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Reef habitats of the tropical Atlantic are separated by river outflows and oceanic expanses that may preclude larval dispersal or other population connections in shorefishes. To examine the impact of these habitat discontinuities on the intraspecific phylogeography of reef-associated species we conducted range-wide surveys of two amphi-Atlantic reef fishes that have dispersive pelagic larval stages. Based on 593 bp of mtDNA cytochrome b from the rock hind Epinephelus adscensionis and 682 bp from the greater soapfish Rypticus saponaceous (n=109 and 86, respectively), we found evidence of relatively ancient separations as well as recent surmounting of biogeographic barriers by dispersal or colonization. Rock hind showed slight but significant population genetic differentiation across much of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (ST=0.056), but deep divergence between the southeastern United States and seven other localities from the Bahamas to the south, central and east Atlantic (mean pairwise d=0.040, overall ST=0.867). The geographic distribution of the two rock hind lineages is highly unusual in genetic studies of Caribbean Sea reef fishes, because those lineages are separated by less than 250 km of open water within a major biogeographic region. In contrast, highly significant population genetic structure was observed among greater soapfish from the SW Caribbean, Brazil, and mid-Atlantic ridge (ST=0.372), with a deep evolutionary separation distinguishing putative R. saponaceous from West Africa (mean pairwise d=0.044, overall ST=0.929). Both species show evidence for a potential connection between the Caribbean and Brazilian provinces. While widespread haplotype sharing in rock hind indicates that larvae of this species cross oceanic expanses of as much as 2000 km, such a situation is difficult to reconcile with the isolation of populations in Florida and the Bahamas separated by only 250 km. These findings indicate that populations of some species in disjunct biogeographic zones may be isolated for long periods, perhaps sufficient for allopatric speciation, but rare gene flow between zones may preclude such evolutionary divergence in other species.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   
The Afton Copper Smelter adjacent to Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada commenced operation in 1978 and employed a mercury scrubbing system. Two years of preproduction studies, which included monitoring for mercury in ambient air, water, soli, and vegetation were performed. The results from similar studies conducted during four full years (1978–81) and two partial years (1982–83) of production are presented in the data analysis. These programs illustrated that the most frequent ground impingement occurred within a 1.6–3.2- km radius of the source, and that the levels decreased with increasing distance from the source to a maximum radius of 8 km. The results of a comprehensive source monitoring program illustrated that the average mercury emission levels ranged from 3.2 to 6.8 kg/calendar day during 1979–81, and that the majority of the emissions were in a vapour form. The ambient monitoring data acquired when smelter operations were significantly reduced indicate a quick recovery to preproduction levels in virtually all monitored parameters and at most monitored sites. The integrated results from all mercury monitoring programs illustrate the environmental impact from mercury emissions which were two to four times the permit standard of 1.8 kg/day.  相似文献   
Least flycatchers (Empidonax minimus) and American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) overlap in the use of food resources on their breeding grounds, promoting high levels of interspecific aggression by the socially dominant flycatcher. We examined the role of song in this interspecific aggression by using repeated-measures-designed playback experiments and observational data on induced aggressive interactions. Flycatchers were more likely to approach the speaker during presentation of redstart song than during intervals of no song or presentation of control song. Approach was close enough to enable visual contact with a singing redstart. In contrast, redstarts made significantly fewer flights following presentation of flycatcher song, when risk of flycatcher attack may be greatest. Reducing the number of flights likely reduces the risk of flycatcher attack on the redstart, as flycatchers do not attack stationary redstart models and are apparently dependent on cues from redstart flight for visual heterospecific recognition. Flycatcher-specific responses of redstarts and marked differences in song morphology rule out misdirected intraspecific aggression as a proximate or ultimate cause of interspecific response to song. Results indicate that song is an important component in aggressive interactions between these two species, and reflect the dominant role of the flycatcher in such interactions. Our results also illustrate the capacity for interspecific interference competition to influence behavior and heterospecific song recognition in two distant avian taxa. Received: 10 January 1995/Accepted after revision: 8 June 1996  相似文献   
The ocelot (Felis pardalis) isan endangered neotropical cat distributed within asmall range in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV), inTexas, U.S.A. Studies of the impacts of environmentalcontaminants in wild cats are few. Approximately onefourth of the estimated population (about 100) ofocelots in the LRGV was sampled to evaluate theimpacts of chlorinated pesticides, polychlorinatedbiphenyls, and trace elements on the population. Hairwas collected from 32 ocelots trapped between 1986–1992,and blood was collected from 20 ocelots trappedbetween 1993–1997. A few blood samples were obtainedfrom individuals recaptured two or three times. Tissue samples from 4 road-killed ocelots were alsoanalyzed. DDE, PCBs, and Hg were some of the mostcommon contaminants detected in hair and blood. MeanHg levels in hair ranged from 0.5 to 1.25 g g-1 dw,Se from 1.5 to 3.48 g g-1 dw, and Pb from 0.56 to26.8 g g-1 dw. Mean DDE concentrations in plasma ranged from 0.005 g g-1 ww to 0.153 g g-1 ww, and PCBs ranged from 0.006 g g-1 ww to 0.092 g g-1 ww. Mean Hg levels in red blood cells rangedfrom 0.056 g g-1 dw to 0.25 g g-1 dw. Concentrations of DDE, PCBs, or Hg, did not increasesignificantly with age, although the highestconcentrations of DDE and Hg were found in olderanimals. Overall, concentrations of DDE, PCBs, and Hgwere low and at levels that currently do not pose anythreat to health or survival of the ocelot. This isfurther supported by good reproduction of the ocelotin the LRGV, where adult females averaged about 1.5kittens/litter. Thus, it seems that the current majorthreat to recovery of the ocelot in the LRGV may behabitat loss, although potential impacts of newgeneration pesticides, such as organophosphorus andcarbamate insecticides need further study.  相似文献   
Emission factors for elemental metals were determined from several heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDV) of 1998–2007 vintage, operating with advanced PM and/or NOX emissions control retrofits on a heavy-duty chassis dynamometer, under steady state cruise, transient, and idle conditions. The emission control retrofits included diesel particulate filters (DPF): catalyzed and uncatalyzed, passive and active prototype vanadium- or zeolite-based selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems, and a catalyzed DPF fitted on a hybrid diesel electric drive vehicle. The prototype SCR systems in combination with DPF retrofits are of particular interest because they represent the expected emissions controls for compliance with PM and NOX regulations in 2010. PM samples from a full-exhaust dilution tunnel were collected on bulk filters, and on a Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler (PCIS) for total and water-soluble elemental analysis. All the DPFs significantly reduced emissions of total trace elements (>85% and >95% for cruise and for the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS), respectively). However, we observed differences in the post-retrofit metals emissions due to driving cycle effects (i.e., exhaust temperature) and type of retrofit. In general, the metals emissions over cruise conditions (which leads to higher exhaust temperatures) were substantially different from the emissions over a transient cycle or while idling. For instance, during cruise, we observed higher levels of platinum (1.1 ± 0.6–4.2 ± 3.6 ng km?1) for most of the retrofit-equipped vehicle tests compared to the baseline configuration (0.3 ± 0.1 ng km?1). The vanadium-based DPF + SCR vehicle during cruise operation exhibited emissions of vanadium (562 ± 265 ng km?1) and titanium (5841 ± 3050 ng km?1), suggesting the possible release of actual SCR wash-coat (V2O5/TiO2) from the catalyst under the higher temperatures characteristic of cruise operation. The vanadium emissions exhibited a bi-modal mass size distribution, with modes at <0.25 μm and 1.0–2.5 μm size ranges for the vanadium-based SCR system. For the DPF + SCR systems, a greater fraction of the metal emissions from the zeolite-based system is water-soluble compared to emissions from the vanadium-based system.  相似文献   
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have formed a partnership to establish pilot sites for the development of a network known as the Coastal Intensive Site Network (CISNet). CISNet is composed of intensive, long-term monitoring and research sites around the U.S. marine and Great Lakes coasts. In this partnership, EPA and NOAA are funding research and monitoring programs at pilot sites that utilize ecological indicators and investigate the ecological effects of environmental stressors. NASA is funding research aimed at developing a remote sensing capability that will augment or enhance in situresearch and monitoring programs selected by EPA and NOAA. CISNet has three objectives: 1) to develop a sound scientific basis for understanding ecological responses to anthropogenic stresses in coastal environments, including the interaction of exposure, environment/climate, and biological/ecological factors in the response, and the spatial and temporal nature of these interactions, 2) to demonstrate the value of developing data from selected sites intensively monitored to examine the relationships between changes in environmental stressors, including anthropogenic and natural stresses, and ecological response, and 3) to provide intensively monitored sites for development and evaluation of indicators of change in coastal systems.  相似文献   
A prenatal screening programme for Down's syndrome potentially detecting 76 per cent of affected pregnancies in the South Australian general population at an amniocentesis rate of 3.9 per cent was designed following analysis of mid-trimester serum samples from 57 women who carried an affected fetus. This equates to one affected pregnancy being detected for 41 chromosomal analyses performed. For the experimental series, 75.4 per cent of affected pregnancies were detected, while 4.1 per cent of control specimens produced estimated risk odds consistent with further action. A maternal risk odds of birth of a Down's syndrome fetus of 1:420 was taken as the decision value, which is the prevalence of Down's syndrome births to 35-year-old mothers in South Australia. This screening performance was achieved by investigating combinations of serum analytes not previously reported and by refining the calculation of maternal risk odds to include selective weighting of indicator analytes. Combination of the measurements of free α-subunits and β-subunits of chorionic gonadotrophin, α-fetoprotein, unconjugated oestriol, and placental lactogen was found to be most effective in indicating Down's syndrome fetuses. In all combinations of analytes tested, replacing the measurements of free α-subunits and free β-subunits of chorionic gonadotrophin with the measurement of intact chorionic gonadotropin produced a less effective screen.  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a group of 209 congeners that differ in the number and position of chlorines on the biphenyl ring, are anthropogenic chemicals that belong to the persistent organic pollutants (POPs). For many years, PCBs have been a topic of interest because of their biomagnification in the food chain and their environmental persistence. PCBs with fewer chlorine atoms, however, are less persistent and more susceptible to metabolic attack, giving rise to chemicals characterized by the addition of one or more hydroxyl groups to the chlorinated biphenyl skeleton, collectively known as hydroxylated PCBs (OH-PCBs). In animals and plants, this biotransformation of PCBs to OH-PCBs is primarily carried out by cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenases. One of the reasons for infrequent detection of lower chlorinated PCBs in serum and other biological matrices is their shorter half-lives, and their metabolic transformation, resulting in OH-PCBs or their conjugates, such as sulfates and glucuronides, or macromolecule adducts. Recent biomonitoring studies have reported the presence of OH-PCBs in human serum. The occurrence of OH-PCBs, the size of this group (there are 837 mono-hydroxyl PCBs alone), and their wide spectra of physical characteristics (pKa’s and log P’s ranging over 5 to 6 orders of magnitude) give rise to a multiplicity of biological effects. Among those are bioactivation to electrophilic metabolites that can form covalent adducts with DNA and other macromolecules, interference with hormonal signaling, inhibition of enzymes that regulate cellular concentrations of active hormones, and interference with the transport of hormones. This new information creates an urgent need for a new perspective on these often overlooked metabolites.  相似文献   
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