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以斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)为试验生物,采用半静态法测定虫螨腈对斑马鱼的急性毒性和生物富集系数。试验结果表明,虫螨腈对斑马鱼96 h-LC50为0.015 mg·L-1,其95%的置信限为0.011 mg·L-1~0.12 mg·L-1,属于高毒。在两个处理浓度2.0×10-4mg·L-1和2.0×10-3mg·L-1下,连续暴露8 d,斑马鱼对虫螨腈的生物富集系数(BCF8d)分别为1 211.6和1 549.7,属于高富集性农药。 相似文献
利用白腐真菌漆酶对活性黑KN-B和直接大红2种偶氮染料进行脱色实验。考察反应时间、加酶量、pH值、染料浓度、温度对脱色率的影响,研究了ABTS介体以及金属离子存在下的脱色效果,并分析了漆酶脱色的动力学性能以及其对偶氮染料的降解规律。结果表明,活性黑KN-B和直接大红脱色适宜条件为:反应时间为30 min,加酶量8 U/mL,pH=7,染料浓度分别为50 mg/L和80 mg/L,温度40~45℃。ABTS介体对酶促偶氮染料脱色没有明显促进作用。Fe2+对漆酶脱色有较强的抑制作用;Cu2+对漆酶催化活性黑KN-B促进作用较大,对直接大红影响较小。漆酶对2种染料的脱色反应符合米氏方程,其催化活性黑KN-B和直接大红染料的Km值分别为114.81 mg/L,317.5 mg/L,vmax值分别为6.57 mg/(L·min)和26.0 mg/(L·min)。 相似文献
对比了酸析法和碱析法对碱法草浆造纸黑液中木质素的去除效果,并分析了聚合氯化铝(PAC)絮凝剂对酸析和碱析后木质素的絮凝效果。实验结果表明:酸析法和碱析法都能有效析出造纸黑液中的木质素,酸析法对色度的去除效果要优于碱析法;当造纸黑液pH为3时,COD去除率达到72.0%,色度去除率为97.7%;当造纸黑液pH为13时,COD去除率达到55.0%,色度去除率为22.3%;PAC对于酸析后木质素有较好的絮凝效果,当废水温度为55℃、PAC加入量为45mL/L时,COD去除率可以达到79.5%,色度去除率为98.5%;PAC絮凝剂对于碱析后的造纸黑液色度的去除效果较差。 相似文献
Fangfang Sun Dazhi Wen Yuanwen Kuang Jiong Li Jianli Li Weidong Zuo 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2010,22(7):1006-1013
Emissions from industrial activities pose a serious threat to human health and impose the need for monitoring both inorganic and
organic pollutants in industrial areas.We selected Masson pine (Pinus massoniana L.) as potential biomonitor and collected the current
(C) and previous year (C+1) needles from three industrial sites dominated by petrochemical, ceramics manufacturing, and iron and steel
smelting plants and one remote site to determine heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni and Co) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) in unwashed and water-washed needles. Both unwashed and washed C+1 needles showed generally higher concentrations of
heavy metals and PAHs than C needles, although the washed needles more clearly spotlighted the accumulation e ect of PAHs over
exposure time. Water-washing resulted in a significant decrease in needle PAH concentrations with more significant e ects shown in
C needles. By contrast, needle heavy metal concentrations were much less a ected by washing. Although heavy metals and PAHs
might di er in adsorption and uptake strategies, their higher concentrations in the needles at the industrial sites indicated conspicuous
contamination due to industrial emissions there. The PAH distribution patterns in pine needles accorded with the real types of energy
consumption in the study sites and were e ciently used for pinpointing local pollutant sources. 相似文献
针对修复焦化厂高浓度多环芳烃污染土壤高成本的现实,采用以非食用性植物油、生物柴油、表面活性剂及其乳化合成的微乳液为淋洗剂,比较不同淋洗剂的淋洗效果。结果表明乳化合成的微乳液对焦化厂土壤中多环芳烃的总去除率高于单独使用表面活性剂为淋洗剂对土壤中多环芳烃的总去除率,说明生物柴油及植物油与表面活性剂乳化形成的微乳液对原污染土壤中的多环芳烃具有显著的增溶作用。1%TW-80和2.5%TW-80对土壤中多环芳烃总去除率分别为11%和14%;以2.5%TW-80为原料乳化合成的微乳液的淋洗去除率较以1%TW-80为原料乳化合成的微乳液高,总去除率分别为15%~30%和11%~18%;以生物柴油为原料乳化合成的微乳液的淋洗去除率较以植物油为原料乳化合成的微乳液高,分别为17%~30%和15%~23%,且对多环芳烃的去除率与其辛醇水分配系数(logKow)呈线性相关关系。 相似文献
干旱与半干旱地区土地生产潜力的测定──以新疆阜康县为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文探讨了一个通过土壤有效水分含量来确定土地等级和土地生产力的方法。这个方法采用倍增参量形式来确定土壤有效水分。其变量包括潜水位、土层厚度、土壤质地、坡度和盐分。此项研究证明用这种方法获得的土地初级生产力与实测值比较一致。因此,我们可以在类似环境下用这种方法估测土地生产潜力。 相似文献
不同碳源和泥龄对反硝化聚磷的影响 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
在4个SBR装置(1#~4#)中,对4种不同比例的丙酸/乙酸合成废水采用厌氧/缺氧方式驯化富集反硝化聚磷菌(DPB),研究了碳源浓度和污泥龄对除磷的影响。实验结果表明:(1)厌氧段碳源COD浓度越高,释磷越充分,溶解性正磷酸盐(SOP)去除率越高;但当碳源COD浓度超过某个浓度值时,未反应完全的有机物残留于后续缺氧段对缺氧吸磷产生抑制作用。(2)污泥龄SRT=15 d时,活性污泥的性能较好,达到了较好的除磷效果。(3)在相同碳源浓度和相同的污泥龄下,随着丙酸/乙酸比例的提高,SOP的去除率逐渐的降低。说明在厌氧/缺氧环境下,碳源中丙酸比例的提高不利于系统中磷的去除。高乙酸含量的碳源更适合反硝化除磷系统。 相似文献
为了研究改性前后活性炭对水中铬离子(Ⅵ)的吸附效果,以磷酸活性炭(PAC)为原料,用10%硝酸改性得到硝酸改性活性炭(N-PAC)及直接蒸发法载铁改性得到载铁活性炭(Fe-PAC)。通过静态吸附研究表明,改性后活性炭对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附率有较大提高。在常温、自然pH条件下,0.2 g活性炭处理50 mL浓度为100 mg/L的含Cr(Ⅵ)溶液,N-PAC和Fe-PAC对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附率分别为79.21%和90.59%,都高于原PAC对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附率49.58%。pH从2.2升高到11.92,Fe-PAC对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附率从99.86%降低到14.77%,N-PAC则从99.86%降低到3.23%,PAC从97.05%降低到2.53%。温度从25℃升高到70℃,3种活性炭对Cr(Ⅵ)吸附率都有较大提高,都增加到98%以上。且吸附过程较符合Langmuir等温吸附模型。 相似文献
采用氨化—硝化—反硝化三段联合生物工艺处理分子筛催化剂生产过程中产生的含有机胺废水。实验结果表明:在氨化过程中,当进水COD稳定为1 200~1 600 mg/L时,出水COD低于300 mg/L,COD去除率稳定在80%左右,当进水ρ(有机氮)为100~160 mg/L时,出水ρ(有机氮)均低于30 mg/L,有机氮去除率大于80%,在整个氨化过程中,出水ρ(氨氮)较进水ρ(氨氮)提高了35~200 mg/L;硝化过程中,当进水ρ(氨氮)小于等于300 mg/L时,出水ρ(氨氮)最终稳定在15 mg/L以内,氨氮去除率大于90%;在反硝化过程中,亚硝酸盐氮去除率基本稳定在98%以上,最终出水COD低于80 mg/L,出水ρ(总氮)低于25 mg/L。 相似文献
In this paper,the relationship among land productivity,population pressure and the fluctuation mechanism of ecotone is analyzed,taking coumties and banners of southeast Inner Mongolia plateau as an example,which is the most fragile part in the farming and husbandry interleaving belt of north China due to its severe desertification degree and low level of economic development.The Cv for the total output value of agriculture decreases from southeast to northwest,with the same rule as which the overloading population cumulated distributes,and both indicators have close relation with the high linear coefficient of 0.83.These reveal the fluctuation mechanism for ecotone:fluctuation of the level of economic development is a scientific and practical measure both to weakness degree and to instability of ecotone,because it is a synthesized response to the variation of climate as well as irrational land uses,which reinforce and magnify the fluctuation.In detail,the heavier the population overloading,the severer the grassland reclamation,the stronger the dependence of regional productivity on rainfall,the lower the level of economic development,the rougher the fluctuation of ecotone,but the weaker the PRED system. 相似文献