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分析和评价典型涉污企业周边土壤环境质量,对于加强企业用地环境风险管控,实施土壤重金属污染精准防控,进一步保障农产品质量安全具有重要意义。以18类典型涉污企业周边土壤为研究对象,对475家企业周边的2 017个监测样点进行土壤重金属Cd、As、Pb、Hg、Cr、Cu、Zn和Ni元素含量测定,并采用主成分分析法、Hakanson 潜在生态风险指数法进行分析及评价。结果表明:典型涉污企业周边土壤重金属污染以Cd、Pb和As元素为主,各元素含量超过土壤污染风险筛选值的样品比例为9.82%~31.0%,超过土壤污染风险管控值的样品比例为4.46%~13.1%,其次是Zn、Cu、Hg和Ni,Cr无明显污染;主要污染元素Cd、Pb、As、Zn和Cu来自相同污染源且主要分布在有色金属矿采选业(B9)、黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业(C31)、有色金属冶炼和压延加工业(C32)、生态保护和环境治理业(N77)等行业企业周边;黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业(C31)、有色金属矿采选业(B9)、有色金属冶炼和压延加工业(C32)等行业企业周边土壤重金属潜在生态风险等级较高,中等风险及以上比例分别为76.0%、53.0%和54.1%。可见,典型涉污企业周边土壤重金属存在一定程度的污染,尤其是有色金属矿采选业(B9)等采矿业以及黑色金属冶炼和压延加工(C31)等制造业等,污染程度高,潜在生态风险大,需要加强监测和管控。  相似文献   

Nanoplastics are widely distributed in freshwater environments, but few studies have addressed their effects on freshwater algae, especially on harmful algae. In this study, the effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics on Microcystis aeruginosa (M. aeruginosa) growth, as well as microcystin (MC) production and release, were investigated over the whole growth period. The results show that PS nanoplastics caused a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on M. aeruginosa growth and a dose-dependent increase in the aggregation rate peaking at 60.16% and 46.34%, respectively, when the PS nanoplastic concentration was 100 mg/L. This caused significant growth of M. aeruginosa with a specific growth rate up to 0.41 d?1 (50 mg/L PS nanoplastics). After a brief period of rapid growth, the tested algal cells steadily grew. In addition, the increase in PS nanoplastics concentration promoted the production and release of MC. When the PS nanoplastic concentration was 100 mg/L, the content of the intracellular (intra-) and extracellular (extra-) MC increased to 199.1 and 166.5 μg/L, respectively, on day 26, which was 31.4% and 31.1% higher, respectively, than the control. Our results provide insights into the action mechanism of nanoplastics on harmful algae and the potential risks to freshwater environments.

浓盐水处理技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水淡化技术是解决中国水资源危机的一种具有根本性的举措之一.然而随着海水淡化产业规模的增大,其产生的浓盐水的排放成了本身面临解决的问题之一.本文阐述了浓盐水的特性及其对环境的各种危害性,并对浓盐水直接排放问题进行了详细分析.介绍了国内外近年来主要处理浓盐水的方法-真空膜蒸馏浓缩技术、正渗透技术、喷雾蒸发技术、冷冻法浓缩技术.对各种处理技术的原理和特点进行了详细综述,并对其研究进展进行了归纳总结.最后对各项处理技术的应用前景提出了展望.  相似文献   
This study investigated crystallization mechanisms for the formation of lead aluminosilicate by sintering lead stabilization with kaolin-based precursors. PbAl2Si2O8 was found to be the only stable lead aluminosilicate in low-PbO system and demonstrates its highly intrinsic resistance to acid attack in leaching test. A three-stage PbAl2Si2O8 formation mechanism was supported by the results of the changing temperature in the system. Amorphization of sintered products was observed in both PbO/kaolinite and PbO/mullite systems at 600–700°C. When the temperature was increased to 750–900°C, the crystallochemical formation of lead aluminosilicates (i.e., Pb4Al4Si3O16, Pb6Al6Si2O21, and PbAl2Si2O8) was observed. Pb4Al4Si3O16 and Pb6Al6Si2O21 were found to be the intermediate phases at 700–900°C. Finally, PbAl2Si2O8 was found to be the only crystallite phase to host Pb at above 950°C. A maximum of 80% and 96.7% Pb can be incorporated into PbAl2Si2O8 in PbO/kaolinite and PbO/mullite systems, respectively, but the final products exhibited different microstructures. To reduce environmental hazard of lead, this strategy demonstrated a preferred mechanism of immobilizing lead into PbAl2Si2O8 structure via kaolin-based precursors.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Soil labile and recalcitrant carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are strongly controlled by plant inputs and climatic conditions. However, the interrelation...  相似文献   
地下渗滤系统(SWIS)对硝化、反硝化过程调控不灵活,导致其对氮的去除效果不够理想。组建了两套SWIS装置(1#装置:65~80cm段没有生物基质;2~#装置:65~80cm段添加生物基质),对沿程氮素、硝化和反硝化作用强度及氮还原酶活性进行分析。结果表明,两套装置均表现为硝化反应主要发生在20~60cm段,反硝化反应主要发生在60~80cm段。2~#装置的反硝化作用明显强于1#装置,因此其TN去除率高于1~#装置。硝化作用强度随深度增加而递减,反硝化作用强度随深度增加而递增。硝酸盐还原酶(NAR)活性随深度的增加而逐渐减弱,亚硝酸盐还原酶(NIR)活性随深度的增加先减弱后又增强。主要原因是2~#装置中添加了干化污泥作为生物基质,为反硝化作用补充了碳源,增强了脱氮能力。  相似文献   
分别用溶剂和气体对脱除SO2后失活的活性炭进行了再生。在固定床反应器上考察了再生后活性炭的脱硫性能。实验结果表明:用溶剂再生时,质量分数为60%的HNO3溶液的再生效果最好,活性炭的再生率达到80%以上。用气体再生时,400℃左右时的再生效果最好,活性炭的再生率达到70%以上。再生后活性炭的比表面积和pH是衡量活性炭再生效果的重要参数。在实际脱硫生产中,用H2O对失活活性炭进行反复洗涤再生,是一种经济、实用的方法,活性炭的再生率达60%以上。  相似文献   
原料含水率及成型直径对秸秆成型燃料耐久性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原料含水率及成型直径对秸秆成型燃料耐久性具有重要影响,通过试验发现含水率对秸秆固化成型(SDBF)技术的抗渗水性影响很显著,原料含水率10%~15%(质量分数,下同)范围内得到的SDBF渗水分解超过4 h;原料含水率也显著影响SDBF的抗跌碎性,含水率不大于15%的SDBF失重率一般不超过5%,能满足规模化技术的应用.对于HPB-成型机生产的SDBF,成型直径大的SDBF抗渗水性时间较长,随着成型直径减小抗渗水性时间减少,抗渗水性能降低.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, Mn-doped MgAl-layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were successfully synthesized for efficient removal arsenate from aqueous solution. The...  相似文献   
Wang  Jiaqing  Lu  Pei  Su  Wei  Xing  Yi  Li  Rui  Li  Yuran  Zhu  Tingyu  Yue  Huifang  Cui  Yongkang 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2019,26(20):20248-20263

Currently, activated coke is widely used in the removal of multiple pollutants from industrial flue gas. In this paper, a series of novel FexLayOz/AC catalysts was prepared by the incipient wetness impregnation for NH3-SCR denitrification reaction. The introduction of Fe-La bimetal oxides significantly improved the denitrification performance of activated coke at mid-high temperature, and 4% Fe0.3La0.7O1.5/AC exhibited a superior NOx conversion efficiency of 90.1% at 400 °C. The catalysts were further characterized by BET, SEM, XRD, Raman, EPR, XPS, FTIR, NH3-TPD, H2-TPR, et al., whose results showed that the perovskite-type oxide of LaFeO3 and oxygen vacancies were produced on the catalysts’ surfaces during roasting. Fe-La doping enhanced the amount of acid sites (mainly Lewis and other stronger acid sites) and the content of multifarious oxygen species, which were beneficial for NOx removal at mid-high temperature. Moreover, it was investigated that the effect of released CO from activated coke at mid-high temperature on the NOx removal through the lifetime test, in which it was found that a large amount of CO produced by pyrolysis of activated coke could promote the NOx removal, and long-term escaping of CO on the activated coke carrier did not have a significant negative impact on catalytic performance. The results of the TG-IR test showed that volatile matter is released from the activated coke while TG results showed that the weight loss rate of 4% Fe0.3La0.7O1.5/AC only was 0.0015~0.007%/min at 300–400 °C. Hence, 4% Fe0.3La0.7O1.5/AC had excellent thermal stability and denitrification performance to be continuously used at mid-high temperature. Finally, the mechanisms were proposed on the basis of experiments and characterization results.

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