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以白碳黑、硅灰、硅藻土和硅胶筛选硅质原料,并与钙质原料电石渣制备了水化硅酸钙。借助XRF、BET、FTIR等表征手段,通过多次重复除磷实验,研究了硅质原料特性对水化硅酸钙回收磷性能的影响。结果表明,白碳黑具有极高的反应活性,因此可作为制备具有磷回收特性的水化硅酸钙的硅质原料。结合XRD等表征发现,白碳黑的有效利用率是影响水化硅酸钙回收磷性能的关键,该利用率取决于白碳黑与电石渣的摩尔配比以及水热反应温度。当电石渣与白碳黑的摩尔比为1.6:1,反应温度为170℃时,白碳黑具有最佳的利用效率。该条件制备的水化硅酸钙可作为晶种,在其表面结晶形成羟基磷灰石,从而达到磷回收的目的,磷回收后固体物质中的磷含量为19.05%。  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠北部全新世环境演变(Ⅰ)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对塔克拉玛干沙漠北部,塔里木河泛滥平原典型剖面的沉积物粒度特征、化学元素的变化和沉积相特征的研究,并结合^14C测年、揭示了本区域全新世以来的环境变化规律,本区全世以来的多风、高温、干燥的气候形成是以全球气体波为背景,叠加内陆干旱封闭贫地影响而成的,但在干燥气条件下曾有过几次空气湿度较大的偏湿期,本区沉积相主要以充冲积作用形成的粘土层和风力作用下的风砂层为主,剖面中的亚粘土与现代河流相特征一致  相似文献   
Orthophosphate is an essential but limiting macronutrient for plant growth. About 67% cropland in China lacks sufficient phosphorus, especially that with red soil. Extensive soil phosphorus reserves exist in the form of organic phosphorus, which is unavailable for root uptake unless hydrolyzed by secretory acid phosphatases. Thus, many microorganisms with the ability to produce phosphatase have been exploited. In this work, the activity of an extracellular acid phosphatase and yeast biomass from Candida mycoderma was measured under different culture conditions, such as pH, temperature, and carbon source. A maximal phosphatase activity of 8.47 × 10^5±0.11× 10^5 U/g was achieved by C. Mycoderma in 36 hr under the optimal conditions. The extracellular acid phosphatase has high activity over a wide pH tolerance range from 2.5 to S.0 (optimum pH 3.5). The effects of different phosphorus compounds on the acid phosphatase production were also studied. The presence of phytin, lecithin or calcium phosphate reduced the phosphatase activity and biomass yield significantly. In addition, the pH of the culture medium was reduced significantly by lecithin. The efficiency of the strain in releasing orthophosphate from organic phosphorus was studied in red soil (used in planting trees) and rice soil (originating as red soil). The available phosphorus content was increased by 230% after inoculating 20 days in rice soil and decreased by 50% after inoculating 10 days in red soil. This work indicates that the yeast strain C. mycoderma has potential application for enhancing phosphorus utilization in plants that grow in rice soil.  相似文献   
偶氮类染料的生产和使用过程中存在着三废多、难脱色和污染严重等问题,该染料是印染工业的主要污染物。选取偶氮类染料的分子结构参数和其光催化氧化脱色率之间建立定量结构活性关系(QSAR),进而得到回归方程,为印染废水处理和染料环境行为评价提供理论预测。结果表明,偶氮类染料的光催化氧化脱色率与其结构之间存在着线性相关性,线性方程为:D=0.647μ+66.277,(D为脱色率、μ为偶极矩)R=0.989方程具有预测能力。  相似文献   
两类微生物燃料电池治理硝酸盐废水的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用二氧化铅阴极单室微生物燃料电池(MFC)和双室MFC,以葡萄糖为唯一电子供体,系统研究了两类微生物燃料电池的产电性能和去除硝酸盐的情况.结果表明,双室MFC闭合后,阳极室降解葡萄糖产生的电子可通过外电路传递到阴极,在生物的作用下,NO3--N得到电子被还原,平均反硝化速率达3.77 mg·L-1·d-1.双室MFC...  相似文献   
快速砂滤池广泛应用于饮用水处理中,其净水效能一直被认为是物理化学作用,而对滤池表面附着微生物的净水作用仍不明晰.为了解析滤池中微生物的群落构成和功能特征,研究对国内8个城市的11座饮用水快滤池的进出水和滤料进行采样分析.进出水水质分析结果表明经过滤池处理,溶解性有机碳(DOC)有少量去除,氨氮(NH_4~+-N)显著降低,硝酸盐氮(NO_3~--N)显著增加,总氮(TN)未发生明显变化.利用宏基因组技术获得了滤池中微生物群落的构成和功能信息,滤池优势菌属(相对丰度占前10%)共14种,包括两类氨氧化细菌Nitrospira和Nitrosomonas.对优势菌属的功能基因信息进行分析,发现优势微生物菌群具有更高的碳水化合物、氮、硫和异生物质代谢功能丰度. Aeromonas的碳水化合物代谢基因相对丰度最高,Bradyrhizobium的氮、硫及异生物质代谢基因的相对丰度最高,说明这两种菌是影响饮用水水质的重要菌属.通过评价各个优势菌属对异生物质的代谢潜能,发现Bradyrhizobium、Sphingomonas、Methyloglobulus、Sphingopyxis和Klebsiella是饮用水快速砂滤池中降解微量有机污染物的关键菌.  相似文献   
Flares are important safety devices for pressure relief; at the same time, flares are a significant point source for soot and highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOCs). Currently, simple guidelines for flare operations to maintain high combustion efficiency (CE) remain elusive. This paper fills the gap by investigating the characteristics of the incipient smoke point (ISP), which is widely recognized as the condition for good combustion. This study characterizes the ISP in terms of 100–% combustion inefficiency (CE), percent opacity, absorbance, air assist, steam assist, air equivalence ratio, steam equivalence ratio, exit velocity, vent gas net heating value, and combustion zone net heating value. Flame lengths were calculated for buoyant and momentum-dominated plumes under calm and windy conditions at stable and neutral atmosphere. Opacity was calculated using the Beer–Lambert law based on soot concentration, flame diameter, and mass-specific extinction cross section of soot. The calculated opacity and absorbance were found to be lognormally distributed. Linear relations were established for soot yield versus absorptivity with R2 > 0.99 and power-law relations for opacity versus soot emission rate with R2 ≥ 0.97 for steam-assisted, air-assisted, and nonassisted flares. The characterized steam/air assists, combustion zone/vent gas heating values, exit velocity, steam, and air equivalence ratios for the incipient smoke point will serve as a useful guideline for efficient flare operations.

Implications: A Recent EPA rule requires an evaluation of visible emissions in terms of opacity in compliance with the standards. In this paper, visible emissions such as soot particles are characterized in terms of opacity at ISP. Since ISP is widely recognized as most efficient flare operation for high combustion efficiency (CE)/destruction efficiency (DE) with initial soot particles formed in the flame, this characterization provides a useful guideline for flare operators in the refinery, oil and gas, and chemical industries to sustain smokeless and high combustion efficiency flaring in compliance with recent EPA regulations, in addition to protecting the environment.  相似文献   

垃圾渗滤液组合工艺处理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对垃圾渗滤液氨氮浓度高、COD浓度高、难降解物质含量高的特点,研究了MAP脱氮-生物处理-混凝组合工艺,考察了不同单元的作用及影响处理效果的因素。试验结果表明,高浓度的垃圾渗滤液经该优化组合工艺处理,污染物的去除率为COD97.5%、BOD599.2%、NH4-N87.2%、E26075.3%。除NH4-N外,其余指标均达到了生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准中规定的二级排放标准值。  相似文献   
在生物脱氮除磷工艺中,污泥膨胀是运行管理的难题。介绍了生物脱氮除磷工艺中丝状菌的种类和数量的变化,数据表明,生物脱氮除磷工艺中的丝状菌主要是微丝菌,其次是0675型和0914型菌。经分析认为,污泥龄的增加会促进丝状菌长度的明显增长并导致污泥膨胀,生物残渣的浓度是造成长泥龄污泥膨胀的原因之一。厌氧阶段有分解生物残渣的功能,可改善菌胶团菌的微环境,从而抑制丝状菌的过剩生长,控制污泥膨胀。  相似文献   
有机碳源和溶解氧对亚硝酸盐生物硝化的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从城市污水处理厂的活性污泥中纯化分离到高活性硝化菌株N-20(Nitrobacter sp.),在一种新型材料Carbon Foam的表面挂膜;通过对菌株N-20进行摇瓶试验,选择添加有机碳源的种类,将其在pH7.5~8.0、温度28℃的条件下,分别以NaNO2和K2HPO4为氮源和磷源,通过生物滤塔中的液相连续试验,考察在不同DO的条件下有机碳源对硝化作用的影响规律。结果表明,以葡萄糖作为有机碳源,DO≥2mg/L,葡萄糖低于20mg/L时,生物滤塔内可进行正常硝化,NO2^--N的硝化去除率维持在90%左右,随着葡萄糖浓度的增加,硝化去除率下降到70%;DO≤2mg/L,葡萄糖对硝化作用的抑制增强,当葡萄糖为200mg/L时,生物滤塔中NO^2-—N的硝化去除率仅为32%。  相似文献   
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