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The potential use of dust particles trapped on Scots pine needles for tracking dust migration around flotation tailings ponds in the Silesian-Krakowian ore district, Southern Poland was tested. 1-, 2- and 3-years old needles were studied using a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Particle sizes and morphologies, and the nature of the compounds hosting metals ions, were examined. A large majority of the particles examined are <10 microm in size. Almost 80% of particles represent respirable dust. All the components in the flotation wastes appear among the chemical compounds identified in particles on the pine needles. The quantity of the waste particles decreases with distance from the flotation tailings ponds. The analysis of dust particles on pine needles could be a useful method for estimating vectors and travel distances of suspended dust migrating around open flotation tailings ponds and around other point sources emitting dust particles with chemical compositions differing from the environmental background.  相似文献   
Information resulting from the occurrence of accidents and near-accidents is the basis for most accident prevention efforts. However, such information may not normally be incorporated into local safety activities. A group to assist supervisors in their investigations of accidents and a procedure to prompt the reporting of near-accidents by employees were tested at one company as means of improving local safety activities. The accident investigation group was in operation in all departments and was associated with improved accident reporting and prevention activities as well as a reduction in accident severity. The near-accident reporting procedure was tested in one department and led to improved knowledge about risks, although no reductions in accident frequency and severity were shown. On the basis of these results, the company safety committee decided at the end of the first year to extend the mandate of the investigation group but not to continue with near-accident reporting. Follow-ups after 2 and 3 years indicated that improvements in prevention activities had been maintained and that accident severity had been further reduced.  相似文献   
New column leaching experiments were designed and used as an alternative rapid screening approach to element mobility assessment. In these experiments, field-moist material was treated with an extracting solution to assess the effects of acidification on element mobility in mine tailings. The main advantage of this version of column leaching experiments with partitioned segments is that they give quick information on current element mobility in conditions closely simulating field conditions to compare with common unrepresentative air-dried, sieved samples used for column leaching experiments. Layers from the tailings dump material were sampled and packed into columns. The design of columns allows extracting leachates from each layer. The extracting solutions used were natural (pH 6.8) and acidified (pH 4.2) rainwater. Metals and anions were determined in the leachates. The concentrations of metals (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Al, Cr, Ni, Co, Zn, and Cu) in sample leachates were determined using ICP OES. The most important anions (NO3-, Cl-, and SO4(2)-) were determined using the closed system izotacophoresis ITP analyser. The chemical analytical data from tailings leaching and physico-chemical data from field measurements (including pH, conductivity, redox potential, temperature) were used for chemometric evaluation of element mobility. Principal factor analysis (PFA) was used to evaluate ions mobility from different layers of tailings dump arising from varied pH and redox conditions. It was found that the results from the partitioned column leaching illustrate much better complex processes of metals mobility from tailings dump than the total column. The chemometric data analysis (PFA) proofed the differences in the various layers leachability that are arising from physico-chemical processes due to chemical composition of tailings dump deposit.  相似文献   
A multi-compartment system was used to study the importance of microorganisms for Cd desorption from soil amended with sewage sludge and simultaneous resorption of the mobilized metal by soil constituents. Using this system made it possible to study the participation of microorganisms (Arthrobacter, Trichoderma), montmorillonite, humic acids, and iron oxides in resorption of the released Cd. A filter-sterilized water extract of root-free soil of pH 6.7 (RF) or RF supplemented with glucose (RFG) were used to mobilize Cd from soil at 14 degrees C in 48 h. Cadmium found in those extracts after 48-h incubation was recognized as bioavailable. Changes in pH values and enrichment of soil extracts with organic acids and siderophores resulted from microbial growth. RFG with lower pH and a higher content of ligands mobilized, on average, 40% of Cd introduced with sewage sludge amended soil, whereas RF mobilized only 20% of it. Sequential extractions of Cd at time 0 and Cd remaining in soil showed that RFG had mobilized Cd mostly from the fraction bound with Fe and Mn oxides. Microbial biomass accounted for only up to 3.4% (w/w) of the soil constituents used in the experiments but resorbed 25% of mobilized Cd. The chemical composition of mobilizing soil extracts and the solid-to-mobilizing-extracts volume ratio had a significant effect on the amount of bioavailable Cd. The results of the study suggest that microbial metabolites were involved in Cd mobilization, while the biomass of microorganisms was involved in Cd resorption as a biosorbent.  相似文献   
The Canadian Acid Aerosol Measurement Program (CAAMP) was established in 1992 to gain a better understanding of the atmospheric behaviour of fine particle strong acidity (“acid aerosols”) and to facilitate an assessment of the potential health risks associated with acid aerosols and particles in general. During 1992. 1993 and 1994, annular denuder and filter measurements were taken at four sites in Ontario, two in Quebec, three in the Atlantic Provinces and one in the greater Vancouver area. Mean fine particle sulphate concentrations (SO42−) were highest in southern Ontario (annual average ranged from 40–70 nmol m−3), lowest at a site in the Vancouver area (average = 16 nmol m−3) and second lowest in rural Nova Scotia. However, mean fine particle strong acid concentrations (H+) were geographically different. The highest mean concentrations were at the east coast sites (annual average of up to 30 nmol m−3). Acidities were lower in areas where the fine particle acidity experienced greater neutralization from reaction with ammonia. This included the major urban centres (i.e. Toronto and Montréal) and areas with greater amounts of agricultural activity, as in rural southern Ontario. On average, ambient concentrations of fine and coarse particle mass were larger in the urban areas and also in areas where SO42− levels were higher. All the particle components were episodic. However, compared to SO42− and fine particles (PM2.5 or PM2.1, depending upon inlet design), episodes of H+ tended to be less frequent and of shorter duration, particularly in Ontario. Saint John, New Brunswick, had the highest mean annual H+ concentration, which was 30 nmol m−3. H+ episodes (24 h concentration > 100 nmol m−3) were also the most frequent at this location. The high levels in Saint John were partially due to local sulphur dioxide sources and heterogeneous chemistry occurring in fog, which, on average, led to a 50% enhancement in sulphate, relative to upwind conditions.There was a substantial amount of intersite correlation in the day to day variations in H+, SO42− , PM2.5 and PM10 (fine + coarse particles) concentrations, which is due to the influence of synoptic-scale meteorology and the relatively long atmospheric lifetime of fine particles. Sulphate was the most regionally homogenous species. Pearson correlation coefficients comparing SO42− between sites ranged from 0.6 to 0.9, depending on site separation and lag time. In many cases, particle episodes were observed to move across the entire eastern portion of Canada with about a two-day lag between the SO42− levels in southern Ontario and in southern Nova Scotia.  相似文献   
A 2-year study (2010–2011) of fluorides in atmospheric precipitation in the open area and in throughfall in Wielkopolski National Park (west-central Poland) showed their high concentrations, reaching a maximum value of 2 mg/l under the tree crowns. These high values indicate substantial deposition of up to 52 mg/m2/year. In 2011, over 51 % of open area precipitation was characterized by fluoride concentration higher than 0.10 mg/l, and in throughfall such concentrations were found in more than 86 % of events. In 2010, a strong connection was evident between fluoride and acid-forming ions, and in 2011, a correlation between phosphate and nitrite ions was seen. Analysis of available data on F? concentrations in the air did not show an unequivocal effect on F? concentrations in precipitation. To find reasons for and source areas of high fluoride pollution, the cases of extreme fluoride concentration in rainwater were related to atmospheric circulation and weather patterns. Weather conditions on days of extreme pollution were determined by movement of weather fronts over western Poland, or by small cyclonic centers with meteorological fronts. Macroscale air advection over the sampling site originated in the western quadrant (NW, W, and SW), particularly in the middle layers of the troposphere (2,500–5,000 m a.s.l.). Such directions indicate western Poland and Germany as possible sources of the pollution. At the same time in the lower troposphere, air inflow was frequently from the north, showing short distance transport from local emitters, and from the agglomeration of Poznań.  相似文献   
This paper provides direct evidence that earthworm immune cells, coelomocytes, are exposed to bio-reactive quantities of metals within 3 days after dermal exposure, and that they respond by upregulating metallothionein (MT) and heat shock protein (HSP70, HSP72) expression. Indirect support for the hypothesis that coelomocytes are capable of trafficking metals was also obtained. Coelomocytes were expelled from adult individuals of Eisenia fetida after 3-day exposure either to metal ions (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) or to distilled water (controls) via filter papers. The number of coelomocytes was significantly decreased after Cu, Pb, or Cd treatment. Cytospin preparations of coelomocytes were subjected to immunoperoxidase staining with monoclonal antibodies against human heat shock proteins (HSP70 or HSP72), or rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against metallothionein 2 (w-MT2) of Lumbricus rubellus. Applied antibodies detected the respective proteins of E. fetida and revealed that the expression of HSP70, HSP72 and w-MT2 proteins was either induced or significantly enhanced in coelomocytes from metal-exposed animals. In conclusion, stress protein expression in earthworm coelomocytes may be used as sensitive biomarkers of metal contaminations. Further experimentation is needed for quantitative analysis of kinetics of metal-induced stress protein expression in earthworm coelomocytes.  相似文献   
This study was aimed at investigating the physicochemical and microbiological changes that took place during the ageing process of spent bleaching earth in the presence of autochthonous microorganisms. Research material included fresh spent bleaching earth (SBE0) and the same material after 3 years of storage at the constant temperature of 20 °C, without aeration and moistening (SBE3). Changes in the chemical composition of analysed waste material were observed during its ageing process point to a spontaneous bioconversion of fat substance towards formation and/or release of free saturated fatty acids C16:0 and C18:0 (14.3 g 100 g?1 D.M.), triterpenes (8.48 g 100 g?1 D.M.), cholesterol (3.29 g 100 g?1 D.M.), small quantities of carbohydrates and esters (0.80 g 100 g?1 D.M.). This process was accompanied by other changes in physicochemical parameters of the waste material, such as colour, odour and viscosity, decrease in fat content from 28.27 to 24.6 % and that of soluble forms of metals (Mo, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr and Mn), ranging from 25 to 75 %, and an increase in pH, from 3.85 to 4.2. At the same time, changes in the microbial consortium were observed.  相似文献   
Impacts of flooding on the soil environment with regard to soil pollution with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and s-triazine (cyanazine, simazine, atriazine, propazine, prometryn) herbicides have been evaluated. No clear differences in the sum of the PAHs content were observed in the present studies. Only changes in the levels of individual PAHs were noted. In soils covered with flooding both at a depth of 0-20 and 20-40 high molecular weight PAHs were predominant (especially mutagenic and carcinogenic 5-rings PAHs) whereas in non-flooded areas, 2- and 3-rings PAHs constituted over 80%. In the case of s-triazine herbicides, no influence of flooding on the changes in their content in agriculturally used soils was noted. On the other hand, clearly lower levels of cyanazine, simazine and atriazine were not in the flooded forest soil as compared to the non-flooded forest soil.  相似文献   
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