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湘江干流水环境质量演变特征及其关键因素定量识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学有效地保护湘江流域水环境,定量识别湘江干流主要水质指标的驱动因素,该研究基于1990~2016年水质监测数据及沿岸永州 长沙五市社会经济发展指标,采用Mann-Kendall检验法分析湘江干流水环境演变趋势,通过逐步回归分析确定各地区各水质指标主要驱动因素。结果表明:湘江干流CODMn、Cd、As整体呈下降趋势,上游BOD5呈下降趋势,上中游NH3-N呈上升趋势,中游衡阳、株洲市重金属Cr6+呈上升趋势,衡阳市TP呈上升趋势,中下游BOD5呈上升趋势;定量追溯各水质指标影响因素得出工业污染是湘江干流重金属As、Cr6+、Cd主要驱动因素,永衡株潭地区NH3-N,衡阳市BOD5、CODMn、TP及衡株潭地区BOD5均以农业污染影响为主;发现产业结构调整对干流水环境有显著影响,建议在流域产业结构调整过程中加强转型升级。  相似文献   
随着金沙江下游梯级水电开发的蓬勃开展,清水下泄对下游河床及岸线的影响问题逐渐显露。通过实地观测,走访及清水下泄前后政府和民间数据、影像资料等对比分析,探讨问题的根源和避免问题严重化途径,为共抓长江大保护,为修复长江生态环境提供参考依据。结果发现:清水下泄对向家坝水电站坝址以下金沙江段部分河床及岸线资源造成了较为明显的影响。如该江段原来常见的砂滩、砾石滩除杨湾码头仅存一个沙岛外,其余全部消失;无防护设施的河段(如火焰村小岸组、火焰组和新桥组,豆坝村的马槽、娱乐、黄泥、丰收、中心三组,普安镇的13、12、7、5、4、3、2、1组,西郊街道白石社区新村组)受顶冲作用导致一半以上河漫滩地流失甚至引起滩岸坍塌;白家滩大堤一处坝垛根石将被掏蚀殆尽。此外,水富港三期扩能工程因侵占河道和开挖船池,进一步加剧了对四川安边镇小岸坝的不利影响。严重的下蚀侧蚀导致该江段同期水位明显下降,也对岸线两侧的居民生产生活带来安全隐患。相关各方对区域的特殊性及水电站修建造成的影响存在认识不足,各自的发展、利益和环境保护需求之间的矛盾等是问题产生的根本原因,问题出现后又缺少有效的沟通机制等。  相似文献   
我国废钢铁资源的可持续利用政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了我国废钢铁资源回收利用的现状以及钢铁工业对废钢铁资源的需求现状,用三种不同的模型预测了未来钢铁工业的发展对废钢铁资源的需求,提出了废钢铁资源可持续利用存在的问题和政策建议。  相似文献   
退化土地评价及其生态重建方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文系统分析了退化土地评价研究的历史和方法,总结了退化土地的主要类型、分布和形成机理,最后概述了退化土地重建领域的研究进展。  相似文献   
The methane concentration profile from -1.5m depth in soil to 32m height in air was measured in alpine steppe located in the permafrost area. Methane concentrations showed widely variations both in air and in soil during the study period. The mean concentrations in atmosphere were all higher than those in soil, and the highest methane concentration was found in air at the height of 16m with the lowest concentration occurring at the depth of 1.5m in soil. The variations of atmospheric methane concentrations did not show any clear pattern both temporally and spatially, although they exhibited a more steadystable state than those in soil. During the seasonal variations, the methane concentrations at different depths in soil were significantly correlated (R^2〉0.6) with each other comparing to the weak correlations (R^2〈0.2) between the atmospheric concentra- tions at different heights. Mean methane concentrations in soil significantly decreased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the decreasing production rates and the increasing methane oxidation rates, which was caused by the descent soil moisture with depth. Although the methane concentrations at all depths varied widely during the growing season, they showed very distinct temporal variations in the non-growing season. It was indicated from the literatures that methane oxidation rates were positively correlated with soil temperature. The higher methane concentrations in soil during the winter were determined by the lower methane oxidation rates with decreasing soil temperatures, whereas methane production rates had no reaction to the lower temperature. Relations between methane contribution and other environmental factors were not discussed in this paper for lacking of data, which impulse us to carry out further and more detailed studies in this unique area.  相似文献   
PCB levels in fish (collected from local rivers), atmosphere and human milk samples have been studied to determine the exposure levels of PCBs for local residents and e-waste workers in Guiyu, a major electronic waste scrapping center in China. The source appointment and correlation analyses showed that homologue composition of PCBs in 7 species of fish were consistent and similar to commercial PCBs Aroclor 1248. PCB levels in air surrounding the open burning site were significantly higher than those in residential area. Inhalation exposure contributed 27% and 93% to the total body loadings (the sum of dietary and inhalation exposure) of the local residents, and e-waste workers engaged in open burning respectively. Total PCB concentrations in human milk ranged from N.D. to 57.6 ng/g lipid, with an average of 9.50 ng/g lipid. The present results indicated that commercial PCBs derived from e-waste recycling are major sources of PCBs accumulating in different environmental media, leading to the accumulation of high chlorinated biphenyls in human beings.  相似文献   
将未确知测度理论与层次分析方法相结合用于评价泥石流危险性。根据泥石流危险性的影响因素和等级划分标准,选取泥石流规模、泥石流发生频率、流域面积、主沟长度、最大相对高差、流域切割密度、主沟床弯曲系数、泥砂补给长度比、24小时最大降雨量、人口密度等10个指标作为泥石流危险评价因子,利用未确知测度理论建立泥石流危险性评价指标的未确知测度函数,通过层次分析方法确定各评价指标的权重,依据置信度识别准则对泥石流危险性进行评价,并结合实例进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,基于层次分析方法的未确知测度理论的评价方法评价过程合理、置信度高、结果可靠,为泥石流危险性评价提供了一种新的方法  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地生态环境质量综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于研究区2000年土地利用图形数据、土地沙漠化监测数据、环境状况公报数据以及统计年鉴数据,采用中华人民共和国环境保护行业标准《生态环境状况评价技术规范(试行)》HJ/T192—2006)规定的生态环境状况评价的指标体系和计算方法。从旗、县尺度上对科尔沁沙地的生态环境状况进行综合评价。结果表明:2000年科尔沁沙地各旗县的生物丰度指数为22.01-37.96。植被覆盖指数为25.20~45.86,水网密度指数为22.51—30.97。土地退化指数为1.47—21.06。环境质量指数为57.98~59.84,综合生态环境质量指数为25.28~33.25。根据国家生态环境状况分级标准判断.该区域生态环境状况属于较差级别.意昧着该区域植被疆盖度较差。严重干旱少雨.物种较少。存在着明显限制人类生存的因素。  相似文献   
基于生态足迹模型中国可持续发展动态分析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
在介绍生态足迹模型的基本概念、计算方法和研究进展的基础上。对中国历年的生态足迹进行了实证研究。结果表明:从1981-2001年,中国人均生态承载力比较稳定。人均生态足迹从1981年到1996年逐步上升,1997年开始小幅度下降。本文对中国生态足迹时间序列的研究分析表明若要改变长期的不可持续发展状态,就要降低人口数量。改变资源消费模式和消费结构。  相似文献   
云南腾冲地区大气降水中氢氧稳定同位素特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了揭示腾冲地区降水中氢氧稳定同位素特征,利用2009年1月~2011年12月腾冲地区339个降水样品资料,对降水中的氢、氧同位素组成及其影响因素进行了分析和研究。结果表明:腾冲地区大气降水中δ18O值变化范围为-2678‰~405‰,δD值变化范围为-20095‰~3689‰,均处于全球降水δ18O与δD值变化范围内。天气尺度下,腾冲地区降水中δ18O的变化具有显著的降水量效应以及反温度效应。但是,在季风降水期间,如果相邻两天都有降水发生时,腾冲地区降水中δ18O值变化并不一定遵循“降水量效应”。利用ECMWF(European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts)提供的TCWV(Total Column Water Vapour)再分析资料,发现TCWV与δ18O的日变化存在明显的反位相对应关系。腾冲地区的大气降水线为:δD=818δ18O+1172,斜率与截距均比全球和全国的大气降水线偏大,说明该地区气候湿润多雨。d值分布具有季节差异,在雨季(4~9月),腾冲地区降水的水汽主要来源于低纬度海洋,空气湿度大,降水中d值较小;在干季(10~3月),由于受大陆性气团控制,腾冲地区降水的水汽主要来源于西风带的输送以及局地再蒸发水汽的补充,空气湿度小,降水中d值较大  相似文献   
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