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Red-throated loons (Gavia stellata) breeding in Alaska declined 53% during 1977–1993. We compare concentrations of environmental contaminants in red-throated loons among four nesting areas in Alaska and discuss potential ramifications of exposure on reproductive success and population trends. Eggs from the four areas had similar total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations, but eggs from the Arctic coastal plain had different congener profiles and greater toxic equivalents (TEQs) than eggs from elsewhere. Satellite telemetry data indicate that red-throated loons from the Arctic coastal plain in northern Alaska winter in southeast Asia, while those breeding elsewhere in Alaska winter in North America. Different wintering areas may lead to differential PCB accumulation among red-throated loon populations. For eggs from the Arctic coastal plain, TEQs were great enough to postulate PCB-associated reproductive effects in piscivores. The correlation between migration patterns and PCB profiles suggests that red-throated loons breeding in northern Alaska are exposed to PCBs while on their Asian wintering grounds.  相似文献   
As tropical regions are converted to agriculture, conservation of biodiversity will depend not only on the maintenance of protected forest areas, but also on the scope for conservation within the agricultural matrix in which they are embedded. Tree cover typically retained in agricultural landscapes in the neotropics may provide resources and habitats for animals, but little is known about the extent to which it contributes to conservation of animal species. Here, we explore the animal diversity associated with different forms of tree cover for birds, bats, butterflies, and dung beetles in a pastoral landscape in Nicaragua. We measured species richness and abundance of these four animal taxa in riparian and secondary forest, forest fallows, live fences, and pastures with high and low tree cover. We recorded over 20,000 individuals of 189 species including 14 endangered bird species. Mean abundance and species richness of birds and bats, but not dung beetles or butterflies, were significantly different among forms of tree cover. Species richness of bats and birds was positively correlated with tree species richness. While the greatest numbers of bird species were associated with riparian and secondary forest, forest fallows, and pastures with >15% tree cover, the greatest numbers of bat species were found in live fences and riparian forest. Species assemblages of all animal taxa were different among tree cover types, so that maintaining a diversity of forms of tree cover led to conservation of more animal species in the landscape as a whole. Overall, the findings indicate that retaining tree cover within agricultural landscapes can help conserve animal diversity, but that conservation efforts need to target forms of tree cover that conserve the taxa that are of interest locally. Preventing the degradation of remaining forest fragments is a priority, but encouraging farmers to maintain tree cover in pastures and along boundaries may also make an important contribution to animal conservation.  相似文献   
Highway runoff has the potential to negatively impact receiving systems including stormwater retention ponds where highway particulate matter can accumulate following runoff events. Tire wear particles, which contain about 1% Zn by mass, make up approximately one-third of the vehicle derived particulates in highway runoff and therefore may serve as a stressor to organisms utilizing retention ponds as habitat. In this study, we focused on the potential contribution of tire debris to Zn accumulation by Rana sylvatica larvae and possible lethal or sublethal impacts resulting from exposure to weathered tire debris during development. Eggs and larvae were exposed to aged sediments (containing either ZnCl2 or tire particulate matter, both providing nominal concentrations of 1000 mg Zn kg(-1)) through metamorphosis. Water column Zn was elevated in both the ZnCl2 and tire treatments relative to the control treatment, indicating that aging allowed Zn leaching from tire debris to occur. Tissue Zn was also elevated for the ZnCl2 and tire treatments indicating that Zn in the treatments was available for uptake by the amphibians. Exposure to both ZnCl2 and tire treatments increased the time for larvae to complete metamorphosis in comparison with controls. We also observed that the longer the organisms took to complete metamorphosis, the smaller their mass at metamorphosis. Our results indicate that Zn leached from aged tire debris is bioavailable to developing R. sylvatica larvae and that exposure to tire debris amended sediments can result in measurable physiological outcomes to wood frogs that may influence population dynamics.  相似文献   
总结了美国斯坦福大学和橡树岭国家实验室等在美国能源部田纳西州橡树岭综合试验基地进行的铀污染原位微生物修复阶段性试验结果.本试验利用微生物以乙醇为电子供体还原地下水和沉积物中的六价铀为不溶解的四价铀,使之原位固定化.随后通过加入溶解氧和硝酸盐来试验微生物还原后的地下水层中还原固定态铀的稳定性.通过预处理和长期间隔注入乙醇...  相似文献   
A potentially high bioavailability of arsenic in gold mine tailings from a site in northern California has been suggested by solubility studies. To help address this issue, an in vivo dosing study was conducted using 12dayold Swiss Webster mouse pups (n=8/group). A sample of sizefractionated mine tailings from the site (<20m particle size, 691g g–1 arsenic) was prepared as an aqueous suspension and administered by gavage in a volume that provided 4mg As/kg body weight. The control group received the same volume of a commercial soil (1g g–1 As) of similar particle size (<60m). No mortality or toxic signs were noted in either group. Tissue samples were collected 1h after gavage, freezedried, microwavedigested and analysed for arsenic by ICP/MS (detection limit 2ng As g–1 dry weight). Arsenic concentrations (ng As g–1 dry weight) in tissues from the pups who received mine tailings were significantly higher than in control tissues. The mean elevation in arsenic concentration was highest in the liver (3364% of control, p<0.0001), followed by blood (818 of control, p<0.0001), skin (207% of control, p=0.07), and brain (143% of control, p<0.0001). The carcass arsenic concentration (excluding the GI tract, liver, brain and skin) was 138 of control (p=0.02). The data indicate uptake of arsenic from weathered mine tailings by the immature mouse pups after oral exposure.  相似文献   
Donor countriesare providing financial and technicalsupport for global climate change countrystudies to help African nations meet theirreporting needs under the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC). Technical assistance to completevulnerability and adaptation assessmentsincludes training of analysts, sharing ofcontemporary tools (e.g. simulationmodels), data and assessment techniques,information-sharing workshops and aninternational exchange programme foranalysts. This chapter summarizes 14African country studies (Botswana, Côted'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Gambia,Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, SouthAfrica, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia andZimbabwe) assessing vulnerabilities toglobal climate change and identifyingadaptation options. The analysis revealedthat the participating African countriesare vulnerable to global climate change inmore than one of the followingsocio-economic sectors: coastal resources,agriculture, grasslands and livestock,water resources, forests, wildlife, andhuman health. This vulnerability isexacerbated by widespread poverty,recurrent droughts, inequitable landdistribution, environmental degradation,natural resource mismanagement anddependence on rain-fed agriculture. Arange of practical adaptation options wereidentified in key socio-economic sectors ofthe African nations analysed. However,underdeveloped human and institutionalcapacity, as well as the absence ofadequate infrastructure, renders manytraditional coping strategies (rooted inpolitical and economic stability)ineffective or insufficient. FutureAfrican country studies should be moreclosely coordinated with development ofnational climate change action plans  相似文献   
While the techniques and technologies associated with contaminated sediment remediation are relatively mature, there are several issues associated with these practices that make them unattractive. The inability of currently used mechanical mixing implements to place amendments in aqueous environments and their intrusive behavior toward benthic communities are just two examples of a necessity for an improved delivery method. Waterjets may be a viable option for placement of particulate remediation amendments, such as activated carbon and granular iron, at depth. A custom waterjet nozzle and injection system has been fabricated by the authors to examine this delivery concept. The developed injection system's performance was tested by characterizing the waterjet‐delivered amendment (activated carbon and granular iron) distributions in a surrogate sediment. The delivered amendment distributions followed similar patterns for a range of injection times and a variety of amendments. The injection depths, however, were dependent upon the type of amendment being injected. These findings have led to a better understanding of what occurs during an amendment injection, which can be used for a more controlled placement of remediation amendments using this technique in the future. The laboratory results indicate that the subject waterjet system may have the potential for field‐scale applications, especially for granular iron delivery, as the authors were able to place between 60 and 70 wt percent into a surrogate sediment bed along the path of injection. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
In efforts to evaluate the use of plants as a forensic tool for delineating contaminated soil and groundwater, a laboratory experiment and a field sampling effort were undertaken. Site assessments are often costly and inaccurate, requiring multiple mobilizations to hone in on source areas and getting accurate estimates of contaminant extent and distribution. As these extensive site delineations take place, valuable time and resources are lost. The findings of this study show that plants can be used as a tool to evaluate a variety of subsurface contaminants, either in the vadose zone or in the saturated zone. In the first field application of Taproot? Technology, a large, heavily forested site was sampled in one day and the contamination on‐site was more accurately delineated than had been generated at the site in over a decade, with more than 26 wells installed. New source zones were detected on the site, and the presence of new waste depositions was uncovered for the first time showing the great value of tree coring as a contaminant detection tool. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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