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目的 研究海洋设备涂层老化和失效的影响因素。方法 选择现有海洋设备涂层进行户外暴露试验和实验室加速环境试验,分析防护涂层的失光度和色差变化规律。结果 在实验室条件下成功模拟了加速海洋环境中的涂料老化,加速试验结果与户外暴露结果相关性较高。在海洋自然环境下暴露6个月后,涂层失光率降低,暴露18个月后出现粉化。结论 利用紫外光老化和盐雾试验,设定合适的环境试验参数后,实验室加速环境试验可代替户外暴露试验,缩短试验周期。涂层的配套设计、涂敷的基材结构形状、涂层施工过程等因素可直接影响涂料的老化、失效,进而引起基体腐蚀。  相似文献   
目的掌握反应堆冷却剂泵双金属飞轮飞射物对承压边界完整性的影响规律。方法基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA对飞轮保持环失效后钨合金块与承压边界的碰撞过程进行分析,模拟承压边界在重要因素(电机壳厚度、钨合金块数)的影响下对飞轮飞射物的包容过程。结果在保持飞射物入射初速度不变的情况下,当电机壳厚度小于118 mm时,发生非包容性失效。改变钨合金块数(4、8、12、16块),可以发现钨合金块数越多,飞射物对承压边界施加的破坏能量就越小。结论增加电机壳厚度、钨合金块数有利于承压边界能够很好地包容住所有飞射物。该研究成果对屏蔽电机主泵惰转飞轮的可靠性设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   
High nitrate(NO_3~-)loading in water bodies is a crucial factor inducing the eutrophication of lakes.We tried to enhance NO_3~-reduction in overlying water by coupling sediment microbial fuel cells(SMFCs)with submerged aquatic plant Ceratophyllum demersum.A comparative study was conducted by setting four treatments:open-circuit SMFC(Control),closed-circuit SMFC(SMFC-c),open-circuit SMFC with C.demersum(Plant),and closed-circuit SMFC with C.demersum(P-SMFC-c).The electrochemical parameters were documented to illustrate the bio-electrochemical characteristics of SMFC-c and P-SMFC-c.Removal pathways of NO_3~- in different treatments were studied by adding quantitative~(15)NO_3~- to water column.The results showed that the cathodic reaction in SMFC-c was mainly catalyzed by aerobic organisms attached on the cathode,including algae,Pseudomonas,Bacillus,and Albidiferax.The oxygen secreted by plants significantly improved the power generation of SMFC-c.Both electrogenesis and plants enhanced the complete removal of NO_3~- from the sediment–water system.The complete removal rates of added~(15)N increased by 17.6% and 10.2% for SMFC-c and plant,respectively,when compared with control at the end of experiment.The electrochemical/heterotrophic and aerobic denitrification on cathodes mainly drove the higher reduction of NO_3~- in SMFC-c and plant,respectively.The coexistence of electrogenesis and plants further increased the complete removal of NO_3~- with a rate of 23.1%.The heterotrophic and aerobic denitrifications were simultaneously promoted with a highest abundance of Flavobacterium,Bacillus,Geobacter,Pseudomonas,Rhodobacter,and Arenimonas on the cathode.  相似文献   
目的分析导弹在车辆运输中的振动载荷情况,为开展导弹结构可靠性分析和寿命预估提供输入条件。方法根据导弹运输车的动力学模型,利用Matlab/Simulink对不同路况条件下导弹运输车振动响应情况进行仿真计算,获得不同路况和运输车速时的振动响应情况。结果随着路面等级下降和车辆速度的增加,导弹运输车振动的幅值也相应增加。结论滤波白噪声方法模拟得到的时域路面功率谱与标准等级功率谱一致性较好,可以作为振动响应分析的输入激励。  相似文献   
Sulfur poisoning of V_2O_5/BaSO_4–TiO_2(VBT),V_2O_5/WO_3–TiO_2(VWT) and V_2O_5/BaSO_4–WO_3–TiO_2(VBWT) catalysts was performed in wet air at 350℃ for 3 hr,and activities for the selective catalytic reduction of NO_x with NH_3 were evaluated for 200–500℃.The VBT catalyst showed higher NO_x conversions after sulfur poisoning than the other two catalysts.The introduction of barium sulfate contributed to strong acid sites for the as-received catalyst,and eliminated the redox cycle of active vanadium oxide to some extent,which resulted in a certain loss of activity.Readily decomposable sulfate species formed on VBT-S instead of inactive sulfates on VWT-S.These decomposable sulfates increased the number of strong acid sites significantly.Some sulfate species escaped during catalyst preparation and barium sulfate was reproduced during sulfur poisoning,which protects vanadia from sulfur oxide attachment to a great extent.Consequently,the VBT catalyst exhibited the best resistance to sulfur poisoning.  相似文献   
Minimizing particles in water is a key goal for improving drinking water quality and safety.The media filtration process,as the last step of the solid–liquid separation process,is largely influenced by the characteristics of flocs,which are formed and controlled within the coagulation process.In a laboratory-based study,the impacts of the physical characteristics of flocs formed using aluminum sulfate on the filtration treatment of two comparative water samples were investigated using a photometric dispersion analyzer and a filterability apparatus.In general,the optimum dosage for maximizing filterability was higher than that for minimizing turbidity under neutral p H conditions.For a monomeric aluminum-based coagulant,the charge neutralization mechanism produced better floc characteristics,including floc growth speed and size,than the sweep flocculation mechanism.In addition,the charge neutralization mechanism showed better performance compared to sweep flocculation in terms of DOC removal and floc filterability improvement for both waters,and showed superiority in turbidity removal only when the raw water had high turbidity.For the different mechanisms,the ways that floc characteristics impacted on floc filterability also differed.The low variation in floc size distribution obtained under the charge neutralization mechanism resulted in the flocs being amenable to removal by filtration processes.For the sweep flocculation mechanism,increasing the floc size improved the settling ability of flocs,resulting in higher filter efficiency.  相似文献   
三价砷和五价砷对活性污泥几种酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用静态试验,研究了As(Ⅲ),As(Ⅴ)对活性污泥脱氢酶活性、脲酶活性、蛋白酶活性的影响。其结果:抑制10%脱氢酶、脲酶、蛋白酶活性的As(Ⅲ)浓度分别为10.0mg/gMLSS,13.4mg/gMLSS,2.6mg/gMLSS;As(Ⅴ)的浓度则分别为552.6mg/gMLSS,464.4mg/gMLSS,193.7mg/gMLSS。As(Ⅲ)对活性污泥的毒性比As(Ⅴ)平均大53倍。  相似文献   
采用臭氧法水处理系统对地上游泳池的循环水进行灭菌消毒,研究了臭氧用量、循环水流量和运行时间等因素对臭氧法灭菌效果的影响。结果表明,3组PEM臭氧发生器应用于21.2 m3的地上游泳池,在4 m3/h的循环水流量下运行12 h后,水中的细菌总数与大肠杆菌群数达到国家标准,去除率均在99%以上。与盐电解法水处理系统相比较,臭氧法水处理系统的优势在于:杀菌快速高效、出水水质的理化指标较好和运行费用低廉。  相似文献   
长江沉积物中痕量氯代酚类化合物的测定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文利用同位素稀释质谱法对长江南京段沉积物中18种氯代酚进行了分离鉴定,结果表明,沉积物中CPs的含量以五氯苯酚为主,  相似文献   
杭州市大气总悬浮颗粒物中酞酸酯的污染   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用大流量采样器采集了杭州市1月份和7月份不同功能区大气中的TSP,然后用HPLC其中的酞酸酯含量,结果检出有DMP、DBP和DEHP,其中1月份DBP含量最高,7月份DEHP含量最高。  相似文献   
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