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Importance of wax esters and other lipids in the marine food chain: Phytoplankton and copepods 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Wax esters, which function as reserve fuels, account for 25 to 40% of the lipid of the pelagic copepod Calanus helgolandicus (Copepoda, Calanoida). In laboratory experiments with these crustaceans, diatoms (Lauderia borealis, Chaetoceros curvisetus, and Skeletonema costatum) and dinoflagellates (Gymnodinium splendens), which contained no wax esters, were used as food. Changes in the food concentration affected both the amount of lipid and the composition of the wax esters. Since the fatty acids of the triglycerides and wax esters of C. helgolandicus resembled the dietary fatty acid composition, it appeared that copepods incorporated their dietary fatty acids largely unchanged into their wax esters. The polyunsaturated alcohols of the wax esters did not correspond in carbon numbers or degrees of unsaturation to the dietary fatty acids. We postulate two different metabolic pools to explain the origin of these long chain alcohols. The phospholipid fatty acids were not affected by changes in the amount or type of food, probably because of their structural function. 相似文献
Rate-temperature responses in scyphozoan medusae and polyps 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The effects of temperature on oxygen consumption and spontaneous rhythmic activity have been investigated in various stages of the life histories of 3 species of jellyfish from the Chesapeake Bay, USA. All 3 species clearly show the ability to acclimate positively to temperature change. Thermal sensitivity of metabolism in the winter medusa Cyanea capillata fulva is fairly low at temperature intervals which are experienced in nature. Polyps of the two summer medusae, Chrysaora quinquecirrha and Aurelia aurita, show reduced metabolic sensitivity at temperatures normally accompanying high developmental activity and the onset of strobilation. 相似文献
When shore crabs Carcinus maenas are transferred from 11 to 38 S at 11°C, new constant levels of hemolymph freezing points and of concentrations of Na, K, Ca, and Mg in the hemolymph are accomplished within 24h. From a decrease in serum protein and in serum free amino acids and an increase in the relative amounts of individual essential free amino acids in the body fluids of whole crabs, a participation of proteolytic activities and a transport of amino acids from hemolymph to cell is deduced; the stationary concentration of total intracellular free amino acids increases up to a nearly two-fold value, compared with the concentration in crabs remaining in diluted sea water. Also, the low molecular neutral sugars increase in whole crabs after high salinity stress, reaching values of more than two-fold initial concentrations within a period of 10 days. This increase is fully accounted for by a 6.7-fold increase in trehalose levels. The processes of increasing the concentrations of low molecular organic material seem to be slower than those of establishing new osmotic pressures in the hemolymph. The oxygen consumption decreases by 30 to 45% to new constant values within 8 to 12 h after the salinity change from 11 to 38, reflecting similar kinetics as the establishment of new osmotic pressures in the hemolymph. 相似文献
A. C. Myers 《Marine Biology》1972,17(4):350-356
Diopatra cuprea (Bosc) builds a long, nearly vertical parchment tube in sediments, which is reinforced with bits of shell, sediment or debris. The tube can be divided on the basis of structure into reinforced sections built at or above the sediment surface, and unreinforced sections built below the sediment surface. If sediment accumulates faster than the worm can build reinforced tube, an unreinforced section results. When this occurs, D. cuprea builds reinforced tube at the new sediment surface, and then pulls it down into the substratum until it joins the next lower reinforced section, or until the worm can no longer overcome sediment resistance. In the latter case, the unreinforced section occurs between two reinforced sections. The tube cap is trimmed as sediment is eroded from around it. Selection for reinforcing materials occurs only in the transitional zone from unreinforced to reinforced tube. The exposed portion of the tube (the tube cap) extends from 1 to 6 cm above the sediment surface as an inverted J. The tube mouth is oriented perpendicularly to the direction of current flow. Tube maintenance continues at temperatures below feeding-response blockage (5° to 10°C), but ceases below about 1.8°C. 相似文献
The study was carried out in the neritic and estuarine waters of Porto Novo, Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal, India during the period January, 1960 to December, 1967. The average displacement volume of plankton usually varied between 2 and 4 c2/m2. During summer, with a season of high plankton productivity, the average plankton displacement volume rose to 8 c2/m3. Generally speaking, the average zooplankton density (standing crop) was usually between 80,000 and 100,000 organisms/m3, of which copepods alone comprised usually between 70,000 and 90,000 organisms/m3. The average copepod density per sample varied from 30,000 to 50,000 organisms/m3. However, in the summer months, the copepod density was usually not less than 100,000 organisms/m3; in some years this was even higher (from 125,000 to 170,000 organisms/m3). Copepods comprised between 80 and 95% of the zooplankton population. The maximum non-copepod population in the zooplankton seldom reached 30%, was ofter below 25%, and usually less than 20%. During the period March to October (in some years as early as February, and in some years up to November), either an increasing or a steady trend of plankton production was evident. It would appear that salinity and rainfall determine the occurrence and distribution of plankton in Porto Novo.Contribution No. 189 from the Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Marine Biological Station of Annamalai University, Porto Novo, Tamilnadu, India. 相似文献
D. C. Mortimer 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》1985,5(3):311-323
The ability of freshwater aquatic vascular plants to accumulate heavy metals was examined in some detail during a five year study. Differences in uptake rate were found to depend on the species of plant, the seasonal growth rate changes and the metal ion being absorbed. Lead and mercury were concentrated to a greater extent than the lighter nickel and copper. Laboratory experiments were designed to establish uptake rate constants which were used to calculate water concentrations of mercury from the analyses of plant samples from the river. Background levels of mercury in aquatic plants of 35–50 ng g-1 dry weight corresponded to a water concentration near 15 ng L-1 of total mercury of which 25–30% was methylmercury. Higher concentrations of mercury in the plants indicated a proportional increase in the mercury level in the water. 相似文献
J. F. Jasonsmith B. C. T. Macdonald I. White 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2017,189(4):188
Wybong Creek discharges salts into the agriculturally and industrially important Hunter River in New South Wales, Australia. Abrupt increases in salinity occur periodically in the mid-Wybong Creek catchment. In order to understand the processes which cause these abrupt increases, changes in surface and groundwater were investigated. It is shown that salinity increases can be attributed to highly discrete groundwater discharge directly into the river from below. Hourly electrical conductivity data measured in the river showed regular, diurnal electrical conductivity fluctuations of up to 350 μS cm?1. These fluctuations could not be attributed to barometric pressure, temperature, or evapotranspiration. Instead, a similar periodicity in surface water electrical conductivity and groundwater height in nearby groundwater wells was found. Fluctuations were of similar periodicity to the orthotides which cause fluctuations in surface water height and are induced by Earth tides. The geology in the mid-catchment area indicates conditions are optimal for Earth tides to impact groundwater. The reporting of orthotidal changes in water chemistry in this article is believed to be the first of its kind in the scientific literature, with the large fluctuations noted having important implications for water monitoring and management in the catchment. Further research investigating Earth-tide-induced phases of groundwater heights will better constrain the relationships between surface water chemistry and groundwater height. 相似文献
N. Arunpandi R. Jyothibabu L. Jagadeesan T.R. Gireeshkumar C. Karnan S. W. A Naqvi 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2017,189(7):351
The relative grazing impact of Noctiluca scintillans (hereafter referred only Noctiluca) and copepods (Acrocalanus gracilis, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia danae and Oithona similis) on the phytoplankton community in an upwelling–mudbank environment along the southwest coast India is presented here. This study was carried out during the Pre-Southwest Monsoon (April–May) to the Late Southwest Monsoon (August) period in 2014. During the sampling period, large hydrographical transformation was evident in the study area (off Alappuzha, Southwest coast of India); warmer Pre-Southwest Monsoon water column condition got transformed into cooler and nitrate-rich hypoxic waters during the Southwest Monsoon (June–August) due to intense coastal upwelling. Copepods were present in the study area throughout the sampling period with a noticeable increase in their abundance during the Southwest Monsoon. On the other hand, the first appearance of Noctiluca in the sampling location was during the Early Southwest Monsoon (mid-June) and thereafter their abundance increased towards the Peak Southwest Monsoon. The grazing experiments carried out as per the food removal method showed noticeable differences in the feeding preferences of Noctiluca and copepods, especially on the different size fractions of phytoplankton. Noctiluca showed the highest positive electivity for the phytoplankton micro-fraction (av. 0.49 ± 0.04), followed by nano-fraction (av. 0.17 ± 0.04) and a negative electivity for the pico-fraction (av. ?0.66 ± 0.06). In total ingestion of Noctiluca, micro-fraction contribution (83.7%) was significantly higher compared to the nano- (15.7%) and pico-fractions (0.58%). On the other hand, copepods showed the highest positive electivity for the phytoplankton nano-fraction (av. 0.38 ± 0.04) followed by micro- (av. -0.17 ± 0.05) and pico-fractions (av. ?0.35 ± 0.05). Similarly, in total ingestion of copepods, nano-fraction (69.7%) was the highest followed by micro- (28.9%) and pico-fractions (1.37%). The grazing pressure of Noctiluca on the total phytoplankton was found to be 27.7% of the standing stock and 45.6% of the production, whereas in the case of copepods, it was 9.95% of the standing stock and 16.6% of the production. The study showed that the grazing pressure of Noctiluca on the total phytoplankton as well as larger phytoplankton fraction was 2.8- and 8-folds higher than that of the copepods. This suggests the leading role of Noctiluca as an effective grazer of larger phytoplankton along the southwest west coast of India, especially during the Peak/Late Southwest Monsoon. 相似文献
Kusum Komal Karati G. Vineetha N. V. Madhu P. Anil M. Dayana B. K. Shihab A. I. Muhsin C. Riyas T. V. Raveendran 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2017,189(12):653
El Niño, an interannual climate event characterized by elevated oceanic temperature, is a prime threat for coral reef ecosystems worldwide, owing to their thermal threshold sensitivity. Phytoplankton plays a crucial role in the sustenance of reef trophodynamics. The cell size of the phytoplankton forms the “master morphological trait” with implications for growth, resource acquisition, and adaptability to nutrients. In the context of a strong El Niño prediction for 2015–2016, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the variations in the size-structured phytoplankton of Kavaratti reef waters, a major coral atoll along the southeast coast of India. The present study witnessed a remarkable change in the physicochemical environment of the reef water and massive coral bleaching with the progression of El Niño 2015–2016 from its peak to waning phase. The fluctuations observed in sea surface temperature, pH, and nutrient concentration of the reef water with the El Niño progression resulted in a remarkable shift in phytoplankton size structure, abundance, and community composition of the reef waters. Though low nutrient concentration of the waning phase resulted in lower phytoplankton biomass and abundance, the diazotroph Trichodesmium erythraeum predominated the reef waters, owing to its capability of the atmospheric nitrogen fixation and dissolved organic phosphate utilization. 相似文献
C. Farr J. Skousen P. Edwards S. Connolly J. Sencindiver 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2009,158(1-4):343-353
Declining forest health has been observed during the past several decades in several areas of the eastern USA, and some of this decline is attributed to acid deposition. Decreases in soil pH and increases in soil acidity are indicators of potential impacts on tree growth due to acid inputs and Al toxicity. The Cherry River watershed, which lies within the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia, has some of the highest rates of acid deposition in Appalachia. East and West areas within the watershed, which showed differences in precipitation, stream chemistry, and vegetation composition, were compared to evaluate soil acidity conditions and to assess their degree of risk on tree growth. Thirty-one soil pits in the West area and 36 pits in the East area were dug and described, and soil samples from each horizon were analyzed for chemical parameters. In A horizons, East area soils averaged 3.7 pH with 9.4 cmolc kg???1 of acidity compared to pH 4.0 and 6.2 cmolc kg???1 of acidity in West area soils. Extractable cations (Ca, Mg, and Al) were significantly higher in the A, transition, and upper B horizons of East versus West soils. However, even with differences in cation concentrations, Ca/Al molar ratios were similar for East and West soils. For both sites using the Ca/Al ratio, a 50% risk of impaired tree growth was found for A horizons, while a 75% risk was found for deeper horizons. Low concentrations of base cations and high extractable Al in these soils translate into a high degree of risk for forest regeneration and tree growth after conventional tree harvesting. 相似文献