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The possibility of extending brood care via the overlapping presence of relatively short lived adults could generate advantages that may have been among the selective forces at the origin of eusociality. In this paper we provide evidence for extended brood care through sib-rearing in the arid-zone allodapine bee, Exoneurella eremophila. Solitary females of the overwintered generation generally die before all their offspring have become independent. In a relatively high proportion of nests, a newly eclosed female invests in her siblings while producing her own offspring in the maternal nest. The sex ratio of the first offspring produced by the overwintered female is highly female biased, but the overall sex ratio of the brood is unbiased. This finding supports the prediction of Bull's 'insurance by protogyny' model of a female bias in the first-produced offspring as a strategy by the mother to ensure extended brood care.  相似文献   
A range of tissue and cell types from adult and juvenile stages of vent- and non-vent-dwelling deep-sea and shallow-water organisms were compared for signs of cell division, in preparation for a cytogenetic study of the different groups. Virtually all the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) vent species (bresiliid shrimp, bathymodiolid mussel, branchipolynoid polychaete, and a range of small gastropods) showed an abundance of metaphase chromosome spreads, indicating a generally high intrinsic rate of cell division, irrespective of their phylogenetic group. In comparison, similar tissues and life-history stages (i.e. gonad, developing eggs and gill) from two deep-sea bathypelagic crustaceans, Hymenodora and Gnathophausia, failed to yield any convincing evidence of cell division. This indicated that rates of growth and reproduction in the rest of the deep sea are extremely low. While much has been written about the contrasting growth rates of vent versus non-vent organisms, this is the first direct evidence of differences in cell-division rate between vent and non-vent species, which undoubtedly reflects contrasting conditions relating to food availability and temporal stability in these two deep-sea environments. The cells of shallow-water marine invertebrates (Mytilus, Nucella, Littorina, Pomatoceros and Crangon), based on the results of previous cytogenetic investigations, occupy an intermediate position with respect to their cell-division kinetics. When chromosome numbers, DNA content and nuclear diameters were compared between vent and non-vent species, this showed that no change had occurred in these characters since the time of vent colonisation. Representative chromosome spreads from hydrothermal-vent organisms are shown here for the first time.  相似文献   
Composite sampling techniques for identifying the largest individual sample value seem to be cost effective when the composite samples are internally homogeneous. However, since it is not always possible to form homogeneous composite samples, these methods can lead to higher costs than expected. In this paper we propose a two-way composite sampling design as a way to improve on the cost effectiveness of the methods available to identify the largest individual sample value.  相似文献   
Green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis OF Müller, collected off the coast of New Hampshire, USA, in late February 1995, were brought into the laboratory and fed an artificial diet ad libitum, and subjected to a photoperiod advanced by 4 months. During this study, temperatures and salinities for experimental urchins mirrored those recorded at the collection site. We examined the effects of changes in feeding regime and photoperiod on gametogenesis and compared the experimental urchins with those from the source population. During the 7-month period, experimental urchins showed no detectable changes in mean test height or diameter. Experimental urchins had a significantly higher gonad index (GI) in March, April and May (18 ± 6%) compared with field urchins in March (11 ± 3%). Subsequently, experimental urchins had a mean monthly GI of 25 to 30%, while the mean GI for field urchins was 11 to 13%. Gonial cell mitosis and gametogenesis occurred earlier in experimental male and female urchins compared with field urchins. Stereological and histological observations and stage–frequency data showed that the ovaries of experimental urchins were large because of the accelerated development of nutritive phagocytes, the volume fraction (V v) of which was 89 to 90% of the gonad, while new vitellogenic primary oocytes occupied <1% V v. In males, stereological and histological observations and stage–frequency data suggested a mobilization of materials from the nutritive phagocytes beginning between June and August, i.e. earlier than in females, and, by September, new gametes occupied a V v of 49 ± 3% of the testes. Oocyte size–frequency distributions demonstrated that most primary oocytes were <80 μm in diameter between March and September, suggesting that cold temperatures may be needed for completion of vitellogenesis. We describe changes in the two principal cell types in the germinal epithelium of urchin gonads and indicate how knowledge of their population dynamics may be useful in aquaculture applications. Received: 21 February 1997 / Accepted: 3 June 1998  相似文献   
The Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus (L.) inhabits burrows in muddy clay sediments (e.g. on the Swedish west coast), where an autumnal oxygen deficiency in the bottom water can occur. Our experiments investigated whether the irrigation of the burrows would reflect a behavioural adaptation to hypoxia, and whether any gender differences of such behaviour exist. Irrigation is performed by the pleopods which may compensate for a decreasing oxygen tension. Pleopod activity (total number of strokes per sampling time), associated with oxygen concentration and gender, was studied in N. norvegicus kept in artificial burrows resembling their natural habitat. Male and female lobsters were separately exposed to either normoxia (70% oxygen saturation) or hypoxia (30% oxygen saturation). A sexual difference in behaviour was found, where females irrigated the burrow less than males during normoxia. Females showed a significant increase of pleopod activity in hypoxia compared with normoxic conditions, which was not displayed by the males probably due to the degree of individual variation found. However, when only males were studied during progressive hypoxia (from 60 to 5% oxygen saturation), following any changes of irrigational behaviour, a significant increase of accumulated pleopod activity occurred. A major increase of pleopod activity appeared between 60 and 50% oxygen saturation, below which the activity remained high until a critical point (<10% saturation, 11 °C, 33 psu) where irrigation dropped to a level close to that of normoxic values. Activity sessions during hypoxia were longer and had a higher stroke rate than during normoxia. Received: 22 October 1997 / Accepted: 26 February 1998  相似文献   
The relationship between sperm characteristics and reproductive success was examined in male herring, Clupea harengus L. Males were categorised as being first-time or repeat spawners on the basis of their age; they were also grouped according to whether their sperm were immediately active and exhibited forward motion on contact with seawater (FM) or had little or only vibratory motion (VM). Unlike the Pacific herring C. pallasii Valencienes, Atlantic herring sperm is usually motile on contact with seawater. The age, weight and gonadosomatic index (testes mass as a percentage of somatic mass = GSI) were measured and used as characteristics for individual fish. Sperm traits measured were (1) adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration, (2) sperm count, (3) duration of sperm motility. Reproductive success for each male was estimated from the fertilisation rate and from the length of larvae at hatching. Fertilisation rates for all fish were generally >80%. The ATP concentration of non-activated spermatozoa was negatively correlated with fertilisation rate. Among repeat spawners, fish with higher GSIs produced larvae that were larger at hatching. Although VM sperm fertilised eggs at rates equivalent to fertilisation by FM sperm, the larvae produced by VM sperm were significantly smaller at hatching. Larval length tended to increase in parallel with the duration of sperm motility, but the relationship was not significant in these tests. The results did not indicate any age or size pattern to spawning readiness in male herring. Sperm that are not yet ready to be shed are not fully motile on contact with seawater, but are still capable of fertilising eggs that hatch successfully. There is likely to be a progression of males which come into spawning readiness within a spawning shoal; therefore it is possible that paternal influences would result in a progressive decrease in larval size over the spawning period in winter-spawning Celtic Sea herring. Received: 22 November 1997 / Accepted: 8 June 1998  相似文献   
The effects of blooms of the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. on penaeid prawn larvae were examined using in situ and laboratory rearing experiments and plankton surveys in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. The in situ experiments demonstrated that, during a bloom of Trichodesmium spp., larvae of the prawn Penaeus merguiensis did not develop beyond the first protozoea stage, and survival was low compared with times when diatoms were dominant in the same study area. Laboratory experiments confirmed the in situ results. None of the prawn larvae fed Trichodesmium sp. in laboratory experiments developed beyond the first protozoeal stage. In contrast, 94% of prawn larvae fed the green flagellate Tetraselmis suecica successfully developed to the second protozoea stage. Electron microscopy of larvae gut-contents revealed that Trichodesmium spp. were ingested by larvae but were of no nutritional value, resulting in starvation. A 7 yr plankton survey, from 1985 to 1992, showed that minimum abundance of prawn larvae occurs during the annual summer blooms of Trichodesmium spp. and that maximum abundance of prawn larvae generally occurs just after the bloom. There was a negative correlation between the abundance of larvae and the abundance of Trichodesmium at individual sites, one offshore and one inshore, indicating that the blooms affect the survival of larvae. We conclude that variations in both timing and magnitude of Trichodesmium blooms are important determinants of prawn larvae abundance in Albatross Bay. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 2 April 1998  相似文献   
Previously published mtDNA cytochrome b sequences for Xyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus) and two morphologically distinct types of Xyrichtys larvae (Pisces: Labridae) included human cytochrome b sequence, presumably due to sample contamination and/or poor preservation of sample DNA. Those sequences had been used to identify the two types of Xyrichtys larvae as X. novacula, but owing to the contamination, the identifications are invalid. Fresh specimens were collected: X.␣martinicensis (Cuvier and Valenciennes), X. novacula, X. splendens (Castelnau), and Xyrichtys sp. larvae of each of the two morphotypes (dorsal-forward eye and ventral-forward eye). The cytochrome b fragment was amplified from each specimen using the polymerase chain reaction. Comparison of the sequences with human cytochrome b sequence confirmed that the new sequences were not contaminated. The interspecific differences in Xyrichtys sequences were less than previously reported, but still greater than observed in many fish genera. Distance and parsimony analyses indicated that X. novacula and X. martinicensis were more closely related to each other than to X. splendens. This conclusion differs from our previous conclusion that X. martinicensis and X. splendens were more closely related to each other than to X. novacula. Distance and parsimony analyses also demonstrated that both larval morphotypes were X. novacula and, thus, our previous conclusions regarding larval ecology and oceanographic transport remain unchanged. Received: 12 March 1997 / Accepted: 24 October 1997  相似文献   
Stomach temperature loggers have proved useful for the study of feeding activity in free-living seabirds, but their usage has been restricted because they are frequently dislodged and lost during the seabirds' regular regurgitation of indigestible prey remains. In the present study we examine the incidence of spontaneous regurgitation (pellet production) in free-living seabirds, consider the effect this has on the likely retrieval of stomach temperature loggers and present a structural modification of the logger housings which leads to a much lower incidence of regurgitation. Systems were tested on albatrosses, cormorants, gannets and penguins. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 31 October 1997  相似文献   
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