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地质灾害专题地图编制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地质灾害专题制图是地质灾害系统研究成果的高层次综合。本文论述了地质灾害制图的目的、原则、特点、表示内容与方法,为规划决策提供地质灾害背景图件。 相似文献
污染土壤电动修复增强方法研究进展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
污染土壤电动修复是一项新兴绿色原位修复技术。其原理是在土壤上施加直流电场 ,利用电迁移和电渗去除污染物 ,土壤pH、Zeta电位以及土壤化学性质等因素影响电动修复效果。为了提高修复效率和扩大电动修复应用范围 ,现在已经发展了针对不同类型土壤和污染物的增强修复技术。本文归纳总结了 1995年以来土壤电动修复中常用增强处理效果的 8种方法 ,即酸碱中和法、阳离子选择膜法、电渗析法、络合剂法、表面活性剂法、氧化 还原法、EK 生物联用和LasagnaTM法 ,且对每种方法的典型实验装置、增强原理、方法特点和适用范围等进行了分析和讨论 ,为以后的实验设计提供了有益的参考 相似文献
氯化铁和硫酸铁对酸性土壤中有效态镉和铅污染的修复作用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用浸泡实验法研究了氯化铁和硫酸铁对酸性土壤中有效态镉和铅污染的修复效果,结果表明,氯化铁和硫酸铁均能有效去除土壤有效态镉和铅污染,Fe(Ⅲ)用量为50~100 mmol/kg时,有效态Cd和Pb的去除效果可达70%~96%。氯化铁和硫酸铁能去除土壤中的水溶态、碳酸盐结合态、腐殖酸结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和强有机结合态Cd和Pb及交换态Cd。氯化铁和硫酸铁对Cd均既有洗脱修复作用又有固定修复作用,且洗脱修复作用的贡献稍大;氯化铁用量较小时(50 mmol/kg)对Pb既有固定修复又有洗脱修复作用,固定修复作用稍大;用量较大时(100 mmol /kg),对Pb只有洗脱修复作用。硫酸铁对Pb的修复作用则以固定修复作用为主,洗脱修复作用很小。 相似文献
Soil ingestion can be an important route of exposure to contaminants present in the environment. This study examined the effects of exposure to contaminants in aqueous soil extracts from an industrial urban settlement in renal biochemical parameters of treated rats. Male Wistar rats were gavaged with an aqueous soil extract, from the municipality of Rio Grande, Southern Brazil. After exposure, plasma and urine concentrations and plasma protein were assessed compared to rats treated with aqueous soil from relatively unpolluted site (control soil). There was increase in plasma creatinine and total protein in urine, and a decreased glomerular filtration rate in treated rats compared to control. It is possible that Cd, Cr, As, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ni analyzed in the soil samples and unidentified components may have provoked the observed changes in renal biochemistry of the exposed rat. This may suggest that exposure to contaminated soils can cause damage to the viscera in mammals and it is of public health importance. 相似文献
Secondary copper production is one of the key polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) emission sources in China, but research and data on this issue are rare. In 2004, when the Stockholm Convention entered into force in China, PCDD/Fs emissions from secondary copper production contributed to 32.2% of the total release. In this paper, PCDD/Fs emission dynamics from secondary copper industry were discussed and cumulative risks were characterized. From 2004 to 2009, industrial policies played an indirect role in PCDD/Fs reduction, but its effects are still limited. The Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and central regions were among the top three of dioxin emissions from secondary copper production in China. Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi had comparatively higher accumulated risk and were recommended as the priority regions for promoting PCDD/Fs emission control in China. From 2009 to 2015, the PCDD/Fs emission dynamics in the secondary copper industry were presented through simulation. PCDD/Fs emission equations were established, resulting in the recommendation of control technology conversion rate at 30% for small scale smelters and 51%–57% for large and medium-sized enterprises in 2015. In conclusion, both indirect policy and direct control technology retrofitting should be integrated for more effective PCDD/Fs emission reduction in secondary copper industry. 相似文献
Emission factors of gaseous carbonaceous species from residential combustion of coal and crop residue briquettes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Qin WANG Chunmei GENG Sihua LU Wentai CHEN Min SHAO 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2013,7(1):66-76
Experiments were performed to measure the emission factors (EFs) of gaseous carbonaceous species, such as CO2, CO, CH4, and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), from the combustion of five types of coal of varying organic maturity and two types of biomass briquettes under residential burning conditions. Samples were collected in stainless steel canisters and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) cartridges and were analyzed by GC-FID/MS and HPLC, respectively. The EFs from crop residue briquette burning were generally higher than those from coals, with the exception of CO2. The dominant NMVOC species identified in coal smoke were carbonyls (41.7%), followed by C2 unsaturated hydrocarbons (29.1%) and aromatics (12.1%), while C2 unsaturated hydrocarbons were the dominant species (68.9%) emitted from the combustion of crop residue briquettes, followed by aromatics (14.4%). A comparison of burning normal crop residues in stoves and the open field indicated that briquettes emitted a larger proportion of ethene and acetylene. Both combustion efficiency and coal organic maturity had a significant impact on NMVOC EFs from burning coal: NMVOC emissions increased with increasing coal organic maturity but decreased as the combustion efficiency improved. Emissions from the combustion of crop residue briquettes from stoves occurred mainly during the smoldering process, with low combustion efficiency. Therefore, an improved stove design to allow higher combustion efficiency would be beneficial for reducing emissions of carbonaceous air pollutants. 相似文献
膜基活化溶液中活化剂在回收温室气体CO2过程中的作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将AMP和PZ作为活化剂添加于MDEA溶液中,形成活化溶液,研究了膜基活化溶液回收温室气体CO2性能,着重考察活化剂的活化作用和对膜接触器传质加强的影响,提出一个活化机理来解释活化现象,建立了阻力层方程模型, 并模拟膜基活化溶液回收CO2的传质过程。结果表明,活化剂对膜接触器传质的加强起到重要作用,具有双氨基环状结构的PZ对传质的加强作用高于具有空间位阻结构的AMP;活化溶液的CO2回收率和传质通量明显高于未活化的MDEA溶液,活化性能PZ>AMP;活化剂的活化效应与分子结构有关;流体力学的改变对传质的影响有限,活化剂的反应动力学对传质的加强起主导作用;阻力层方程模型能较好地模拟膜基活化溶液回收CO2传质过程,传质通量和总传质系数的模型值与实验值符合较好。 相似文献