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Zusammenfassung   Hintergrund, Ziel und Zweck Borkenbewohnende (epiphytische) Flechten reagieren sehr empfindlich auf verschiedene Umwelteinflüsse wie Stoffgehalte in der Atmosph?re und Temperaturen. Sie haben als Bioindikatoren für Luftverunreinigungen einen hohen Stellenwert bei Umweltuntersuchungen. Basierend auf einer 1989 durchgeführten Kartierung borkenbewohnender (epiphytischer) Flechten in einem landwirtschaftlich intensiv genutzten Raum Nordwestdeutschlands erfolgte 2007 eine Wiederholungsuntersuchung. Dabei galt es, m?gliche Ver?nderungen der Immissionssituation und des Klimas zu erkennen. Material und Methoden Die Studie basiert auf einer vergleichenden Kartierung epiphytischer Flechten von 355 Tr?gerb?umen an 45 Monitoringpunkten. Die angewandte Methode orientiert sich an der 1989 angewandten halb-quantitativen Erfassung. Ergebnisse Es stellten sich gravierende Ver?nderungen in der Vegetation rindenbewohnender Flechten heraus. Insgesamt war eine Erh?hung der Artenzahl an nahezu allen Monitoringpunkten festzustellen. Es wurde eine sehr starke Abnahme s?uretoleranter Arten und eine deutliche Zunahme basen- und n?hrstofffordernder Flechtenarten festgestellt. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich eine deutliche Zunahme w?rmeliebender Flechtenarten mit einem Verbreitungsschwerpunkt in Südeuropa bei gleichzeitigem Rückgang von Arten mit einem boreal-montanem Verbreitungsschwerpunkt. Diskussion Die festgestellte Entwicklung steht im Einklang mit überregionalen Beobachtungen. Sie wird im Wesentlichen auf eine gro?r?umig ver?nderte Immissionssituation, d. h. einer Abnahme der atmosph?rischen SO2-Belastung und Zunahme der Ammoniakbelastung zurückgeführt. Ebenso treten deutliche Auswirkungen der Klimaerw?rmung hervor. Schlussfolgerungen Mit relativ geringem Untersuchungsaufwand lie?en sich Ver?nderungen bei den epiphytischen Flechten in den letzten 18 Jahren aufzeigen. Diese sind relevant für die Beurteilung regional und kleinr?umig ver?nderter Umweltbedingungen, die auch für andere Organismen und ?kosysteme l?ngerfristig von gro?er Bedeutung sind. Empfehlungen und Ausblick Unter Verwendung standardisierter Methoden vermitteln epiphytische Flechten ein differenziertes Bild der Luftbelastungssituation in Ballungsr?umen und in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Regionen. Darüber hinaus sind sie offensichtlich gute Indikatoren für Temperatur?nderungen ihrer Umgebung. Weiterer Forschungsbedarf besteht für die Verwendung epiphytischer Flechten zum Biomonitoring von Klimaver?nderungen.   相似文献   
The understanding and evaluation of the possible interactions of various naturally occurring radionuclides in the world's third largest man-made dam, Nagarjuna Sagar located in Andhra Pradesh, India and built on river Krishna assumed significance with the finding of uranium deposits in locations near the dam. For the present work, surface soil samples from the mineralized area of Lambapur, Mallapuram, Peddagattu and sediment core samples from the Nagarjuna Sagar dam were analyzed for naturally occurring radionuclides namely uranium and thorium using gamma spectrometric technique. Also toxic elements lead and chromium were analysed by the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDXRF) technique. Surface soil samples show a variation from 25 to 291 Bq/kg (2.02–23.5 mg/kg) for 238U and 32–311 Bq/kg (7.9–76.9 mg/kg) for 232Th. U/Th concentration ratio in surface soil samples ranged from 0.19 to 0.31 and was found comparable with the nation wise average of 0.26. The study of sediment core samples reflected higher U/Th concentration ratio of 0.30–0.33 in the bottom section of the core as compared to 0.22–0.25 in the upper section. The concentration ratio in the upper section of the core was similar to the ratio 0.23 found in the western Deccan Basalt region through which the river originates. A higher concentration of lead and chromium was observed in the upper section of the core compared to bottom section indicating the impact of river input on the geochemical character of dam sediment.  相似文献   
An anaerobic plume of process-affected groundwater was characterized in a shallow sand aquifer adjacent to an oil sands tailings impoundment. Based on biological oxygen demand measurements, the reductive capacity of the plume is considered minimal. Major dissolved components associated with the plume include HCO3, Na, Cl, SO4, and naphthenic acids (NAs). Quantitative and qualitative NA analyses were performed on groundwater samples to investigate NA fate and transport in the subsurface. Despite subsurface residence times exceeding 20 years, significant attenuation of NAs by biodegradation was not observed based on screening techniques developed at the time of the investigation. Relative to conservative tracers (i.e., Cl), overall NA attenuation in the subsurface is limited, which is consistent with batch sorption and microcosm studies performed by other authors. Insignificant biological oxygen demand and low concentrations of dissolved As (< 10 µg L− 1) in the plume suggest that the potential for secondary trace metal release, specifically As, via reductive dissolution reactions driven by ingress of process-affected water is minimal. It is also possible that readily leachable As is not present in significant quantities within the sediments of the study area. Thus, for similar plumes of process-affected groundwater in shallow sand aquifers which may occur as oil sands mining expands, a reasonable expectation is for NA persistence, but minimal trace metal mobilization.  相似文献   
The biogeochemistry at the interface between sediments in a seasonally ponded wetland (slough) and an alluvial aquifer contaminated with landfill leachate was investigated to evaluate factors that can effect natural attenuation of landfill leachate contaminants in areas of groundwater/surface-water interaction. The biogeochemistry at the wetland-alluvial aquifer interface differed greatly between dry and wet conditions. During dry conditions (low water table), vertically upward discharge was focused at the center of the slough from the fringe of a landfill-derived ammonium plume in the underlying aquifer, resulting in transport of relatively low concentrations of ammonium to the slough sediments with dilution and dispersion as the primary attenuation mechanism. In contrast, during wet conditions (high water table), leachate-contaminated groundwater discharged upward near the upgradient slough bank, where ammonium concentrations in the aquifer where high. Relatively high concentrations of ammonium and other leachate constituents also were transported laterally through the slough porewater to the downgradient bank in wet conditions. Concentrations of the leachate-associated constituents chloride, ammonium, non-volatile dissolved organic carbon, alkalinity, and ferrous iron more than doubled in the slough porewater on the upgradient bank during wet conditions. Chloride, non-volatile dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and bicarbonate acted conservatively during lateral transport in the aquifer and slough porewater, whereas ammonium and potassium were strongly attenuated. Nitrogen isotope variations in ammonium and the distribution of ammonium compared to other cations indicated that sorption was the primary attenuation mechanism for ammonium during lateral transport in the aquifer and the slough porewater. Ammonium attenuation was less efficient, however, in the slough porewater than in the aquifer and possibly occurred by a different sorption mechanism. A stoichiometrically balanced increase in magnesium concentration with decreasing ammonium and potassium concentrations indicated that cation exchange was the sorption mechanism in the slough porewater. Only a partial mass balance could be determined for cations exchanged for ammonium and potassium in the aquifer, indicating that some irreversible sorption may be occurring.Although wetlands commonly are expected to decrease fluxes of contaminants in riparian environments, enhanced attenuation of the leachate contaminants in the slough sediment porewater compared to the aquifer was not observed in this study. The lack of enhanced attenuation can be attributed to the fact that the anoxic plume, comprised largely of recalcitrant DOC and reduced inorganic constituents, interacted with anoxic slough sediments and porewaters, rather than encountering a change in redox conditions that could cause transformation reactions. Nevertheless, the attenuation processes in the narrow zone of groundwater/surface-water interaction were effective in reducing ammonium concentrations by a factor of about 3 during lateral transport across the slough and by a factor of 2 to 10 before release to the surface water. Slough porewater geochemistry also indicated that the slough could be a source of sulfate in dry conditions, potentially providing a terminal electron acceptor for natural attenuation of organic compounds in the leachate plume.  相似文献   
Organic aerosol chemical markers from normalized concentrations of independent measurements of mass fragments (using Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, AMS) are compared to bond-based functional groups (from Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, FTIR) during eight field projects in the western hemisphere. Several field projects show weak correlations between alcohol group fractions and m/z 60 fractions, consistent with the organic hydroxyl groups and the fragmentation of saccharides, but the weakness of the correlations indicate chemical differences among the relationships for ambient aerosols in different regions. Carboxylic acid group fractions and m/z 44 fractions are correlated weakly for three projects, with correlations expected for aerosols dominated by di-acid compounds since their fragmentation is typically dominated by m/z 44. Despite differences for three projects with ratios of m/z 44 to m/z 57 fragments less than 10, five projects showed a linear trend between the project-average m/z 44 to m/z 57 ratio and the ratio of acid and alkane functional groups. While this correlation explains only a fraction of the fragment and bond variability measured, the consistency of this relationship at multiple sites indicates a general agreement with the interpretation of the relative amount of m/z 44 as a carboxylic acid group marker and m/z 57 as an alkane group marker.  相似文献   
High time-resolved (HTR) measurements can provide significant insight into sources and exposures of air pollution. In this study, an automated instrument was developed and deployed to measure hourly concentrations of 18 gas-phase organic air toxics and 6 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at three sites in and around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The sites represent different source regimes: a site with substantial mobile-source emissions; a residential site adjacent to a heavily industrialized zone; and an urban background site. Despite the close proximity of the sites (less than 13 km apart), the temporal characteristic of outdoor concentrations varied widely. Most of the compounds measured were characterized by short periods of elevated concentrations or plume events, but the duration, magnitude and composition of these events varied from site to site. The HTR data underscored the strong role of emissions from local sources on exposure to most air toxics. Plume events contributed more than 50% of the study average concentrations for all pollutants except chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane, and carbon tetrachloride. Wind directional dependence of air toxic concentrations revealed that emissions from large industrial facilities affected concentrations at all of the sites. Diurnal patterns and weekend/weekday variations indicated the effects of the mixing layer, point source emissions patterns, and mobile source air toxics (MSATs) on concentrations. Concentrations of many air toxics were temporally correlated, especially MSATs, indicating that they are likely co-emitted. It was also shown that correlations of the HTR data were greater than lower time resolution data (24-h measurements). This difference was most pronounced for the chlorinated pollutants. The stronger correlations in HTR measurements underscore their value for source apportionment studies.  相似文献   
Previous studies have suggested that the ongoing global climate change will likely increase the intensity and frequency of extreme weather, such as typhoons. Since the beginning of global warming, it has become necessary to understand the influence of typhoons on air quality. Rare data, especially particulate measurements data could be used to establish the relationship between the air pollution and typhoons. One of main limiting factors is that most of the previous chemical analyses of particulates used a relatively long sampling time, which could dilute the temporal impact of particulate characteristics and their sources. This work, depending more time-resolved measurements, focus on the characteristics and sources of high particulate matter levels and the influence of typhoons and the Pacific high system. Depending on the measurements, two pollutant groups were clearly identified in this work. The first pollutant group was the emissions from neighboring riverbeds under the strong circulation of the typhoon in the driest season and characterized as high coarse particle concentrations with high mass fraction of Ca2+. The second pollutant group was characterized as the formation and transport of secondary particles with prevalent ions of NH4+, NO3?, and SO42? and occurred in the sea-land breeze circulation under the influence the Pacific high system.  相似文献   
The perils of unplanned urbanization and increasing pressure of human activities on hydro-geomorphologic system often result in modification of the existing recharge mechanism, which leads to many environmental consequences. In the present research, an attempt has been made to investigate the applicability of remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) in dealing with spatial and temporal variability of dynamic phenomena, like urbanization and its impact on groundwater. This paper covers primarily, quantitative and qualitative impacts of urban growth on the behavior of aquifer in Ajmer city (India). Urban growth of the Ajmer city in last 17 years has been estimated from the satellite images. Database related to urbanization and groundwater has been created in GIS. Groundwater recharge has been computed using a water balance approach known as Water Level Fluctuation Methodology. Recharge estimation methodology has been implemented in GIS to introduce the spatial variability of hydro-geological characteristics. Further, temporal and spatial variations in groundwater quality and quantity have been correlated with urban growth using overlay analysis in GIS. The study reveals a general decline in water table and quality with urbanization. Further, remote sensing and GIS technologies have been found useful in assessment of spatial and temporal phenomena of urbanization and its impact on groundwater system.  相似文献   
Heavy metals in the aquatic environment have, to date, come essentially from naturally occurring geochemical resources. However, this has been enhanced by anthropogenic activities such as crude oil exploration and exploitation activities, resulting in pollution in the Taylor Creek aquatic ecosystem. The catfish species Bagrus bayad and other environmental segments were collected from five selected sites along Taylor Creek, southern Nigeria, and total metal concentration determined. The concentration levels of the metals in B. bayad were higher than the values reported in the literature for fresh fish and may lead to a higher risk of harmful effects. The bivariate regression models relating metals in B. bayad and metals in the surface waters were significant (R 2 ≥ 0.9002). The log (bio-concentration factor; BCF) values of Cr and Zn in B. bayad were the highest, whereas the lowest was found for Ni. The ecological distribution of the log (BCF) values was, for all the heavy metals, moderately stable over the creek. All log-transformed bio-magnification factors (BMF) in the creek were positive, which indicates that the metal concentration was greater in B. bayad than in suspended particulate matter (SPM). The absolute log (BMF) values of heavy metals can, therefore, be ranked in order of decreasing magnitude: Cr (3.26) > Zn (2.99) > Cd (2.93) > Fe (2.76) > Pb (2.66) > Mn (2.36) > Ni (2.24). This sequence indicates that toxic metals such as Cd, Cr and Pb are undergoing significant bio-reduction from SPM to B. bayad. The degree of correlation between the metals was different in B. bayad, which suggests that the sources of the metals polluting Taylor Creek were diverse.  相似文献   
This study presents the results of a laboratory investigation conducted to evaluate the efficiency of coal fly ash to control the formation of acid mine drainage (AMD) from mine waste. Site-specific materials, coal fly ash from Atikokan Thermal Generating Station and mine tailings from Musselwhite mine, were mixed at different proportions for the investigation of the drainage chemistry and the optimal mix using static testing (acid–base accounting) and kinetic (column) testing. The acid–base accounting (ABA) results indicated that the fly ash possessed strong alkaline (neutralization) potential (NP) and could be used in the management of reactive mine tailings, thus ensuring prevention of AMD in the long-term. Column tests conducted in the laboratory to further investigate long-term performance of fly ash in the neutralization and prevention of acid mine drainage from tailings similarly showed that mixing fly ash with mine tailings reduces dissolution of many heavy metals from tailings by providing alkalinity to the system. It was found that a fly ash to tailings mass ratio equal to or greater than 15% can effectively prevent AMD generation from Musselwhite mine tailings in the co-placement approach.  相似文献   
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