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Atmospheric particulate matter (APM) was collected at three sampling sites in Beijing, China, from February to June 1998. The concentrations of rare earth elements (REE) and cobalt (Co), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in the APM were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results obtained in Beijing, China, were compared to that obtained in Delft, the Netherlands, in 1997. The influence of coal combustion was considered. The results demonstrated that the content of APM, the concentrations of REE and Co, Zn, Cd, Pb in the APM in Beijing, China, were higher than that in Delft, the Netherlands. From the ratios of La to Ce, and La to Sm, which may be used as tracers for the origin of the REE, it is concluded that the origins of REE in China differ from those in the Netherlands.  相似文献   
强化垂直流可渗透反应墙处理渗滤液污染物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对垃圾渗滤液污染物组分多、处理难度大、可生化性差的特点,基于可渗透反应墙(PRB)被动修复技术,通过多种填料的组合构建三重垂直流PRB强化的砂箱模型,对垃圾渗滤液进行连续动态处理研究。实验结果表明,填料的组合顺序对强化PRB系统净化能力有较大的影响,由无烟煤、沸石、钢渣依次组成的强化垂直流PRB系统(2#砂箱)对NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、COD、PO43--P的平均去除率分别为96.12%、30.36%、75.24%、39.03%和30.47%,处理效果明显好于相同条件下依次由无烟煤、钢渣、沸石组成的强化垂直流PRB系统(1#砂箱)。与常规PRB处理系统相比,强化垂直流可渗透反应墙系统可实现垃圾渗滤液中多种污染物同步有效去除,是极具发展潜力的新型技术。  相似文献   
Particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations were investigated at six sampling sites in the heating (February to March 2001) and nonheating (August to September 2001) periods in an industrial city in Northern China. Thirteen PAHs were measured. The total average concentrations (nanograms per meter cubed) of PAHs ranged between 78.93 and 214.63 during the heating period and from 31.48 to 102.26 in the nonheating period. Benzo(a)pyrene occurred at the highest level at a site near an industrial area but occurred at low concentrations far from the city center and industrial areas. In addition, ambient PAH profiles were studied. The five and six-ring species occurred in high fractions at the sampling site. By diagnostic ratio analysis, the major source at each sampling site in the city was coal combustion in the heating period; in the nonheating period, the major sources were relatively complex. Finally, the similarities among the six regions were assessed by principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and coefficient of divergence. These multivariate statistical analyses produced similar results, which agreed with the results from the diagnostic ratio analysis.  相似文献   
Tong Y  Lin G  Ke X  Liu F  Zhu G  Gao G  Shen J 《Chemosphere》2005,60(1):85-92
In order to investigate the role of the microbial community in aquatic ecology and nutrient transformations in the development of eutrophication in large shallow freshwater lakes along Yangtze River, the microbial community in the depth-related sediment in Lake Chaohu and Lake Longganhu were compared. Lake Chaohu is one of the three most polluted lakes in China. However, the neighboring Lake Longganhu, a mesotrophic lake, is relatively pristine. The total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) concentration in water was detected at 0.193 mgl(-1) and 3.035 mgl(-1) for Lake Chaohu, 0.051 mgl(-1) and 0.774 mgl(-1) for Lake Longganhu, respectively. The population of the microorganisms with various ecological nutrient transforming functions (e.g. phosphate solubilizing, denitrifying and cellulose decomposing) and a batch of environmental parameters concerning the nutrient accumulating and transforming (e.g. total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorous concentrations) were assayed in the depth-related sediment samples from several defined points in both lakes. The sediment samples from Lake Chaohu showed higher density of actinomycetes (P<0.05) and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (P<0.001) and less profusion of denitrifying bacteria (P<0.05) and cellulolytic microbes (P<0.001), compared with those of Lake Longganhu. The data suggested that the current microbial community in the sediment of Lake Chaohu is in favor of sustaining or further accelerating the process of the lake eutrophication. A possible positive feedback loop which consists of sustained growth of microorganisms and gradual decline of lake eutrophic status is worth further discussing.  相似文献   
社会资本和环境资本在可持续发展中的作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文分析了经济、社会、环境体系中社会资本与环境资本对经济的影响,用可持续发展观点修正了传统的经济增长理论。  相似文献   
针对油田酸化过程中返排出的残酸处理困难,造成较大污染、浪费等问题,分析了残酸作为调剖剂的价值,研究了利用“残酸”进行调剖的工艺技术,并进行了现场试验,投入产出比为1:28,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益,为”残酸”的再利用和环境保护找到了一条有效途径。  相似文献   
Lu J  Wu J  Fu Z  Zhu L 《Environmental management》2007,40(6):823-830
The invasion of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) has resulted in enormous ecological and economic consequences worldwide. Although the spread of this weed in Africa, Australia, and North America has been well documented, its invasion in China is yet to be fully documented. Here we report that since its introduction about seven decades ago, water hyacinth has infested many water bodies across almost half of China’s territory, causing a decline of native biodiversity, alteration of ecosystem services, deterioration of aquatic environments, and spread of diseases affecting human health. Water hyacinth infestations have also led to enormous economic losses in China by impeding water flows, paralyzing navigation, and damaging irrigation and hydroelectricity facilities. To effectively control the rampage of water hyacinth in China, we propose a sustainability science-based management framework that explicitly incorporates principles from landscape ecology and Integrated Pest Management. This framework emphasizes multiple-scale long-term monitoring and research, integration among different control techniques, combination of control with utilization, and landscape-level adaptive management. Sustainability science represents a new, transdisciplinary paradigm that integrates scientific research, technological innovation, and socioeconomic development of particular regions. Our proposed management framework is aimed to broaden the currently dominant biological control-centered view in China and to illustrate how sustainability science can be used to guide the research and management of water hyacinth.  相似文献   
Three diesel fuels, one oil sand-derived (OSD) diesel serving as base fuel, one cetane-enhanced base fuel, and one oxygenate [diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DEDM)]-blended base fuel, were tested for their emission characterizations in vehicle exhaust on a light-duty diesel truck that reflects the engine technology of the 1994 North American standard. Both the cetane-enhanced and the oxygenate-blended fuels were able to reduce regulated [CO, particulate matter (PM), total hydrocarbon (THC)] and nonregulated [polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carbonyls, and other volatile organic chemicals] emissions, except for nitrogen oxides (NO(x)), compared with the base fuel. Although burning a fuel that contains oxygen could conceivably yield more oxygenated compounds in emissions, the oxygenate-blended diesel fuel resulted in reduced emissions of formaldehyde along with hydrocarbons such as benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and PAHs. Reductions in nitro-PAH emissions have been observed in both the cetane-enhanced and oxygenated fuels. This further demonstrates the benefits of using a cetane enhancer and the oxygenated fuel component.  相似文献   
Inrecentyears,attentionhasbeenpaidtoglobalclimaticchange,andcertainresearchresultshavebeenmadeinvariousrelatedfields.Thechangein globalclimateismainlyrepresentedbythewarmingupofglobalairtemperature ,frequentoccurrenceofENSOandabnormalityinatmosphericcir…  相似文献   
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