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苏北地区农业环境问题及管理方案的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
配合江苏省“碧海计划”和盐城市海洋经济绿色农业的发展,探讨了现阶段农业环境污染控制的直接政策管理、经济手段和人工生态工程处理三种方案,其中政策管理,如减少化肥农药的施用规定能减少污染,直接经济投入少,但是执行管理成本高,且政策见效慢;经济手段能减少污染,但环境目标达标不确定,且需要完善的市场环境,目前来说,本地区市场机制不完善,会出现“市场失灵”现象;人工湿地生态工程,前期投入大,但管理成本低,环境目标确定,但不能快速削减污染负荷。三种方案各有所长,在实际操作中,应针对不同区域的农业产业状况、方案时间迟度组合使用。  相似文献   
针对生物质固体废物量大面广,具有污染和资源利用双重特性,厌氧发酵能源化可促进其污染控制,且过程中部分有机成分在微生物作用下转化成腐殖质(HS).通过分析厌氧发酵过程中HS转化规律、HS结构特征与氧化还原性能、腐殖质还原菌与产甲烷菌活性、产CH4效率之间的响应关系和作用机制研究进展,总结凝练出生物质厌氧发酵系统内HS对CH4的调控原理,为减少厌氧发酵系统内HS对产CH4途径的抑制作用,提高发酵效率的技术研究提供理论支撑.  相似文献   
基于1951~2014年中国北方及周边地区357个气象站点平均最低气温、平均气温和平均最高气温年(月)数据,采用M~K检验等方法,分析了中国北方地区3类气温突变和变暖停滞特征的时空变异性.结果表明:研究区3类气温整体突变年(1978~1999年、1981~2002年、1981~2005年)、分布广泛的普遍突变年(1988年、1989年、1997年)及范围(3a)均依次变晚.整体上,突变年随纬度降低变晚,东北突变早于西北和华北地区.变暖停滞集中于1998和2007年及其前后,3类气温亦依次变晚(1994~2007年、1995~2009年、1998~2010年),由黄河流域中段向其他方向越来越晚.突变至变暖停滞周期整体随纬度降低缩短(3~30a),突变越早周期越长.西北地区突变与变暖停滞前后各时段均值温差最大(2.4℃),温差在1℃左右站点分布最广泛.各时段升(降)温速率整体依次在0.01℃/10a、0.05℃/10a、-0.03℃/10a左右站点分布最广泛,突变后升温最快(0.02~0.16℃/10a),且西北地区对升温贡献最大,变暖停滞后东北地区对降温贡献最大,2时段按平均最低气温、平均最高气温、平均气温顺序升(降)温速率递减.3类气温波动程度减弱,整体随纬度降低.高纬度、高海拔和山地地区突变和变暖停滞较周边地区偏早或偏晚,特征值较大.整个北方地区3类气温突变、变暖停滞、突变与变暖停滞时间及各时段特征值各自具有自身一致性的普遍规律.  相似文献   
The characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and bromide ion concentration have a significant influence on the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs). In order to identify the main DBP precursors, DOM was divided into five fractions based on molecular weight (MW), trihalomethane formation potential and haloacetic acid formation potential were determined for fractions, and the change in contents of different fractions and total DBPs during treatment processes (pre-chlorination, coagulation, sand filtration, disinfection) were studied. Moreover, the relationship between bromide concentration and DBP generation characteristics in processes was also analyzed. The results showed that the main DBP precursors were the fraction with MW < 1 kDa and fraction with MW 3−10 kDa, and the DBP''s generation ability of lower molecular weight DOM (< 10 kDa) was higher than that of higher molecular weight DOM. During different processes, pre-chlorination and disinfection had limited effect on removing organics but could alter the MW distribution, and coagulation and filtration could effectively remove organics with higher MW. For DBPs, trihalomethanes (THMs) were mainly generated in pre-chlorination and disinfection, while haloacetic acids (HAAs) were mostly generated during pre-chlorination; coagulation and sand filtration had little effect on THMs but resulted in a slight removal of HAAs. In addition, the results of ANOVA tests suggested that molecular sizes and treatment processes have significant influence on DBP formation. With increasing bromide concentration, the brominated DBPs significantly increased, but the bromine incorporation factor in the processes was basically consistent at each concentration.  相似文献   
Oxygenated fuel represents an attractive alternative as an additive for reducing soot emissions.Dimethyl carbonate(DMC) is an oxygenated compound which is a good option to reduce soot,but the detailed characteristics of soot produced from combustion of hydrocarbon fuels blended with DMC are still lacking. The present research studied the nanostructure and reactivity of soot particles in ethylene/DMC normal and inverse diffusion flames. High resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)were used to analyze the nanostructure and reactivity of soot. It was found that DMC addition was effective in decreasing the average weights of soot formed in flames. The results of HRTEM images showed that soot particles obtained with DMC addition showed liquid-like material and tight bonding, and exhibited more highly disorganized layers, which give it higher reactivity than soot obtained without DMC addition. Furthermore, HRTEM was used to analyze soot fringe characteristics consisting of fringe tortuosity, fringe length, and fringe separation. XRD was used to crosscheck the results for fringe separation, and was consistent with HRTEM results. In addition, the mass loss curve of TGA experiments showed that DMC addition could enhance the reactivity of soot particles.  相似文献   
火蔓延行为决定了火灾发展规律及其后果,其行为特性常常受到多个参数的共同影响。为研究外部热源辐射和倾角对火蔓延行为的共同作用,开展了一系列不同外加辐射强度和倾角的木材(樟木)表面小尺寸火蔓延实验,测量了火蔓延过程中的关键特性参数,包括质量损失速率、火焰形态以及火蔓延速率。结果表明,质量损失速率、火焰面积和火蔓延速率都随着倾角和外加辐射强度的增加而增加,而且倾角越大外加辐射对试样质量损失速率的作用越明显。另外发现,倾角较小时,V_f~(-1/2)与辐射强度存在较好的线性关系,但是倾角较大时,该线性关系就不再满足。  相似文献   
简要统计了2017年5-6月国内发生的各种环境事件142起,包括沙尘天气12起,污染事件16起,地震44起,山体滑坡和泥石流16起,以及其他自然灾害54起.  相似文献   
针对传统的接触式瞬时速度测量方法的局限性,采用非接触测量技术激光多普勒测速仪(LDA)及粒子成像测速仪(PIV)对平直巷道及断面突扩后风流状态进行试验测试。在巷道试验模型条件下,PIV技术可以瞬时获得巷道突扩流场信息,平直巷道速度流线基本呈平滑直线,突扩隅角有大涡存在,并且涡流区测风方向极不稳定,而且风速很低,风速平均值在0.1~0.2 m/s波动,表明在煤矿井下测风时可以有条件地忽略涡流区。LDA技术测试得到巷道断面各点统计平均流速,由于受突扩涡流及二次流的影响,平直巷道断面风速从壁面以跃迁方式"突变"达到均值,断面风速分布呈近似均等的动态波浪线分布而非准抛物线型分布。结果表明,LDA与PIV测量技术联合应用可以测试以湍流为特征的巷道流场风流变化情况。  相似文献   
对国内外饮用水中HANs类消毒副产物检测方法、生成的影响因素及毒理学试验的研究进展与现状进行了调查和分析,探讨了其存在于饮用水中可能导致的人体健康危害。结果表明,饮用水中HANs类消毒副产物普遍存在,而且HANs消毒副产物比常规消毒副产物(三卤甲烷、卤乙酸等)具有更强的三致效应、生殖发育毒性、基因和细胞毒性,通过饮水摄入人体,对健康造成潜在危害。HANs的检测、人体健康风险评价和控制是今后的研究重点。  相似文献   
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