Large scale sugarcane bagasse storage in uncovered stockpiles has the potential to result in adverse impacts on the environment and surrounding communities through hazards associated with nuisance dust, groundwater seepage, spontaneous combustion and generation of contaminated leachates. Managing these hazards will assist in improved health and safety outcomes for factory staff and reduced potential environmental impacts on surrounding communities. Removal of the smaller fibres (pith) from bagasse prior to stockpiling reduced the dust number of bagasse by 50% and modelling suggests peak ground level PM10 dust emissions would reduce by 70%. Depithed bagasse has much lower water holding capacity (~43%) than whole bagasse.This experimental and modelling study investigated the physical properties of depithed and whole bagasse. Dust dispersion modelling was undertaken to determine the likely effects associated with storage of whole and depithed sugarcane bagasse. 相似文献
There is a need for a systematic literature review focusing on adolescents’ risk perceptions in relation to risk behavior with long-term health consequences with delayed onset. The aim of this literature review was to review the results of such empirical studies, and to interpret these results from a general risk psychology perspective. Special focus was on factors influencing adolescents’ risk perceptions, and on the risk perceptions – risk behavior relationship. Literature searches were conducted in the PsycInfo, PubMed, and Cinahl databases. In total 51 journal articles were included in the review. Evidence, although inconsistent, was found for age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, close exposure to negative outcome, perceived control, and knowledge, stereotyping and misconceptions as covariates of risk perceptions. Evidence was found both for a negative and a positive association between risk perceptions and risk behavior. The results suggest that the adolescent’s risk perception, knowledge, perceived control (response- and self-efficacy) as well as benefits and costs of health behavior must be well balanced. Any agent, such as care providers, aiming at encouraging adolescents to take active responsibility for their long term health, must be able to determine each young person’s status regarding these issues concomitantly, in order not to evoke risk denial, exaggerated unrealistic optimism, or impaired mental wellbeing. 相似文献
A thermal/optical carbon analyzer (TOA), normally used for quantification of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) speciation networks, was adapted to direct thermally evolved gases to an electron impact quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS), creating a TOA-QMS. This approach produces spectra similar to those obtained by the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), but the ratios of the mass to charge (m/z) signals differ and must be remeasured using laboratory-generated standards. Linear relationships are found between TOA-QMS signals and ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3?), and sulfate (SO42-) standards. For ambient samples, however, positive deviations are found for SO42-, compensated by negative deviations for NO3?, at higher concentrations. This indicates the utility of mixed-compound standards for calibration or separate calibration curves for low and high ion concentrations. The sum of the QMS signals across all m/z after removal of the NH4+, NO3?, and SO42- signals was highly correlated with the carbon content of oxalic acid (C?H?O?) standards. For ambient samples, the OC derived from the TOA-QMS method was the same as the OC derived from the standard IMPROVE_A TOA method. This method has the potential to reduce complexity and costs for speciation networks, especially for highly polluted urban areas such as those in Asia and Africa.Implications: Ammonium, nitrate, and sulfate can be quantified by the same thermal evolution analysis applied to organic and elemental carbon. This holds the potential to replace multiple parallel filter samples and separate laboratory analyses with a single filter and a single analysis to account for a large portion of the PM2.5 mass concentration. 相似文献
One of the highest self-reported incidence rates of acute gastrointestinal illness (AGI) in the global peer-reviewed literature occurs in Inuit communities in the Canadian Arctic. This high incidence of illness could be due, in part, to the consumption of contaminated water, as many northern communities face challenges related to the quality of municipal drinking water. Furthermore, many Inuit store drinking water in containers in the home, which could increase the risk of contamination between source and point-of-use (i.e., water recontamination during storage). To examine this risk, this research characterized drinking water collection and storage practices, identified potential risk factors for water contamination between source and point-of-use, and examined possible associations between drinking water contamination and self-reported AGI in the Inuit community of Rigolet, Canada. The study included a cross-sectional census survey that captured data on types of drinking water used, household practices related to drinking water (e.g., how it was collected and stored), physical characteristics of water storage containers, and self-reported AGI. Additionally, water samples were collected from all identified drinking water containers in homes and analyzed for presence of Escherichia coli and total coliforms. Despite municipally treated tap water being available in all homes, 77.6% of households had alternative sources of drinking water stored in containers, and of these containers, 25.2% tested positive for total coliforms. The use of transfer devices and water dippers (i.e., smaller bowls or measuring cups) for the collection and retrieval of water from containers were both significantly associated with increased odds of total coliform presence in stored water (ORtransfer device = 3.4, 95% CI 1.2–11.7; ORdipper = 13.4, 95% CI 3.8–47.1). Twenty-eight-day period prevalence of self-reported AGI during the month before the survey was 17.2% (95% CI 13.0–22.5), which yielded an annual incidence rate of 2.4 cases per person per year (95% CI 1.8–3.1); no water-related risk factors were significantly associated with AGI. Considering the high prevalence of, and risk factors associated with, indicator bacteria in drinking water stored in containers, potential exposure to waterborne pathogens may be minimized through interventions at the household level. 相似文献
Cambodian subsistence communities within the Tonle Sap Great Lake area rely on resource extraction from the lake to meet livelihood needs. These fishing communities—many of which consist of dwellings floating on the lake—face potentially profound livelihood challenges because of climate change and changing hydrology due to dam construction for hydroelectricity within the Mekong Basin. We conducted interviews across five village communities, with local subsistence fisher people in the Tonle Sap in 2015, and used thematic analysis methods to reveal a fishery system that is undergoing rapid ecological decline, with local fishing communities increasingly experiencing reductions in available fish stocks. As a result, over 100 000 people living in these communities are experiencing a direct loss of well-being and livelihood. We discuss these losses and consider their implications for the future viability of Cambodian floating village communities. 相似文献
Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) is an environmental toxicant and endocrine disruptor. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the toxicity of B[a]P in testis of rats and also to study the role of silymarin and thymoquinone (TQ) as natural antioxidants in the alleviation of such toxicity. Data of the present study showed that levels of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone were significantly decreased after treatment of rats with B[a]P. In addition, B[a]P caused downregulation of the expressions of steroidogenic enzymes including CYP17A1 and CP19A1, and decreased the activity of 17-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD). Moreover, B[a]P decreased the activities of antioxidant enzymes including catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), and significantly increased free radicals levels in testis of male rats. However, pretreatment of rats with silymarin prior to administration of B[a]P was found to restore the level of free radicals, antioxidant status, and activities of steroidogenic enzymes to their normal levels in testicular tissues. Moreover, histopathological finding showed that silymarin recovered the abnormalities occurred in tubules caused by B[a] P in testis of rats. On the other hand, TQ showed pro-oxidant effects and did not ameliorate the toxic effects of B[a] P on the testicular tissue since it decreased antioxidant enzymes activities and inhibited the protein expression of CYP11A1 and CYP21A2 compared to control rats. Moreover, TQ decreased the levels of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone either in the presence or absence of B[a]P. It is concluded that B[a]P decreased testosterone levels, inhibited antioxidant enzymes activities, caused downregulation of CYP isozymes involved in steroidogenesis, and increased free radical levels in testis. Moreover, silymarin was more effective than TQ in restoring organism health and alleviating the deleterious effects caused by B[a]P in the testis of rats. Due to its negative impact, it is highly recommended to limit the use of TQ as a dietary supplement since millions of people in the Middle East are using it to improve their health.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Multi-biological level assessments have become great tools to evaluate the health of aquatic ecosystems. Using this approach, a complementary study... 相似文献