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Concentrations of some metals (Cd, Cu, As, Hg, Pb) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were investigated in edible marine organisms from different trophic levels and feeding behaviour like bivalve molluscs (Mytilus galloprovincialis and Chlamys glabra), gastropod molluscs (Hexaplex trunculus) and some commercial species of fish (Trachurus trachurus, Boops boops, Sarpa salpa and Gobius niger). These species were collected in the first inlet of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy), classified as ‘Site of National Interest’ established by National Law 426 (1998) and included in the ‘National Environmental Remediation and Restoration Projects’. The aim of this work was to investigate contamination levels and public health risks, associated with consuming seafood harvested from these areas. Moreover, in this study, was also estimated the weekly intake in children and adults, both for metals and PCBs. In comparison with the permissible limits set by EC Regulations, Cd and Pb levels were over the limit in the H. trunculus (in all sampling stations) and in the fish T. trachurus respectively. PCBs were over the legal limit in all sampled species with the exception of M. galloprovincialis (station 1), C. glabra and the herbivorous fish S. salpa. In the fish T. trachurus, for example, the concentration of six target PCBs was about five times higher than the EC limit. The estimated intakes of those trace elements included in this study through seafood consumption by the population exceed the provisional tolerable weekly intake recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives for Cd and Hg in the H. trunculus and T. trachurus, especially in children. Moreover, hazard quotience (HQ) for Hg and Cd was >1 in the children for T. trachurus and H. trunculus consumption. As regard non-dioxin-like PCB (NDL-PCB), the estimated intake were always above the ‘provisional guidance value’ (70 ng/kg body weight) Arnich et al. (Regul Toxicol Pharm 54: 287–2, 2009) for all sampled organism. Thus, health risks due to the dietary Hg, Cd and PCBs intake, especially for children, cannot be excluded. Therefore, an extended remediation programme is necessary to safeguard marine ecosystem, human health and, not less important, the economic activities, in the Taranto marine area.  相似文献   
The National Project RITMARE (la Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE—Italian Research for the sea) started from 1 January 2012. It is one of the national research programs funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. RITMARE is coordinated by the National Research Council (CNR) and involves an integrated effort of most of the scientific community working on marine and maritime issues. Within the project, different marine study areas of strategic importance for the Mediterranean have been identified: Among these, the coastal area of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) was chosen for its different industry settlements and the relative impact on the marine environment. In particular, the research has been concentrated on the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, a complex marine ecosystem model important in terms of ecological, social, and economic activities for the presence also of extensive mussel farms. The site has been selected also because the Mar Piccolo area is a characteristic “on field” laboratory suitable to investigate release and diffusion mechanisms of contaminants, evaluate chemical–ecological risks towards the marine ecosystem and human health, and suggest and test potential remediation strategies for contaminated sediments. In this context, within the project RITMARE, a task force of researchers has contributed to elaboration a functioning conceptual model with a multidisciplinary approach useful to identify anthropogenic forcings, its impacts, and solutions of environmental remediation. This paper describes in brief some of the environmental issues related to the Mar Piccolo basin.  相似文献   
In the northern Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, the mucilage phenomenon is usually related to the aggregation of extracellular organic matter of phytoplanktonic origin under special seasonal and trophic conditions. Environmental factors, such as temperature, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus and N/P ratio as well as polysaccharide and monosaccharide levels in the presence and absence of mucilage were investigated in the northern Adriatic Sea. Variations in temperature and salinity during spring in years characterised by mucilage events have been recognised having an important role in preparing a favourable physical environment where mucilage formation could take place. Since the DIN/TP ratio increased markedly during the spring months (March–April) in 2002, 2003 and 2004, preceding the early summer mucilage outbreaks, it appeared that the DIN/TP ratio may be a more robust predictor than the DIN/DIP ratio, which, although more commonly used, exhibited a discontinuous trend. The contents of total carbohydrates, including monosaccharides and polysaccharides, in seawater also varied according to the presence or absence of mucilage, with an increase of polysaccharide levels during the late spring or early summer in the period of the mucilage appearance. The role of carbohydrates in the macro-aggregate formation was also investigated.  相似文献   
Congenital ovarian cysts are a pathological condition which can be diagnosed in utero by ultrasound. We report 14 consecutive diagnoses of fetal ovarian cysts, obtained in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Congenital ovarian cysts have almost invariably a good prognosis, and no change in the standard obstetrical management is required. However, the evolution of the disease in utero is extremely variable. The cyst may increase in size, decrease or even disappear, or undergo complications such as torsion and rupture, which may carry some risks to the fetus. When a fetal ovarian cyst is detected, serial ultrasound examinations should be performed. If one of the above complications is suspected, the option of prompt caesarean section should be considered.  相似文献   
Two pregnancies of a family at risk for Sanfilippo disease type B were monitored in the first trimester. In one case an affected fetus was diagnosed on chorionic villi by the assay of N-acetyl-a-D -glucosaminidase and confirmed on cultured fibroblasts from the aborted fetus. Pathological findings are also reported and compared with changes observed later in life. The disease was excluded in the second pregnancy.  相似文献   
Selected toxic and essential metals (mercury, Hg; cadmium, Cd; and zinc, Zn) were determined in the liver and in the kidney collected from 13 dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba and Tursiops truncatus) stranded along the southern coasts of Italy from 1991 to 1999. Liver samples were also analysed for their methyl mercury (MeHg) and selenium (Se) contents. For subcellular fractionation, liver and kidney samples were homogenized in Tris-HCl buffer; after centrifugation, the supernatant (cytosol) was separated from pellets (insoluble fraction), heated at 80 degrees C for 10 min and centrifuged in order to separate the precipitate containing the thermolabile high molecular weight proteins. The cytosol heat-stable fraction, including metallothionein-like proteins (MTLPs), was then purified by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G-75 column. The three subcellular fractions collected (insoluble fraction, thermolabile fraction and purified heat-stable fraction) were analysed for their Hg, Cd and Zn contents. The analytical results confirm previous similar studies on toothed whales in showing that: (1) in the liver, as well as in the kidney, Hg was mainly found in the insoluble fraction, therefore, metallothioneins seem to have no role in the Hg detoxification; (2) in the liver, the molar ratio between Se and inorganic Hg was very close to 1; this suggests that the final compound of MeHg detoxification could be HgSe (tiemannite); (3) in almost all the samples, Cd and Zn were detected in the purified heat-stable fraction (including MTLPs). The mechanism of Cd detoxification and Zn homeostasis is also discussed.  相似文献   
The West African Sahel is a harsh environment stressed by a fast-growing population and increasing pressure on the scarce natural resources. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the majority of the people living in the area. Increases in temperature and/or modifications in rainfall quantities and distribution will substantially impact on the natural resource on which agriculture depends. The vulnerability of livelihoods based on agriculture is increased and most likely exacerbate and accelerate the current ‘downward spiral’ of underdevelopment, poverty and environmental degradation. Notably, droughts, a short rainy season and/or very low rainfall will be felt by current systems. To cope with the difficult climatic situation, farm households have developed a range of strategies including selling of animals and on-farm diversification or specialization. At regional level, early warning systems including an operational agro-meteorological information system already provide farmers with crucial information. Substantial political, institutional and financial efforts at national and international level are indispensable for the sustenance of millions of lives. In terms of development, priority needs to be given to adaptation and implementation of comprehensive programs on water management and irrigation, desertification control, development of alternative sources of energy and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices by farmers.  相似文献   
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