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为探究事故发生时楼梯宽度对多层建筑疏散效率的影响,结合多层建筑楼梯疏散特点,建立多层建筑楼梯疏散模型。基于多层建筑疏散过程,以社会力模型为基础,分析多层建筑行人疏散方式,构建楼梯疏散汇流模型;计算各楼层行人汇流时间以及楼梯汇流疏散效率;以某多层教学楼为仿真案例,构建不同楼梯宽度组合疏散场景,仿真多层建筑物疏散过程,获取各楼层汇流时间及楼梯疏散效率。结果表明:楼层平台汇流持续时间与楼层所在位置正相关,楼层所在位置越高,汇流持续时间越长;低楼层楼梯宽度增加有利于优化中间楼层行人汇流作用,提高多层建筑疏散效率,而高楼层楼梯宽度增加则会加剧中间楼层行人汇流对疏散的不利影响,降低多层建筑疏散效率。  相似文献   
细河和蒲河接纳了沈阳市工业废水的排放,水体中有毒、有害污染物不容忽视.为了明确河流中优先控制污染物,评价实际暴露水平下优先控制污染物对该水系生态环境的风险,选择细河和蒲河表层水为研究对象,开展了平水期、丰水期和枯水期的采样及有机污染物的检测分析;通过改进的潜在危害指数法对水体中检出的52种有机污染物打分排序,筛选了优先控制污染物;将效应评价外推法与商值法结合评价了优先控制污染物的生态环境风险.结果表明:52种有机污染物在细河中检出的平均质量浓度范围为9.20×10-6~1.37×10-1 mg/L,在蒲河中检出的平均质量浓度范围为4.30×10-6~3.03×10-2 mg/L.细河或蒲河中这些污染物的危害指数总分值(R)在22分以上的分别有12和13种,其中,PAEs(酞酸酯类)占6种,苯酚类污染物占4种.在细河中,DBP(邻苯二甲酸二丁酯)、苯酚、对甲基苯酚、2,4-二甲基苯酚和2,4,6-三甲基苯酚的Rq(风险商)>1,表明这些污染物存在较大的生态环境风险;在蒲河中,DBP、DEHP[邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯]和苯酚的Rq>1,表明这些污染物存在较高生态环境风险水平.研究显示,在细河、蒲河中PAEs和苯酚类有机物为优先控制污染物,其中部分优先控制污染物具有较高的生态环境风险,可为该流域有毒、有害物污染控制方案的制定提供参考和指导.   相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a critical component in aquatic ecosystems, yet its seasonal variability and reactivity remain not well constrained. These were investigated at the land-ocean interface of a subtropical river (Minjiang River, SE China), using absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The annual export flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from the Minjiang River (5.48 × 1010 g year?1) was highest among the rivers adjacent to the Taiwan Strait, with 72% occurring in spring and summer. The freshwater absorption coefficient a280, DOC-specific UV absorbance SUVA254 and humification index HIX were higher, while the spectral slope S275–295 and biological index BIX were lower in summer than in winter. This suggests intensified export of terrestrial aromatic and high molecular weight constituents in the rainy summer season. Six fluorescent components were identified from 428 samples, including humic-like C1–C3, tryptophan-like C4 and C6, and tyrosine-like C5. The freshwater levels of four components (C1, C2, C4, and C6) were lower while that of C5 was higher in the wet season than in the dry season, suggesting contrasting seasonal variations of different constituents. Laboratory experiments were performed to assess the effects of photochemical and microbial degradation on DOM. Photo-degradation removed chromophoric and fluorescent DOM (CDOM and FDOM) effectively, which was stronger (i) for high molecular weight/humic constituents and (ii) during summer under higher solar radiation. Microbial degradation under laboratory controlled conditions generally showed little effect on DOC, and had smaller impact on CDOM and FDOM in winter than in summer. Overall, this study showed notable seasonal changes in the chemical composition and reactivity of DOM at the land-ocean interface, and demonstrated the significant effects of photo-degradation.

固相微萃取是一种操作简便、分析快速、无溶剂参与的样品前处理技术。通过采用固相微萃取富集水中的松节油,气相色谱质谱法分析,整个过程只需要25 min。该方法检出限为0.02 mg/L,样品加标回收率为90.0%~130%,相对标准偏差为3.49%~14.6%,完全能够满足日常环境管理需要。  相似文献   
"约谈"是一种政策执行的新机制,旨在通过告诫谈话、指出相关问题、提出整改要求并督促整改到位来疏通政策执行的"中梗阻"。与一般"硬性"的法律行为不同,约谈作为一种自上而下的制度安排,是政府的"柔性"行政行为,以行政级别较高的"条"对行政级别较低的"块"进行诫勉和警示为主。本文以《环境保护部约谈暂行办法》为参照,阐释了环保约谈的内涵、优势、适用条件以及结构与流程,并以环保约谈后临沂市的治霾行动为案例,分析了环保约谈的作用机制,即通过增强上级环境部门的行政权威、弱化同级政府的非法干预,调整政绩考核的激励结构、重塑政府的责任体系,增强社会认同、塑造政策执行的良好环境等方式疏通了政策执行的"中梗阻",使环保政策得到有效落实。最后,本文在肯定环保约谈积极效果的同时,也指出了其在法律依据、科学与民主决策机制、激励性制度设计以及不同制度间的衔接等方面存在的不足。  相似文献   
采用以烧结金属粉末微孔过滤材料为吸附材料和催化剂基体、CuMn/γ-Al2O3为催化剂的烧结金属催化净化装置,可实现对VOCs废气的有效去除。实验室试验表明:苯、甲苯和二甲苯的催化转化率均随温度的升高而增加。在250℃以上,甲苯和二甲苯的催化转化率高于99%;在280℃以上,苯的催化转化率高于99%。空速为2.0s^-1时催化荆的催化转化率要较空速为3.0s^-1时高。现场试验表明:在300℃左右,VOCs气体经过由烧结金属催化材料刺成的金属过滤器后,苯、甲苯、二甲苯的去除率均高于99%。经金属过滤器处理后,苯、甲苯、二甲苯的排放浓度可低于北京市《大气污染物综合排放标准》DB11/501—2007中的排放限值排放。  相似文献   
Photo-production of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is an important transformation process in marine carbon cycle, but little is known about this process in Chinese coastal systems. This study investigated an estuarine water sample and a coastal seawater sample from the subtropical waters in southeast of China. Water samples were exposed to natural sunlight and the absorption and fluorescence of CDOM as well as the DIC concentration were measured in the summer of 2009. The estuarine water had higher CDOM level, molecular weight and proportion of humic-like fluorescent components than the seawater that exhibited abundant tryptophan-like fluorescent component. After a 3-day irradiation, the CDOM level decreased by 45% in the estuarine water and 20% in the seawater, accompanied with a decrease in the molecular weight and aromaticity of DOM which was inferred from an increase in the absorption spectral slope parameter. The photo-degradation rates of all the five fluorescent components were also notable, in particular two humic-like components (C4 and C5) were removed by 78% and 69% in the estuarine water and by 69% and 56% in the seawater. The estuarine water had a higher photo-production rate of DIC than the seawater (4.4 vs. 2.5 μupmol/(L.day)), in part due to its higher CDOM abundance. The differences in CDOM compositions between the two types of waters might be responsible for the higher susceptibility of the estuarine water to photo-degradation and hence could also affect the photo-production process of DIC.  相似文献   
药物是环境介质中一类新型污染物,多数药物具有手性对映体特性,药物对映体的分离分析是研究对映体水平药物环境行为和效应的前提.采用商品手性柱Chirobiotic#x00AE;V,在反相条件下,对马来酸扑尔敏进行了手性分离,考察了不同流速、柱温、pH值和流动相组成对分离的影响,并优化了色谱条件.结果表明:以含0.1%(体积分数)冰醋酸和0.1%(体积分数)三乙胺的水溶液(TEAA)与四氢呋喃(THF)混合为流动相,在所研究范围内,随着流动相中THF含量的增加、pH值增大和流速增大,马来酸扑尔敏对映体的分离效果降低;柱温影响存在峰值现象,即分离效果随温度的升高先增大后减小.优化得到的拆分条件为:流动相TEAA∶THF为95∶5(V/V),pH值为3,流速为0.3 mL·min~(-1),柱温为15℃.利用分子对接技术模拟万古霉素不同区域与扑尔敏对映体间的相互作用,计算得到了最稳定结合能,据此预测对映体的出峰顺序与实验结果完全一致.初步手性识别机理研究结果表明,引起手性识别的主要作用力为氢键作用.  相似文献   
为科学、合理地设置省域建筑业安全生产目标,运用目标设置理论,基于参照系法,考虑省域间建筑业技术水平差异,通过耦合动态聚类和双层前沿DEA方法构建建筑业省域安全生产目标设置模型,并结合2018年相关数据开展实证研究。结果表明:运用该模型计算得到的我国整体建筑业安全生产死亡人数控制目标为541人,较2018年实际死亡人数减少约36%,其中江苏、广东、四川降幅最显著,分别为50,50,27人;促进目标实现的政策优化路径因省而异,优先改善管理(H型)和侧重提高技术(L型)的省域数量比为15∶11;空间上不同类型的省域具有明显的集聚特征,H型省域集中分布于西部及东北地区,L型省域则多位于中部地区,国家可据此制定差异化的区域建筑业安全生产管理战略。  相似文献   
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