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A hydrobiological study conducted in nine different ponds of a rural area of Barak Valley, Assam, showed that the concentrations of chemical parameters like dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, pH, conductivity alkalinity nitrate, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc are within the permissible levels of drinking water quality standard of WHO and ISI. However iron content was higher in most of the ponds. A clear indirect relationship between iron concentration and euglenoids has been observed. Major phytoplankton taxa present in the ponds are Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae. The study reveals that rural ponds can be a very good source of water for drinking, domestic use and fishery and should be conserved at any cost.  相似文献   
We used airborne imaging spectroscopy and scanning light detection and ranging (LiDAR), along with bioacoustic recordings, to determine how a plant species invasion affects avian abundance and community composition across a range of Hawaiian submontane ecosystems. Total avian abundance and the ratio of native to exotic avifauna were highest in habitats with the highest canopy cover and height. Comparing biophysically equivalent sites, stands dominated by native Metrosideros polymorpha trees hosted larger native avian communities than did mixed stands of Metrosideros and the invasive tree Morella faya. A multi-trophic analysis strongly suggests that native avifauna provide biotic resistance against the invasion of Morella trees and exotic birds, thus slowing invasion "meltdowns" that disrupt the functioning of native Hawaiian ecosystems.  相似文献   
Elasmobranch stock assessment studies are usually made through fisheries surveys data. However, in large marine protected areas (MPAs) the use of destructive techniques must be dismissed in order to avoid population impacts. In 2005, while conducting a marine habitat survey in two marine Special Areas of Conservation (Sebadales de Playa de Inglés and Franja Marina de Mogán) in south Gran Canary Island (Canary Islands, Spain) with underwater towed video (UTV) and underwater visual census (UVC) transects, we recognized the opportunity rose to assess elasmobranch populations through UTV. Number of observed species and specimens, overall field work effort and total surveyed area were determined and compared between methods. Mean observations per day per unit of time (MOPUT) and mean observations per day per unit of surveyed area (MOPUA) were also compared through Mann–Whitney rank sum statistical test (α = 0.05). Data analysis demonstrated that UTV is a very useful tool to rapidly assess elasmobranch populations in large MPAs in good visibility underwater environments. It can assess larger areas than UVC with the same effort (statistically significant difference found for the MOPUT; p =< 0.001), leading to more observed species (5 vs 2) and specimens (46 vs 3) per day of work, with no loss in resolution power (MOPUA values were not significantly different between UTV and UVC; p = 0.104).  相似文献   
We assessed the potential impact of a proposed canal development in an estuarine sandflat at Ralphs Bay, Tasmania on intertidal microalgal productivity and species composition, by comparing it over summer and winter seasons with a well- established (30 year old) canal estate at Patterson Lakes, Victoria. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry was used to generate a relative measure of photosynthetic performance, which combined with microalgal chlorophyll biomass and irradiance provides an assessment of potential primary productivity. We present a sophisticated mathematical model for calculating benthic microalgal production and the contribution to total primary production, taking into account sediment light attenuation as estimated from sediment grain size. Ralphs Bay had a total productive microalgal biomass of 44 mg chlorophyll a m−2 which was six times higher than Patterson Lakes, while the relative productivity of Ralphs Bay was four times greater compared to Patterson Lakes where productivity was virtually absent in the subtidal zone of the canal waterway. Ralphs Bay exhibited a more or less homogeneous spatial distribution of microphytobenthos biomass but this was subject to some seasonal variation in species composition, abundance and productivity. By contrast, at Patterson Lakes biomass distribution, diversity and productivity was highly spatially variable in the canal system in both seasons. Patterson Lakes exhibited 60% lower microphytobenthos species richness than Ralphs Bay but little variation in species composition occurred between seasons in the canal estate. This suggests that the dominant diatom species in Patterson Lakes, Pinnularia yarrensis, Gyrosigma balticum and Pleurosigma salinarum, are well adapted to the disturbance regime within the canal estate. The proposed canal development at Ralphs Bay is estimated to cause a decrease in microalgal productivity by both reducing available marine substrate (66% reduction) and replacing productive intertidal phytobenthic habitat with nonproductive canal substrate. These combine to cause a decline in productivity of 92% with significant flow-on effects predicted for higher trophic levels such as migratory wading birds.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Population monitoring is central to most demographic studies and conservation efforts, but it may not always be directed at the most appropriate life stage. We used stochastic simulation modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of a monitoring program for a well-studied population of Eastern Imperial Eagles ( Aquila heliaca ) in Kazakhstan. Specifically, we asked whether the most appropriate data were being collected to understand system state and population dynamics. Our models were parameterized with data collected over the course of 25 years of study of this population. We used the models to conduct simulation experiments to evaluate relationships between monitored or potentially monitored parameters and the demographic variables of interest—population size ( N ) and population growth (λ). Static analyses showed that traditional territory-based monitoring was a poor indicator of eagle population size and growth and that monitoring survivorship would provide more information about these parameters. Nevertheless, these same traditionally monitored territory-based parameters had greater power to detect long-term changes in population size than did survivorship or population structure. Regardless of the taxa considered, threats can have immediate impacts on population size and growth or longer-term impacts on population dynamics. Prudently designed monitoring programs for any species will detect the demographic effects of both types of threats.  相似文献   
Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed) is an aggressively invasive herbaceous perennial that causes substantial economic and environmental damage in the United Kingdom (UK). As such, it is of considerable concern to councils, environmental groups, private landowners and property developers. We construct a 3D correlated random walk model of the development of the subterranean rhizome network for a single stand of F. japonica. The formulation of this model uses detailed knowledge of the morphology and physiology of the plant, both of which differ in the UK to that of its native habitat due to factors including a lack of predation and competition, longer growth seasons and favourable environmental conditions in the UK. Field data obtained as a part of this study are discussed and used in the model for parameterisation and validation. The simulation captures the field data well and predicts, for example, quadratic growth in time for the stand area. Furthermore, the role of a selection of parameters on long-term stand development are discussed, highlighting some key factors affecting vegetative spread rates.  相似文献   
We used microsatellite genetic markers to investigate adult population structure and the formation of a new year-class in Sebastes mystinus (blue rockfish). Since S. mystinus may live as long as 45 years and reach reproductive age at approximately 5 years, the adult population may contain as many as eight generations of reproductive adults. We investigated whether the juveniles of the 2000 year-class and the adult population were genetically homogeneous along the California coast. We sampled approximately 100 juveniles from three sites, two sites along the Monterey Peninsula (Carmel and Monterey) in central California and one at Fort Ross in northern California, and approximately 50 adult S. mystinus from five sites throughout the population center. The adult sampling spanned approximately 700 km from the northern Channel Islands to Fort Bragg. The juveniles showed significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies among distant locations and genetic homogeneity among adjacent locations. In contrast, the adults showed genetic homogeneity over large distances (San Miguel Island to Fort Bragg), indicating little limitation of gene flow in this region. Allele frequencies of juveniles differed from adult samples and in some cases reduced genetic diversity indicative of sweepstakes recruitment (small sample of the adult reproductive potential). The genetic structure of the 2000 year-class suggests that despite a genetically homogenous adult population, settled juveniles can be genetically heterogeneous along the California coast. The results also suggest that the adults, with several year-classes, are capable of maintaining a panmictic population despite the genetic distinctiveness of individual year-classes.  相似文献   
In-vitro microbicidal activity of the methanol extract of Origanum majorana L. was tested against seven fungi (Fusarium solani, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, A. parasiticus, Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizoctonia otyzae-sativae and Altemaria brassicicola) and six bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, B. megaterium, Escherichia coil, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus). The methanol extract of O. majorana can be used as an effective herbal protectant against different pathogenic bacteria and fungi. High toxicity against the growth of Aspergillus niger was diagnosed.  相似文献   
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