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The magnitude and physiological characteristics of biological nitrogen fixation have been studied in the oligotrophic waters of the North pacific gyre. The filamentous blue-green algae Trichodesmium spp. and Richelia intracellularis were the important nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton. Most of the nitrogen fixation occurs in the upper 40 m of the water column, with detectable fixation as deep as 90 m, which corresponds to about the 1 % light depth. There was no evidence of photoinhibition of nitrogen fixation, although CO2 reduction was depressed slightly at the highest light levels. The rate of nitrogen fixation in the water column varied throughout the day, being highest in mid-morning and in late afternoon. Relatively high fixation rates were also found during periods of darkness. Elevated oxygen concentrations had a marked inhibitory effect on rates of nitrogen fixation, a pO2 of 0.4 atm causing a 75% inhibition. Data from studies of nitrogen fixation and assimilation rates of 15N-labelled nitrate, ammonium, and urea indicate that nitrogen fixation furnished about 3% of the total daily fixed nitrogen requirement for phytoplankton growth. Studies with isolated colonies of Trichodesmium spp. indicated that 100% of their nitrogen requirement was met by nitrogen fixation. Chemical composition of the Trichodesmium colonies showed that the C:N ratio was 4.1 and that their phosphorus content relative to carbon or nitrogen was much lower than that of the total particulate material in the water column. Elevated ratios of carbon: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) also suggest that phosphorus deficiency may be limiting the growth of Trichodesmium. The magnitude of nitrogen fixation in the gyre is seasonally dependent, with high rates in late summer and autumn. At these times the water column is stratified, with phosphate and nitrate barely detectable in the upper 100 m. Our data suggest that during these months of stratification, biological fixation of nitrogen amounts to about 33 g-at N/m2/day.  相似文献   
Most resource allocation models developed to aid resource planning have been deterministic; that is, the ecosystem and economic variables are assumed to be known with certainty. It is these elements that present problems concerning risk and uncertainty involved in decision making. The objective of this study is to present a mathematical approach for optimizing resource allocation in management situations in which random events occur. This particular technique of decision analysis is chance-constrained programming. The model makes possible the investigation of risk and uncertainty associated with resource management decision making. Range decision-makers must often stock their range before they are sure of the available forage; thus, the amount of available forage is a random element with which managers must contend. The chance-constrained approach to decision making may be used when such random events occur and when it is not possible to plan exactly for future events. Two parameters are used to adjust the mean value of constraints; these are the standard deviation of the constraint value (Sbi) and the probability term which is specified by the manager (Kαi). The mean values are adjusted by the product KαiSbi. In the study reported here, a Kαi value of 0.57 gave results which appeared to have usefulness. The results indicate that the penalties a rancher must assume for over-estimating his carrying capacity are greater than the penalties for underestimating the carrying capacity. With the value of the standard deviation used in the example, numbers of livestock and the corresponding net revenues should be about 22% less than those indicated by average forage production. With greater variation in forage production, the reduction would be greater. By using these values, the chance-constrained approach can meaningfully incorporate random variables into a decision model.  相似文献   
Many authors are of the opinion that intracellular freezing causes death of cells. Observations on organisms tolerating intracellular freezing have been regarded not convincing or exceptional. In this investigation, experiments dealing with polyps of the cnidarians Laomedea flexuosa and L. loveni are described. A special experimental procedure made it possible to induce, selectively, extra- and intracellular freezing or extra-cellular freezing alone. Ice crystals could not be observed directly, but darkening of the test individuals is indicative of ice formation in the cell; this darkening (flashing or black-out) always follows ice formation in the surroundings. Intracellular ice formation is endured for a short period of time (Fig. 1). Small differences in freezing temperature exert great influence on survival rates (Fig. 2). These depend also on the duration of exposure to freezing conditions. Freezing resistance is lower after intracellular ice formation; the difference, however, appears to involve quantitative rather than qualitative aspects, although intracellular ice formation could possible destroy protoplasmic structures.  相似文献   
The evaporation of organic contaminants of different volatility from a porous sandfill was investigated in laboratory experiments. A significant decrease of the evaporation rate was observed under conditions of compacted fill, at high concentrations of the low-volatile component. This can be explained by the formation of a layer with a low mass fraction of the solvent near the gas-phase boundary of the contaminated zone. The term ?self-encapsulation” is suggested for this phenomenon. Theoretical considerations show that this effect can occur if a volatile component evaporates from a mixture with a substance of low volatility and if the total mass transfer resistance is mainly within the contaminant phase. The formation of a solid layer at the surface can enhance this encapsulating effect for the remaining volatile material. A similar behaviour can be expected for contaminants consisting of components of different solubility which get in contact with flowing water.  相似文献   
An attempt was made to identify the causes of the distribution of benthos within Bedeque Bay using multivariate techniques programmed for the computer. Both classification by a hierarchical cluster analysis, and ordination by principal components analysis suggested that a large proportion of the variance in the data was directly or indirectly correlated with a salinity gradient. Classification divided the species into two main groups, a in the upper half of the estuary where lower salinities and larger salinity fluctuations occurred, and group b in the lower half of the estuary with a more stable salinity regime. The group b species were further subdivided into those preferring soft mud and those preferring sandier sediments. The group a species were divided into a well-developed oyster association and various sub-groups less strongly associated with oysters. Five principal components were required to account for 50% of the variance in the data. The first axis accounted for 20% of the variance and was shown by a non-parametric test to be correlated with the salinity gradient. Axes II to V could not be interpreted, but possibly represented complex species interactions. By providing hard substrates and altering the natura of the sediment, oysters and mussels produced conditions suitable for many other species.  相似文献   
The compound eye of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) is of the superposition type, well-adapted to the low levels of light prevailing at the sea bed during the activity periods of the species. Only the proximal retinal shielding pigment responds to light, the distal retinal shielding pigment being in the dark-adapted position at all times. The response of the proximal pigment appears to vary seasonally. Field observations compared light intensity at the sea bed with the numbers of N. norvegicus caught by trawl at various times of day in the Irish Sea in summer and winter. Laboratory experiments were combined with these field data to indicate that light is an important modulator of locomotor activity in this species.  相似文献   
Summary Data from a natural population of California gulls (Larus californicus) demonstrated that increasing reproductive effort with age was associated with reduced survivorship. Number of offspring fledged but not clutch size was inversely related to adult survivorhip indicating that reproductively induced mortality resulted from the cumulative effects of the entire breeding season. Agerelated increases in fledging success were correlated with increased adult mortality. Young gulls fledged few offspring and had high survival rates. Old gulls tended to fledge more offspring and had low survival rates. However, those old gulls fledging few offspring survived as well as young gulls. Data also invalidate the assumption that survivorship is age-constant in this species.  相似文献   
J. H. Rupp 《Marine Biology》1973,23(3):183-189
Select temperatures, above normal, are shown to reduce success of fertilization and normal early cleavage in the laboratory for the echinoderms Acanthaster planci (L.), Culcita novaeguineae Muller and Troschel, Linckia laevigata (L.), Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville), and Diadema savignyi Michelin. The data indicate that cleavage is more sensitive to increased temperature than is fertilization. Upper tolerance limits for early cleavage in most of the species examined is near 34.0°C. The early developmental stages of A. planci were the most sensitive to elevated temperature, and those of E. mathaei, the least sensitive. Further experiments with E. mathaei showed that unfertilized ova were still viable, dividing normally when fertilized after 2 h exposure at 36.0°C. The ova were significantly less viable after 3 h. Early cleavage stages of E. mathaei were resistant to 36.0°C for exposure times of up to 40 min, but were inhibited beyond this period. It is suggested that the ability of E. mathaei to develop normally at 34.0°C (6C° above ambient temperature) and to withstand limited exposure to 36.0°C may account for the wide distribution of this species in habitats which are often subjected to broad temperature fluctuations, such as reef flats.Contribution No. 46 from the University of Guam Marine Laboratory.  相似文献   
A high-resolution sampling technique for stable-isotope measurements in otoliths is now available, but little is known about the precision and accuracy of the results when using this technique. Otolith samples of pen-reared cod (Gadus morhua L.) with well-defined temperature history were obtained using this high-resolution sampling technique. Samples from different-aged cod otoliths were collected in two yearly increments corresponding to the calendar years 1994 and 1995, and the stable-oxygen (18O) and -carbon (13C) isotope compositions of the samples were measured. Otolith 18O values had a clear seasonal pattern in response to the seasonal water temperature. Otolith material deposited in the same calendar years of different-aged fish showed similar 18O values. High precision of the temperature estimate using otolith 18O values was obtained when comparing results from different otoliths. The accuracy of the temperature estimates, relative to measured mean monthly water temperature, was also high, but reduced sampling resolution in the otoliths significantly reduced the accuracy due to attenuation of the 18O signals. We found that the otolith 13C values had a cyclic pattern, roughly in phase with the 18O values. This was most likely caused by temperature-increased metabolism. Indications of age-specific otolith 13C values are also presented.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   
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