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在实验室条件下模拟某LNG工程冷排水中的余氯排放,并通过毒理实验研究海洋中余氯对南美白对虾(Penaeusvannamei Boone,1931)幼体的毒理效应。结果表明,南美白对虾幼体在设定的0.00、0.02、0.08、0.14、0.20、0.26 mg/L浓度条件下,存活率分别为100%、100%、88.89%、61.25%、56.25%、20.83%,表现出存活率随着余氯浓度的升高而降低的趋势,得到其拟合趋势线为y=-2.725 7χ~2+3.2307χ+101.24。根据余氯扩散场预测数模,0.01、0.05、0.10 mg/L 3个余氯浓度的最大扩散面积分别为0.248、0.047、0.010 km~2,内插值法求出水体中对应的虾类幼体的致死率分别为0.00%、5.56%、20.32%。结合渔业资源损失评估公式W=D×V×M估算,该LNG工程余氯排放对临近海域幼虾的损失量为0.583×10~3ind.。2010年9月调查数据表明,该海域幼虾的尾数密度为9.17×10~3ind./km~2,远低于2009年同期该海域调查所得虾类幼体的尾数密度125.41×10~3ind./km~2。但根据调查资料,2010年9月该海域调查所得的虾类幼体比(7.76%)远低于2009年9月(69 38%)。由此推测,该海域2010年9月虾类幼体数量显著减少并不是余氯排放引起的。  相似文献   
The project studied the occurrence, fate, and seasonal variation of 14 antibiotics, from five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Shanghai. The results indicated that ofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, and oxytetracycline were the predominant antibiotics, with maximum concentrations of 1208.20, 959.13, and 564.30 ng/L in influents, while 916.88, 106.60, and 337.81 ng/L in effluents, respectively. The level of antibiotics in WWTPs obviously varied with seasonal changes, and higher detectable frequencies and concentrations were found in winter. The daily mass loads per capita of amoxicillin, enrofloxacin, and oxytetracycline in the study were all higher than those in other regions/countries, such as Hong Kong, Australia, and Italy. The elimination of antibiotics through these WWTPs was incomplete, and a wide range of removal efficiencies during the different treatment process and seasons were observed (?500.56 to 100 % in winter and ?124.24 to 94.21 % in summer). Sulfonamides were relatively easy to be removed in WWTPs and the ultraviolet (UV) process can effectively improve the removal efficiency. Risk assessment of antibiotics in effluents was estimated. Only AMOX’s hazard quotient (HQ) was higher than 0.01. Even though the environmental risks in the study were estimated to be low, the potential negative effects on aquatic ecosystems should call our attention as continually discharge in the long term.  相似文献   
Gangba sheep are known for having typical sensory characteristics attributed to free range conditions and grazing on wild plants. The genuine Gangba mutton was selected as the experimental group, and the commercial Tibetan mutton was selected as the control group, the nutritive composition of basic chemical components, amino acids and fatty acids in mutton were investigated to correlate its unique meat quality and eating satisfaction. The results showed that fatty acids were significantly higher (P<0.05) in Gangba mutton than in commercial mutton, and the higher content of flavoring amino acids (glutamic acid and aspartame) were primarily responsible for the taste attributes umami of meat juices. Moreover, the trace elements analysis in mutton and grazing factors (forage, water source and soil) were conducted, to explain the source of essential trace elements in mutton. The concentrations of essential trace elements show that the Gangba mutton was a valuable source for highly available Cu and Zn in human nutrition, and well managed with few detected of toxicity metal. The concentrations of essential trace elements in mutton are closely related to the trace elements in environmental grazing factors. In conclusion, the congenital grazing conditions (a highly mineralized water resource, natural forages and clean soils) were shown to contribute to the unique meat characteristics of Gangba sheep.  相似文献   
Increasing urbanization and industrial development upstream of the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam (MRD) including the construction of a series of dams for hydroelectricity generation is changing the downstream risk of flooding. Concerns about the likely influence of global climate change and rising sea levels add further uncertainty to this risk that threatens the livelihood of farmers. With this in mind and in view of the under-developed state of the market for crop insurance in the MRD, we survey rice growers to explore their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for crop insurance by using a choice experiment. The experimental design comprised five attributes, including the type of peril covered – riverine flooding (flooding); flooding triggered by tidal regimes (inundation); or flooding, inundation and wind damage – type of provider; extent of cover and deductible and premium. Two hundred and twenty-six rice-growing farmers were surveyed with each farmer responding to six different choices. Our study shows that WTPs for an insurance plan covering a loss up to 2 million VND/1000m2/farming season and having a deductible of 25% of the potential (profit) crop value varied between 200,000 and 500,000?VND/1000m2 (1USD?=?22,550 Vietnamese Dong – VND) for each rice growing season, implying a potential market for crop insurance.  相似文献   
能量桩是一种利用浅层地热的建筑节能技术,具有比传统地源热泵系统更高的换热效率以及节约占地等优点。对能量桩试验基地的1#、2#足尺灌注型能量桩进行加热试验,测试桩身温度、应变、附加应力和侧摩阻力等分布规律,分析夏季工况仅温度荷载作用下(温升10 ℃)能量桩的热力响应。试验结果表明:沿桩壁对称布设多组U型换热管的灌注桩,其桩身温度分布较均匀,桩身应变呈现为两端大中间小,最大附加应力位于桩中部;随着温度荷载的增加,桩体桩侧摩阻力表现为上负下正,桩中部正负交界处的侧摩阻力增长要明显快于桩两端,温升达到7.5℃之后,其增长趋势减弱;本试验条件下,通过对桩体附加应力变化规律的拟合得出其值可能超过1.66 MPa,在设计时必须考虑温度荷载对桩承载力的影响。  相似文献   
The formation of heteroduplexes from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products has recently become a diagnostic tool that is routinely used for the prenatal detection of small deletions or insertions in a number of disease-causing alleles. We present evidence illustrating that heterozygous PCR products can manifest ‘invisible’ heteroduplexes that can ultimately lead to genotyping errors. Justifications for these ‘invisible’ heteroduplexes and requisite parameters to optimize their detection are presented.  相似文献   
芬顿氧化法处理水中酸性品红的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
研究了酸性品红在Fenton体系中的降解过程,反应30 min后,在[Fe2+]0=0.06 mmol/L、[H2O2]0=0.3 mmol/L、pH=3、T=30℃的条件下,初始浓度为20 mg/L的酸性品红的去除率达到97%以上。升高反应温度,有利于Fenton体系中酸性品红的降解,但影响并不显著。根据不同温度下的速率常数,并结合Arrhenius方程求出了Fenton试剂降解酸性品红的反应活化能,仅为11.63 kJ/mol。C1?的存在对酸性品红在Fenton体系中的降解表现出明显的阻碍作用,并且随着C1?浓度的增加,抑制作用越来越大;SO24-和NO3-的存在也降低了Fenton试剂的氧化性能。  相似文献   
4.20芦山地震灾区临街自建单开间砌体结构房屋震害特别严重,本文基于现场调查研究该类特殊房屋的建造习惯、震害特征与损伤机理,研究表明:单开间砌体房屋是芦山地震灾区等四川小城镇比较常见的临街建筑模式,其平面狭长,建造随意,结构体系不合理,构造措施不到位,抗震能力弱;芦山地震地震烈度8、9度灾区单开间砌体房屋底层纵墙剪切破坏,普遍出现严重的贯通整片墙体的斜裂缝或X形裂缝。底层前部房间横墙无纵向支撑,独立墙段过长,横墙压弯破坏出现贯通整片墙体的水平裂缝,并且墙体外鼓;结构刚度中心与质量中心严重偏离,房屋扭转震动加剧墙体裂缝开展,相邻建筑反复碰撞作用是上部楼层震害的主要原因;鞭梢效应加重突变楼层结构损伤,引起出屋面附属建筑严重破坏甚至倒塌,横墙端部剪切断裂乃至溃散。据此,提出了既有单开间砌体房屋加固工作的建议。  相似文献   
The activities of extracellular enzymes are important in understanding decomposition of soil organic matter in wetlands subjecting to drying. The activity of soil extracellular enzymes (β-glucosidase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, and phosphatase), and related physicochemical parameters were monitored in constructed freshwater wetlands during a one-month drying manipulation. Drying increased redox potential and decreased soil water content significantly (P<0.05). Higher content of soil organic matter (P<0.05) and higher concentrations of inorganic N (nitrate, P<0.01; and ammonia, P<0.001) were also observed significantly under drying condition. Soil hydrolase enzyme activities were stimulated significantly (β-glucosidase, P<0.05; N-acetylglucosaminidase, P<0.01; and phosphatase, P<0.001), and a two-phase pattern of enzyme activities was revealed under drying condition. The increase of soil enzyme activities under drying condition was significantly related to soil redox potential (P<0.001). Drying strongly affected soil enzyme activities only when soil water content remained above an optimal level for enzymatic catalysis (higher than 23% w/w), corresponding to redox potentials below 250–300 mV. Our results suggest that, under drying condition, potential enzyme activities may be regulated by redox potential, in respect to soil moisture, and consequently alter nutrient availability in wetlands.  相似文献   
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