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In many semi-arid areas, estuaries are threatened because of freshwater impoundment. Estuaries are important sites for ecological diversity and, increasingly, for recreation. A system has been developed which rates estuaries according to their botanical importance. A formula allows a single numerical importance score to be calculated. The area cover of each estuarine plant community type (i.e. intertidal salt marsh, submerged macrophytes, reed/sedge swamps and supratidal salt marsh) and its importance in the estuary forms the basis of the score. The ‘ecological condition’ of the plant community and the community richness within the estuary are incorporated into the formula. The formula is effective in determining the botanical importance of estuaries. Further methods to determine the zoological, physical and socio-economic importance of estuaries need to be developed to allow the overall importance of estuaries to be determined.  相似文献   
A field and laboratory study in 1984–1985 using the foregut contents of crabs caught in Moreton Bay, Queensland, when trawling was underway, showed that animals discarded from trawls constituted about 33% of the diet. Portunus pelagicus can fill its foregut in about 8 min and clear it completely of tissues in about 6 h, except for fish bone which requires about 24 h. P. pelagicus used a zigzag search pattern to find food and moved towards it at a mean point-to-point speed of 290 m h-1 (8 cm s-1). Underwater still photography on the trawl grounds showed that P. pelagicus was the most common scavenger attracted to a bait that simulated trawl-discards, and that it was most active at dusk. Trawler-discards at periods of high food demand in summer may allow larger populations of P. pelagicus to exist than would otherwise occur.  相似文献   
B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1975,32(2):119-126
Populations of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) were studied in two South African estuaries from 1971 until 1974. One estuary was open to the sea, the other was closed by a sandbar. Population density in the closed estuary was estimated by means of mark-release-recapture data from tagged crabs. The population of S. serrata was estimated as 1 crab/124m2 and the production at 3.4 g/m2/annum. Catch per unit effort data from the closed estuary indicated a natural mortality of 41% in the crabs' second year and 60% in the third. Growth was studied in both estuaries by means of size-frequency analysis and from tagging returns. Growth was rapid in the first 12 to 15 months, when the crabs attained a carapace width of 80 to 160 mm. Thereafter growth slowed, and after 3 years crabs were between 140 and 180 mm in carapace width. Females mated in summer at a carapace width of 103 to 148 mm, males at 141 to 166 mm. After mating, females migrated out of both estuaries into the sea.  相似文献   
Acute toxicity bioassays conducted at various salinities demonstrated that mercury (as mercuric chloride) at low concentrations was lethal to Petrolisthes armatus. Ninety-six hour LC50 values varied from 50 to 64 parts per billion (ppb) of mercury, depending on test salinities. Lower salinities. decreased the time to death of mercuryexposed crabs. Differences in survival after 96 h due to salinity were not statistically significant. Blood chloride concentrations were regulated hyperchloride to the medium at low salinities and hypochloride at high salinities by acclimated crabs. The salinity isochloride to blood was 20 S. Transfer of crabs from 15 S to salinities ranging from 7 to 35 S resulted in new steadystate chloride levels within 12 h. Exposure to 50 ppb mercury did not alter chloride ion regulation of either acclimated crabs or crabs adjusting to new salinities.  相似文献   
Movements of tagged specimens of the sea star Astropecten jonstoni (D. Ch.), both spontaneous and after displacement, were studied by means of SCUBA diving in shallow coastal waters of Sardinia (Mediterranean Sea). In spring, the entire population nigrates towards the shore. Displaced sea stars were able to return to their original depth zone. Both migration and return to the original depth zone occur in a unidirectional way.  相似文献   
Natural food,foregut clearance-rate and activity of the crab Scylla serrata   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1976,34(2):109-116
The natural diet, rate of foregut clearance and diurnal activity of the crab Scylla serrata were determined. The gut volume is related to size of crab as gut volume (ml)=0.07e0.033x , where x=carapace width in millimetres. Fifty per cent of crabs collected in Australia and South Africa contained molluscan remains and about 21% contained crustacean remains — chiefly grapsid crabs. Fish remains were rarely found, and it was concluded that S. serrata does not normally catch mobile forms such as fish and penaeid prawns. Gut clearance of organic tissue was rapid and almost complete after 12 h. Fish bone was retained for a mean time of 2 to 3 days, and shell for 5 to 6 days. Time-lapse photography, using infra-red light, was used to record activity. Visible light flashes reduced activity. S. serrata remained buried during the day, emerging at sunset to spend the night feeding, which occurred intermittently even when unlimited food was available. If no food was present the amount of time spent on the substrate surface was halved.  相似文献   
Amino acid uptake and respiration by marine heterotrophs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The concentration and turnover of dissolved free amino acids were measured in samples from 25 and 100 m on three occasions at a station 6 miles off the California (USA) coast. Individual amino acid concentrations varied from undetectable (<0.05 g/l) to 3 g/l, the total amino acid concentration from 1.8 to 8.5 g/l. The greater concentration of total amino acids was always found at 25 m. The predominant amino acids were serine, lysine, aspartate, glutamate and alanine; reliable analyses could not be made for glycine because of a high blank. For the 10 individual amino acids studied, the rate of heterotrophic turnover ranged from undetectable to 1.2 g/l day-1; serine, aspartate, alanine and glutamate showed the highest rates. In samples from 25 m, the rates were 15 to 20 times higher than those taken from 100 m. The total calculated flux of the amino acids studied varied from 0.015 to 3.2 g/l day-1 and amounted to 1–10% of photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation.  相似文献   
M. B. Jones 《Marine Biology》1972,14(3):264-270
The mouthparts of Jaera albifrons Leach, Jaera ischiosetosa Forsman, Jaera praehirsuta Forsman and Jaera forsmani Bocquet were examined with the light microscope and the Stereoscan electron microscope, and were found to be identical in all species. The structure of the mouthparts indicate that all four species feed by scouring and abrading algal or bacterial films from rocks or Fucus. Food, therefore, does not seem to be an isolating factor involved in the microdistribution of the four species on a shore.  相似文献   
Agricultural practices can lead to copper accumulation in soils and at high concentration it can become toxic for plants. One common toxic effect of copper on plants is a decrease of crop yield. Here, we studied 1) the crop yield of maize grown on plots of a soil intentionally enriched with copper sulphate and 2) the possible relationship between the copper concentration in chemical soil fractions and the maize crop yield. Anthropogenic copper is mainly bound to manganese oxides, to iron oxides and to the organic matter. Maize (Zea maize L.) was grown on outdoor experimental plots. The crop yield was evaluated for three development stages: the 6–10 leaf stage, the female flowering stage and the maturity stage, 2, 4 and 6 years after the soil copper enrichment. Strong crop yield reductions, proving a toxic effect of copper on maize growth were noted 2 years after the copper input at the maturity stage and 4 years after the copper input at the 6–10 leaf stage. Variations in maize crop yield are described with linear multiple regression equations including the variable copper content in soil, and other variables when needed such as soil pH, soil organic carbon level and the climatic variables, the precipitation rate and the ambient temperature. The crop yield study at the 6–10 leaf stage and at the female flowering stage does not provide significant regression equations, while the crop yield study at the maturity stage does. Request variables for the models are the total copper content or the copper bound to the organic matter and the meteorological data. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Acclimation of reef corals to environmental conditions has been related to metabolic response at large geographic scales, but regional relationships have rarely been described. Physiological responses to temperature increases of Montastraea annularis (Ellis and Solander 1786) from an inner lagoon and an outer barrier reef in the Gulf of Honduras, southern Belize, were compared in May 2003. The hypothesis that inferred differences in thermal history would result in contrasting responses to elevated temperature was tested. Ambient seawater temperatures adjacent to corals at 4–5 m depth were measured every 15 min at inner lagoon and outer barrier reef collection sites for 1 year (June 2002–May 2003). Monthly averages and 3-day running averages (warmest period, July–October 2002) of daily maximum seawater temperatures were significantly higher (by ∼0.5°C) at inner lagoon reef compared to outer barrier reef sites. M. annularis photosynthesis (P) and respiration (R) rates were measured in respirometers at six temperatures between 29°C and 35°C approximately every hour, with repeated measurements over 3 h. P and R were significantly lower across most temperature treatments for samples collected from the inner lagoon compared to outer barrier reef. Both inner and outer reef M. annularis displayed an increase in P and R with increasing temperature between 29°C and 32°C, but above 32°C P and R sharply declined. P/R ratio versus temperature showed a significant difference between the elevations of the regression lines suggesting that M. annularis from the outer barrier reefs may have been more physiologically stressed than those from the inner lagoon reefs when exposed to acute temperature changes. These results emphasize that thermal stress must be considered within the context of acclimation temperature, and that short-term exposures may have physiologically important effects on this species.  相似文献   
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