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Instrumentation and procedures were developed for gross and detailed characterization of oily wastewaters. The methodology was applied to the assessment of effectiveness of a centralized oily waste treatment facility. Generated data included total, dissolved, and suspended organic content and detailed chemical characteristics of oily water samples.The usefulness of the methodology was demonstrated in a real-life field study involving operation of a centralized oily waste treatment facility operated by the U.S. Army at Fort Eustis, Virginia, in 1976. It was found that the concentration of suspended organics ranged between 5 and 335 ppm and dissolved organics between 14 and 156 ppm in untreated bilge water.Treated bilge waste effluents contained essentially no suspended oil, but rather high (769–1262 ppm) amounts of dissolved organic matter.It was determined that physical methods of waste treatment based on gravity separation and coalescence are effective in removal of suspended petroleum, and that prolonged contact between an oil film and water results in water solubilization of petroleum, leading to very high concentrations of dissolved organic material in the treated effluent.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A two-parameter farm pond storage index, FPSI, was Used to adjust computed surface. runoff using the partial area runoff contribution resulting from runoff captured by farm ponds. The validity of the index method was tested by fitting a continuous accounting version of the Soil Conservation Service curve number procedure to surface runoff data from each of three watersheds, first with and then without the FPSI routine. Evapotranspiration computed with the Jensen-Haise method and rainfall were input to the model. A linear relationship was assumed between the storage index and the portion of the controlled drainage area that was contributing to runoff. Adjusting the computed runoff with the FPSI reduced the coefficient of variation of monthly measured versus computed surface runoff for each of the three watersheds. The correlation coefficients for the same comparisons were increased. The annual predicted surface runoff Was improved for 12 of the 17 station years of data tested. The farm pond storage index could be used with any surface runoff model to improve the prediction of runoff from watersheds with drainage areas greater than 1 square mile and with about 20 percent or more of the drainage area controlled by farm ponds.  相似文献   
Potts DL  Scott RL  Cable JM  Huxman TE  Williams DG 《Ecology》2008,89(10):2900-2910
In semiarid ecosystems, physiography (landscape setting) may interact with woody-plant and soil microbe communities to constrain seasonal exchanges of material and energy at the ecosystem scale. In an upland and riparian shrubland, we examined the seasonally dynamic linkage between ecosystem CO2 exchange, woody-plant water status and photosynthesis, and soil respiration responses to summer rainfall. At each site, we compared tower-based measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) with ecophysiological measurements among velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina Woot.) in three size classes and soil respiration in sub-canopy and inter-canopy micro-sites. Monsoonal rainfall influenced a greater shift in the magnitude of ecosystem CO2 assimilation in the upland shrubland than in the riparian shrubland. Mesquite water status and photosynthetic gas exchange were closely linked to the onset of the North American monsoon in the upland shrubland. In contrast, the presence of shallow alluvial groundwater in the riparian shrubland caused larger size classes of mesquite to be physiologically insensitive to monsoonal rains. In both shrublands, soil respiration was greatest beneath mesquite canopies and was coupled to shallow soil moisture abundance. Physiography, through its constraint on the physiological sensitivity of deeply rooted woody plants, may interact with plant-mediated rates of soil respiration to affect the sensitivity of semiarid-ecosystem carbon exchange in response to episodic rainfall.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that dispositional negative affect (NA) is associated with lower levels of job satisfaction. Little research has been conducted, however, on other organizational implications of negative affect or on the potential effects of dispositional positive affect (PA). The present studies examined the relationship of both positive and negative affectivity to organizational commitment, turnover intentions, global job satisfaction and performance. In the first study both NA and PA were associated with organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Additionally, commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover. Finally, PA and tenure interacted to predict job performance, such that PA and job performance were positively related, but only for high tenure employees. In Study 2 the findings were generally similar, but not identical. Both NA and PA were related to global job satisfaction and turnover intentions. However, only PA was related to affective organizational commitment. Moreover, both job satisfaction and affective commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover intentions. Finally, unlike Study 1, PA was not related to job performance. Rather, NA and tenure interacted such that when individuals were lower in tenure, NA was negatively related to performance.  相似文献   
The increase in extreme weather events arising from climate change is posing serious threats to the sustainability of transport systems, creating the need for improved tools for decision support for more effectively managing natural disasters. There are numerous transport‐related decisions that are required during the response, recovery and preparedness stages of the disaster management cycle. This paper describes the development and application of the Intelligent Disaster Decision Support System (IDDSS), which provides a platform for integrating a vast range of road network, traffic, geographic, economic and meteorological data, as well as dynamic disaster and transport models. Initial applications to the response and planning for floods and fires are presented to illustrate some of its capabilities. The IDDSS can be used to improve disaster management, which in turn will increase the sustainability of transport networks.  相似文献   
Research on intraspecific aggression has typically focused on dominant individuals, but a better understanding of the consequences and mechanisms of agonistic encounters requires a balanced perspective that includes knowledge of subordinate animal behaviors. In contrast to signals of fighting ability, signals of submission are an understudied component of agonistic communication that could provide important insights into the dynamics, function, and evolution of intraspecific competition. Here, I use a series of staged agonistic trials between adult male veiled chameleons Chamaeleo calyptratus to test the hypothesis that rapid skin darkening serves as a submissive signal to resolve agonistic activity. Concordant with this hypothesis, I found that losing chameleons darkened over the course of aggressive trials while winners brightened, and the likelihood of darkening increased when individuals were attacked more aggressively. Additionally, I found that the degree of brightness change exhibited by individual chameleons was tied to both overall and net aggression experienced during a trial, with chameleons who received high levels of aggression relative to their own aggression levels darkening to a greater extent than individuals receiving relatively less aggression. Lastly, I found that aggression increased for losers and winners prior to the onset of darkening by the eventual loser but that both chameleons reduced aggression after the losing chameleon began to darken. Based on the theoretical prediction that signals of submission should be favored when retreat options are restricted, I suggest that limited escapability imposed by chameleon morphology, physiology, and ecology favored the evolution of a pigment-based signal of submission in this group.  相似文献   
The signaling function of sexually selected traits, such as carotenoid-dependent avian plumage coloration, has received a great deal of recent attention especially with respect to parasitism and immunocompetence. We argue that parasite-mediated models of sexual selection may have an implicit temporal component that many researchers have ignored. For example, previous studies have demonstrated that carotenoid-dependent traits can signal past parasite exposure, current levels of parasitism, or the ability of individuals to manage parasitic infections in the future. We examined repeated measures of carotenoid-dependent skin color and blood parasitism in American kestrels (Falco sparverius) to distinguish whether coloration might signal current parasitism or the potential to deal with infections in the future. We found no evidence that coloration was related to current levels of parasitism in either sex. However, coloration of males significantly predicted their response to parasitism; males with bright orange coloration during prelaying, when mate choice is occurring, were more likely than dull yellow males to reduce their levels of infection by the time incubation began. Coloration during prelaying may advertise a male’s health later in the breeding season. For kestrels, the ability to predict future health would be highly beneficial given the male’s role in providing food to his mate and offspring. Coloration of females was not a significant predictor of parasitism in the future, and we provide several possible explanations for this result.  相似文献   
Minerals on earth whose crystalline order has been reduced by radioactive decay of contained atoms are termed “metamict.” They are rare and few because in most crystalline solids, atoms and vacancies are relatively mobile at terrestrial temperatures, and radiation damage tends to be self-annealing. This is not the case in the extreme cold of deep space. Below roughly 100 K, reduced vacancy mobility allows cosmic ray and solar wind induced lattice defects to endure and accumulate for eons, reaching energy densities of up to MJ kg−1 in some materials. We examine the possible effects of the release of energy stored in cold deep-space materials when solid-state defects recombine upon warming due to impacts, gravitational infall, or perihelion. Dimensional analysis suggests energetic defect recombination in radiation-damaged “xenomict” solids in comets, and planetesimals may, in some circumstances, raise internal temperatures enough to melt ice and volatilize frozen gases. We speculate that this may account for some cometary outbursts and Deep Impact experiment results. Calorimetric experiments on appropriately irradiated natural and synthetic materials are needed to further quantify these mechanisms.  相似文献   
Isolates of the organic matter in the particulate, colloidal and dissolved states were obtained by tangential flow ultrafiltration through 0.40 μm polycarbonate and ∼ 1 nm (1000 NMWL*) regenerated cellulose membranes and by solid-liquid reverse phase extraction techniques. the material was analyzed qualitatively by mass spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection of labelled primary amines and amino acids, and inductively coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy. All three states are characterized by similar organic chemistries. the marine colloidal state in coastal waters off the Californian coast contains primarily carbohydrates, fatty acids, minor amounts of proteinaceous compounds and electropositive elements including aluminium and iron. Aromatic molecules and olefinic functional groups are in low concentration. the colloidal state differs qualitatively from the particulate and dissolved states. Yet all three could be derived, with degradation, from algal or macroalgal surface components.  相似文献   
Red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, were tagged with tetracycline in 1990 at subtidal sites off San Nicolas Island, California, USA. After one year in the field, the sea urchins were collected and growth increments were measured based on tetracycline marks, which indicated initial slow growth, a maximum rate, and finally a prolonged period of very slow growth. Small red sea urchins (4 cm diam) were estimated to be 3 to 4 yr old, which is much older than has previously been reported. It is estimated that about 12 yr would be required to attain 10 cm diam. Survival has previously been modeled assuming a constant rate. If the population of red sea urchins is assumed to be stable and stationary, annual survival rate was between 71 and 77% yr-1. Census data for the two years of study have permitted annual survival to be estimated without assuming stable and stationary population structure. Under these conditions, annual survival rate was between 79 and 86% yr-1. Analysis of transitions in the size distributions from 1990 to 1991 suggested that annual survival may have been sizespecific: 91% yr-1 for individuals 1.1 to 4.0 cm diam, 82% yr-1 for individuals 4.1 to 7.0 cm diam, and 63% yr-1 for those of 7.1 to 10.0 cm diam. An alternative explanation to size-specific survival in our study is sizespecific immigration.  相似文献   
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