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Zheng M  Bao J  Liao P  Wang K  Yuan S  Tong M  Long H 《Chemosphere》2012,87(10):1097-1104
A novel electrolytic groundwater remediation process, which used the H2 continuously generated at cathode to achieve in situ catalytic hydrodechlorination, was developed for the treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in groundwater. Catalytic hydrodechlorination using Pd supported on bamboo charcoal and external H2 showed that 2,4-DCP was completely dechlorinated to phenol within 30 min at pH ? 5.5. In a divided electrolytic system, the catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-DCP in cathodic compartment by H2 generated at the cathode under 20 and 50 mA reached 100% at 120 and 60 min, respectively. Two column experiments with influent pHs of 5.5 (unconditioned) and 2 were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of this process. The 2,4-DCP removal efficiencies were about 63% and nearly 100% at influent pHs of 5.5 and 2, respectively. Phenol was solely produced by 2,4-DCP hydrodechlorination, and was subsequently degraded at the anode. A low pH could enhance the hydrodechlorination, but was not necessarily required. This study provides the preliminary results of a novel effective electrolytic process for the remediation of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aromatics.  相似文献   
Zhuang Y  Jin L  Luthy RG 《Chemosphere》2012,89(4):426-432
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are recognized as a new class of widely-distributed and persistent contaminants for which effective treatment and remediation technologies are needed. In this study, two kinds of commercially available nanoscale Fe0 slurries (Nanofer N25 and N25S), a freeze-dried laboratory-synthesized Fe0 nanoparticle (nZVI), and their palladized forms were used to investigate the effect of particle properties and catalyst on PBDE debromination kinetics and pathways. Nanofers and their palladized forms were found to debrominate PBDEs effectively. The laboratory-synthesized Fe0 nanoparticles also debrominated PBDEs, but were slower due to deactivation by the freeze-drying and stabilization processes in the laboratory synthesis. An organic modifier, polyacrylic acid (PAA), bound on N25S slowed PBDE debromination by a factor of three to four compared to N25. The activity of palladized nZVI (nZVI/Pd) was optimized at 0.3 Pd/Fe wt% in our system. N25 could debrominate selected environmentally-abundant PBDEs, including BDE 209, 183, 153, 99, and 47, to end products di-BDEs, mono-BDEs and diphenyl ether (DE) in one week, while nZVI/Pd (0.3 Pd/Fe wt%) mainly resulted in DE as a final product. Step-wise major PBDE debromination pathways by unamended and palladized Fe0 are described and compared. Surface precursor complex formation is an important limiting factor for palladized Fe0 reduction as demonstrated by PBDE pathways where steric hindrance and rapid sequential debromination of adjacent bromines play an important role.  相似文献   
Seventeen organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were investigated in the water and sediments from a waterbird-inhabited lake (Yangchaihu Lake) to evaluate their current pollution levels and potential risks. The concentrations of total OCPs in water and sediments were 10.12–59.75 ng/l and 4.25–27.35 ng/g dry weight, respectively. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) were the most abundant OCPs, while HCB and cyclodiene pesticides were detected with low levels. Levels of ∑OCPs (sum of 17 OCPs) at sites highly influenced by waterbirds were significantly higher than the sites with no significant waterbird populations (one-way ANOVA, P?相似文献   
The streaming potential has been wildly used in charged parallel plates, capillaries, and porous media. However, there have been few studies involving the ζ potential of clay soils based on streaming potential measurements. A laboratory apparatus was developed in this study to measure the streaming potential (ΔE) of bulk clay soils’ coupling coefficient (C) and cell resistance (R) of saturated granular soil samples. Excellent linearity of ΔE versus liquid pressure (ΔP) ensured the validity of measurements. The obtained parameters of C and R can be used to calculate the ζ potential of bulk soils. The results indicated that the ζ potentials measured by streaming potential method were significantly correlated with the ζ potentials of soil colloids determined by electrophoresis (r 2?=?0.960**). Therefore, the streaming potential method can be used to study the ζ potentials of bulk clay soils. The absolute values of the ζ potentials of four soils followed the order: Ultisol from Jiangxi?>?Ultisol from Anhui?>?Oxisol from Guangdong?>?Oxisol from Hainan, and this was consistent with the cation exchange capacities of these soils. The type and concentration of electrolytes affected soil ζ potentials. The ζ potential became less negative with increased electrolyte concentration. The ζ potentials were more negative in monovalent than in divalent cationic electrolyte solutions because more divalent cations were distributed in the shear plane of the diffuse layer as counter-cations on the soil surfaces than monovalent cations at the same electrolyte concentration.  相似文献   
Significant losses in harvested fruit can be directly attributable to decay fungi and quality deterioration. Hot water treatment (HWT) has been demonstrated to be an effective and economic environment-friendly approach for managing postharvest decay and maintaining fruit quality. In this study, the effects of HWT (45 °C for 10, 15, 20, and 25 min) on in vitro growth of Fusarium oxysporum, in vivo Fusarium rot, and natural decay of melon were investigated. HWT inhibited spore germination and germ tube elongation of F. oxysporum. Protein impairment and ATP consumption triggered by HWT contributed to the inhibitory effect. Results of in vivo studies showed that HWT effectively controlled Fusarium rot and natural decay of melon. Correspondingly, HWT induced a significant increase in content of total phenolic compounds and lignin of melon. These findings indicate that the effects of HWT on Fusarium rot may be associated with the direct fungal inhibition and the elicitation of defense responses in fruit. Importantly, HWT used in this study had beneficial effects on fruit quality as well. HWT may represent an effective non-chemical approach for management of postharvest Fusarium rot.  相似文献   
以模拟城市污水为处理对象,采用循环式活性污泥法(CAST)反应器,对3种运行模式(M1:常规模式,M2:缺氧好氧模式、M3:缺氧好氧交替模式)下系统的脱氮性能进行了研究,比较了各模式下CAST反应器的氨氮和总氮的去除效率,并对各模式下典型周期内氮基质浓度变化进行了考察,以确定系统的脱氮模式。结果表明,在氨氮去除不成为限制条件(去除率〉90%)的条件下,3种运行模式下系统总氮的平均去除率分别为67.3%、70.6%和82.4%,以缺氧好氧交替模式下的最高;M1、M2和M3均可实现亚硝酸型硝化,但随着温度的升高,亚硝酸型硝化逐渐消失。静态实验分析表明,3种模式下系统的氨氧化速率大小次序为:vN:M1〉vN:M2〉vN:M3,反硝化速率大小次序为:vDN,M2〉vDN,M3〉vDN,M1。  相似文献   
Yuan BL  Li XZ  Graham N 《Chemosphere》2008,72(2):197-204
The photocatalytic degradation of dimethyl phthalate (DMP) in aqueous TiO2 suspension under UV illumination has been investigated using oxygen (O2) and ferrate (Fe(VI)) as electron acceptors. The experiments demonstrated that Fe(VI) was a more effective electron acceptor than O2 for scavenging the conduction band electrons from the surface of the catalyst. Some major intermediate products from DMP degradation were identified by HPLC and GC/MS analyses. The analytical results identified dimethyl 3-hydroxyphthalate and dimethyl 2-hydroxyphthalate as the two main intermediate products from the DMP degradation in the TiO2–UV–O2 system, while in contrast phthalic acid was found to be the main intermediate product in the TiO2–UV–Fe(VI) system. These findings indicate that DMP degradation in the TiO2–UV–O2 and TiO2–UV–Fe(VI) systems followed different reaction pathways. An electron spin resonance analysis confirmed that hydroxyl radicals existed in the TiO2–UV–O2 reaction system and an unknown radical species (most likely an iron–oxo species) is suspected to exist in the TiO2–UV–Fe(VI) reaction system. Two pathway schemes of DMP degradation in the TiO2–UV–O2 and TiO2–UV–Fe(VI) reaction systems are proposed. It is believed that the radicals formed in the TiO2–UV–O2 reaction system preferably attack the aromatic ring of the DMP, while in contrast the radicals formed in the TiO2–UV–Fe(VI) reaction systems attack the alkyl chain of DMP.  相似文献   
矿化垃圾混配种植介质的盆栽实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
矿化垃圾营养成分和有机质含量较高,但含有重金属和盐分.为了解矿化垃圾的施加比例对植物的生长影响以及植物对矿化垃圾混配种植介质中营养成分的吸收和重金属的富集,将矿化垃圾和本地绿化土按照不同比例混配,研究混配种植介质的理化性质的改善条件、矿化垃圾对植物体内的生物量和叶绿素含量的影响、植物对混配种植介质中营养成分的吸收量以及植物体内各种重金属累积浓度,探索矿化垃圾的最佳施用比例.实验结果表明,矿化垃圾可改善上海本地土壤贫瘠的普遍状况,其添加质量分数在50%~75%合适,对植物生长有利.  相似文献   
以洗衣粉中的有机磷为磷源,通过室内模拟的方法研究在不同磷浓度的水体条件下斜生栅藻的生长情况,以及磷对斜生栅藻的生长是否有毒害作用.通过显微计数测定藻细胞数目来探讨洗衣粉中磷对斜生栅藻生长的影响;同时分析了洗衣粉中磷对斜生栅藻96 h生长期中光合色素的影响.结果表明,洗衣粉中的磷除了促进藻生长外,其浓度过低或过高都会抑制藻的生长.由实验结果可得,磷对藻生长的富营养化作用和毒性作用取决于磷浓度的高低.  相似文献   
The effects of steam activation on the surface functional characteristics of waste tire-derived carbon black were investigated. Two carbon-based materials, powdered carbon black (PCB) and PCB-derived powdered activated carbon (PCB-PAC), were selected for this study. A stainless steel tubular oven was used to activate the PCB at an activation temperature of 900 degrees C and 1 atm using steam as an activating reagent. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was adopted to measure the surface composition and chemical structure of carbon surface. Various elemental spectra (C, O, and S) of each carbon sample were further deconvoluted by peak synthesis. Results showed that the surfaces of PCB and PCB-PAC consisted mainly of C-C and C-O. The PCB-PAC surface had a higher percentage of oxygenated functional groups (C=O and O-C=O) than PCB. The O1s spectra show that the oxygen detected on the PCB surface was mainly bonded to carbon (C-O), whereas the oxygen on the PCB-PAC surface could be bonded to hydrogen (O-H) and carbon (C-O). Sulfur on the surface of PCB consisted of 58.9 wt% zinc sulfide (ZnS) and 41.1 wt% S=C=S, whereas that on the surfaces of PCB-PAC consisted mainly of S=C=S. Furthermore, the increase of oxygen content from 9.6% (PCB) to 11.9% (PCB-PAC) resulted in the increase of the pH values of PCB-PAC after steam activation.  相似文献   
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