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论国家生态安全   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国家生态安全是一种全新的现代国家安全观,要重视和维护国家生态安全。  相似文献   
本文提出安全科学技术也是第一生产力的观点。文中简析了科学、技术和科学技术的内涵及其相互关系;研究了科学技术与生产力的关系;阐述安全科学技术也是第一生产力:探讨了发展高科技与安全科学技术的关系;安全科学技术发展中应注意的问题。  相似文献   
徐红  刘飚 《干旱环境监测》1991,5(4):208-209,213
本文对某铀矿职业工人和非职业工人头发中的总β、总α放射性水平和铀、钍含量进行了分析测定.结果表明,该矿工人体内铀和钍的蓄积量均在正常放射性本底水平范围内,从头发中检验未观察到工人体内铀、钍放射性水平有明显的升高.  相似文献   
通过对钢铁行业消耗水资源及产生污染情况进行分析,阐述了目前钢铁行业为节能减排而采取的管理、技术、污染治理措施,以达到减少废水外排量、降低污染物浓度、降低新水消耗的目的,对钢铁行业废水回用中尚存和潜在的工艺、设计问题进行了讨论,同时提出了通过清洁生产、优化工艺结构来解决问题的措施和建议,确立了企业近期和长期的节能减排任务目标。  相似文献   
在线衍生化吹扫捕集-气相色谱/质谱分析水中的五氯酚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了通过乙酸酐衍生化-吹扫捕集-气相色谱/质谱分析水中五氯酚的新方法,探讨了吹扫时间、样品池温度、离子强度以及衍生化试剂的加入量等条件对捕集效果的影响。结果表明:采用吹扫时间25min、样品池温度60℃、离子强度20%氯化钠以及衍生化试剂的量200μl等条件对水中的五氯酚有较好的捕集效果,用于水中五氯酚的测定,结果满意。  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of soil organic matter heterogeneity on equilibrium sorption and desorption of phenanthrene, naphthalene, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB), and 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) by soils and sediments. Two estuary sediments, a Pahokee peat (PP; Euic, hyperthermic Lithic Haplosaprist), and two subsamples (base- and acid-treated peat [TP] and acid-treated peat [FP]) of the peat were used as the sorbents. The contents of black carbon particles were quantified with a chemical extraction method. Petrographical examinations revealed the presence of the condensed soil and sediment organic matter (SOM) in Pahokee peat. The Freundlich isotherm model in two different forms was used to fit both sorption and desorption data. The results show that the sorption and desorption isotherms are generally nonlinear and that the apparent sorption-desorption hysteresis is present for phenanthrene and TCB. Detailed analysis of sorption data for the tested sorbent-sorbate systems indicates that black carbon is probably responsible for sorption isotherm nonlinearity for the two sediments, whereas the humic substances and kerogen may play the dominant role in nonlinear sorption by the peat. This investigation suggests that the microporosity of SOM is important for the hydrophobic organic contaminant (HOC) sorption capacity on the peat.  相似文献   
目前环境影响评价普遍存在滞后现象和水平低及周期长等问题,提出广泛开展环评法宣传教育;加强环评队伍建设,提高环评人员的素质;把环评纳入总量控制轨道,突出浓度与总量同时评价;大众参与以及进一步规范和完善环境影响报告书的审批等对策与措施.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: To comprehend the distributions of salinity, temperature, and suspended sediment in the Danshuei River estuary in Taiwan, monthly field surveys were conducted in 2003. These included several high and low slackwater surveys and intensive surveys. The results show that the Danshuei River estuary is predominately a partially mixed estuary. The highest concentration of suspended sediment is typically observed at the Chung‐Hsin Bridge, the most upstream sampling station. The suspended sediment concentration exhibits a general decreasing trend in the downstream direction. It may be concluded that the sediments mostly come from the upstream reach. A locally high concentration of suspended sediment is found at the Kuan‐Du station because of the local deep channel bathymetry and two‐layered estuarine circulation. A vertical two‐dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model is applied to investigate the tidally averaged salinity distribution, residual circulation, and suspended sediment concentration. The modeling results reveal that, under the Q75 flow condition (i.e., low flow), a turbidity maximum occurs at the Kuan‐Du station due to the strong estuarine circulation. The model simulation with a much higher river flow condition results in a weaker residual circulation and weaker turbidity maximum.  相似文献   
本文对奶牛场废水处理工艺进行了研究。结果表明,奶牛场废水经混凝处理后,CODcr 从2010 mg/L 下降到563mg/L~691 mg/L,NH3 - N 可从71 mg/L 下降到25 mg/L~33 mg/L,CM 从180 度下降到40 度~70 度。如采用混凝表面曝气处理工艺,可使奶牛场废水达到国家排放标准,且处理工艺简单、投资少、运行费低、易操作管理  相似文献   
实施可持续发展战略,就是要实现经济建设与环境保护协调发展。本文从佳木斯市实际出发,提出了环境保护职能部门如何参与经济结构调整以实现经济与环境协调发展的意见和建议。  相似文献   
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