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Forage fish—small, low trophic level, pelagic fish such as herrings, sardines, and anchovies—are important prey species in marine ecosystems and also support large commercial fisheries. In many parts of the world, forage fish fisheries are managed using precautionary principles that target catch limits below the maximum sustainable yield. However, there are increasing calls to further limit forage fish catch to safeguard their fish, seabird, and marine mammal predators. The effectiveness of these extra-precautionary regulations, which assume that increasing prey abundance increases predator productivity, are under debate. In this study, we used prey-linked population models to measure the influence of forage fish abundance on the population growth rates of 45 marine predator populations representing 32 fish, seabird, and mammal species from 5 regions around the world. We used simulated data to confirm the ability of the statistical model to accurately detect prey influences under varying levels of influence strength and process variability. Our results indicate that predator productivity was rarely influenced by the abundance of their forage fish prey. Only 6 predator populations (13% of the total) were positively influenced by increasing prey abundance and the model exhibited high power to detect prey influences when they existed. These results suggest that additional limitation of forage fish harvest to levels well below sustainable yields would rarely result in detectable increases in marine predator populations.  相似文献   
A specimen of the horned dinosaur Psittacosaurus from the early Cretaceous of China is described in which the integument is extraordinarily well-preserved. Most unusual is the presence of long bristle-like structures on the proximal part of tail. We interpret these structures as cylindrical and possibly tubular epidermal structures that were anchored deeply in the skin. They might have been used in display behavior and especially if one assumes that they were colored, they may have had a signal function. At present, there is no convincing evidence which shows these structures to be homologous to the structurally different integumentary filaments of theropod dinosaurs. Independent of their homology, however, the discovery of bristle-like structures in Psittacosaurus is of great evolutionary significance since it shows that the integumentary covering of at least some dinosaurs was much more complex than has ever been previously imagined.  相似文献   
旅游者们越来越意识到交通的负面影响(包括噪音和其他类型的污染).繁重的交通会影响旅游目的地的娱乐或其他价值.对于旅游胜地以赢利为目的的管理者来说,交通方式和参观者的满意程度及再访愿望之间的关系正越来越重要.  相似文献   
This study assesses the factors affecting the adoption of laser land leveling (LLL) and its impact on crop yields and net returns. It uses household survey data collected from 621 randomly selected farmers in Karnal District of Haryana, India, and applies endogenous switching regression models. Unbiased model results show that the adoption of LLL has significant positive impacts on yields (rice +549 kg ha−1; wheat +471 kg ha−1) and net returns (an aggregate increase of US$230/ha) in the rice-wheat production system, thereby raising farmers' income substantially. Our results show that LLL adoption at the farm level is influenced by land size and quality, tenure system, availability of farm machinery (tractor), access to finance and farm cooperatives, gender of household head, level of education and training and access to extension services. Therefore, LLL scaling strategies need to consider these bio-physical and socio-economic parameters to reach adoption at scale and generate large social, economic, and environmental benefits.  相似文献   
The atmosphere remains the major source of mercuryin Swedish ecosystems. Since the late eighties,atmospheric emissions of mercury have drasticallydecreased in Europe. Wet deposition of mercury hasdecreased over the last decade but still exhibitsa clear south-to-north gradient, greatlyinfluenced by source areas in northern and centralEurope. The decreases in emissions can beattributed to both direct measures to close knownpoint sources and a declining economy and energyconsumption in many East European countries.Further reductions of mercury emissions willrequire that other source categories such asindirect emissions from mercury-containingproducts and crematories are be considered.  相似文献   
The paper describes a model designed for analysing interrelated nitrogen (N) fluxes in farming systems. It combines the partial N balance, farm gate balance, barn balance and soil surface balance, in order to analyse all relevant N fluxes between the subsystems soil–plant–animal–environment and to reflect conclusive and consistent management systems. Such a system approach allows identifying the causes of varying N surplus and N utilisation.The REPRO model has been applied in the experimental farm Scheyern in southern Germany, which had been subdivided into an organic (org) and a conventional (con) farming system in 1992. Detailed series of long-term measuring data are available for the experimental farm, which have been used for evaluating the software for its efficiency and applicability under very different management, yet nearly equal site conditions.The organic farm is multi-structured with a legume-based crop rotation (N2 fixation: 83 kg ha−1 yr−1). The livestock density is 1.4 LSU ha−1. The farm is oriented on closed mass cycles.The conventional farm is a simple-structured cash crop system based on mineral N (N input 145 kg ha−1 yr−1). Averaging the years 1999–2002, the organic crop rotation reached, with regard to the harvested products, about 81% (6.9 Mg ha−1 yr−1) of the DM yield and about 93% (140 kg ha−1 yr−1) of the N removal of the conventional rotation. Related to the cropped area, the N surplus calculated for the organic rotation was 38 kg ha−1 yr−1 versus 44 kg ha−1 yr−1 for the conventional rotation. The N utilisation reached 0.77 (org) and 0.79 (con), respectively. The different structure of the farms favoured an enhancement of the soil organic nitrogen stock (35 kg ha−1 yr−1) in the organic crop rotation and caused a decline in the conventional system (−24 kg ha−1 yr−1). Taking account of these changes, which were substantiated by measurements, N surplus in the organic rotation decreased to 3 kg ha−1 yr−1, while it increased to 68 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the conventional system. The adjusted N utilisation value amounted to 0.98 (org) and 0.69 (con), respectively.  相似文献   
We analyze reactive transport during in-situ bioremediation in a nonuniform flow field, involving multiple extraction and injection wells, by the method of transfer functions. Gamma distributions are used as parametric models of the transfer functions. Apparent parameters of classical transport models may be estimated from those of the gamma distributions by matching temporal moments. We demonstrate the method by application to measured data taken at a field experiment on bioremediation conducted in a multiple-well system in Oak Ridge, TN. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) of a conservative tracer (bromide) and a reactive compound (ethanol) are measured at multi-level sampling (MLS) wells and in extraction wells. The BTCs of both compounds are jointly analyzed to estimate the first-order degradation rate of ethanol. To quantify the tracer loss, we compare the approaches of using a scaling factor and a first-order decay term. Results show that by including a scaling factor both gamma distributions and inverse-Gaussian distributions (transfer functions according to the advection-dispersion equation) are suitable to approximate the transfer functions and estimate the reactive rate coefficients for both MLS and extraction wells. However, using a first-order decay term for tracer loss fails to describe the BTCs at the extraction well, which is affected by the nonuniform distribution of travel paths.  相似文献   
For analysis of organochlorine contaminants in human tissue, the "gold standard" for preservation, storage, and shipping is usually freezing. However, this method can be difficult, if samples are taken in remote areas, and costly, when the samples must be shipped on dry ice. Therefore, a more simple and cost effective method of preservation is essential for remote field work. Potassium dichromate (K(2)Cr(2)O(7)) has been successfully employed in the preservation of human and cows' milk as well as chicken eggs. Our previous studies described the use of potassium dichromate for preservation of whole blood for analysis of dioxins, dibenzofurans, and PCBs. Potassium dichromate was found to successfully preserve blood at room temperature for 34 d with no significant differences in the measured concentrations of chemical contaminants or blood lipid level when compared to frozen samples. However, in a follow-up study, 3 months and 6 months of potassium dichromate preservation proved inadequate to preserve the samples for organic pollutant analysis. We noted that the lipid portion of the blood in the chemically preserved samples was declining in level or degrading, while the persistent organic pollutants remained intact at the same levels on a whole weight basis. To narrow down the window of efficacy for the use of potassium dichromate to preserve blood samples for analysis, the present study compared chemical preservation to freezing for an intermediate time period, 2 months. Similar to our previous findings at 3 and 6 months, at 2 months significant lipid degradation was observed in the chemically preserved samples. Chemically preserved samples had significantly higher levels of organochlorine contaminants (dioxins, dibenzofurans, and PCBs) when measured on a blood lipid basis but not on a wet weight basis compared to frozen samples. While 2 months of potassium dichromate preservation was not useful for obtaining accurate measure of dioxins, furans, and PCBs on a lipid basis, previous studies found this method of preservation to be useful for at least one month (Schecter, A., Pavuk, M., P?pke, O., Malisch, R., 2004. The use of potassium dichromate and ethyl alcohol as blood preservatives for analysis of organochlorine contaminants. Chemosphere 57, 1-7). However blood stored at -70 degrees C and at 22 degrees C with potassium dichromate gave similar results when expressed on a wet weight basis.  相似文献   
Background, aim, and scope  At tropical latitudes, and especially on the semi-arid coasts of the Brazilian Northeast, the rainfall regime governs the water quality of estuaries due to the pronounced difference between the rainy and dry seasons. These changes may be responsible for seasonal changes in bioavailability of mercury (Hg) and other pollutants to the estuarine and coastal biota. Mercury bioaccumulates along estuarine–marine food chains usually result in higher concentrations in tissues of top predators and posing a risk to both marine mammals and humans alike. The Goiana River Estuary (7.5° S) is a typical estuary of the semi-arid tropical regions and supports traditional communities with fisheries (mollusks, fish, and crustacean). It is also responsible for an important part of the biological production of the adjacent coastal waters. Materials and methods   Trichiurus lepturus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) is a pscivorous marine straggler. Fish from this species (n = 104) were captured in a trapping barrier used by the local traditional population and using an otter trawl net along the main channel of the low estuary during two dry seasons (D1 = November, December 2005, January 2006; D2 = November, December 2006, January 2007) and the end of a rainy season (R = August, September, October 2006). Fish muscle samples were preserved cold and then freeze-dried prior to analysis of its total mercury (Hg-T) contents. Total mercury was determined by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CV-AAS) with sodium borohydride as a reducing agent. Results  The studied individuals (n = 104) were sub-adult (30–70 cm, 71 ind.) and adult fish (>70 cm, 33 ind.). Weight (W) (204.1 ± 97.9 g, total biomass = 21,229.7 g) and total length (TL) (63.1 ± 10.1 cm, range 29.5–89.0 cm) presented a significant (p < 0.05) correlation. Two-way ANOVA (n = 81) showed that TL and W had significant differences (p < 0.05) among seasons, being higher in D1 than in D2 and R, respectively. Moreover, season vs. month interaction were detected for the variables length and weight. For the variable weight was detected significant difference for the factor month (p < 0.05). It suggests that the fish enter the estuary at the end of the rainy season and increase in length and weight during the time they spend in the estuary. Fish from this estuary are shown to be fit for human consumption (125.3 ± 61.9 μgHg-T kg–1 w.wt.; n = 104). Fish mercury contents increased with size and weight. Correlations between TL and Hg-T (r = 0.37286) and between W and Hg-T (r = 0.38212) were significant (p < 0.05). Dryer months showed higher mercury concentrations in fish (D1 773.4 ± 207.5 μgHg-T kg–1 d.wt., n = 27; D2 370.1 ± 78.8 μgHg-T kg–1 d.wt., n = 27; R 331.2 ± 138.5 μgHg-T kg–1 d.wt., n = 27). The variable mercury concentration showed differences in relation to the factor season (p < 0.05), where fish captured during the first dry season showed the highest concentration of mercury. The correlation between Hg-T and rainfall (Rf) showed a negative correlation (r = –0.56; p < 0.05). Discussion  The main likely source of mercury to this estuary is diffuse continental run off, including urban and industrial effluents. Since concentration of mercury in fish tissue is negatively correlated to rainfall, but positively correlated with fish length and weight, it suggests that fish growth in this estuary results in mercury uptake and concentration on the fish tissue. In the dry season of 2005–2006, when rainfall remained below the historic average, fish bioaccumulated significantly more mercury than in the dry season 2006–2007, when rainfall was within the predictable historic average. It is suggested that less rainfall, and consequently less particulate matter and less primary production in the estuary, make mercury more available to the higher levels of the estuarine food chain. In the case of higher rainfall, when river flow increases and water quality in the estuary is reduced, mercury probably is quickly exported associated to the particulate matter to the adjacent coastal waters where it then disperses. This species is a potential routine bioindicator for mercury contamination of the biota, but so far was used only with a limited number of individuals and contexts. Conclusions  Fish from the Goiana River estuary can still be safely consumed by the local population. However, any further contamination of this resource might lead to total mercury levels above the recommended limits for pregnant women and small children. The proposed heavy dependency of total mercury levels in fish on water quality indicates that land use and water quality standards must be more closely watched in order to guarantee that best possible practices are in place to prevent bioaccumulation of mercury and its transfer along the food chain. Human interventions and climatic events which affect river water flow are also playing a role in the mercury cycle at tropical semi-arid estuaries. Recommendations and perspectives   T. lepturus is largely consumed by coastal populations of tropical and sub-tropical countries all over the world. It is also consumed by a number of marine mammals over which we have a strong conservation interest. This species is also a link among different ecosystems along the estuarine ecocline. Therefore, knowledge of its degree of contamination might contribute to public health issues as well as marine conservation actions. Studies on mercury and other contaminants using this species as bioindicator (cosmopolitan, readily available) could help elucidating mechanisms through which pollutants are being transferred not only through the food chain, but also from estuarine–coastal–open waters. In addition, using the same species in marine pollution studies, especially as part of a mosaic of species, allows for wide range comparisons of marine food chain contamination.  相似文献   
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