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Organizational efforts to improve team effectiveness in crisis situations primarily have focused on team training initiatives and, to a lesser degree, on staffing teams with respect to members' ability, experience, and functional backgrounds. Largely neglected in these efforts is the emotional component of crises and, correspondingly, the notion of staffing teams with consideration for their affective makeup. To address this void, we examined the impact of team member dispositional positive affect (PA) on team crisis effectiveness and the role of felt negative emotion in transmitting that influence. A study of 21 nuclear power plant crews engaged in crisis training simulations revealed that homogeneity in PA, but not mean‐level PA, was associated with greater team effectiveness. Mediation analysis suggested that homogeneity in PA leads to greater team effectiveness by reducing the amount of negative emotions that team members experience during crises. Furthermore, homogeneity in PA compensated for lower mean‐level PA in predicting effectiveness. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for understanding and further exploring the importance of affective factors and especially team affective composition in team crisis performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
污泥中潜在的二■■污染物质   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
依据国内外最近的检测结果对污泥中二■■类物质的研究进行论述,探讨其来源、组成分布、环境行为及潜在危害。研究表明,焚烧过程排放?成了环境中二■■的本底来源,除此之外的二■■主要来源于废水处理(包括生活污水与工业污水)形成的污泥,并且污泥中二■■的含量较高。鉴于二■■的毒理特性、以往的二■■污染事件及我国对污泥的处理方式,急需查明堆肥与填埋处理的污泥中的二■■现状,并以此为依据制定二■■毒物的排放标准及其在环境中的限额。   相似文献   
长江三角洲城市群人为热排放特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于常规可获取的能源、交通、人口等统计资料,利用“自上而下”的能源清单法,研究了2010年长江三角洲(以下简称“长三角”)城市群地区各类人为热排放量及其时空分布特征.结果表明:该地区人为热排放总量为1.4′1019J/a,其中工业、交通、建筑、新陈代谢分别占75.1%、12.5%、9.9%和2.5%.上海、苏州、无锡、杭州和南京五个城市的人为热排放总量约占研究区域总量的71%.长三角城市群的人为热年平均排放通量为5.3W/m2,大部分地区介于5~30W/m2,城市高值区一般介于20~70W/m2,上海明显高于其他城市.为方便有关环境气候模式的输入,本文提供了人为热排放的网格化空间分布和简单的时间变化廓线.  相似文献   
总结了我国地热资源的利用和管理状况,提出了"政策统一、市场运作、合理利用、可持续发展"的地热资源开发战略,并对战略内容进行了具体阐述.  相似文献   
Preventing groundwater contamination is vastly cheaper than remediation. Recognizing this, attention in water and land management agencies in North America increasingly turn to groundwater protection. Local agencies, such as municipalities and watershed management districts, are vital to successful groundwater protection, but they face daunting challenges. In the United States, senior governments have recognized these challenges and provide considerable support for local agencies. In Ontario, Canada, local agencies are, to a much greater extent, on their own. The aims in this paper are to analyze factors that shape local capacity for groundwater protection, focusing on Ontario, and to recommend avenues for capacity building. Interrelationships among five dimensions of capacity (technical, financial, institutional, social, and political) are explored through an analysis of three smaller Ontario communities: City of Guelph (population 93,400), Town of Orangeville (population 22,188), and Town of Erin (population 11,000). Size clearly influences capacity for groundwater protection. However, other considerations unrelated to size appear to be as important. These other factors include the ability to form horizontal and vertical linkages with external agencies, political leadership and commitment, and citizen involvement. Thus, smaller communities in Ontario (and other jurisdictions with limited senior government support) would do well to focus on these areas at the same time as they develop their technical, financial, and institutional capacity.  相似文献   
A pilot‐scale land treatment unit (LTU) was constructed at the former Guadalupe oil production field with the purpose of investigating the effect of co‐substrate addition on the bacterial community and the resulting rate and extent of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) degradation. The TPH was a weathered mid‐cut distillate (C10‐C32) excavated from the subsurface and stockpiled before treatment. A control cell (Cell 1) in the LTU was amended with nitrogen and phosphorus while the experimental cell (Cell 2) was amended with additional complex co‐substrate—corn steep liquor. During the pilot LTU operation, measurements were taken of TPH, nutrients, moisture, aerobic heterotrophic bacteria (AHB), and diesel oxidizing bacteria (DOB). The bacterial community was also assayed using community‐level physiology profiles (CLPP) and 16S rDNA terminal restriction fragment (TRF) analysis. TPH degradation in both cells was characterized by a rapid phase of degradation that lasted for the first three weeks, followed by a slower degradation phase that continued through the remainder of the project. The initial rate of TPH‐degradation in Cell 1 (?0.021 day?1) was slower than in Cell 2 (?0.035 day?1). During the slower phase, degradation rates in both cells were similar (?0.0026 and ?0.0024 respectively). AHB and DOB counts were similar in both cells during the fast degradation phase. A second addition of co‐substrate to Cell 2 at the beginning of the slow degradation phase resulted in an increased AHB population that lasted for the remainder of the project but did not affect TPH degradation rates. CLPP data showed that co‐substrate addition altered the functional capacity of the bacterial community during both phases of the project. However, TRF data indicated that the phylogenetic composition of the community was not different in the two cells during the fast degradation phase. The bacterial phylogenetic structure in Cell 2 differed from Cell 1 after the second application of co‐substrate, during the slow degradation phase. Thus, co‐substrate addition appeared to enhance the functional capacity of the bacterial community during the fast degradation phase when the majority of TPH was bioavailable, resulting in increased degradation rates, but did not affect rates during the slow degradation phase when the remaining TPH may not have been bioavailable. These data show that co‐substrate addition might prove most useful for applications such as land farming where TPH is regularly applied to the same soil and initial degradation rates are more important to the project goals. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
北运河京津冀段河道浮游微生物群落多样性变化分析   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
再生水在缓解城市水资源短缺方面发挥重要作用,但再生水中痕量污染物质与病原体对受纳水体中浮游微生物群落产生影响.基于OTUs和门水平的片段数量和片段丰度的浮游微生物数据矩阵探究北运河京津冀河道微生物群落多样性空间变化机制,结果表明,再生水的频繁汇入引起的物理和化学扰动改变了水体的水文和水质,使浮游微生物群落沿地理尺度分为...  相似文献   
地震及其次生地质灾害(滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等)引发的松散物质(即震损物源)剧烈迁移会给震区环境与安全造成极为深远的影响。“8·8”九寨沟地震发生后,大量的震损物源加剧了九寨沟景区地质灾害易发性及湖泊淤积风险。获取震损物源的分布与数量,是减少灾害风险与保护湿地景观的基础。因此,利用DInSAR技术实施地表形变监测,基于形变数据,再结合光学遥感数据解译和实地观测,估算九寨沟景区震损物源,解析空间分布与数量特征。研究结果显示:地震在震中的西北侧造成了较大的沉降形变,在震中东南侧也产生了轻微隆起形变,雷达视线向形变量达-23~11 cm;景区震损物源呈带状分布,沿沟谷和道路较为发育,以五花海区域最为集中,估算数量达1.658×105m3。研究结果将为九寨沟景区地质灾害隐患的监测防治及河湖湿地的绿色防淤提供支撑。  相似文献   
浅谈铬渣解毒技术   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
介绍了铬渣污染状况,对比分析了10余种铬渣解毒技术的优缺点,并且重点论述了旋风炉附烧铬渣工艺过程及其技术特性。研究表明,旋风炉附烧铬渣具有吃渣量大,解毒彻底等优点,是一种具有推广价值的新型铬渣解毒技术。   相似文献   
通过对新疆某煤矿辐射环境影响问题的调查与分析,阐明铀伴生煤矿对周围环境存在着不同程度的放射性影响,并在调查与分析的基础上,针对调查煤矿日前存在的问题提出了一些污染防治的对策和措施,以期为今后伴生放射性煤矿的环境管理决策提供有力依据。  相似文献   
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