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非点源污染河流的水环境容量估算和分配 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
通过河流相应集水区内氮磷的各污染源分析(包括农地、畜禽养殖和生活排污等),利用输出系数模型估算各非点源的氮磷投(排)放量和入河量;采用河段氮磷输入-输出平衡关系分析方法,估算河流对氮磷的每月自净量.以此为基础,参照水功能区划所要求的水质目标,提出了水质未超标河段相应集水区的氮磷剩余水环境容量按月估算模型,和水质超标河段相应集水区内氮磷投放削减量的按月估算模型,及其在各污染源之间的分配方案.结果表明,长乐江的总氮和总磷自净量分别达到775.9 t·a-1和30.9 t·a-1,自净率分别为28.8%和51.2%.河流对氮磷的自净量不仅受水文生态条件的影响而表现出较大的季节性变化,而且随着污染负荷量本身的增加而提高.按照水功能区划中Ⅲ类水的水质要求,长乐江总氮含量全年超标;各非点源的总氮投(排)放量均须不同程度的削减,削减总量应达到1 581.0 t;氮源削减量分配结果表明,化肥是应削减的最大氮源,要求在河流相应集水区内的化肥氮投放削减量为1 047.4 t·a-1;而与各种氮源的投排放现状相比,要求削减比例最高的是畜禽养殖的氮排放量,达32.4%.长乐江流域尚有一定的总磷剩余水环境容量(2 335.7 t·a-1).根据目标水质要求,平水期是各污染源总氮投放需要削减的量最大的时期,丰水期则是总磷剩余水环境容量最小的时期. 相似文献
采用排放因子法建立郑州市分县区2017年大气氨排放清单,并实现1 km×1 km空间网格分配,同时进行2007~2017年氨排放趋势及1989~2017年氨排放驱动力相关性分析.结果表明,郑州市2017年氨排放量为18 143.3 t,排放强度为2.4t·km-2,农业源为主要排放源(63.4%),逸散源次之(11.3%);农业源中畜禽养殖氨排放主要来自蛋禽、肉猪和奶牛养殖;排放量前三的区县为登封市、荥阳市和新密市,分别占总量的19.3%、16.5%和15.6%;空间上郑州市南部及中西部地区排放量较高,东北部地区排放量较小; 2007~2017年各区县氨排放整体呈下降趋势,1989~2017年郑州市氨排放呈类似环境库兹涅茨曲线趋势,即氨排放整体上随着人均GDP和城镇化率上升而先增加再下降. 相似文献
Falin Chen Hua Zheng Kai Zhang Zhiyun Ouyang Huailin Li Bing Wu Qian Shi 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2013,25(10):2102-2111
Many studies have shown soil degradation after the conversion of native forests to exotic Eucalyptus plantations. However, few studies have investigated the long-term impacts of short-rotation forestry practices on soil microorganisms. The impacts of Eucalyptus successive rotations on soil microbial communities were evaluated by comparing phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) abundances, compositions, and enzyme activities of native Pinus massoniana plantations and adjacent 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Eucalyptus plantations. The conversion from P. massoniana to Eucalyptus plantations significantly decreased soil microbial community size and enzyme activities, and increased microbial physiological stress. However, the PLFA abundances formed "U" shaped quadratic functions with Eucalyptus plantation age. Alternatively, physiological stress biomarkers, the ratios of monounsaturated to saturated fatty acid and Gram+ to Gram- bacteria, formed "∩" shaped quadratic functions, and the ratio of cy17:0 to 16: 1ω7c decreased with plantation age. The activities of phenol oxidase, peroxidase, and acid phosphatase increased with Eucalyptus plantation age, while the cellobiobydrolase activity formed "U" shaped quadratic functions. Soil N:P, alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen, soil organic carbon, and understory cover largely explained the variation in PLFA profiles while soil N:P, alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen, and understory cover explained most of the variability in enzyme activity. In conclusion, soil microbial structure and function under Eucalyptus plantations were strongly impacted by plantation age. Most of the changes could be explained by altered soil resource availability and understory cover associated with successive planting of Eucalyptus. Our results highlight the importance of plantation age for assessing the impacts of plantation conversion as well as the importance of reducing disturbance for plantation management. 相似文献
壳聚糖改性粘土对高藻水中藻类的絮凝去除 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
对壳聚糖改性粘土用于天然高藻水中藻类的絮凝去除进行了研究。实验表明,经壳聚糖改性后的粘土对高藻水中藻细胞有较好的去除效果。粘土的种类对除藻效果有一定影响,其中以高粘凹凸棒石为最佳,其最佳投加量为66mg/L(壳聚糖6 mg/L),此时的叶绿素去除率达到95.45%。相比单独投加壳聚糖,粘土的加入增加了絮体密实度,减少了絮体体积,并使絮体分布更均匀。粘土的粒径对絮凝效果基本没有影响,粒径范围在25~74μm时,改性粘土对藻细胞的凝聚效果是一致的。经壳聚糖改性的粘土在酸性条件下絮凝效果较好,当pH值大于7时,其絮凝能力迅速下降。 相似文献
以粉煤灰为主要原料,采用碱熔融—微波晶化法合成粉煤灰沸石。采用XRD,SEM,TEM等技术表征了粉煤灰沸石的微观结构,并对其吸附Cd2+的性能进行了研究。表征结果显示,粉煤灰沸石主要由X型沸石、P型沸石和铝组成,粉煤灰沸石中有排列规则、呈蜂窝状的孔穴和孔道存在,其孔穴和孔道大小分布均匀,致密。粉煤灰沸石的比表面积为108.49 m2/g,平均孔径为3.779 nm,孔体积为0.221 mL/g。实验结果表明,在溶液pH为7、吸附时间30 min的最佳吸附条件下,Cd2+去除率均大于94%。粉煤灰沸石对Cd2+的吸附可很好地用二级动力学方程进行拟合,相关系数为0.999 99。可用Langmuir等温吸附模型描述该吸附过程,该吸附过程是单分子层吸附,主要是化学吸附,粉煤灰沸石对Cd2+的饱和吸附量为49.261 mg/g。 相似文献
以斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)为试验生物,采用半静态法测定虫螨腈对斑马鱼的急性毒性和生物富集系数。试验结果表明,虫螨腈对斑马鱼96 h-LC50为0.015 mg·L-1,其95%的置信限为0.011 mg·L-1~0.12 mg·L-1,属于高毒。在两个处理浓度2.0×10-4mg·L-1和2.0×10-3mg·L-1下,连续暴露8 d,斑马鱼对虫螨腈的生物富集系数(BCF8d)分别为1 211.6和1 549.7,属于高富集性农药。 相似文献
土壤酶和微生物量碳是反映土壤健康的重要微生物性质指标。土壤重金属污染能够对土壤微生物性质产生影响,然而土壤酶和微生物量碳对土壤重金属污染的响应受到土壤本身理化性质的影响。通过北京市建成区233个样点的数据监测和实验室模拟,研究了土壤脲酶活性和微生物量碳对土壤低浓度重金属污染的响应以及受土壤理化性质的影响。研究结果表明:在野外主要重金属污染的浓度范围内(Cd 0.003~0.98μg·g-1,Cu 13.4~207.9μg·g-1,Zn 29.4~322μg·g-1,Pb 4.02~174μg·g-1),土壤脲酶活性、微生物量碳(MBC)和有机碳(SOC)的含量与土壤中Cd、Cu、Zn和Pb的浓度正相关,而微生物量碳占有机碳的比率(MBC/SOC)与重金属浓度负相关;脲酶活性、MBC/SOC与重金属浓度建立的相关关系只能解释总变异的5%~10%。实验室模拟试验表明,土壤酶活性受土壤重金属含量和土壤性质联合效应的影响;土壤有机质含量和pH是影响酶活性的主要土壤理化性质。引入土壤有机碳含量和pH两个参数,重新建立脲酶活性、MBC/SOC与土壤中重金属浓度的关系,建立的相关关系的决定系数变大,能够解释总变异的14%~17%。 相似文献
为研究植物活性物质对PM2.5致细胞损伤的抗性作用,研究了北京城区PM2.5对CHO(Chinese hamster ovary,中国仓鼠卵巢)细胞的损伤作用,并选择植物活性物质绿原酸、阿魏酸和荭草素探讨其对CHO细胞的保护作用.以CCK-8法确定PM2.5的试验剂量和3种活性物质的最佳保护剂量,然后通过彗星试验、微核试验、流式细胞术及Western Blotting分别检测PM2.5的损伤作用及植物活性物质的保护作用.结果表明:1由CHO细胞存活率可知,PM2.5的有效试验剂量为15μg/m L,绿原酸、阿魏酸和荭草素的最佳保护剂量分别为50、20、10μmol/L.2PM2.5可引起CHO细胞明显的DNA损伤、微核形成增加、细胞周期阻滞所致的细胞增殖指数降低,而经阿魏酸、绿原酸和荭草素预处理后,均可减轻PM2.5对细胞的损伤作用,起到了一定的保护作用.3PM2.5能引起CHO细胞中p53和caspase-3蛋白的表达增加,而阿魏酸、绿原酸和荭草素均可使其表达量有所降低.由PM2.5引起的细胞损伤经绿原酸、阿魏酸、荭草素作用后表达量降低.在3种植物活性物质中,以阿魏酸拮抗PM2.5损伤的效果最佳,绿原酸次之,荭草素相对较差. 相似文献
The elemental composition and bacteria attached in particles were investigated during granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration.The experimental results showed that trapped influent particles could form new,larger particles on GAC surface.The sloughing of individuals off GAC surface caused an increase in effluent particles in the size range from 5 to 25 μm.The selectivity for element removal in GAC filters caused an increasing proportion of metallic elements in the effluent particles.The distribution of molar ratio indicated a complicated composition for large particles,involving organic and inorganic substances.The organic proportion accounted for 40% of total carbon attached to the particles.Compared with dissolved carbon,there was potential for the formation of trihalomethanes by organic carbon attached to particles,especially for those with size larger than 10 μm.The pure carbon energy spectrum was found only in the GAC effluent and the size distribution of carbon fines was mainly above 10 μm.The larger carbon fines provided more space for bacterial colonization and stronger protection for attached bacteria against disinfection.The residual attached bacteria after chorine disinfection was increased to 10 2-10 3 CFU/mL within 24 hours at 25°C. 相似文献