The critical load concept is used to establish the deposition levels which ecosystems can tolerate without significant harmful effects. Here we summarize work within the Swedish research program Abatement Strategies for Transboundary Air Pollution (ASTA) assessing the critical load of N for boreal forests. Results from both field experiments in an area with low background N deposition in northern Sweden, and from a large-scale monitoring study, show that important vegetational changes start to take place when adding low N doses and that recovery of the vegetation after ceasing N input is a very slow process. The data presented indicate that changes in key ecosystem components occur even at a lower rate of N input than the present recommended empirical critical load for boreal forest understorey vegetation of 10-15 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). Based on the data presented, we suggest that the critical load should be lowered to 6 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). 相似文献
In this paper, it is demonstrated that partnership arrangements between farmers might be a way to secure the economic viability of their farms as well as to increase profitability. The article discusses empirical analyses of three different forms of collaboration, with an emphasis on the environmental improvements associated with collaboration. Collaboration between a dairy farm and a crop farm is analyzed in the first case. The results show that potential gains from improved diversification and crop rotation are substantial, and even larger when the collaboration also involves machinery. The second analysis considers external integration between farrowing and finishing-pig operations. Gains from collaboration originate from biological and technical factors, such as improved growth rate of the pigs and better utilization of buildings. Finally, an evaluation of a group of collaborating crop farmers is performed. In this case, the benefits that arise are mainly due to reduced machinery costs and/or gains due to other factors, such as improved crop rotation and managerial/marketing strategies. 相似文献
Workers at an electronics recycling plant have previously been shown to have elevated serum levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) compared to referents without occupational PBDE exposure. Subsequent structural changes and industrial hygiene measures at the plant were applied to improve the work environment. The present study aims to assess the impact of these work environment changes on the occupational exposure to PBDEs.
Blood were drawn from the workers and analyzed at two different laboratories, and serum concentrations of several PBDE congeners were determined by GC/MS or GC/HRMS. Cross-sectional studies were performed prior to (in 1997; N = 19) and after (in 2000; N = 27) workplace improvements. Longitudinal studies were performed on twelve of the workers that were sampled at both occasions.
Even though the amount of processed goods had doubled in 2000 as compared to 1997, there was a significant decrease in the serum levels of BDE-183 and BDE-209. For BDE-209 the levels observed in year 2000 were even lower than in referents with no occupational exposure. In contrast to the decrease of higher brominated diphenyl ethers, the concentrations of BDE-47 did not significantly change. For BDE-153, the cross-sectional study indicated no change, whereas the longitudinal follow up indicated a significant increase.
This study shows that the industrial hygiene improvements clearly reduced the occupational exposure to BDE-183 and BDE-209 at the plant. Still, the levels of hexa- to nonaBDEs but not BDE-209 were elevated, compared to referents with no occupational exposure. 相似文献
Biphenyl could be successfully degraded by Burkholderia xenovorans LB400, initially described as Pseudomonas sp. LB400, in two-phase partitioning bioreactors (TPPBs). TPPBs are comprised of an aqueous, cell containing phase, and an immiscible, biocompatible organic phase that partitions toxic and/or poorly soluble substrates (in this case biphenyl) based on maintaining a thermodynamic equilibrium. The critical LogKO/W of the organism was found to be approximately 5.5, indicating that solvents with a LogKO/W larger than 5.5 are suitable as delivery phases for B. xenovorans LB400. Two solvents selected for the TPPB system were octadecene and bis(2-ethylhexyl)sebacate (BES). In one experiment a total of 6.6 g biphenyl per l aqueous-phase-equivalent (biphenyl delivered in solvent, at an aqueous phase to solvent ratio of 10) could be degraded in 25 h during batch operation with octadecene. The specific growth rate and the half saturation constant of the Monod model were estimated to be mumax=0.25 h-1 and KS=0.0001 g l-1, and the yield coefficient was YX/S=0.48 g biomass per g biphenyl. These parameter estimates were used to predict the time course of biphenyl degradation at different initial substrate concentrations and with biphenyl delivered from the two solvents with different partitioning behaviour for biphenyl. The predictions were validated by experimental data, confirming the microbial kinetics as well as the expected partitioning effects. 相似文献
Resistance to tetracycline, macrolides and streptomycin was measured for a period of 8 months in soil bacteria obtained from farmland treated with pig manure slurry. This was done by spread plating bacteria on selective media (Luria Bertani (LB) medium supplemented with antibiotics). To account for seasonal variations in numbers of soil bacteria, ratios of resistant bacteria divided by total count on nonselective plates were calculated. Soil samples were collected from four different farms and from a control soil on a fifth farm. The control soil was not amended with animal manure. The occurrence of tetracycline-resistant bacteria was elevated after spread of pig manure slurry but declined throughout the sampling period to a level corresponding to the control soil. Higher load of pig manure slurry yielded higher occurrence of tetracycline resistance after spreading; however, the tetracycline resistance declined to normal occurrence defined by the tetracycline resistance occurrence in the control soil. Concentrations of tetracycline in soil and in pig manure slurry were measured using HPLC. No tetracycline exceeding the detection limit was found in soil samples. Manure slurry concentrations of tetracycline for three of the farms were 42, 81 and 698 microg/l, respectively. For streptomycin and macrolides, only minor variations in resistance levels were detected. Results obtained in this study thus indicate that tetracycline resistance levels in soil are temporarily influenced by the addition of pig manure slurry. The results indicate also that increased amount of pig manure slurry amendment may result in increased levels of tetracycline resistance in the soil. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between two toxic volatile organic compounds, 1,3-butadiene and benzene, and a commonly used indicator of vehicle exhaust fumes, NO(2). This was to see if NO(2) can be used to indicate personal exposure to carcinogenic substances or at least estimate ambient levels measured at a stationary point. During the winter of 2001, 40 randomly selected persons living in the City of Umea (in the north of Sweden) were recruited to the study. Personal measurements of 1,3-butadiene, benzene and NO(2) were performed for one week, and were repeated for 20 of the 40 participants. Additional information was gathered using a diary kept by each participant. During the same time period weekly stationary measurements were performed at one urban background station and one street station in the city centre. The results from the personal measurements showed a negligible association of NO(2) with 1,3-butadiene (r= 0.06) as well as with benzene (r= 0.10), while the correlation coefficient between 1,3-butadiene and benzene was high and significant (r= 0.67). In contrast to the personal measurements, the stationary measurements showed strong relations between 1,3-butadiene, benzene and NO(2) both within and in-between the street and urban background station. This study supports NO(2) as a potential indicator for 1,3-butadiene and benzene levels in streets or urban background air, while the weak relations found for the personal measurements do not support the use of NO(2) as an indicator for personal 1,3-butadiene and benzene exposure. 相似文献
The article investigates four alternative allocation schemes for emission allowances. The investigated schemes are emission-based
allocation, production-based allocation with actor-specific emission factors, production-based allocation with benchmarking
and production-based allocation based on data on best available technology (BAT). All the examined schemes apply free allocation
based on historical activities. The allocation schemes are evaluated against the criteria for a National Allocation Plan,
listed in the Annex III of the EU ETS Directive, and regarding their conformity with the criteria put forward by the Swedish
Parliamentary Delegation on Flexible Mechanisms, The FlexMex 2 Commission.
No allocation scheme unambiguously meets all criteria. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Emission-based allocation
schemes are most straightforward, transparent and are the easiest to implement.
Production-based allocation schemes meet more of the criteria, but are more costly to implement and require more data. Data
on BAT will not be available to the extent necessary in order to base an allocation scheme implemented for the trading starting
2005 on BAT. It is unlikely that any given allocation scheme will be perceived as fair by all concerned parties, no matter
how sophisticated it is. The overall characteristics of the studied allocation schemes are summarised in the paper. Due to
the lack of abatement cost curves, it is not possible to accurately model capital flows between the trading sectors. Data
availability will most probably limit the options available to the authorities designing the allocation schemes.
An erratum to this article is available at . 相似文献
The Canary Islands are home to a guild of endemic, threatened bird-pollinated plants. Previous work has suggested that these
plants evolved floral traits as adaptations to pollination by flower specialist sunbirds, but subsequently, they appear to
have co-opted generalist passerine birds as sub-optimal pollinators. To test this idea, we carried out a quantitative study
of the pollination biology of three of the bird-pollinated plants, Canarina canariensis (Campanulaceae), Isoplexis canariensis (Veronicaceae) and Lotus berthelotii (Fabaceae), on the island of Tenerife. Using colour vision models, we predicted the detectability of flowers to bird and
bee pollinators. We measured pollinator visitation rates, nectar standing crops as well as seed-set and pollen removal and
deposition. These data showed that the plants are effectively pollinated by non-flower specialist passerine birds that only
occasionally visit flowers. The large nectar standing crops and extended flower longevities (>10 days) of Canarina and Isoplexis suggests that they have evolved a bird pollination system that effectively exploits these low frequency non-specialist pollen
vectors and is in no way sub-optimal. Seed set in two of the three species was high and was significantly reduced or zero
in flowers where pollinator access was restricted. In L. berthelotii, however, no fruit set was observed, probably because the plants were self-incompatible horticultural clones of a single
genet. We also show that, while all three species are easily detectable for birds, the orange Canarina and the red Lotus (but less so the yellow-orange Isoplexis) should be difficult to detect for insect pollinators without specialised red receptors, such as bumblebees. Contrary to
expectations if we accept that the flowers are primarily adapted to sunbird pollination, the chiffchaff (Phylloscopus canariensis) was an effective pollinator of these species. 相似文献