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The transport behaviors of a suite of contaminants released from electronic waste (e-waste) recycling operations, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and heavy metals, were evaluated by analyzing the contaminant residues in surface soils sampled in the surrounding area of an e-waste recycling site in South China. Concentrations of PBDEs and PCBs in the soil samples ranged from 0.565 to 2908 ng g(-1) dw and from 0.267 to 1891 ng g(-1) dw, respectively, while soil residues were 0.082-2.56, 3.22-287, and 16.3-162 μg g(-1) dw for Cd, Cu, and Pb, respectively. Concentrations of PBDEs and PCBs in soil decreased with increasing distance from the source of pollution, indicating possible PBDE and PCB contamination in the surrounding areas due to the short-range transport of these compounds from the e-waste recycling site. Although no significant difference in the short-range transport potential among PBDE and PCB congeners was observed, reductions in concentrations of the highly-brominated-BDEs and highly-chlorinated-CBs were slightly quicker than those of their less-halogen-substituted counterparts. Conversely, heavy metals showed the lowest transport potential due to their low vapor pressure, and results showed metals would remain near the pollution source instead of diffusing into the surrounding areas. Finally, mass inventories in areas near the e-waste site were 0.920, 0.134, 0.860, 4.68, 757, and 673 tons for BDE209, PBDEs (excluding BDE209), PCBs, Cd, Cu, and Pb, respectively.  相似文献   
CO2 release from forest soil is a key driver of carbon cycling between the soil and atmosphere ecosystem. The rate of CO2 released from soil was measured in three forest stands (in the mountainous region near Beijing, China) by the alkaline absorption method from 2004 to 2006. The rate of CO2 released did not differ among the three stands. The CO2 release rate ranged from ??341 to 1,193 mg m???2 h???1, and the mean value over all three forests and sampling times was 286 mg m???2 h???1. CO2 release was positively correlated with soil water content and the soil temperature. Diurnally, CO2 release was higher in the day than at night. Seasonally, CO2 release was highest in early autumn and lowest in winter; in winter, negative values of CO2 release suggested that CO2 was absorbed by soil.  相似文献   
Green performance measure is vital for enterprises in making continuous improvements to maintain sustainable competitive advantages. Evaluation of green performance, however, is a challenging task due to the dependence complexity of the aspects, criteria, and the linguistic vagueness of some qualitative information and quantitative data together. To deal with this issue, this study proposes a novel approach to evaluate the dependence aspects and criteria of firm??s green performance. The rationale of the proposed approach, namely green network balanced scorecard, is using balanced scorecard to combine fuzzy set theory with analytical network process (ANP) and importance-performance analysis (IPA) methods, wherein fuzzy set theory accounts for the linguistic vagueness of qualitative criteria and ANP converts the relations among the dependence aspects and criteria into an intelligible structural modeling used IPA. For the empirical case study, four dependence aspects and 34 green performance criteria for PCB firms in Taiwan were evaluated. The managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   
以长江上游三峡库区腹部的重庆市万州区分水镇为研究对象,根据2005年分水镇工业各行业的结构特点及各行业对水环境的污染特点,建立水环境--经济工业结构多目标优化模型,选取工业生产总值最大和COD排放量最小作为优化目标,量化分水镇2010年工业结构,选择出符合当地经济发展"十一五"规划目标和水环境保护目标的工业结构优化方案,提出具体的工业产业发展建议,达到减少工业污染物对境内长江次级河流瀼渡河的污染,有效地改善瀼渡河水质状况,同时保证分水镇社会、经济、水环境的可持续发展的目的.文章同时也对三峡库区小城镇的工业产业结构优化调整,获得既符合经济发展目标又满足水环境保护要求的合理的工业产业结构,提供可借鉴的思路和方法.  相似文献   
准确测定高锰酸盐指数考核样的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨斌  蒋澄 《环境科学导刊》2007,26(B06):82-83
根据长期的实际操作经验,要准确测定高锰酸盐指数值,在样品分析中,水浴时间不能少于35min;K值在0.980-1.010;滴定时温度保持在70℃。以提高测定结果的准确度。  相似文献   
离子色谱法测定无组织废气中溴化氢浓度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨无组织废气中溴化氢的测定方法。采样方法参照环境空气中氯化氢的采样方法,用淋洗液做吸收液,用大型气泡吸收管作收集器,点位设置按照《大气污染物综合排放标准(》GB16297-1996)附录C给出的无组织排放监控点设置方法进行;分析方法使用离子色谱法测定,分离度较高,相对标准偏差为1.7%~1.9%,加标回收率为93.8%~97.6%,溴离子的检测限为0.02μg/ml,当采样体积为60 L时,无组织废气中溴化氢的检出限为0.003 mg/m3。  相似文献   
湄潭县旅游资源丰富,本文介绍了湄潭旅游资源的现状,从缺乏旅游精品、资源整合不足、文化挖掘不深、旅游宣传不力、旅游设施滞后、旅游人才匮乏等方面分析了旅游产业存在的不足,提出了发展生态旅游的思路,从茶文化、乡村休闲度假和浙大西迁文化和湄江山水四方面设计了生态旅游产品;从低碳旅游设施建设规划和体验式生态旅游规划两方面规划了绿色服务产品,并提出从旅游者、从业者和政府三个层面构建管理型生态旅游;最后对湄潭生态旅游发展提出了展望。  相似文献   
葛诚  沈晓铃  李大成 《环境工程》2013,31(2):5-7,11
呼和浩特市可镇污水处理厂近期建设规模1.0×104m3/d,远期总规模2.5×104m3/d。污水处理主体工艺采用组合式A2/O生化池+砂滤,污泥处理采用污泥贮池+带式浓缩脱水一体机,尾水采用液氯消毒,设计出水水质执行GB 18918—2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级A排放标准。介绍了该工程的工艺流程、设计参数,总结分析了工艺设计的技术特点。同时阐述了针对低温条件下的运行保障措施和要求,为寒冷地区同类污水处理厂的设计提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
为解决在排污权交易的前提下,企业如何积极主动地实施清洁生产,处理好排污权交易与清洁生产的关系。在排污权交易对清洁生产激励效果分析的基础上,运用数据对比和类比的方法,论证出排污权交易对清洁生产实施提供了经济支持,清洁生产对排污权交易的实施提供了技术上的保证。这种互为动力、支撑的关系,构成一种良性循环模式,为企业正确处理经济发展和环境保护之间的关系,达到经济效益和环境效益的双赢提供了依据。  相似文献   
太湖北部不同湖区春、夏季溶解性酸性多糖分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究太湖dAPS(dissolved acidic polysaccharides,溶解性酸性多糖)的时空变化,探讨湖泊水体中dAPS对有机碳的贡献和重要性,于2012年春、夏季调查了太湖北部不同湖区(竺山湾、梅梁湾、贡湖湾、湖心区)水体中ρ(dAPS),分析了其时空变化特征及其与ρ(Chla)之间的关系,并探讨了不同湖湾中dAPS对DOC(溶解性有机碳)的贡献率. 结果表明,太湖北部水体中ρ(dAPS)春、夏季变化范围为3.02~9.93mg/L,平均值为(6.10±1.59) mg/L. 夏季太湖北部各湖区之间ρ(dAPS)没有显著性差异,春季梅梁湾中ρ(dAPS)显著高于湖心区(P<0.05),其他湖区并没有显著性差异. 春、夏两季ρ(dAPS)的最低值均出现在湖心区. 除贡湖湾外,夏季太湖北部各湖区ρ(dAPS)与ρ(Chla)都存在显著线性正相关,而春季各湖区则无显著线性关系. 这说明春、夏季dAPS的受控因素不一样,夏季ρ(dAPS)受藻类影响较大. 夏季各湖区dAPS对DOC的贡献率以贡湖湾最高,平均值高达46.7%±7.7%,春季则以梅梁湾的贡献率较高,平均值为68.6%±5.9%,这意味着dAPS在太湖水体有机碳循环中起着重要的作用.   相似文献   
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