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To ensure energy demands for reproduction are met, it is essential that marine birds breed during periods of peak food availability. We examined associations of the breeding chronology of common murres (Uria aalge) with the timing of the inshore arrival of their primary prey, capelin (Mallotus villosus) from 1980 to 2006 across a period of pervasive change in the Northwest Atlantic ecosystem. We also assessed the influence of ocean temperature and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO; an index of winter climate and oceanography) on these interactions. We found a lagged linear relationship between variations in murre breeding chronology and the timing of capelin arrival in the previous year. On a decadal level, we found a non-linear threshold relationship between ocean temperature and the timing of capelin arrival and murre breeding. Centennially anomalous cold water temperatures in 1991 generated a marked shift in the timing of capelin spawning inshore and murre breeding, delaying both by more than 2 weeks. By the mid-1990s, ocean temperatures returned to pre-perturbation levels, whereas the temporal breeding responses of capelin and murres were delayed for a decade or more. Oceanographic conditions (temperature, NAO) were poor predictors of the timing of capelin arrival inshore in the current year compared to the previous one. Our findings suggest that knowledge of the timing of capelin availability in the previous year provides a robust cue for the long-lived murres, allowing them to achieve temporal overlap between breeding and peak capelin availability.  相似文献   
In many avian species, a part of the population is present at the breeding grounds but does not breed. Current theories generally assume that floaters are younger or lower-quality individuals, and empirical data confirm this. However, floating could also arise as an alternative strategy to breeding, if floaters are able to reproduce via extra-pair copulations. Until the present study, there has been no evidence that floaters father offspring. We studied a population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), a species with one of the highest levels of extra-pair paternity known in birds. Using microsatellite markers, we determined the biological fathers of 65% of the extra-pair young. Of a total of 53 extra-pair young (52% of all offspring), 47% were fathered by local residents, 6% by residents breeding elsewhere (up to 2 km from the focal grid), and 13% by floaters. Residents seemed to be more successful and they were also more likely to return as territory holders in the next breeding season compared to floaters. Extra-pair males were on average in better condition than the within-pair males they cuckolded. Interestingly, resident males that disappeared (possibly to float) during the fertile period were heavier than males that stayed, and floaters were heavier than residents, but not different in any other characteristic. Although alternative interpretations of the data are possible, we propose that floating might be a conditional strategy in tree swallows whereby males in good condition gain more paternity via extra-pair copulations, whereas males in worse condition are more successful by providing parental care.  相似文献   
Technical perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and its derivatives, such as perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA), are not clean compounds but, instead, complex mixtures of linear and branched isomers, and other compounds including sulfonate homologues. Questions have been raised as to whether the linear and the branched isomers behave differently in the environment. However, little is known about the physical properties or the finer details of the structures of the individual branched isomers. This study sought an effective computational method to model the preferred conformations of PFOS derivatives, and the energy differences between them and to determine if these results can be used to explain the temperature dependence of their NMR spectra. Good predictions of the 19F chemical shifts were obtained for some PFOSA-type molecules with a computational approach [B3LYP-GIAO/6-31++G(d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)] that is relatively inexpensive. Large 5JFF couplings found in one of the branched isomers could be rationalized on the basis of the relevant F-F distances in the optimized structure. At low temperatures, the splitting observed in the NMR spectrum at C-1 for these sulfonamides can be explained by the existence of the two conformers predicted by the computations.  相似文献   
Large quantities of trinitrotoluene (TNT) have been associated with past and present military activities worldwide. Because this contaminant is highly toxic and strongly sorbs to soil particles, bacteria that are able to transform it have had very little success, if any. This study was conducted to evaluate the bioavailability of 14C-labeled TNT in soil for microbial mineralization. Sorption-desorption experiments indicated that a Kendaia loam soil effectively adsorbs this explosive compound, with approximately 30-45% of the added TNT remaining sorbed to the soil after a total of 10 washings. A bacterial consortium isolated from explosive-contaminated sites was prepared in liquid medium and then tested in a TNT-spiked Kendaia loam soil. The concentration of TNT in the soil that was inoculated with the bacterial consortium was reduced by more than 30% of the initial concentration compared to the soil that did not contain the bacterial consortium within a period of 20 weeks. Nearly half of the TNT was mineralized as determined by the percentage of 14CO2 produced. Only one member of the consortium (i.e., Enterobacter sp.) significantly mineralized 25% of TNT although the extent of mineralization was significantly enhanced to 35% in the presence of the other two members of the consortium. The data suggest that some of the strongly adsorbed TNT may be accessible for metabolism if conditions for the right combination of microorganisms with specialized capabilities are optimized. The remaining sorbed fraction of substrate is presumably sequestered and thus unavailable to the microorganisms.  相似文献   
The formation of winter ice, and its movement with the tides, has had a major influence on the life-history parameters of shallow-water populations of the rhizomatous marine angiosperm eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Nova Scotia, Canada. In this region, and annual form of eelgrass inhabits intertidal and shallow subtidal mudflats and a perennial form is common in subtidal areas. Where lowtide water depth was greater than winter ice thickness (25 cm), ice movement removed much of the aboveground biomass from perennial ramets, but did not influence the density of ramets. Measurements of primary production showed that perennial plants allocated a greater proportion of their total production to below-ground structures than measured in all previous studies on eelgrass. Thus perennials are well anchored in the sediment, are more able to withstand removal by ice, and have reserves available for production of new leaves when ice melts. In the spring, seed germination was greatest in areas where ice had removed whole plants (or their aboveground parts) than among mature ramets which had survived winter intact. Survival of seedlings (new genets) was not affected by shading from the adult canopy, but a shading experiment showed that competition for light with mature ramets had a significant negative effect on morphology, growth and the allocation of seedling biomass to below-ground parts, thus reducing the ability of new genets to survive ice disturbance in the next winter. The annual form ofZ. marina was restricted to areas where low tide water depth was much less than winter ice thickness. Annual plants did not survive winter, had small investment in below-ground parts and high reproductive effort, and overwintered as seeds. The genetic status of the two forms and the restriction of the annual to very shallow water are discussed in the light of previous work on eelgrass  相似文献   
The genetic relationships within and among congeneric species of marine fish from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean are poorly known. Relationships among all five species of the wrasse genus Thalassoma present in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean were examined using sequence data from the mitochondrial control region. Sampling was focused on the mid-Atlantic T. sanctaehelenae (Valenciennes, 1839) and T. ascensionis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834), the eastern Atlantic T. newtoni (Osório, 1891) from Sao Tome, and the eastern Atlantic/Mediterranean T. pavo (Linnaeus, 1758). Two western Atlantic species T. bifasciatum (Bloch, 1791) from the Caribbean and T. noronhanum (Boulenger, 1890) from Brazil served as outgroups. Tissues from a total of 132 individuals were sequenced. T. newtoni from Sao Tome preferentially grouped with the central Atlantic T. sanctaehelenae and T. ascensionis. T. pavo exhibits two distinct coloration patterns, one in the Cape Verde Islands and one in the eastern Atlantic Islands and Mediterranean. However, no genetic discontinuities between the Cape Verde Islands and the remaining samples or between Atlantic and Mediterranean individuals were found. Within Mediterranean populations of T. pavo, our data suggested the presence of a genetic break between eastern and western regions.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   
The crystal structure of a "coplanar" polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) derivative, 4-methoxy-3, 3', 5'-trichlorobiphenyl (C13H9Cl3O), is described. The torsion angle of the title compound is 41.31(07) degrees, which is in good agreement with the calculated torsion angle of 38.2 degrees in aqueous solution.  相似文献   
Twenty-three king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) from Macquarie Island were tracked by satellite during the late incubation period in 1998–1999 to determine the overlap of the foraging zone of king penguins with an area to be declared a marine protected area (MPA) near the island. While all penguins left the colony in an easterly direction and traveled clockwise back to the island, three penguins foraged in the northern parts of the general foraging area and stayed north of 56°S. The remaining 20 penguins ventured south and most crossed 59°S before returning to the island. The total foraging area was estimated to be 156,000 km2 with 36,500 km2 being most important (where penguins spent >150 hr in total). North-foraging penguins reached on average 331 ± 24 km from the colony compared to 530 ± 76 km for the south-foraging penguins. The latter traveled an average total distance of 1313 ± 176 km, while the northern foragers averaged 963 ± 166 km. Not only did the penguins spend the majority of their foraging time within the boundaries of the proposed MPA, they also foraged chiefly within the boundaries of a highly protected zone. Thus, the MPA is likely to encompass the foraging zone of king penguins, at least during incubation.  相似文献   
Experiencing uncivil customers is a frequent reality for many people working in the service industry. Past research has established that dealing with uncivil customers can be distressing for employees and can sometimes lead them to engage in reciprocal, discourteous behavior. The purpose of our research is to delve deeper into the experience of customer incivility from the perspective of service employees in order to better understand the various ways in which they respond to customer incivility. We conducted 64 interviews with service employees across an array of occupations and developed a typology of responses to customer incivility. These responses fell into four categories based on the extent to which service employees' actions were intended to promote social harmony (and therefore could broadly be considered civil or uncivil), as well as their perceived agency in the situation. We describe how each response was associated with different interpersonal and intrapersonal consequences and explain the implications of our typology for management theory and practice.  相似文献   
Several techniques have been developed over the last decade for the ensemble treatment of atmospheric dispersion model predictions. Among them two have received most of the attention, the multi-model and the ensemble prediction system (EPS) modeling. The multi-model approach relies on model simulations produced by different atmospheric dispersion models using meteorological data from potentially different weather prediction systems. The EPS-based ensemble is generated by running a single atmospheric dispersion model with the ensemble weather prediction members. In the paper we compare both approaches with the help of statistical indicators, using the simulations performed for the ETEX-1 tracer experiment. Both ensembles are also evaluated against measurement data. Among the most relevant results is that the multi-model median and the mean of EPS-based ensemble produced the best results, hence we consider a combination of multi-model and EPS-based approaches as an interesting suggestion for further research.  相似文献   
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