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Sorbitol and glycerol were used to plasticize sugar beet pulp-poly(lactic acid) green composites. The plasticizer was incorporated into sugar beet pulp (SBP) at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% w/w at low temperature and shear and then compounded with poly(lactic acid) (PLA) using twin-screw extrusion and injection molding. The SBP:PLA ratio was maintained at 30:70. As expected, tensile strength decreased by 25% and the elongation increased. Acoustic emission (AE) showed correlated debonding and fracture mechanisms for up to 20% w/w plasticizer and uncorrelated debonding and fracture for 30–40% sorbitol and 30% glycerol content in SBP–PLA composites. All samples had a well dispersed SBP phase with some aggregation in the PLA matrix. However, at 40% glycerol plasticized SBP–PLA composites exhibited unique AE behavior and confocal microscopy revealed the plasticized SBP and PLA formed a co-continuous two phase system.
V. L. FinkenstadtEmail:
Scenarios of major terrestrial ecosystems in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spatial pattern and mean-center shift of major terrestrial ecosystems, termed Holdridge Life Zones (HLZ), during the periods from 1961 to 1990 (T1), from 2010 to 2039 (T2), from 2040 to 2069 (T3) and from 2070 to 2099 (T4) were analyzed by combining the zonal patterns of climatic change in China and the climatic change scenarios of HadCM2 and HadCM3. The results showed that nival area would decrease rapidly with temperature increase in the future. HadCM2 and HadCM3 predicted that the nival areas might disappear in 552 years and 204 years, respectively. Using both HadCM2 and HadCM3, the five HLZ types with the largest areal extent are nival zone, cool temperate moist forest, warm temperate moist forest, subtropical moist forest and boreal wet forest, which collectively account for more than 50% of China's land mass. Among these five HLZ types, nival zone, warm temperate moist forest and boreal wet forest would decrease continuously, whereas subtropical moist forest and cool temperate forest would increase continuously during the four periods. HLZ diversity and patch connectivity would increase continuously in the 21st century. The shift distances of mean centers of HLZ types simulated using HadCM3 were markedly greater than those simulated using HadCM2, in general. The results from both HadCM2 and HadCM3 showed that boreal wet forest, subtropical moist forest, tropical dry forest, warm temperate moist forest and subtropical wet forest had bigger shift ranges, indicating that these HLZ types are more sensitive to the climatic change scenarios of HadCM2 and HadCM3.  相似文献   
用不同浓度柠檬醛处理不同部位剪切的蚯蚓,和处理剪切后不同时间段的蚯蚓体段,探讨了柠檬醛对赤子爱胜蚓再生作用的体段、作用浓度和敏感时间段.结果表明,柠檬醛对蚯蚓再生有明显影响,但这种作用依不同体段而异,以体段P7和P25作用最显著,而A25,A90和P60的受柠檬醛影响较小; 柠檬醛影响蚯蚓头部再生,而不影响尾部再生;对再生有影响的柠檬醛浓度为1mmolkg-1, 0. 1mmolkg-1和0. 01mmolkg-1 (土壤),对蚯蚓再生作用的时间为切后0. 5~1d.试验显示,柠檬醛干扰蚯蚓再生头部形成而且还影响再生头尾体轴形成;内源视黄酸在蚯蚓头尾轴再生图式形成中有重要作用. 图4表4参18  相似文献   
一种赤腹松鼠种群数量的估计方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赤腹松鼠剥食树皮的行为对林木危害严重,根据野外长期的观察和研究发现,赤腹松鼠在剥落树皮上遗留下来的上门齿齿印间距具有个体差异,可以用作个体识别的依据.对2003年监测样地内赤腹松鼠在剥落树皮上的齿印间距测量记录,并统计分析以估计赤腹松鼠的个体数量.结果表明:种群数量与危害率的相关系数为0.876,P=0.01,表现出很强的正相关关系;显示在较小面积内,该方法可以用来估计赤腹松鼠的个体数量.同时对该方法的基本条件和局限进行了讨论.图2表4参10  相似文献   
Fluorosis caused by indoor coal combustion in China: discovery and progress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, investigations into endemic fluorosis were conducted and fluorine concentration in environmental samples determined. In an indoor coal-combustion-type fluorosis area, local clay was used to mix with coal for indoor combustion. There are two key steps in the procedure of the indoor transition of fluorine: indoor wet corns and vegetables strongly absorbed fluorine from indoor air; and fluorine strongly accumulated in clay, which was mixed with coal for combustion. Therefore, with the increasing of the percentage of clay in the clay-mixed coal as well as corn in foodstuff, the ratio of fluorosis will be increased.  相似文献   
味精废水中重金属及金属污染对处理利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程树培  崔益斌 《环境化学》1995,14(5):454-459
本文应用等离子光谱(ICP)测试三个厂家味精生产废水中21种金属元素的水平,其中金属元素的总水平分别达19192mg.l^-1,3190mg.l^-1和3161mg.l^-1,对照国内外有关的四项水质标准,三厂家味精生产废水中存在着Fe,Zn等多种重金属或其他金属元素严重超标现象,味精生产废水对青芋存在急性毒性,24,48,72和96h的半致死味精废水浓度LC50分别为6.9%,3.2%,2.5%  相似文献   
带希夫碱和酰肼基团的壳聚糖螯合树脂的合成及其吸附性能   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
刘芳  董世华 《环境化学》1996,15(3):207-213
本文利用壳聚糖C2位上活泼氨基与水杨醛进行大分子反应,再以环硫氯丙烷作交联剂,合成了带有邻羟基希夫碱基团的交联型壳聚糖螯合树脂;利用带有游离氨基的交联壳聚糖与丙烯腈进行大分子反应,合成了带有氰基的功能聚合物,再由CT-CN与水合肼进一步反应,制得了带有酰肼基轩物壳聚糖螯合树脂。  相似文献   
本试验利用~(32)P示踪法研究赤红壤上两种有机物料与过磷酸钙混合施用对磷有效性的影响。盆栽试验表明,纸厂废料蔗渣或猪粪与磷肥混合施用比磷肥单独施用更有利于提高格拉姆柱花草的含磷量和总吸磷量。单位施磷量引起的土壤有效磷和植株吸磷量的增加量也是有机物料单施或与磷肥混施高于磷肥单施。在前39d,~(32)P标记过磷酸钙的利用率在单独施用时为2.14%,比混合施用高一倍左右;在80d时,混合施用的磷利用率较快提高,蔗渣与磷肥混施处理超过单独施用,达22.88%。  相似文献   
By combining a spatially explicit, individual-based population simulation model with a geographic information system, we have simulated the potential effects of a U.S. Forest Service management plan on the population dynamics of Bachman's Sparrow ( Aimophila aestivalis ) at the Savannah River Site, a U.S. Department of Energy facility in South Carolina. Although the Forest Service's management plan explicitly sets management goals for many species, most of the prescribed management strategy deals with the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker ( Picoides borealis ) because of legal requirements. We explored how a species (the sparrow) that is not the target of specific management strategies but that shares some habitat requirements with the woodpecker, would fare under the management plan. We found that the major components of the proposed management plan may allow the sparrow population to reach and exceed the minimum management goal set for this species, but only after a substantial initial decline in sparrow numbers and a prolonged transition period. In the model, the sparrow population dynamics were most sensitive to demographic variables such as adult and juvenile survivorship and to landscape variables such as the suitability of young clearcuts and mature pine stands. Using various assumptions about habitat suitability, we estimated that the 50-year probability of population extinction is at least 5% or may be much higher if juvenile survivorship is low. We believe, however, that modest changes in the management plan might greatly increase the sparrow population and presumably decrease the probability of extinction. Our results suggest that management plans focusing on one or a few endangered species may potentially threaten other species of management concern. Spatially explicit population models are a useful tool in designing modifications of management plans that can reduce the impact on nontarget species of management concern.  相似文献   
针对当前黑色治金矿山企业选矿生产尾矿品位上升、金属流失严重问题,阐述了利用原有设备实施工艺改造,探索采用“内循环方式”回收尾矿金属,以降低尾矿品位,提高经济效益,节约矿石资源。  相似文献   
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