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The composition and contents of secondary metabolites in Flavocetraria lichens from Eastern Siberia were analyzed using herbarium specimens. Based on the composition of identified metabolites, three F. cucullata chemotypes and two F. nivalis chemotypes were distinguished. Distinct geographic differentiation between the F. cucullata chemotypes was revealed, probably reflecting their adaptation to environmental conditions. The content of usnic acid in F. cucullata thalli was found to correlate with the latitude of growing region. This may be regarded as evidence for a protective role of this metabolite in lichens growing at high latitudes and exposed to excess solar irradiation during the polar day.  相似文献   

Understanding how cities can transform organic waste into a valuable resource is critical to urban sustainability. The capture and recycling of phosphorus (P), and other essential nutrients, from human excreta is particularly important as an alternative organic fertilizer source for agriculture. However, the complex set of socio-environmental factors influencing urban human excreta management is not yet sufficiently integrated into sustainable P research. Here, we synthesize information about the pathways P can take through urban sanitation systems along with barriers and facilitators to P recycling across cities. We examine five case study cities by using a sanitation chains approach: Accra, Ghana; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Beijing, China; Baltimore, USA; and London, England. Our cross-city comparison shows that London and Baltimore recycle a larger percentage of P from human excreta back to agricultural lands than other cities, and that there is a large diversity in socio-environmental factors that affect the patterns of recycling observed across cities. Our research highlights conditions that may be “necessary but not sufficient” for P recycling, including access to capital resources. Path dependencies of large sanitation infrastructure investments in the Global North contrast with rapidly urbanizing cities in the Global South, which present opportunities for alternative sanitation development pathways. Understanding such city-specific social and environmental barriers to P recycling options could help address multiple interacting societal objectives related to sanitation and provide options for satisfying global agricultural nutrient demand.


While progress has been made in reducing external nutrient inputs to the Baltic Sea, further actions are needed to meet the goals of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), especially for the Baltic Proper, Gulf of Finland, and Gulf of Riga sub-basins. We used the net anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs (NANI and NAPI, respectively) nutrient accounting approach to construct three scenarios of reduced NANI-NAPI. Reductions assumed that manure nutrients were redistributed from areas with intense animal production to areas that focus on crop production and would otherwise import synthetic and mineral fertilizers. We also used the Simple as Necessary Baltic Long Term Large Scale (SANBALTS) model to compare eutrophication conditions for the scenarios to current and BSAP-target conditions. The scenarios suggest that reducing NANI-NAPI by redistributing manure nutrients, together with improving agronomic practices, could meet 54–82% of the N reductions targets (28–43 kt N reduction) and 38–64% P reduction targets (4–6.6 kt P reduction), depending on scenario. SANBALTS output showed that even partial fulfillment of nutrient reduction targets could have ameliorating effects on eutrophication conditions. Meeting BSAP targets will require addressing additional sources, such as sewage. A common approach to apportioning sources to external nutrients loads could enable further assessment of the feasibility of eutrophication management targets.

工伤保险与安全管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从我国安全管理实际出发,分析了借助于工伤保险的经济杠杆作用实现国家对企业安全管理制约机制的必要性,并对建立制约机制有关的指标体系及综合评估模型,以及该机制实现等问题进行了深入探讨.  相似文献   
两相厌氧膜-生物系统处理造纸废水   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
采用传统两相厌氧工艺 ( BS)与膜分离技术相结合的系统 ( MBS)处理造纸黑液配制废水 .结果表明 :系统 COD去除率可以达到 73.1 % ,高于 BS系统 ( 4 8.6% ) ,且在厌氧污泥活性及运行稳定性方面优于 BS系统 ;在 COD负荷为 6kg·( m3·d)-1时MBS酸化率为 20.1 % ,酸化水平为 7.5% ,略优于 BS系统 (分别为 7.0 %和 5.0 % ) .探讨了其原因及 MBS系统引入膜的作用 ,并对系统的评价体系进行了初步讨论 .  相似文献   
以稻谷壳水解液为原料 ,采用树状假丝酵母 AS1.257( Candida arborea AS1.257) ,在罐体高径比为 2.9和上升管与下降管的直径之比为 6.6的外循环气升式生物反应器中发酵生产单细胞蛋白 .研究了通风量、装料量、空气喷嘴直径等工艺和结构参数对发酵的影响 ,得到了较佳的发酵操作参数 .在发酵前 24h的通风量为 1.1m3/( m3· min) ,后 24 h的通风量为 1.4m3/( m3· min)~ 1.5m3/( m3· min) ,起始装料量为 8.5L~ 9.0 L,起始 pH为 4.5~ 5.0 ,发酵温度为 29± 1℃的操作条件下 ,经 48h的发酵 ,可得到较佳的结果 .在无筛板 ,带一块筛板和带二块筛板的外循环气升式生物反应器中 ,发酵 48h后的干基粗蛋白含量分别为 61.3%、62.9%、64.5% ,发酵液中干物质重分别为 20.8mg/ml、21.2 mg/ml、21.3mg/ml,总糖利用率分别为 78.2 %、83.9%、81.4% ,均高于机械搅拌生物反应器 ,气升式生物反应器内加装筛板可提高发酵得率 .  相似文献   
低中放废物处置场核素经地下水迁移对环境影响预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了我国某民用低中放固体废物处置场核素迁移的途径,对核素在地下水中的迁移进行了详细分析与计算,假定正常释放或一次降水量达到600mm,处置场底浸泡一个月,存在6m的包气带时,对该处置场处置的7种核素进行预测,结果表明,包气带是延迟核素迁移的主要屏障,在500年内,可以使^60Co^137Cs^90Sr、^63Ni等核素延迟,其中^239Pu降低6个月数量级,但不能延迟^3H和^14C的迁移,穿过  相似文献   
为了解烟花爆竹燃放对保定市大气污染物和PM2.5中水溶性离子及有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)浓度的影响,对保定市春节期间大气污染物和颗粒物组分的浓度特征进行了分析,并评估了烟花爆竹的贡献.结果表明:2019年春节期间烟花爆竹集中燃放期PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO平均浓度比非集中燃放期分别增加了1.3、1.0、1.1、0.4、0.02倍;保定市春节期间禁燃措施施行后,除夕、初一2d污染物平均浓度、最高浓度和高浓度持续时间均明显下降,集中燃放期烟花爆竹燃放对PM2.5、PM10和SO2浓度贡献量从50%左右(2018年、2017年)下降至30%左右(2019年),其中SO2贡献量下降幅度超过PM2.5和PM10;组分分析表明,接待中心站点(主城区)、涿州站点(区县建成区)烟花爆竹燃放期K+、Mg2+、Cl-浓度在水溶性离子中的总占比分别为39.3%、51.1%,比非燃放期的占比显著上升;烟花爆竹燃放对PM2.5  相似文献   
静置/好氧/缺氧序批式反应器(SBR)脱氮除磷效果研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以静置段代替传统厌氧段,采用后置缺氧方式,考察了静置/好氧/缺氧序批式反应器(SBR)(R1)的生物脱氮除磷(BNR)性能,并与传统厌氧/好氧/缺氧序批式反应器(SBR)(R2)进行对比.两反应器进水乙酸钠、氨氮(NH+4-N)及磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)浓度均分别为350 mg·L-1(以COD计)、40 mg·L-1及12 mg·L-1,水力停留时间(HRT)为12 h.研究结果表明,R1长期运行中磷的去除率与R2相当,分别为92.4%和92.1%,而总氮(TN)去除率则较R2高,分别为83.5%和77.0%.R1静置段省去搅拌但仍能起到厌氧段的作用,为好氧快速摄磷奠定了基础,同时R1缺氧段发生反硝化摄磷,使出水磷降至0.91 mg·L-1.好氧段内R1发生了同步硝化-反硝化(SND),贡献了18.0%的TN去除量,R2也存在SND,但脱氮贡献率较少,仅为9.8%.R1和R2后置缺氧反硝化均以糖原驱动,反硝化速率分别为0.98、0.84 mg·g-1·h-1(以每g VSS产生的N(mg)计),出水TN分别为6.62、9.21 mg·L-1.研究表明,静置段代替传统厌氧段后,可获得更好的脱氮效果,且工艺更为简化.  相似文献   
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