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介绍了凡口铅锌矿主井(箕斗井)入风净化方案和净化系统及使用情况.  相似文献   
南方海涂海水灌溉库拉索芦荟的试验研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
在海南海涂沙滩(非耕地资源)对药用植物库拉索芦荟进行海水灌溉试验,设6种处理,淡、海水配比分别为A1(CK):100∶0;A2:90∶10;A3:75∶25;A4:50∶50;A5:25∶75;A6:0∶100。结果表明:①用一定浓度范围的海水灌溉时,库拉索芦荟苗期返青系数、根的综合生长量等植物生态指标为处理A3>A2>A1,超过一定海水浓度后则递减;连续3年的田间试验表明,芦荟叶片鲜重、干重A1、A2、A3三种处理间没有显著差异,而根干重A3显著高于A1,A4比A1处理叶片鲜重、干重减产均在20%以内,表明海水灌溉库拉索芦荟是可行的。②海水灌溉明显推迟芦荟从营养生长向生殖生长的转化时期,随着海水比例的增加,抽苔期明显推迟。③各种处理海水灌溉的沙滩深度在0~10cm范围内,盐分含量随深度迅速下降,10cm以下下降幅度变缓;经3年的海水灌溉试验,海涂沙滩在未作任何人为调控措施下,0~50cm沙滩含盐量仍在0.3%范围内。  相似文献   
在紧邻天津机场跑道的点位对机场区域大气常规污染物开展连续监测,应用广义加性模型(GAM),针对2017年3月1日~2018年2月28日间的NO2及O3,识别其影响因子,并确定因子贡献率.选取因子包括环境因子(SO2、NO、NO2、O3、CO、PM2.5、PM10、前一小时NO2/O3浓度),气象因子(风向、风速、温度、露点温度、修正海压)及航空活动因子(起飞、着陆).结果显示:机场区域NO2日均值为17.6~123.6μg/m3,超标天数共计38d,占比约13%;O3日均值为1.0~276.1μg/m3,超标天数占比26%,污染主要集中在夏季;环境因子是主要影响因子,累积贡献率在56%~89%;航空活动作为区域重要污染源,对大气NO2、O3存在一定影响,最高贡献率可达20%;气象因子相对贡献较低.全部GAM的Adj-R2为0.85~0.96,筛选的影响因子能够有效解释区域环境空气污染物浓度的变化.  相似文献   
文章探究不同反应条件下芬顿-混凝反应与铁盐(Fe2(SO4)3)混凝反应对铜绿微囊藻胞外有机物(EOM)的去除效果。结果表明,在室温,pH=3,Fe2+/H2O2摩尔比为1∶1时,EOM的去除率达到最佳。Fe2+投加量为5 mmol/L时,TOC、UV254去除率分别达到70%、34%。通过三维荧光(EEM)与分子量分布(HPSEC)分析表明,藻类EOM中主要成分是亲水性大分子多糖和蛋白质,其次是疏水性类腐殖酸物质。单独的铁盐混凝反应表明混凝过程促进了芬顿反应对EOM的去除,EOM中亲水性大分子量物质的去除率很大程度是由Fe2+氧化为Fe3+通过混凝过程贡献。此外,在芬顿反应处理EOM过程中不同时间点絮体粒径受Fe2+投加量影响较大,形成的絮体粒径越小,TOC去除率越高。  相似文献   
浅论县(区)级环境监测站的现状和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴炼 《四川环境》2002,21(3):87-89,92
本文分析了县(区)级环境监测站在我国加入WTO及政府机构改革后所存在的问题和面临的生存困难。指出当前该级别环境监测站存在的主要问题是缺乏管理,缺乏经费以及技术力量的逐步下降,在此基础上,文章提出了包括加强队伍建设,提高管理水平,进行标准化建设和实施QA/QC等诸多的合理化建设及良好的发展思路。  相似文献   
To understand the composition and major sources of aerosol particles in Lhasa City on the Tibetan Plateau(TP), individual particles were collected from 2 February to 8 March, 2013 in Tibet University. The mean concentrations of both PM2.5and PM10 during the sampling were25.7 ± 21.7 and 57.2 ± 46.7 μg/m3, respectively, much lower than those of other cities in East and South Asia, but higher than those in the remote region in TP like Nam Co, indicating minor urban pollution. Combining the observations with the meteorological parameters and back trajectory analysis, it was concluded that local sources controlled the pollution during the sampling. Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) combined with energydispersive X-ray spectra(EDS) was used to study 408 particles sampled on four days. Based on the EDS analysis, a total of 8 different particle categories were classified for all 408 particles, including Si-rich, Ca-rich, soot, K-rich, Fe-rich, Pb-rich, Al-rich and other particles.The dominant elements were Si, Al and Ca, which were mainly attributed to mineral dust in the earth's crust such as feldspar and clay. Fe-, Pb-, K-, Al-rich particles and soot mainly originated from anthropogenic sources like firework combustion and biomass burning during the sampling. During the sampling, the pollution mainly came from mineral dust,while the celebration ceremony and religious ritual produced a large quantity of anthropogenic metal-bearing particles on 9 and 25 February 2013. Cement particles also had a minor influence. The data obtained in this study can be useful for developing pollution control strategies.  相似文献   
开展耕地适宜性评价是编制农业发展规划、优化耕地资源配置的基础性工作。文章以西藏一江两河流域18 个县的耕地资源为评价对象,将模糊证据权模型引入到耕地适宜性评价中,通过该方法筛选出地形地貌、气候、土壤和水资源状况等4 个方面的9 个因子作为证据图层,并计算因子图层的模糊证据权重,最后综合各因子图层的证据权重参数得出后验概率并修正形成耕地适宜性分布图。结果表明:①80.83%的适宜样本点处于修正后验概率分级图的中等适宜级别及以上,即已知信息体现出较高的吻合性,表明模糊证据权模型能够科学、有效地评价耕地资源的适宜性;②集知识驱动与数据驱动一体化的模糊证据权模型既能够充分发挥先验知识、客观规律的作用,也可以通过隶属度函数增加知识干预,有效利用专家的丰富经验,在一定程度上克服了知识驱动方法中因子筛选和权重确定主观性强或纯粹数据驱动方法的不足;③研究区21.32×104hm2的耕地资源中,高度适宜、中度适宜、一般适宜和不适宜的耕地资源分别占32.03%、31.94%、27.19%和8.84%,对应其空间分布情况,可以优化耕地资源规模与布局,指导高原耕地区农业生产实践,促进耕地资源的合理利用。  相似文献   
为研究沈阳市细河流域土壤汞(Hg)的污染和健康风险状况,对该区土壤和农作物中Hg的含量和分布进行了调查和分析。采用Hakanson潜在生态风险危害指数法评价土壤Hg的污染状况,并利用健康风险评价模型对Hg通过不同暴露途径所引起的健康风险作出评价。研究结果表明,细河流域土壤Hg的潜在生态危害相对较大,其中43.21%样品处于中等危害程度,26.62%属于强及以上风险级别。健康风险评价模型计算表明,人体经食物摄取是土壤Hg暴露的主要途径,Hg日平均暴露剂量依次为食物摄取呼吸暴露皮肤暴露;成人和儿童的非致癌危害指数分别为0.315和0.713,均低于风险阈值1,表明Hg不会对人体造成健康危害。  相似文献   
• Emerging titanium coagulation was high-efficient for algae-laden water treatment. • Polytitanium coagulation was capable for both algae and organic matter removal. • Surface water purification was improved by around 30% due to algae inclusion. • Algae functioned as flocculant aid to assist polytitanium coagulation. • Algae could enhance charge neutralization capability of polytitanium coagulant. Titanium-based coagulation has proved to be effective for algae-laden micro-polluted water purification processes. However, the influence of algae inclusion in surface water treatment by titanium coagulation is barely reported. This study reports the influence of both Microcystis aeruginosa and Microcystis wesenbergii in surface water during polytitanium coagulation. Jar tests were performed to evaluate coagulation performance using both algae-free (controlled) and algae-laden water samples, and floc properties were studied using a laser diffraction particle size analyzer for online monitoring. Results show that polytitanium coagulation can be highly effective in algae separation, removing up to 98% from surface water. Additionally, the presence of algae enhanced organic matter removal by up to 30% compared to controlled water containing only organic matter. Polytitanium coagulation achieved significant removal of fluorescent organic materials and organic matter with a wide range of molecular weight distribution (693–4945 Da) even in the presence of algae species in surface water. The presence of algae cells and/or algal organic matter is likely to function as an additional coagulant or flocculation aid, assisting polytitanium coagulation through adsorption and bridging effects. Although the dominant coagulation mechanisms with polytitanium coagulant were influenced by the coagulant dosage and initial solution pH, algae species in surface water could enhance the charge neutralization capability of the polytitanium coagulant. Algae-rich flocs were also more prone to breakage with strength factors approximately 10% lower than those of algae-free flocs. Loose structure of the flocs will require careful handling of the flocs during coagulation-sedimentation-filtration processes.  相似文献   
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