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基于内容分析法的河流健康内涵及表征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用内容分析法对近10~15年中外文献中有影响力的36个河流健康概念进行分析,经过样本选取、指标提取、量化处理等过程提炼出最频繁出现的能代表其内涵的6个标准,即:维持结构完整性、自然生态功能发挥、满足人类社会合理需求、处于良好状态、河流管理工具和目标、建立河流基准状态。基于此,对河流健康概念进行了重新架构:河流健康是指河流生态系统特定的良好状况,可以作为河流基准状态以及河流管理的目标,在这一状态下,河流生态系统能够维持其生态系统结构完整性,充分发挥其自然生态功能,并满足人类社会合理需求,提供相应的社会服务功能。通过对30个有关河流健康表征指标及评价方法的文献进行分析,识别生物指标、水质参数、形态结构、河床底质、水文条件以及河岸带状况等是目前使用最广泛的6个指标,指出河流健康的表征指标及评价标准应根据区域特征、人类活动影响以及功能定位而有所差异。  相似文献   
三峡蓄水成库后仍属于典型的河道型水库,其总体水流、水质运动特性符合一维水流水质运动规律。针对三峡库区总体水流、水质运动特性,采用一维水流水质模型对三峡库区水流和水质进行了模拟。以该模型为核心,利用Web Services技术开发并在互联网上发布了模型服务,在此基础上采用成熟的WebGIS和富客户端Flex等技术构建了适用于三峡库区的干流水质模拟平台;能够实现包括各计算断面流速、流量、水位以及污染物浓度时空过程在内的三峡库区干流流速场和浓度场的数值模拟。以库区干流清溪场至十里铺断面内的江段作为模拟实例,利用该平台模拟计算江段内水流和水质状况,并以水文水质同步观测数据对模拟结果进行验证,结果表明其具有较好的模拟效果;为三峡库区污染物总体输移扩散特性研究提供了有利工具,同时也为国家和地方政府进行库区水环境决策提供了技术支持  相似文献   
高原浅水湖泊沉积物中磷、氮形态化学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以滇池马村湾和海东湾为研究对象,对其沉积物-间隙水-上覆水三界面中的磷、氮形态作研究,其中钙结合态磷占的比例最大,其次是有机/细菌聚合态磷和残渣磷;总氮含量很高,平均值为2.63 mg/g,而亚硝酸盐氮含量很低,其它三种无机氮形态(硝酸盐氮、亚硝酸盐氮和氨氮)之间并不存在恒定的化学计量关系,这主要是无机氮循环还受水体和沉积物中有机氮的影响。调查还表明沉积物中Fe P含量与间隙水中溶解性磷酸盐磷有着较好的线性关系,沉积物中Fe P含量与间隙水Eh呈对数关系。  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors have empirically analyzed the convergence in per capita GDP gap and the convergence in the variation of energy intensity with respect to the change of per capita GDP between China and eight developed countries. Then, the authors run a regression on the impact of decisive factors of economic growth on energy intensity and its change, so as to find out the economic mechanism of energy intensity gap changing with respect to the variation of economic growth. This study concludes that: First, there is a convergence in per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries. With the convergence in per capita GDP gap, the energy intensity gap between China and eight different countries also converge, and the convergence rate of the latter is faster than that of the former, i.e. if the per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries decreases by 1%, the energy intensity gap between them will correspondingly decrease by 1.552%. Second, the energy intensity decreases with the improvement of industrial structure, the rising of energy prices, the advances of technology, and the expansion of investment in fixed assets, and it slightly increases with the increase of FDI. Third, the energy intensity gap between China and eight developed countries narrows with the lessening of the difference in fixed assets investment, energy prices, and technological progress between China and eight developed countries, yet increases with the narrowing of the difference in FDI, and has no significant correlation with the difference in industrial structure. Fourth, the narrowing of difference in per capita GDP between China and the eight developed countries can result in the lessening of energy intensity gap, whose economic mechanism is that the decisive factors, such as difference in investment, technology, and the competition mechanism of prices, which can determine the difference in economic growth, can significantly affect the energy intensity gap.  相似文献   
In this paper,the authors have analyzed the relationship between energy intensity gap and GDP per worker gap of China’s western and eastern provinces over the period 1997-2006.Using panel data model with lag adjustment,taking the above provinces and six industrial sectors (agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fisheries,industry,construction industry,transport,storage and post & telecommunications,wholesale and retail trades & catering industry,and other sectors of tertiary industry.) as the investigated subjects,the authors have conducted empirical study on the convergence of GDP per worker gap and the convergence of energy intensity gap with respect to the variation of GDP per worker gap,and have concluded that:First,the GDP per worker gap of the six industrial sectors and provinces are convergent,and of this,the convergence rate of GDP per worker gap of Construction Industry is the fastest,while that of Industry is the slowest.Second,the overall energy intensity gap between eastern and western provinces is convergent,that is,with the narrowing of GDP per worker gap between eastern and western provinces,the energy intensity gap converges,but its convergence rate is slower than that of GDP per worker gap.Third,energy intensity gap between various industrial sectors of the east and the west is either convergent or divergent,and there are differences.The energy intensity gap of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fisheries,industry,and construction industry is convergent,while that of the other three industrial sectors is divergent.Fourth,the convergence of the overall energy intensity of the western provinces is not in conformity with the convergence of the various industrial sectors,and there are significant differences,indicating that the western provinces and autonomous regions should take measures to more effectively improve their overall energy utilization efficiency at the industrial sector level.  相似文献   
中国人口结构对碳排放量影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人口结构角度探讨碳排放问题,有利于正确判断和把握影响碳排放量的人口因素,有的放矢地制定碳减排政策,应对我国经济发展方式的转变有着重要的理论和现实意义.本文利用我国1995-2007年碳排放量、人口总数、人口的城市化率、老龄化率和反映人口消费结构的恩格尔系数第二产业从业人口比重等时间序列数据,运用协整理论、格兰杰因果检验和多元回归模型作为分析工具,对我国人口结构与碳排放量之间的关系做了实证分析.结果发现:①1995-2007年间,人口结构中的人口城市化率、人口的消费结构、第二产业从业人口比重对碳排放量均存在正向影响,而人口规模对碳排放量的影响在模型中却表现为负效应;②相对于人口规模,人口的结构特征对碳排放量的影响越来越大,其中人口的城市化率对碳排放量的正向影响最大,说明中国的碳排放量与城市化的进程存在着密切关系;③人口的老龄化对二氧化碳排放量具有负效应,人口老龄化的加快对长期碳排放有抑制作用,所以在未来实现碳减排会逐渐成为可能.最后,针对分析结果,探讨了未来我国的碳减排策略,以期能有效地控制人口因素对我国碳排放增长的影响.  相似文献   
环保产业对人类社会的持续协调发展具有巨大的价值贡献 ,是战略性产业。人们应借鉴国际经验并结合国情 ,建立我国环保产业有效的调控激励机制 :从加强环保产业的驱动因素入手 ,制定有效的产业扶植政策 ,加强技术创新 ,构筑环保产业大市场格局 ,促进环保产业向深层次快速发展。 更多还原   相似文献   
国内外硫磺回收工业发展现状对比与展望   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对国内外硫磺回收工业发展现状的对比分析,提出了2000-2015年我国硫回收工业的发展战略目标。  相似文献   
硫化氢分解制取氢和硫技术的进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了 H2 S分解制氢和硫的热力学、动力学最新研究成果 ,综述了 H2 S分解制氢和硫的各种工艺技术的新进展 ,并对这些工艺技术进行了分析和评述。 H2 S分解制氢的同时回收硫是一种很有前途的治理废气减轻污染的方法。  相似文献   
区域地下水监测井的优化布设对于区域地下水系统管理有很重要的作用.为了以最少的监测费用最大化地获取区域污染风险和污染现状信息,以监测井数量最小、区域污染监测有效性最大、监测到的区域脆弱性分值最大为目标,建立了基于脆弱性评价的地下水污染监测网多目标优化模型.通过地下水脆弱性评价和溶质运移模型计算得到不同点位地下水脆弱性分值和污染物浓度,针对不同脆弱性等级提出区域监测井初设密度,采用改进非劣支配遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)基于初设监测网求解该多目标优化模型,结合质量误差分析确定监测网优化方案.结果表明,阿什河漫滩区和樊家沟流域地下水硝酸盐氮污染相对较严重;地下水脆弱性高和较高等级区域分别分布在抽水井群影响范围和河漫滩;结合NSGA-Ⅱ Pareto最优解及质量误差分析结果,得到该区域地下水监测井最优数量(12口)及其最优布设位置.研究显示,该优化监测网与初设监测网插值所得污染羽的质量误差小于15%,满足监测精度要求.   相似文献   
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