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Loss of genetic diversity in Harpacticoida near offshore platforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Offshore oil and gas production platforms can be a source of chronic stress that could lead to sublethal impacts on resident benthic organisms. In June 1993 and January 1994, genetic diversity of Harpacticoida (Copepoda) living proximal to operating, offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico was estimated to test if platforms are associated with strong selective pressures. Because harpacticoids have short generation times and direct benthic development, they are suitable organisms for examining population responses. Genetic diversity was estimated by comparing restriction fragment length polymorphisms generated from mitochondrial DNA amplified by the polymerase chain reaction on individuals of five species (Cletodes sp., Enhydrosoma pericoense, Normanella sp., Robertsonia sp., and Tachidiella sp.). Populations living at Near regions (stations<50 m from a platform) had significantly less haplotype diversity than populations of the same species living at Far regions (stations>3 km from a platform). The levels of haplotype diversity exhibited by the Far populations were similar at three different platforms located hundreds of kilometers apart. The differences in haplotype diversity between Near and Far regions were the result of a higher proportion of dominant haplotypes, and a loss of less common haplotypes. Haplotypic diversity was inversely correlated with a multivariate measurement of levels of sediment contaminants. The pattern of haplotype diversity on the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf seems to consist of a uniform level of haplotype diversity, punctuated by islands of lower diversity around oil and gas platforms. The selective pressures that lead to a loss of genetic diversity may be the result of contaminants, other differences in the physico-chemical environment, or disturbance in general.  相似文献   
Seventeen Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder profiles were taken over a diel cycle in January 1990 to study the feeding of four major copepods over the South Georgia shelf. Ontogenetic changes in vertical migration were followed and feeding cycles determined by gut fluorometry for Calanoides acutus Stage CV, Calanus sinillimus CV and CVI, C. propinquus CV and Rhincalanus gigas CV and CVI. In common with a neighbouring oceanic site visited two weeks later and reported elsewhere, all four species had a diel cycle of feeding and migration. The vertical distributions of C. simillimus (all stages), R. gigas (nauplii) and Euphausia frigida (postlarvae) were similar at both sites, the night being spent within the chlorophyll maximum at 15 to 30 m. However, the biomass dominants, C. acutus and R. gigas, dwelt below the chlorophyll maximum, about 30 m deeper than their oceanic counterparts. Unlike the oceanic site, feeding at the shelf site was not restricted to darkness, but increased 6 to 10 h before nightfall and finished at dawn; the intervening period coincided with sinking and digestion. Daylight feeding may have been induced by the shorter night, lower light levels or greater food requirements at the shelf site, despite planktonic predators being over three times more abundant. Daily ration estimates for R. gigas at both sites were only 2% body carbon per day. These low values contrast with its smaller competirors, whose rations were in the range 5.6 to 27%.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments conducted during 1987 on Appledore Island, Maine, USA, tested whether feeding preference or the absence of an attractant was the cause for the occurrence of beds of Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides (herein referred to as Codium fragile) within rocky barrens grazed clear of kelp by the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Consumption of C. fragile in single-diet experiments (1 seaweed/sea urchin) was highly variable and was not significantly different from that for several other seaweeds (Agarum cribrosum, Ascophyllum nodosum, Chondrus crispus, and Laminana saccharina) important in the field diet of the green sea urchin. In multiple-diet experiments (5 seaweeds/sea urchin) significantly less Codium fragile was eaten than Chondrus crispus, but significantly more Codium fragile was eaten than A. cribrosum. Chemosensory experiments suggest that C. fragile does not attract the sea urchin. Sea urchins are unable to detect C. fragile but will eat it when they come in contact with it.  相似文献   
Radioactive sulphate (35SO4) was applied to the soil below a Scots pine forest on 23 June 1989, and its movement into the canopy and into throughfall and stemflow was measured over 4 months. The specific activity, Bq (mg S)(-1), of the canopy increased monotonically; uptake by current-year (1989) expanding needles was initially twice as fast as by older needles or live twigs. By 10 October the canopy average specific activity was 62 Bq (mg S)(-1). The specific activity of net throughfall (throughfall + stemflow - rain), deduced from measurements from six throughfall collectors, six stemflow collectors and two rain collectors, fell rapidly from 12.6 Bq (mg S)(-1) in late July to <1 Bq (mg S)(-1) in mid-August. The results suggest (assuming rapid equilibration of 35S with sulphate in soil) that root-derived sulphate contributed c. 3% of sulphate in net throughfall and that dry deposition of SO2 and sulphate particles contributed c. 97% of the 0.56 g S m(-2) measured in net throughfall over the period. Simultaneous measurements of SO2 at canopy height and of NH3 above and within the canopy gave mean concentrations of 5.9 and 0.86 microg m(-3), respectively, sufficient to account for the sulphate measured in net throughfall only if codeposition of NH3 and SO2 occurred to canopy surfaces. The large values of specific activity observed in July, however, indicate that throughfall composition may be closely related to recent soil input of sulphate, and that equilibrium cannot be safely assumed. The possibility of a significant contribution of soil-derived sulphate to sulphate deposition in net throughfall cannot be ruled out on the basis of this experiment.  相似文献   
Fourteen unpolluted Finnish headwater lakes with pH values varying from 4.8 to 7.0 were studied for trace-metal concentrations in water, sediment, aquatic plants (Nuphar luteum L., Sparganium sp.), aquatic insect larvae (Limnophilus sp., Phryganea sp.) and fish (Esox lucius L., Perca fluviatilis L., Coregonus sp., Salvelinus fontinalis L., Salmo trutta L.). Trace-metal deposition was estimated by analysing the snowpack. Non-parametric correlation analysis was carried out between trace metal concentrations in biota and pH, ANC, TOC, CA + Mg concentration in water and a given metal concentration in water and sediment. Bioaccumulation of several trace metals increased with increasing acidity and decreasing ANC in water. This was especially true for Pb and Cd. Aquatic plants were, in general, the best indicator group concerning differences in trace-metal bioaccumulation in lakes with different acidity. There was some evidence that a higher concentration of TOC in water may reduce bioaccumulation of Pb, Cd and Zn in aquatic plants and fish. The copper concentration in sediment was the only background variable explaining Cu concentration in aquatic insects. Multivariate analysis of the whole background data gave comparable preliminary results. Over 80% of the trace metal concentrations in biota of different lakes was explained by the background variables. In general, elevated concentrations of most of these trace metals can be expected to occur in the biota of acidified low calcareous lakes.  相似文献   
Previous work has shown that the breeding density of a bird characteristic of upland streams, the dipper Cinclus cinclus, is markedly reduced at low pH in both Wales and Scotland. Populations also declined when streams became more acidic. Evidence of causal explanation for these relationships is that: (1) Food quantity is reduced in acidic streams, and important prey, including those rich in calcium, are scarce; (2) Blood chemistry in pre-breeding birds differs between acid and circumneutral streams, with plasma calcium reduced in those breeding at low pH. Skeletal sources of calcium are probably limited; (3) The time spent foraging by pre-breeding birds on acidic streams is markedly increased, even though overall energy costs on acidic and circumneutral streams are similar. Body condition is inferior to birds on circumneutral streams; (4) Egg laying is significantly delayed on acidic streams irrespective of an effect on laying of altitude, and clutch and brood sizes are significantly reduced; (5) Eggs are lighter and shells thinner at low pH; (6) Chick growth is reduced at low pH; (7) Contamination by heavy metals and persistent organochlorines is low in the populations on acidic streams and cannot explain the impaired breeding performance. None of these features can exclude the possibilities that acidic streams either hold populations of poor quality birds, which show the above features, or that acidity affects the breeding ecology of all dippers that attempt to breed at low pH. The qualitative outcome of these two alternatives is identical.  相似文献   
Data are presented demonstrating how clearfelling has changed soil and stream water aluminium chemistry. For soil waters, a strong empirical relationship was observed between inorganic aluminium (Al(inorg)) and total inorganic anion (TIA) concentrations. Before felling, chloride and sulphate accounted for the largest proportion of the TIA concentration. After felling, in soils where nitrification was active, nitrate became increasingly important. Where this led to an increase in TIA, Al(inorg) concentrations increased. Over five years, nitrate concentrations have fallen, along with TIA, resulting in a sympathetic decline in Al(inorg). Streams draining clearfelled areas initially became more acid, although chloride and sulphate concentrations decreased. Stream water nitrate concentrations increased soon after felling and remained higher than controls for up to four years. While nitrate concentrations were high, Al(inorg) remained unchanged. Subsequently, as nitrate and TIA decreased, Al(inorg) also declined to concentrations below those in the control stream. Clearfelling upland forests will not necessarily result in immediate improvements in water quality, although long-term benefits may be seen before canopy-closure of the next crop.  相似文献   
Availability of cadmium to Synechocystis aquatilis (estimated by 109Cd sorption and cadmium toxicity-14C method) in solutions containing cadmium and complexing (KCl) or non-complexing (KNO3) salts, in the range of 0-0.5 m was investigated. Both cadmium surface adsorption and transport into the cells were lower in solutions containing cadmium chloride complexes (CdCl+, CdCl2, CdCl3-) than in those containing cadmium in the form of Cd2+. Also, cadmium toxicity in solutions of higher KCl concentrations, in which CdCl+ and CdCl2 forms predominated, was significantly limited.  相似文献   
There is some evidence from southern Britain that shallow groundwaters in non-carbonate lithologies may be affected by acidic deposition. To investigate this, interstitial water profiles down to 12 m have been obtained from unsaturated sands or semi-consolidated sandstones from the Folkestone Beds (Lower Greensand) of Surrey and the Sherwood Sandstone of the West Midlands. The pH of the interstitial waters generally increased with depth and reflected an increase in the base saturation of the exchange complex. Beneath the highly acidic surface soil horizons (pH 3.0-3.5), interstitial waters with a pH of 4.0-4.5 were found down to depths of several metres. The pH progressively increased to around pH 5.5 because of base cation desorption and the weathering of silicate minerals. High concentrations of aluminium (10-20 mg litre(-1)) and other metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Be) were found in the interstitial water in the upper unsaturated zone. Most metal concentrations were strongly pH-dependent but also reflected the geochemical characteristics of the parent sands or sandstones. H+ and trace element concentrations were slightly higher beneath areas of afforestation than beneath heathland. The downward fluxes of solutes have been estimated using rainfall-derived chloride as a non-reactive solute. The profiles retain a record of 10-20 years input allowing the past inputs from SO4 and other species to be estimated using solute/chloride ratios. Cation exchange sites are probably depleted over a period of decades and there can be a significant decrease in the unsaturated zone pH as a result of increased or sustained acidic deposition. The shallow groundwater environment (0-15 m) in non-carbonate terrains is therefore a sensitive environment where high metal concentrations may be generated and may ultimately lead to water quality problems in shallow water supplies.  相似文献   
Air pollutants or some chemicals applied to plant foliage can alter the ecology of the rhizosphere. Experiments were conducted to distinguish among possible foliage-mediated versus soil- or root-mediated effects of acid deposition on microorganism in the rhizosphere. Seedlings of a sorghum x sudangrass hybrid in pots of non-sterile soil-sand mix in a greenhouse were exposed to simulated rain solution adjusted with H2SO4 + HNO3 to pH 4.9, 4.2, 3.5 or 2.8. Solutions were applied as simulated rain to foliage and soil, foliage only (soil covered by plastic, and deionized water applied directly to the soil), or soil only (solution applied directly to the soil). Solutions were applied on 16 days during a 6-week period (1.5 cm deposition in 1 h per application). Plant shoot and root dry weights and population densities of selected types of bacteria, filamentous actinomycetes and fungi in the rhizosphere were quantified after exposures were completed. Deposition of simulated acidic rain onto foliage alone had no effect on plant biomass or microbial population densities in the rhizosphere (colony-forming units per gram of rhizosphere soil). However, plant growth was stimulated and all microbial populations in the rhizosphere increased 3- to 8-fold with increased solution acidity (relative to pH 4.9 solution) when solution penetrated the soil. Statistical analyses indicated that the acid dose-population response relationships for soil-only and foliage-and-soil applications were not different. Thus, no foliage-mediated effect of simulated acidic rain on rhizosphere ecology was detected.  相似文献   
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