-commercialized sludge vermicast as a higher value product.  相似文献   
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