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The intertidal molluscan fauna on a sandy-mud beach in Newport Bay, California, USA, is divisible into two vertically distinct species assemblages which correspond to the midlittoral zone and sublittoral fringe observed on rocky coastlines and exposed sandy beaches. The species assemblage comprising the midlittoral zone is unusual, however, in that the numerically dominant species are not confined to this zone but range downward through the sublittoral fringe. The two species assemblages are vertically separated at +0.5 to +1.0 ft (+0.15 to +0.30 m; relative to 0.0 tidal datum at mean lower low water), which is higher than previously observed for the separation between the midlittoral zone and sublittoral fringe on rocky shores and exposed sandy beaches. The species composition of some of the samples at +0.5 and +1.0 ft (+0.15 and +0.30 m) was intermediate between samples higher and lower on the beach, while several samples were devoid of molluscs altogether. Additionally, the surface sedimentary environment changes in terms of an increased percent silt-clay fraction and higher sorting coefficients below +0.5 ft (+0.15 m). Since infaunal zonation is correlated with tidal height at the substrate surface, environmental factors operative at the surface are probably most important in influencing the zonation on this beach.  相似文献   
During two consecutive summers, the first quantitative bay-wide survey (207 stations) of benthic invertebrates was conducted in Delaware Bay (USA). In 1972, 109 species were collected at 105 stations; and in 1973, 125 species were collected at 102 stations. A total of 169 different species were collected for both summers. The number of species and number of individuals increased with increasing salinity and increasing median grain size. These relationships were compared and were found similar to those in estuaries and bays throughout the world. Average density was 722 individuals m2, which is low compared to other estuaries. The relationship of low secondary production to pollution, macroscopic algae, sediment transport, predation, and hydrography is discussed. Deposit feeders comparised the major feeding type. Local species composition was similar to that in Chesapeake Bay, and dominant species occurred in estuaries throughout the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The benthic invertebrates of Delaware Bay were related to the cosmopolitan mode of estuarine faunas. Faunal assemblages were identified by cluster analysis. The assemblages were associated with sediment type and salinity. It was concluded that Delaware Bay comprises a mosaic of animal assemblages, some of which have relatively sharp boundaries similar to classical level bottom type communities, whereas the boundaries of others are almost impossible to detect, and these represent species distributed along an environmental continum.  相似文献   
Food selectivity was examined in amictic female rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, fed Chlamydomonas sp. and Olisthodiscus sp. Filtering and ingestion rates of the rotifers in a single food suspension were higher with Chlamydomonas sp. than with Olisthodiscus sp. In every mixture of two food species, the apparent filtering rate on Chlamydomonas sp. was much higher than that on Olisthodiscus sp. Total filtering rate and apparent filtering rate in food suspensions containing Chlamydomonas sp. decreased with increasing cell concentration of Chlamydomonas sp. Total and apparent filtering rates were calculated from the decrease in total food concentration as well as from decreases in concentrations of each of the two food algae, respectively. B. plicatilis ingested Olisthodiscus sp. at an extremely low constant rate in all mixtures. The degree of food selectivity of the rotifers fed Chlamydomonas sp. (i.e., selective filtration) from the mixture of two food algae decreased with increasing cell concentration of Chlamydomonas sp. Filtering and ingestion rates of rotifers fed senescent Chlamydomonas sp. were relatively lower than those fed Chlamydomonas sp. in the exponential phase. This indicates that Brachionus plicatilis displays selectivity in regard to condition of cells as well as type of food.  相似文献   
The distribution of phosphate, nitrate and silicate values obtained from 300 samples and of biomass determined by displacement volume in about 1,900 vertical plankton hauls (65, 200 and 330 m) collected from 8 oceanographic station during 1974–1975 in the Gulf of Aqaba (Elat) are summarized and illustrated by crosssections. Generally, the Gulf is poor in nutrients and the data indicate that it is filled with upper (150 m) Red Sea waters, flowing in over the sill of Tiran. Nutrient content of the upper and deep waters immediately outside the sill are well within the known range of those in the northern Red Sea. Biomass values are relatively low in the Gulf are generally similar to those reported from the northern Red Sea. Both nutrients and biomass values display seasonal and bathymetric variations in the Gulf and outside the sill.  相似文献   
Feeding of marine planktonic copepods on mixed phytoplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feeding of juveniles and adults of the copepods Eucalanus pileatus, Temora stylifera and T. turbinata fed a mixture of the phytoplankton Skeletonema costatum, Leptocylindrus danicus and Rhizosolenia alata f. indica was studied at 20°C. E. pileatus nauplii, copepodids and adult females ingest similar percentages of the 3 algae in terms of carbon. Temora juveniles younger than CII ingest mainly S. costatum; at more advanced developmental stages, the ingestion rate on S. costatum remains constant whereas feeding on L. danicus and R. alata f. indica increases with increasing body weight. Feeding on high concentrations of large particles reduces the grazing pressure on small particles, thus favoring zooplankton which require small-sized food.  相似文献   
A laboratory energy budget was constructed for the larvae and juveniles of the American lobster Homarus americanus Milne-Edwards fed brine shrimp, Artemia saline L. Measured energy flows included ingestion, egestion, excretion of ammonia, routine and fed metabolism, growth, and production of exuvia. Digestion and assimilation were calculated and minimum ration of protein necessary to sustain larval lobsters was estimated. No change associated with metamorphosis was observed in rates of excretion, fed metabolism, and production of exuvia. Routine metabolism is not significantly higher for larvae than for juveniles. Growth changes from exponential in larvae to a slower increase in post-larvae. Consumption reflects changes in other variables. Changes in energy partitioning and energetic efficiencies associated with metamorphosis are largely due to change in rate of growth.  相似文献   
Symbiotic cyanobacteria are associated with marine sponges in three ways: the majority are free-living in the mesohyl; large aggregates occur in cyanocytes (specialized, vacuolated archeocytes); and few are present in digestive vacuoles. The cyanobacteria in Jaspis stellifera and Neofibularia irata are morphologically similar to those described in Mediterranean sponges, whereas those in Pericharax heteroraphis are different. The freeliving bacterial populations are morphologically similar, although the number of bacteria varies between the species. The fourth sponge Ircinia wistarii contains a mixed bacterial population unlike those in the other sponges. Sponge digestion of microbial associates is rare and not considered to contribute significant nutrients.  相似文献   
Surface nannoplankton and netplankton photosynthetic rates and chlorophyll a concentrations were measured 3 h before and 3 h after local apparent noon at 36 stations in the eastern Pacific. Morning and afternoon nannoplankton and netplankton photosynthetic capacities were plotted against chlorophyll a concentrations. Comparison of am (morning) and pm (afternoon) regression coefficients revealed that neither netplankton nor nannoplankton photosynthetic efficiencies varied diurnally in temperate California Current waters. However, in oligotrophic tropical surface waters where the photosynthetic rates of both fractions were nitrogen limited, netplankton assimilation ratios exhibited an afternoon maximum, while nannoplankton efficiencies exhibited a morning maximum. The netplankton followed the same pattern in eutrophic tropical surface waters with high nitrate concentrations, but nannoplankton assimilation ratios were highest in the afternoon. Assuming that midday light intensities inhibit surface photosynthesis, it was concluded that assimilation ratios will reach a mid-morning or mid-afternoon maximum depending upon the relative importance of netplankton and nannoplankton productivity and the degree to which nutrients are limiting.  相似文献   
Some of the effets of dieldrin on the development of two species of crabs, Leptodius floridanus (Rathbun) and Panopeus herbstii (Milne-Edwards), were studied. It was found that the larvae of neither species were able to complete their development at 10 ppb dieldrin or higher in seawater. Groups of L. floridanus larvae reared in 1 ppb dieldrin in seawater had a 15 to 27% higher mortality during development to the postlarval stage than controls. The highest mortality occurred during the first zoeal stage. The time of development to the megalopal stage was as much as 11.4% longer among larvae reared in 1 ppb than among controls. The survival of L. floridanus larvae was not affected by 0.5 ppb dieldrin in seawater. The survival of P. herbstii larvae to the first crab stage was not affected by 1 ppb dieldrin in seawater at 28.5 °C, 30%.S. It was concluded that a comprehensive study of the toxicity of a given pesticide to all stages in the life cycle of a species is necessary to give even an incomplete idea of how the pesticide might affect the animal in its natural environment.  相似文献   
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