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The impact of air pollutants on plant/parasite-interactions has been investigated. It could be demonstrated that fumigation of Vicia faba L. with 0.15 ppm SO2 (400 microg m(-3)) or 0.2 ppm NO2 (400 microg m(-3)) during 7 days caused changes in plant metabolism which resulted in higher growth rates of the aphid Aphis fabae Scop. feeding on these plants. Fumigation of V. faba with 0.085 ppm O3 during 2 or 3 days, however, caused decreased aphid growth on fumigated plants. That result could be reversed by higher O3 concentrations or through the presence of NOx during O3 fumigation. Ambient air comprising a mixture of pollutant gases had a strong enhancing effect on aphid performance. Thus, the growth of A. fabae on field bean plants was significantly higher in ambient summertime. London air than in charcoal-filtered air. Similarly, the growth of Macrosiphon rosae L. on rose bushes (Rosa sp., cv. Nina Weibull) was improved in ambient summertime Munich air; the increase in growth rate averaged about 20%.  相似文献   
The growth of cabbage seedlings at five concentrations of Cd, Tl and Ag was monitored by measuring their wet weights, root and shoot lengths after four week's growth in a controlled environment. Toxicity curves were constructed using a three factor central composite experimental design. The interaction and competition between any two metals were studied by displaying response surfaces. Ag was observed to be the most toxic, while Tl and Cd, although toxic, exhibited fairly similar effects. Analysis of variance was used to test for the significance of each of the computed parameters.  相似文献   
A waste incinerator fly ash was separated into different grain-size fractions by sieving and sedimentation in butanol. The element content of each fraction was determined by atomic absorption and emission spectrometry. The fly-ash fractions, an eluted fine fly-ash fraction and an eluted airborne dust were analysed microscopically for particle size and numbers, together with standard quartz DQ 12 and three element-analysed airborne dusts. Rabbit alveolar macrophages, isolated by lung lavage, were incubated for 24 h with the particulates, the two eluates and a mixed element compound solution corresponding to the element concentrations of one airborne dust. At the end of incubation, the activities of lactate dehydrogenase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, beta-galactosidase and acid phosphatase were determined in medium and cell lysates. Cytotoxicity was expressed as ratio of extracellular to total LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) activity. Release of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and beta-galactosidase was correlated positively with LDH release, whereas the total activity of acid phosphatase decreased with increasing LDH release. Cytotoxicity of the dusts was correlated with particle numbers, and As, Sb and Pb contents. The contribution of As to particle toxicity is discussed. Eluates of dusts did not affect rabbit alveolar macrophage viability.  相似文献   
This review describes the more important features of the emission, chemistry, transport and deposition of pollutants involved in acid deposition. Global emissions, both natural and man-made, of sulphur and nitrogen oxides are discussed and examples of spatial distributions and trends over the last century presented. The more significant chemical and physical processes involved in the transformation of the primary emissions into their acidic end products are described, including a summary of the approximate timescales of the processes involved. Measurements and modelled calculations of spatial and temporal patterns in the deposition of acidic pollutants by both wet and dry pathways are presented.  相似文献   
A qualitative method is described, using ultraviolet spectroscopy, to determine the source origins of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons present in the environment. The technique takes advantage of the fact that aromatic compounds exhibit strong absorption in the ultraviolet region. It offers a fast and convenient alternative to other methods, which normally require extensive sample clean-up to avoid or limit interference from other materials during analysis. In contrast, this method requires only basic column chromatography to isolate the compounds of interest. Examples of the application of the technique are presented; the results are corroborated by those previously obtained by other methods.  相似文献   
Copper sulphate has an adverse effect on some biochemical parameters of trout Salmo gairdneri. The main targets of damage are: (a)Tissue necrosis as demonstrated by increased ASAT and ALAT levels in blood plasma. (b)Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity. There is also a general stress effect as reflected by an elevated blood glucose level.  相似文献   
In vivo chronic effect of dimethoate and deltamethrin on rabbits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in vivo effect of dimethoate and deltamethrin on body and organ weights, serum proteins and on plasma acetylcholinesterase (AChE), aromatic esterase and ATPase were examined in growing male rabbits throughout five months period. Both compounds had no significant effect on body weight; however, adrenal, testis & pituitary weights decreased (P less than 0.01); the liver and spleen weights increased (P less than 0.01) in a dose dependent manner. Serum total proteins and globulin decreased (P less than 0.01) in a dose dependent trend, while serum albumin was not greatly affected. AChE activity was increased (P less than 0.01) after 1 month of treatment with the two doses of dimethoate and deltamethrin; thereafter, AChE activity showed 40% inhibition of the control level. The activity of aromatic esterase increased markedly after the first month, then declined gradually until the fifth month. High dose of dimethoate markedly inhibited this enzyme particularly after the 5th month of treatment. Both doses of deltamethrin increased ATPase activity after the first month of treatment, then the ATPase activity was normal. Dimethoate inhibited ATPase particularly at the end of treatment in a dose dependent manner.  相似文献   
This article provides national data on the types of injuries reported on death certificates, the external causes of these injuries, and diseases that are frequently reported with them. Injuries were a factor in 11 % (213,366 deaths) of the deaths to residents of the United States in 1978. Of 11 broad categories of injuries, three (fractures, sprains, strains, and dislocations, intracranial injuries, and adverse effects) were mentioned on almost 50,000 deaths each. There was considerable variation in the distribution of injury types by age, sex, and race. The most notable example was fractures of the lower limb which were mentioned on 29% of the deaths involving an injury to 65 + year olds but no less than 5% of such deaths for all other age groups. For white females, the percentage with a fracture of the lower limb was 23 % compared to 12 % overall. In 25 % of the deaths involving an injury, the immediate cause was a motor vehicle accident. In 51 %, the immediate cause of the injury was a non-motor-vehicle accident. In 73 % of the deaths involving non-motor-vehicle accidents, disease conditions as well as injuries were a factor; and, 69% of the time, the disease condition was actually the underlying cause of the death with the injury being a contributing factor or complication. For example, over 14,000 deaths in 1978 involved a circulatory condition as the underlying cause of death which was complicated by an accidental fracture, sprain, or dislocation. Although diseases more often assumed the role of the underlying cause of death, they were also a nonunderlying cause in 24,000 non-motor-vehicle accident deaths. Over 12,000 of such deaths involved circulatory diseases.  相似文献   
Incineration of municipal refuse results in the production of massive quantities of fly ash and bottom ash. Toxic elements in the original refuse may be concentrated up to 40-fold in the resultant ash. There is concern that burial of such ash in landfills could result in leaching of these elements downward into groundwater. In this study, refuse ashes were incorporated into glass, ceramic and cement composites to immobilize such toxic elements. The EP Toxicity Test (1986) was used to show that extraction of such elements by simulated acid rain is effectively blocked in these new solid materials.  相似文献   
Simultaneous measurements of gaseous hydrogen peroxide and ozone made in southern England are reported. The hydrogen peroxide measurements are the first reported for the United Kingdom and show clear diurnal trends and correlate with ozone measurements. Measurements were made during a photochemical episode when a peak hydrogen peroxide concentration of 2.5 microg m(-3) was recorded with a simultaneous peak of 168 microg m(-3) in the ozone concentration. From observations on the rate of decay in the measured concentrations, an evening-time deposition velocity of 0.28 cm s(-1) was derived for hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
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