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Mark M. Wilsnack David E. Welter Angela M. Montoya Jorge I. Restrepo Jayantha Obeysekera 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(3):655-674
ABSTRACT: As part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), various water supply projects have been proposed in a region located between the Miami metropolitan area and the extensive regional wetland systems that are part of the Everglades or remnant Everglades. A ground water flow model of the surficial aquifer within northern Miami‐Dade County was constructed using MODFLOW to evaluate the effects of these projects on water levels in the wetlands and the underlying surficial aquifer. The new Wetlands package was used to conjunctively simulate overland flow through these wetlands and the shallow ground water system. Comparisons of simulated to measured ground water levels and wetland stages were very satisfactory, where computed and measured water levels agreed within 0.5 ft over most of the period of record at nearly all of the monitoring sites. Temporal trends in water levels were also replicated. It was concluded that the assumptions and methodologies inherent to the Wetlands package were suitable for simulating regional wetland hydrology within the Everglades area. 相似文献
M. Anne R. McLane Donald L. Hughes Gary H. Heinz 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》1984,4(2):105-111
Wings from woodcock (Philohela minor) were first monitored for organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the eastern U.S. in 1971. Regional differences in these compounds were clearly demonstrated and baseline residue levels were obtained for later comparisons. An expanded sampling of wings in 1972 revealed that residues in wings of adult woodcock may differ significantly from those in immatures, and that residues of several important agricultural insecticides and PCBs had declined significantly. More extensive sampling was undertaken in 1975 to determine if changes in residue levels had taken place in the intervening years. PCBs, mirex, and heptachlor epoxide increased significantly between 1972 and 1975 in adult woodcock wings. In immature woodcock wings mirex, dieldrin, and PCBs increased significantly between 1972 and 1975, but DDT residues decreased significantly. 相似文献
The objectives of this study were to evaluate metal contamination of drinking water resulting from the corrosion of distribution pipes and its significance to human health. A community in Dhahran, which is served from its own desalination facilities, was chosen for this study. About 150 drinking water samples were collected and analyzed for metal concentrations using an inductively coupled argon plasma analyzer. It was found that copper, iron and zinc in the drinking water increased during its transportation from the desalination plant to the consumers. This increase was related to the length and material of distribution pipes. Concentrations of copper and zinc were increased during overnight storage of water in the appliances. Metal concentrations found in this study are discussed with reference to human health. 相似文献
Bäck J Huttunen S Turunen M Lamppu J 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》1995,89(2):177-187
The effects of artificially applied acid precipitation on growth and nutrient concentrations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) seedlings were investigated in a long-term acid irrigation experiment in field conditions. Seedlings of northern and southern origin were planted in boxes containing peat and composted soil rich in nutrients, and sprinkler irrigated with water acidified with nitric and sulphuric acids to pH 3 or pH 4 for periods varying from two to three and a half growing seasons during 1986-1989. Water irrigated (pH 5.4-7.6) and non-irrigated groups of seedlings were also included in the experiment. At the end of the experiment needles, main and lateral shoots and roots were collected from the seedlings for the determination of height growth and biomass partitioning, and for the analysis of S, N, Mg, P, K, Ca, Mn and Fe concentrations. The treatment effects compared to the irrigated control were studied using multivariate analyses of variance and covariance. In the pine seedlings the total dry matter production increased by 25-70% compared with the irrigated controls when the total wet deposition to the seedlings exceeded 67 kg S ha(-1) and 36 kg N ha(-1) (e.g. after two growing seasons' exposure of the pH 3 treatment). The increase was mainly due to an increase in needle dry weight (54-72% greater at pH 3) and root weight (20-65% greater at pH 3), whereas the height growth or shoot weight growth were less affected. The northern provenance pine seedlings responded more clearly to the pH 3 irrigation than the southern ones. The treatments had no consistent effects on any of the growth variables studied in the spruce seedlings, however. The pines had higher root and foliage Ca concentrations as a result of the acid irrigation, whereas in spruce, acid rain decreased the Ca concentration in needles and shoots. Root Mn and Fe concentrations were higher in both species as a result of the pH 3 treatment. A higher soil conductivity and Ca concentration resulted from the prolonged pH 3 treatment. The results strongly support the hypothesis that the long-term growth and nutrient allocation response of conifers to acid precipitation is dependent both on the tree species and on the nutritional status of the soil. 相似文献
Forsberg A Söderlund S Frank A Petersson LR Pedersén M 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》1988,49(4):245-263
Concentrations of eleven metals (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) were determined in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus collected from the Archipelago of Stockholm. Several factors which influence the metal content in the seaweed have been studied, including errors caused by epiphytes, sea exposure and differences depending on which part of the seaweed is analysed. It is concluded that, if all these factors are considered, Fucus vesiculosus plants are excellent bio-indicators of metal pollution. This is also demonstrated by a significant increase in metal content in transplanted Fucus vesiculosus near the city of Stockholm. The results from this investigation also indicate increasing metal concentrations, especially Cd, in samples from the northern parts of the Archipelago and the reason for this is discussed. 相似文献
I. N. Sukhanova M. V. Flint G. Hibaum V. Karamfilov A. I. Kopylov E. Matveeva T. N. Rat'kova A. F. Sazhin 《Marine Biology》1988,99(1):1-8
The structure and some functional characteristics of the plankton community at the time of aExuviaella cordata red tide were investigated in Burgas Bay, Bulgaria, in May and June 1986. Characteristics of main plankton components (phyto-, bacterio-, nanoheterotrophic plankton, ciliates and mesoplankton) in the bloom area are presented. Development of theE. cordata bloom was determined by abiotic conditions among which eutrophication and salinity decrease caused the patchy character of its rapid development. Attainment of maximum red tide (ca. 1x109 cells l-1; 1x103 g m-3) from background (500 to 800x103 cells l-1; 600 mg m-3) took 3 to 7d. Growth rate () during that period was 1.2 to 2.2 doublings per day. A sharp bloom decline (3 to 4d) was caused by parasitic flagellates destroying the alga's chloroplast. Diel biomass losses due to grazing remained below 5%. Metabolites and degradation products ofE. cordata revealed no pronounced toxic effects on the other components of the planktonic community. The rapid bloom degradation due to the effects of parasitic flagellates indicates the high potential of ecosystem self-regulation. 相似文献
Brain M. Reich Kenneth G. Renard 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1981,17(1):67-74
ABSTRACT: Flood frequency analyses are frequently being made using widely available computer programs. Serious errors can result from blind acceptance of such results. Visual interpretation of observed flood series can be used for evaluation on frequency paper with compatible scales. Such frequency papers are presented in the paper. In ephemeral streams, more infrequent floods may constitute a separate set from the more frequent floods because (a) runoff producing storms cover only a portion of the contributing area, (b) transmission losses in the normally dry streambed may reduce the peak flow, and (c) some runoff may be stored in stock water ponds which therefore leads to partial area runoff. The Cunnane plotting position used in this paper is superior to the more widely used Weibull equation, having a mathematically sound basis for locating observed floods on an assumed probability. 相似文献
M. B. Blasius S. J. Kerkhoff R. S. Wright C. R. Cothern 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1972,8(4):704-714
ABSTRACT. The X-ray fluorescence method was used to analyze trace metals collected in particulate form on filter papers and from the ionic state by ion exchange filter papers. The samples were prepared by allowing water to pass through these filter papers. The procedures necessary for using the X-ray fluorescence method are described. A number of samples were taken from the Great Miami River in Dayton, Ohio over one year showing the presence of the following metals, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sr, and Cd. Elements in the periodic table between Ti and Cs were detectable to a sensitivity limit of the order of 30 ppb for metals in the particulate form and 0.4 ppm for metals in the ionic form. 相似文献