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In order to evaluate the extraction of pesticide residues that are transferred to the brew during mate drinking process of P.U.1 yerba mate leaves (Ilex paraguariensis), a special device to simulate the way in which mate is drunk in Uruguay was developed. The transfer to the brew of 12 organophosphates, 5 synthethic pyrethroids and one organochlorine pesticide from spiked samples was studied. The relationship between the transfer data thus obtained and physicochemical properties like water solubility (Ws), octanol-water coefficient (Kow) and Henry's constant (H) was evaluated. The extractability of the pesticide residues from yerba mate can be correlated with log Ws and log Kow. These transfer values allowed the calculation of ARLs (acceptable residue level) for the pesticides following Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Health Organizaion (WHO) guidelines. These results can help the future establishment of maximum residue levels (MRLs).  相似文献   
A biomonitoring survey using the moss species Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. was conducted in the surroundings of two steel plants located in the North of Spain. Levels of V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Hg, Pb and N were determined. Very high concentrations in the areas of study were detected when compared to nearby unaffected regions. Similar trends were observed for all the elements in the differently orientated transects, showing an appreciable influence of the NW prevailing winds of the region in the dispersion of pollutants, as well as a clear decreasing gradient in the concentrations of metals in mosses within a distance of 1500 meters from the facilities. A differentiation between the elements emitted by the chimney as result of the industrial activity (V, Cr, Ni, Cu and As) and those with a high presence in steel slag deposits (Zn, Cd, Hg and Pb) was observed. The range of contamination was also established by means of the Contamination Factor, indicating a category 4 out of 6 categories, which shows the high levels reported in the areas of study. A different dynamic was registered for nitrogen regarding the rest of the heavy metals analysed except for Hg, probably due to the elevated volatility and mobility of both elements, as well as their high persistence in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
Wood is commonly used in residential combustion for heating purposes; however, it can be a major source of air pollutants, namely fine particles, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide. Since 2004, the PM10 daily limit value has been surpassed in Portugal, and the European Commission has stated that plans and programs must be designed in order to reduce these levels. In Portugal, 18% of PM10 emissions are due to residential wood combustion, which may deeply impact the PM10 levels in the atmosphere. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of residential wood combustion on the air quality in Portugal. The air quality modelling system MM5/CHIMERE was applied over Portugal for a winter month, for the following three scenarios: the reference scenario, considering the actual emissions of PM10; scenario 1, where residential wood combustion emissions are not considered; and scenario 2, which takes into account a complete conversion from traditional fireplaces to certified appliances (with a 90% reduction in PM emissions). The residential wood combustion contribution to PM10 air quality concentration values during January 2007 ranges from 0 to 14 μg m?3, with a mean contribution of 10 μg m?3 in the Lisboa area and 6 μg m?3 in the Porto region. Concerning the legislated values, the area where the daily average limit value (50 μg m?3) is exceeded decreases by 46% in the simulation when residential combustion is not considered. The modelling results for scenario 2 are not significantly different from those for scenario 1. In summary, the regulation of the residential wood combustion sector is as an effective way to reduce the PM10 levels in the atmosphere as regards air quality plans and programs.  相似文献   
The chemical speciation of the 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated to the particulate matter of conventional diesel fuel, rapeseed methyl esters, waste cooking oil methyl esters, waste cooking oil ethyl esters and their conventional fuel blends has been carried out. The speciation of these individual compounds was made by a combination of thermal extraction, solid phase micro-extraction and GC/MS analysis. This PAH speciation method was applied to a real samples obtained from a diesel engine under two different operating modes, urban and extraurban modes. The purpose of this work was to study the relationship between the amount, type and carcinogenic potency of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in engine emissions and the multi-component biodiesel fuel composition.  相似文献   
Indoor sources have been identified as a major contributor to the increase of particle concentration in indoor environments. The work presented here is a study of the characteristics of particulate matter number size distribution and mass concentration under controlled indoor activities in a laboratory room. The objective is to characterize particulate matter concentrations indoors resulted under the influence of specific sources. Measurements were performed in an empty laboratory (period September–October 2006) using a GRIMM SMPS+C system (particle size range between 11.1 and 1083.3 nm), a DustTrak Aerosol Monitor (TSI) and a P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter (TSI). The studied indoor activities included candle burning, hot plate heating, water boiling, onion frying, vacuuming, hair drying, hair spraying, smoking and burning of incense stick. The AMANpsd computer algorithm was used to evaluate the modal structure of measured particle number size distribution data. Furthermore, the change of the particle number size distribution shape under the influence of different emission sources was studied versus time. Finally the particle emission rates were computed. High particle number concentrations were observed during smoking, onion frying, candle burning and incense stick burning. The highest particle mass concentrations were measured during smoking and hair spraying. The shift of the particle size distribution to larger diameters suggests the presence of strong coagulation effect during candle burning, incense stick burning, smoking and onion frying. The size distribution was mainly bimodal during onion frying and candle burning, whereas the size distribution remained unimodal during incense stick burning and smoking experiments.  相似文献   
The guidelines regarding sampling terrestrial mosses for biomonitoring the atmospheric contamination in a region specifically recommend that sampling close to focal points of contamination (i.e. roads, populated areas, etc.) should be avoided for satisfactory characterization of general patterns of contamination. However, these recommendations cannot always be followed in many parts of the world with dense, highly dispersed populations. The aim of the present study was to determine how the distances between sampling sites (SS) and contamination foci such as roads, isolated houses and urban nuclei affect regular, large-scale sampling networks. Metal concentrations obtained in biennial sampling surveys carried out between 2000 and 2006 in Galicia (NW Spain) were used, and the relative proportions of the concentrations corresponding to small-scale and large-scale processes were calculated. The possible relationship between the mean concentrations corresponding to small-scale processes in the different sampling surveys and the distances from SS to roads, buildings and urban nuclei was established by a GIS. Outliers in the data were identified at many of the SS and frequency statistics revealed the absence of any relationship between the distance to these foci and the concentrations of metals in the moss. The method also revealed many instances of the influence of one or more small-scale contamination foci such as airports and railways (often not considered in the sampling recommendations) on SS. Relocation of such SS would improve the representativeness of the sampling grid.  相似文献   
Long-term integrated monitoring is an important approach forinvestigating, detecting and predicing the effects ofenvironmental changes. Currently, European freshwaters,glaciers, forests and other narural and semi-natural ecosystemsand habitats are monitored by a number of networks establishedby different organisations. However, many monitoring programmeshave a narrow focus (e.g. targeting individual ecosystems) andmost have different measurement protocols and sampling design.This has resulted in poor integration of ecosystem monitoring ata European level, leading to some overlapping of efforts and alack of harmonised data to inform policy decisions. The need fora consistent pan-European long-term integrated monitoring ofterrestrial systems programme is recognised in the scientificcommunity. However, the design of such a system can be problematic, not least because of the constraints imposed bythe need to make maximum use of existing sites and networks.Based on the outcomes of the NoLIMITS project (Networking ofLong-term Integrated Monitoring in Terrestrial Systems), thisarticle reviews issues that should be addressed in designing aprogramme based on existing monitoring sites and networks. Fourmajor design issues are considered: (i) users' requirements,(ii) the need to address multiple objectives, (iii) role ofexisting sites and (iv) operational aspects.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between the distribution of hay-fever patients in the city of Córdoba, south-western Iberian Peninsula, and the specific atmospheric biological content originating from local sources. Four different districts were established in the metropolitan area of the city, according to vegetational and urbanistic characteristics. Air samples were taken in each area using portable Hirst-type samplers (Lanzoni VPPS 1000) and the spectrum of biological content was defined. Patients attending the Allergy Unit at Córdoba Teaching Hospital in 2000 with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma, and displaying a positive reaction to aeroallergen extracts, were distributed within the areas as a function of their district of residence. Aerobiological results revealed differences in pollen content between areas, in terms of both quantity and number of pollen types recorded. These differences were largely due to proximity to rural areas, prevalence of pollen from typically urban species and the possible effect of urban architecture as a barrier to the dispersal/ concentration of particles and other pollutants. Patients were not uniformly distributed within the city. The majority lived in districts in which pollen from rural species was mixed with pollen from ornamentals. Patients living in typically urban districts displayed a higher prevalence of allergy to pollen from ornamentals. It is concluded that a high degree of exposure to the same environment may influence the development of sensitisation to the particular pollen load associated with that area.  相似文献   
The optimisation of a simple multielement extraction method employing an experimental design approach is described. The method uses centrifugation to pass one extractant solution at varying pH through a contaminated soil sample. The nature and concentration of the acid, rate of centrifugation and time, number of sequential leachates and the ratio of extractant volume: sample weight have been studied in order to obtain the optimum conditions for extraction. A fractional factorial experimental design was performed, and the results were used to identify significance which was then evaluated by carrying out a central composite experimental approach. Once optimum conditions had been obtained, sequential leaches were analysed by ICP-AES and chemometrics were employed to identify the composition of each component. Comparisons have been made with previous studies and tentative assignments, based on well defined separated fractions and percentage compositions for individual elements, used to identify the different physico-chemical components in the sample.  相似文献   
Passive diffusion samplers were employed in San Miguel(Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area) for a preliminary airpollution monitoring. The highest loads were observedin downtown, compared with an urban background site.Total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) varied from0.257 to 0.033 mg cm-2 month-1; dust was examinedfor particle nature and size distribution. A similartrend was observed for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) andTSPM spatial distribution, suggesting that traffic isthe major pollution source. Sulphur dioxide (SO2)values were low and rather homogeneous. Levels for theinvestigated pollutants are below EPA's guide linevalues. Geographic (flat area, near to Rio de LaPlata) and climatologic factors (rainfalls andvariable wind directions) contribute to disperse pollutants.  相似文献   
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