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Intermediate volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) are crucial precursors of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In this study, gaseous IVOCs emitted from a ship main engine burning heavy fuel oil (HFO) were investigated on a test bench, which could simulate the real-world operations and emissions of ocean-going ships. The chemical compositions, emission factors (EFs) and volatility distributions of IVOC emissions were investigated. The results showed that the main engine burning HFO emitted a large amount of IVOCs, with average IVOC EFs of 20.2–201?mg/kg-fuel. The IVOCs were mainly comprised of unspeciated compounds. The chemical compositions of exhaust IVOCs were different from that of HFO fuel, especially for polycyclic aromatic compounds and alkylcyclohexanes. The volatility distributions of IVOCs were also different between HFO exhausts and HFO fuel. The distinctions in IVOC emission characteristics between HFO exhausts and HFO fuel should be considered when assessing the IVOC emission and related SOA formation potentials from ocean-going ships burning HFO, especially when using fuel-surrogate models.  相似文献   
王凡 《环境工程》2013,31(1):108-111
冶金行业是国民经济重要的基础原材料工业,在其制造体系中大量的物质、产品流、废弃物、能量转换过程、多形式的排放过程都对环境造成不同层次和程度上的影响。针对不同工艺产生的污染物特征及主要污染物的种类,综述了环境监测运用的各类监测技术、监测方法,为环境管理、污染源控制、环境规划等提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The major features of different road sections were identified. Methods quantitatively determining the ecological impact of highway construction were discussed, and a demonstration was presented. The Dabao highway (from Dali to Baoshan) and the Sixiao highway (from Simao to Xiaomengyang) passing through the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region were used as examples in this paper. For the normal road sections having no important species to protect, a method of ecosystem health assessment was introduced to calculate the overall range of the ecological impact of highway construction. For the road sections having plants or soils of interest, indexes were selected and the range of impact was determined using mathematical methods such as regression analysis and variance analysis. The range of impact on animal populations was also discussed in terms of the minimum living areas required by animal populations and the fragmentation caused by highway construction. The results indicate that the zones impacted by highway construction were composed of both regular and anomalous figures, the range of impacts for different landforms of the two sample highways were substantially different; highway construction had dramatic effects on roadside ecosystem health; the impact on soil factors of farmland was greater than 200 m, and the distance may exceed 1000 m when important large animals were considered.  相似文献   
文章在分析当前城市环境风险预警系统构建的不足的基础上,结合目前环境风险预警系统构建的基础支撑系统建设现状,介绍如何建立集成环境风险信息采集、实时监控预警、预测模拟、处理为一体的城市环境风险信息监控预警平台,实现城市环境风险信息统一管理与共享,提高环境监管部门及公众对环境风险的应急反应及处理速度,为城市环境安全保障提供决策支持。  相似文献   
水库水氯化消毒副产物毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了证实水库出水的氯化消毒副产物CHClBr2和CHBr3具有一定的遗传毒性,将水库出水进行浓缩富集研究其对小鼠脾脏淋巴细胞DNA的影响。同时分别与水库枯水期和丰水期出水的小鼠彗星实验结果进行了对比,发现氯化消毒副产物CHClBr2和CHBr3的DNA损伤效应同时高于两个水期的出厂水。  相似文献   
Biodiversity maintenance and soil improvement are key sustainable forestry objectives. Research on the effects of bamboo forest management on plant diversity and soil properties are therefore necessary in bamboo-growing regions, such as southeastern China’s Shunchang County, that have not been studied from this perspective. We analyzed the effects of different Phyllostachys pubescens proportions in managed forests on vegetation structure and soil properties using pure Cunninghamia lanceolata forests as a contrast, and analyzed the relation between understory plants and environmental variables (i.e., topography, stand and soil characteristics) by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The forest with 80% P. pubescens and 20% hardwoods (such as Phoebe bournei, Jatropha curcas, Schima superba) maintained the highest plant diversity and best soil properties, with significantly higher plant diversity than the C. lanceolata forest, and better soil physicochemical and biological properties. The distribution of understory plants is highly related to environmental factors. Silvicultural disturbance strongly influenced the ability of different bamboo forests to maintain biodiversity and soil quality under extensive management, and the forest responses to management were consistent with the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis (i.e., diversity and soil properties were best at intermediate disturbance levels). Our results suggest that biodiversity maintenance and soil improvement are important management goals for sustainable bamboo management. To achieve those objectives, managers should balance the inputs and outputs of nutrients and protect understory plants by using appropriate fertilizer (e.g., organic fertilizer), adjusting stand structure, modifying utilization model and the harvest time, and controlling the intensity of culms and shoots harvests.  相似文献   
分别应用高差、地表面积与投影面积的比值作为指标来衡量贵州省的地形起伏度,并基于此来分析土地利用/土地覆盖空间结构。结果表明,地形起伏对贵州省土地利用的控制性较强,各种用地不能形成规模,彼此交叉分布,空间上垂直分异明显;受地形起伏影响,贵州省的土地利用/土地覆盖结构混乱,土地利用困难、利用率低,土地整理工作难度大。  相似文献   
浅谈大学生社会实践活动的项目化管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合中国环境管理干部学院"千名学生绿色行"活动的项目化管理的具体组织和实践情况,在实际工作中探索大学生社会实践活动项目化管理的科学性和有效性,将项目化管理模式应用于大学生实践活动的管理中,最大限度地利用现有的学生活动资源、规范管理行为、降低管理成本、提高工作效率,实现培养大学生综合素质和创新能力的目的。  相似文献   
油气田建设项目施工期环境监理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对油气田建设项目的具体情况,对油气田建设项目施工期主要环境影响,包括钻井作业、输气站及输气管道建设工程中的主要环境影响进行了分析,从施工期的污染防治措施监理、生态保护措施监理、环境保护设施监理几个方面对施工期环境监理的主要内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   
TiO2 nanomaterial is promising with its high potential and outstanding performance in photocatalytic environmental applications, such as CO2 conversion, water treatment, and air quality control. For many of these applications, the particle size, crystal structure and phase, porosity, and surface area influence the activity of TiO2 dramatically. TiO2 nanomaterials with special structures and morphologies, such as nanospheres, nanowires, nanotubes, nanorods, and nanoflowers are thus synthesized due to their desired characteristics. With an emphasis on the different morphologies of TiO2 and the influence factors in the synthesis, this review summarizes fourteen TiO2 preparation methods, such as the sol-gel method, solvothermal method, and reverse micelle method. The TiO2 formation mechanisms, the advantages and disadvantages of the preparation methods, and the photocatalytic environmental application examples are proposed as well.  相似文献   
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